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How distinctive is your character? Does she stand out or blend into a crowd?
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How distinctive is your character? Does she stand out or blend into a crowd?
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Not really. she only stands out when she does something ridiculously weird - such as push men five times her bodyweight over or turn over an oxcart - with the oxes attached). Usually people assume she's an ascetic or an odd little half elven teen.
She's a changeling witch with the strength patron.
>How distinctive is your character? Does she stand out or blend into a crowd?
He's a giant lizard. If you saw him in a jungle in the distance you might mistake him for a big aligator type animal.
Otherwise he's very odd. He doesn't even look similar to other lizardfolk in the continent (he's genetically not that related to them)
He likes to lurk around when it's warm out and nobody is demanding he wear armour.
>How distinctive is your character? Does she stand out or blend into a crowd?
>Lashunta space pirate with Sokka's hairstyle
What do you mean, I have to use character resources to get spells?! This is bullshit! Next you’re going to suggest I have to roll to-hit for my spells!
>What do you mean, I have to use character resources to get spells?!
I mean didn't spontaneous casters already have this already. Since you know, they don't access to their entire spell list automatically or could just pay money for it?
Sawtooth sabre
For better or for worse, all my characters stand out.
I prefer to start with a very vanilla character and slowly develop distinctiveness as time goes on. A keepsake, scar, enchanted blade, and so on. Otherwise I feel like I'm building a snowflake or cornering my own character growth.
I like to think they stand out, they’re humans but they have distinctive outfits or physical features!
I mean as a seven foot and eight inch tall awoo, with a wolf the size of a horse as a companion... Probably a lot.
How fluffy is she?
As a partially rotting man wearing a demonic looking mask he tends to stand out a bit
You didn't get kicked out of that game, too?
I might be late but what do you guys think about the new leveling and feat system for 2e? Leveling seems linear instead of the "exponential" growth we have now. Also the feat system looks like we are treading towards the talents, discoveries, arcana, etc with how we are getting class feats every even level I think. Though they did specify that when you are not getting class feats you are getting skill feats. I like that idea. I hope they aren't as simple as the skill feats we have now. I wonder if they are removing traits also.
What do you guys think about the info revealed in the latest blog?
Part of me hates all of this change cause we are going to lose so many options when we start out (like my main class magus), but we might get a better game overall.
Pretty OP. What even is this?
Tends to be visible from around the corner before she's actually turned it
They're pretty gosh darn fluffy. Covered in it, almost. Everything but the face and chest. And it's the nice and thick northern fluff that retains warmth
peri-blooded aasimar
Won't care until we get Psionics/Pow/Spheres for 2e.
what if I told you that I'm already working on it?
I think it'll work out pretty well. They mention that a lot of the basic general feats won't be absolute necessities for feat chains, rather you'll have smaller feat chains that increase a specialization for your character. You could be an especially potent hyperfocused character or an effective generalist.
Ugh, not Spheres. That shits so all over the place with useless and overpowered you may as well just go back to 3.5.
I thought PoW and Spheres were built to fix the inherent disparity between martial and casters? If the new system fixes that, would you keep using it?
I want to smash my face into their chest and use her like a bed!
I don't want to deal with Vancian casting, and there not being a disparity doesn't mean the classes will actually be fucking fun to play. Martials would be boring as piss to play even if they were "on par" with Casters.
Spheres also enables me to make casters with fluff and abilties that satisfy me without having to fuck around with the restrictivness of the Vancian System or whatever BS vision Paizo has for what certain types of magic can/can't do well, so it has value there too.
Because they're both broken all to hell.
I'd call you a liar and a dumb ass. If you don't want me to call you a liar, than post what you got.
Kill yourselves.
I am still confused on the skills but I hope the make the optional background skills rules core/vanilla. I loved that stuff. I felt trapped having to pick the core adventuring/combat skills especially for the skill point starved classes. Having the ability to flesh out your character with inane stuff like professions, crafts, artistry, etc is great. Now when I say that my character likes to do a little bit of gardening in his spare time, I can back that up.
Anyone know how skills work? What do peo
How much of a meme gestalt is Blacksmith//Iron Mage/Entropic Sage Hedgewitch? If I play my cards right I can add Constitution to hit with unarmed weapon s and get Dex+con to AC.
That's pretty dang lewd user, but okay. This can be accommodated for. You just have to ask the wifey first
Depends on if she's wearing the mask or not.
Why does she wear the mask?
*What do people mean when they fear it might be 4e/5e?
Can you explain what vancian system means? Does that mean one spell can only do one thing so it is prebuilt? and the opposite would be a lego spell system like word of power?
They're posting some information on skills on Friday's blog.
>Can you explain what vancian system means?
To protect the ones she loves.
Pathfinder is broken at its core, it's pretty unlikely that 2e will be worse. If we're really in luck, the core classes and multi-classing rules will cover enough space that you can get your magus.
I suspect Magus will be redundant. With the new action system, spell combat is available to all players. You just need spell strike and some good 1 action spells.
A bit of both. Mainly spells need to be prepared before hand, and that spells are hyper specific pre-packaged effects.
Words of Power is just a slight variation/more versatile of Vancian cancer, just like Sorcerer/spontaneous casting is.
How do I Desert Sorceress, anons?
Bonus points if I can do it as a kitsune
Most spells are 2 action minimum (one action per component). I imagine spellstrike will be available in archetypes, and take the place of one component (letting you cast a two component spell and gain spellstraike as two actions, then you can attack on the third).
1. Be a Sorcerer
2. Be a Kitsune
3. Your backstory says you're from a desert
You take a gun, put it in your mouth, angle upwards, and fire.
But the great thing about spell combat was that it acted like twf. With this new system left as it is, that means that your first attack, let's say spell would touch for normal then your sword swing would hit for -5. So you spell for 2 actions most likely then swing for the 3rd at -5. Which sucks.
So a words of power sorcerer would be the ultimate anti-vancian caster?
I'm just hoping that story-based leveling will gain more traction.
>So a words of power sorcerer would be the ultimate anti-vancian caster?
A Words of Power Sorcerer is still very much a Vancian Caster.
Except that's not how it would work. You spell for two actions with the spellstrike ability, and get a single attack at your full BAB. spell COMBAT is somethign entirely different, and you can do that by quickening a spell (most likely reducing the action by one) and then takign two attacks. at -0 and -5. What you wouldn't be able to do is spell combat+full attack, unless you weaited a round and then used all three attacks (but with that last one at -10, it's a why bother kind of thing). Assuming Spellstrike removes one component, if you have a single component spell and used it will spellstraike, then you get two attacks at -0 and -5 respectively.
This is entirely bullshit I pulled out of my ass, mind you, so it may have no relation to the actual game whatsoever. We do know how spells work and how actions work, but really, that's all we have. We know some actions can break action economy for certain character, but not much more than that.
It would almost have to.
Spell combat will probably be a one action affair if how they ruled how twf works is anything to go by in the optional action economy rules in unchained.
Seems pretty close to me. I think that would be okay - I'd personal hope they remove the spell combat penalty, because honestly it makes no sense in a system where two weapon fighting isn't really a thing anymore. (I suspect certain classes will have class feats to fix that - rangers, rogues, and fighters, specifically.)
If I tore the mask off, would she die?
How so? Is it because they still have to learn set words? What makes a caster non-vancian? Can you give an example? I thought you said that a vancian caster is one who has to prepare spells, and those spells have prebuilt effect? A words of power sorcerers does not have to prepare and each spell they cast can be different depending on words used.
Anyone have a urog picture that isn't from alien archive?
A Vancian Caster is a caster that uses spell slots with pre packaged effects. Spontaneous Casters aren't pure Vancian casters, but they're still Vancian.
>What makes a caster non-vancian? Can you give an example?
Not using a system based off Spell Slots. Psionics/Spheres/Incarnum come to mind. I said mainly, not "had to". I specifically called out Sorcerer as being a variation of Vancian in the post I mentioned.
It would be very arousing...
You’re a big girl!
>Can you explain what vancian system means?
Imagine magic is a combination of a Shape and a Power.
A Wizard, through study of his Spellbook, shapes external Arcane Energies through the Shape in the book into pre-built spells he can activate when he wants to.
A divine Spellcaster (Cleric, Paladin) prays to their deity and gets pre-Shaped Power as ready to use spells.
A Sorcerer, on the other hand, is the source of the power, and unlike Vancian casters don't need to prepare anything, they simply memorize the Shape of a number of spells and draw the Power from within themselves as they cast it. They can cast any spell they want at any time as long as they have the Power (spells per day) to fuel it.
>words used.
Are still pre packaged effects. They can just be combined, and the words used are still based on the slot system.
Because he's an idiot, let me explain.
Vancian castign is where you have levels of spells, with the spells specifically structures at each level. You can only cast a spell you know, and once cast it is removed from your 'memorized spells'. Sorcerers and psionics are also Vancian casting - they have a set number of times they can cast from their spell lists., instead of memorizing each spell, and their spell lists do not change.
Nonvancian casting would be like gaining special abilities and using them whenever you like without number of times or memorized casting rules - basically, gaining spell like abilities to be used at will (the Shadowcaster from Tome of Magic, or the 4e methods of using 'powers' as Encounter, Daily, and At Will). Psionics and Spell Point alternate systems are a variation of Vancian Casting, however.
...for you.
>Sorcerers and psionics are also Vancian casting
>psionics are vancian casting
Are you sure he's the idiot user?
Fey Bloodline seems appropriate as well.
Tell me about your game, anons. How'd it start? What happened in the most recent session? What setting does it take place in?
I like to hear about what other people are doing, my group is too lazy to play now
Yes, because psionics is just sorcery with spell points instead of a limited number of castings of each level. You still have spells (powers) memorized (learned) and they don't change, and they go from level one to level nine, and when you run out of castings (spell points) you a\have to rest and can no longer cast spells (use powers).
Not quite, but not bad. Still level one, so he's wearing Second Skin under a camo jumpsuit and longcoat.
posting one more time:
Can someone give me a run down if DHB characters that would make good NPCs for a campaign?
Technically Sorcery, is just Psionics with Spell Slots as Psionics existed first. Sorcery is purely post 3rd Edition thing.
>You still have spells (powers) memorized (learned) and they don't change
Memorized in a vancian context refers to pre-prepared spells like a wizard.
>hey don't change
Except, they literally fucking do. What the fuck do you think Augmentation is? Powers change based on how many points one places into them and what effects you select at the time of manifestation.
You're fucking retarded, and don't know what you're talking about.
Looks like there was a specific section about spell combat that I missed.
Spell Combat (Attack, Complex): You make an attack roll with a light or one-handed melee weapon, then cast a spell on the magus spell list with a casting time of 1 standard action. You take a –2 penalty on the melee attack, but the spell is cast regardless of whether the attack hits. If you cast the spell defensively, you can subtract your Intelligence bonus from the result of the attack roll to add the same value as a circumstance bonus on the concentration check. You must have the spell combat class feature to take this action, and can take this action only once per turn. To take this action, you must have one hand free. You can’t also take the following actions this turn: cast a standard-action spell or cast a 1-round-action spell.
I think twf will still be thing. Tfw fighting was all about getting an extra attack with your off hand. These attacks of 0, -5, -10 just reminds me of iterative attacks that you get later on. But in today's system you could get your iterative attacks and bonus off hand attacks for more attacks. This new system could never replace twf because twf is all about more attacks.
From what people have seen or posted, there is a weapon property called agile which reduces weapon penalties on iterative attacks.
Still have not seen anything for twf.
All augmentation does is change the level of the spell and the potential effect is raised - just like metamagic does. By your definition, wizardry isn't Vancian because metamagic changes spells and there are spells with you can select the types of effects from.
There seems to be differing definitions on vancian casters from what I have read and now people are arguing/fighting. I just wanted to get more knowledgeable. ;__;
This LVL 15 Dungeon Doorkicking Fiesta im planning, one of the boss encounters I have is a rival party. With my players being mostly Evil players (all but 1.5, a LN Magical Child Vigilante, and a N/NE Brute Vigilante) i figured id sic a mostly good party against em. Heres the matchup, please note that i had my players apply monster templates, the ones who chose not to have 5 extra feats.
>(Human Lich, Universalist Wizard, NE)
>(Natural Wererabbit Tiefling, Witch, NE)
>(Giantblooded Tengu, Barbarian, CE)
>(Half-Blue Dragon Kobold, Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer, LE)
>(Human, Magical Child Vigilante, LN)
>(Half-Green Dragon Strix, Brute Vigilante, N/NE)
>(Alacritous Human, Fighter, NG)
>(Fortune Favored Human, White Haired Witch, NG)
>(Holy Human, Inquisitor, LG)
>(Holy Human, Undead Scourge Paladin, LG)
>(Halfling, Hunter, CG)
>(Natural Weretiger Human, Unchained Monk, LN)
Since the players are essentially Saturday Morning Cartoon Villains (and their Kamen Rider probation officer) with lots of arcane casters. Id set em up against a bunch of goody two shoes (and their indifferent martial artist) with more martial classes and a couple of divine casters.
What kind of things can i do to make this match challenging but not impossible for my players, and have i given myself more grief?
Spell point system was in AD&D from the Unearthed Arcana.
No, and fuck off stalker. Ask DHB yourself if you want to know.
>All augmentation does is change the level of the spell and the potential effect is raised - just like metamagic does
Augmentation can drastically change the function of a Power depending on which one we're talking about. See Mind Control. It doesn't change the power level of a power, because that can't be changed.
The one of primary difference between point based people and spontaneous Vancians like say the Sorcerer is that they're lower level "material" can be used to fuel higher level material and the fact that they don't use spell slots. It's not like this a binary either. There's pure vancian caster like a Wizard, Spontanteus caster. Point based caster/manifester. At will SLA, like say Spheres, 4e, or Akasha. They can blend into each other.
Interesting, but Sorcerer style spontaneous casting with a Spell Slot system was a 3e onward thing to my knowledge. Psionics still technically existed before that since it was in Eldricrt Wizardry, but not really in a form we could recognize so I don't think it would count.
>what is dazing spell
>what is shadowed spell
>what is bleeding spell
>what is insert metamagic here
When I said Augmentation changes the level of a spell, I mean that it changes the effective level, not the actual level. An augmented 1st level power with 17 power points spent into it is effectively a 9th level power. They're still powers level 1 to 9, they're still spells you learn/memorize, and the fact that theyre's a few subsystems that allow minor alterations to them doesn't make it any less Vancian - when you run out of power points, you can't cast them any more than a sorcerer or wizard who runs out of memorizations or castings can.
A nonvancian caster has spells or abilities that are level based strictly in terms of power, and can use them more like spell-like abilities or innate powers rather than having 'spells known/memorized' or relying on a set number of castings of spells or use of power points.
>Spell point system was in AD&D from the Unearthed Arcana.
Hold up, what. What are you talking about. The only Unearthed Arcana I'm aware of are for 1e and 3.5e? 3.5 UA gave us Spell Points. I'm curious as to what you're talking about?
>those things listed
Aren't anything similar to Psionic Augmentation. Compare Dazing spell to the augmentation options of something like Mind Control dude. You're either an idiot or arguing in bad faith at this point.
>hey're still spells you learn/memorize
You don't memorize powers though. You know a power and then you can use it whenever as long as you have the appropriate resources. This is different than a sorcerer because a Sorcerer can't break his fireball spell up into 3 scorching
rays or combine 3 scorching rays into a fireball.
Under your definition any class that has to actually learn abilities or run out of resources is Vancian which is fucking stupid, and I think you and I both know that.
Fine, you win. It's not like Vancian casting at all.
This is the stupidest shit. Bards study, bard colleges exist for a fucking reason. Bard schools are famous. Whoever wrote this was a retard.
Last really big campaign was in a custom setting we discovered was happening in an accelerated temporal pocket universe that the crew of a crashed Starfinder-setting ship had accidentally become entangled with and were the Gods of the reality.
The starting point was on the floating city of Titan's Crypt, where our characters were the first response to a section of the surface level caving in due to profiteers undermining it for iconography to sell.
It ended with us collecting up all the Relics of the gods, piling into a ship that grew in power as more relics were integrated, and taking them off-world, leaving behind a portal so those who stayed, like my Paladin who was needed more at home, could join later.
We also used a neat little feature from Legend (
>Bards study
Then why aren't they Int based?
Why do you think Bardic Knowledge is a class feature?
Begone, Rory.
I personally like to think that Bards draw power from the same kinda place as Sorcerers, but just don't have enough of a 'flavor' to that power to give it a bloodline.
This whole thing is fucked by the predilection for music, but honestly fuck bards, they're nonsensical as a base class.
What are some enjoyable, informative talking heads for Pathfinder I could listen to? I'm loving the absolute hell out of WebDM but I'd love what amounts to a topical pathfinder podcast that's enjoyable to listen to.
I know this isn't the RAI and no sane GM would ever rule it as acceptable, but does the Falcata Swashbuckler treat a large 2h falcata as a 1h piercing weapon by RAW?
>What kind of things can i do to make this match challenging
You can't. They have Kamen Rider on their side.
All of my characters stick out like sore thumbs because they are adventurers, they wear silly clothing and armor everywhere.
Maybe later
>SCoT turned me into a futa lovin', furry fuckin', non-gay trap enjoyin', sissy boy sexin', anime kitsune poster
Thanks jadecore
Is using the lyre of building to turn sandpoint into a veritable fortress before the giants attack too much?
Is staking the heads of the giants found in the creeg clanhold on each of the three ways leading to the town with added explosive rune notes too much?
Is telling the city to turn the bridges into spike traps before arriving too much?
I'm concerned my "always working on the perfect plan" wizard is a bit hard for the inexperienced DM and the other less industrious players.
What are some common bans? I'm thinking of running a game but I can't think of all the commonly banned cheese. I know about fey obedience and blood money, but I thought there were a few more.
Sacred Geomtery, using the phrase "But on Veeky Forums" or "I heard/read on Veeky Forums", Tears to Wine sometimes and some cheesy trait combos.