Warcraft Lore General
>Document compendium: Contains official (ex-canon) DnD 3.x variants and a fan made DnD 5e version! Also contains the official Warcraft Chronicles volumes 1 and 2.
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Warcraft Lore General
I don't give a shit about Warcraft but I just wanted to say I like the art and I like the card. Both are very cool.
Bilgewater Cartel will blow up Teldrassil for killing innocent Goblin civilians.
Kosack was involved a lot with the Worgen in Warcraft probably one of the great original ideas blizzard has not ripped off from Warhammer. They used to be just wolf men that hanged out at night outside the human starter zones.
Its in the Fluff that Goblins kill each other regularly...The Bilgewater Cartel faction leader enslaved and killed most of his original town because some money lenders stole his cookie. In the goblin starter zone he was ok with killing off most of the goblins in Kezan besides a couple that escaped in a ship with him.
/i just liked that he was kind of a gothic werewolf with guns.
Anyone else feel like the Chronicles 3 stories are kinda meh....Like they just lost motivation or something. Felt like the first one had good stuff and second one had some good parts and bad parts but the third one just kinda bored me.
Bilgewater Cartel will blow up Teldrassil for killing innocent Goblin civilians.
When was that?
Which Horde races can mix successfully?
everything the horde is the SJW poster child.
Lok'tar Ogar fellow Horde!
>And then the Old One will remake this world...for the Mantid!
think blizzard will ever make a Total War Warcraft or a new Warcraft RTS? CA prettty much has a monopoly on strategy games right now.
So did Garrosh invite them into Ogrimmar or did they just come in on their own?
Who knows. They either came seeking to serve their dead god through Garrosh, probably why they had guards posted at the door and they were chilling in that room.
Or, they were preparing to barge in, steal the heart back and resurrect him by themselves. We just so happen to do it right when they were going to.
Haven't seen #3 but I've recently reread #1 and feel like it's extremely low-effort. As if they just copy-pasted the game manuals over.
Furryism is part of what destroyed Warcraft.
A shame they're only at their height in the Forsaken zones. Actually, that makes me think you're right about this. Kosak was in charge of the Forsaken zones, and the Worgen there actually had some fangs and claws. I suppose there are some things the man is good for.
Agreed, though I'd go a step further and say fantasyism and the constant, irrational need to introduce new races is what destroyed Warcraft.
It's the first one, effectively. They saw Garrosh's sha-given powers as a potential means of resurrecting their Old God master, Y'Shaarj, pledging their "service" to the Warchief in hopes of exploiting him.
Garrosh accepted their service in the ignorance of his crazed and power-hungry state.
Gilneans are cool, man. They got real cool theme n' shit. Badass wolf people are cool.
I always thought the aesthetic looked cool. I hate that furries are a thing and that you can't have cool shit like a race of werewolves without bringing up the fact that furries exist and that they do fetishize it.
C'est la vie.
What killed WoW is the constant successive changes in design team and anyone of talent leaving after Wrath was done. Cataclysm is the first blow and WoD was the finisher. Whatever comes next is just its death knell.
Why are Zandalari men so damn short?
They got better proportion then those dark spear subtroll.
Their spines got crushed due to them holding their race up on their backs for millennia.
Chode Elves
Because anything that could possibly infringe on the playtime of blizzard's crack addicts must be squashed by blizzard.
And they know anyone with half a working knowledge of narrative flow could make a better story.
So is he a warrior, or a monk?
Another question:
>Best class for Worgen?
Guns feel kind of wrong for a hulking mass of teeth and claw, but so do swords as they seem superfluous increased range notwithstanding .
I dare you to find a cuter elf than that.
The first time you meet him, he's beating up worgen with his bare fists, but he's pretty much a warrior, yeah. He uses a sword and gun in Cata, and uses claws (as depicted) in Legions.
That's clearly a dragon, user.
A dragon makes a better elf than actual elves.
Certainly, though the elves themselves might call that cheating.
Thanks user.
I know NPCs don't have classes, but I'm trying to come up with any class that fits Worgen.
Plenty that fit Gilnean, just none that fit "Werewolf".
Gilneans in general are kind'a big on guns. It's just a part of their Salem-esque, Gothic aesthetic. Huntsmanship and hedge magic are also fairly big in their culture, making them keen hunters and druids.
Reminder to support our boys in blue!
Or else...
>Or else
Get out of here Varian you're dead. You don't exist anymore
They are just tweaked Wowpedia articles on paper.
Mutt please...
>true boys in blue
Lordaeron and stromgarde are rightfully scourge clay.
There's a quest in Boralus that mentions "salty guys in red". It's talking about pirates
Yeah, you tell him! Glory to the Sin'dorei!
I know, user. Like I said: plenty of class fluff fits Gilneans, but I'm having a hard time reconciling "Werewolf" with any class.
Thanks though, user. Any advice on where to start catching up on Gilnean lore?
Are they more Marksmen, or Beastmasters?
Because the OGL burned WotC pretty fucking hard with 3E. The fact that you didn't see anywhere near as much third-party material for 4E has a decent amount to do with the fact that the GSL was nowhere near as friendly to non-WotC writers and publishers. And, while 5E has an OGL and SRD, it's still nowhere near as attractive as things were back in the days of 3E. Consider that the 3E OGL and SRD were sufficient to allow Pathfinder to exist, and you'll see what I'm getting at.
And that's not even touching the tension between Hearthstone and M:tG.
>They are at risk of turning into Nether Dragons instead of staying Black. Or did Sabellian find a cure for that?
I'm pretty sure not all eggs were affected, and it mostly happened to those in Netherstorm and Shadowmoon Valley, where energies of the nether were much more rampant than in BEM.
Canonically, Outland really should have fallen apart by now. All that should be left are maybe the more stable regions, like Nagrand.
I think that Outland holds mostly thanks to the shamans that helps with the elements, which in turn holds the Outland together.
Unfortunately, holding it together means that along with regions like Zangarmarsh, Blade's Edge Mountains, and Nagrand, you have Shadowmoon Valley that is leaking fel (which is why Terokkar Forest looks like fel-corrupted regions of Talador), Hellfire Penninsula that is filled with demons, and Netherstorm that has manastorms all around due to Manaforges (is that even still happening, given players turn them off?) and is mechanically attached to the rest of Outland.
Pic somewhat related.
Nagrand, Terokkar, Zangarmarsh and Blade's Edge at least seem solid enough in-game, and there wasn't any mention of them falling apart (Zangarmarsh had the problem with the nagas stealing all the water, but that got fixed by the players). Hellfire Peninsula also doesn't seem to have notable structural integrity problems, despite being otherwise in a very bad state.
Netherstorm was mentioned to be in thr process of falling apart, and IIRC was mentioned to be unlikely to last more than a few months at current rate. Players shutting down the manaforges might've stopped it, but even then Netherstorm is a bunch of loose chunks of land floating around, and theoretically could drift away from rest of Outland at any moment. Shadowmoon also doesn't appear very stable, with the constant volcanic eruptions.
What went right?
Outland falling apart comes from WoD quest text where Vargoth tells you Outland is continuing to deteriorate.
>Ah, . It is wonderful to "see" you. As you are no doubt aware the state of Outland in our own timeline is constantly degrading.
>I wish to extend my remote services to your cause so that I might better investigate Draenor in the time before it was ripped asunder.
Is there ANYTHING that expansion did right?
So how long was it since TBC events? 3-4 years? It's probably still around.
Iron Docks
I really enjoyed Shadowmoon Valley.
>Believing someone who can't even get out of his tower inside a mana-bombed village on the shore of Netherstorm
Allow me to remain sceptical.
The zones were really good imo, it was the fucking lore and content drought that was shit. WoD should've been a patch instead of an expansion desu senpai
Everything but the execution
Gladiator stance. And then they killed it, so technically no.
Man, gladiator stance was great. Then they killed it (and glyphs) for the sake of artifacts.
My prot warrior is also my inscriptionist.
The Arrakoa and Ogres were awesome. Most things were, at least on their own, except for the overall story and the rushed developement. Also all lore that influenced the MU.
I'm still mad that we didn't get Apexis in the army of the light.
>Playable worgens will never be monks
>Even if they could be, playable worgen monks would just slap and punch shit instead of eviscerating them with claws and bites
End it. Worgen are such a fuckup on so many levels, from the females to not being able to tear shit apart bare handed.
>I hate that furries are a thing and that you can't have cool shit like a race of werewolves without bringing up the fact that furries exist and that they do fetishize it.
Sooo...ignore them then? Why is it so hard to understand this? Weebs have done a pretty good job of making anime an incredibly undesirable thing to associate yourself with, but that’s why you pick the parts you enjoy and tell the obsessive autists to shove off. If you keep going around crying that “oh no, furries ruined it”, then you’re just making your own shitty reality come true.
The Army of Light was supposed to be a French Foreign Legion of races throughout the Warcraft universe that had been fucked up by the Burning Legion. Redeemed demons, militant refugees from broken worlds, the last survivors of a race that had been converted into demons, the works.
Instead, we got Draenei space marines.
Paradox is also kinda a big deal.
But either way I don't see a new warcraft strategy game happening ever again.
To be honest, I'm fine with that. Monks are about technique and magic, not just any old unarmed combat. I guess one solution would be if they made some sort of worgen-exclusive fist weapon with an invisible appearance, so warriors and rogues could still slash it up a bit.
But then again, claws and teeth are only going to do so much against high fantasy weapons and armor (druids don't count, they're magic).
I still don't understand what the plan for artifacts was.
>Let's hand everyone a legendary artifact?
>but what do we do for the next expansion?
>Uh... well shit.
Leveling through Legion is going to be weird, what with getting a legendary artifact of massive power for a grand total of ten levels before downgrading to basic troll/mariner gear.
It's been established that orcs can mix with humans, draenei, and ogres. Humans can mix with elves so they can likely mix with all of the above too. From a biological perspective all humanoid races in warcraft seem to have similar anatomy so it's safe to say they can pretty much all mix with each other.
Warcraft total war would be amazing but is not likely to happen since blizzard/Activision don't like to sharesies
What about the fact that several specs are getting their artifact weapon's key ability as a talent? Imagine having both at the same time.
You aren't fooling anyone
>ywn serve her in undeath
I didn't ask for a feels thread
>10000 years old
>no children
Who's fault was it?
She has Shandris tho
I'm like 90% sure Legion was going to be the last expansion if it didn't sell well. They literally pulled out all the emergency "BRING PLAYERS BACK" stuff they could without thinking of what would happen afterward.
>tfw my spec isn't getting its artifact ability as a talent
On the one hand I'm glad I'm getting Victory Rush back, but on the other I really grew to like Odyn's Fury.
Isn't shandris just her pupil?
Adopted daughter, actually. Also a One Woman Siege of Orgrimmar.
Well I guess that counts then. Also kinda confirms that her and malfurion either don't have sex or can't have children, since she obviously wanted one.
The absolute state of blizzard haters
>this will be there last one, I swear!
>there's no way people still enjoy this game because I don't enjoy this game
I'm a faggot and I enjoy working on my Warcraft Campaign and Homebrew shit.
What do you guys reckon would be a fun class to implement into 5e as a subclass?
Never said I hated it though. In fact I loved Legion, but you have to admit that pulled out a lot of stops to bring people back. Reviving Illidan, finally adding Demon Hunters as a class, bringing back Gul'dan, letting players have the Ashbringer and Doomhammer, suddenly giving a shit about adding content regularly, suddenly admitting they made mistakes in the past, trying to standardize PVP to appeal to people looking for a more balanced PVP experience (which failed spectacularly but they at least made the effort), adding features from Diablo to encourage smaller-group content, weekly events, individual challenges, and that's just scratching the surface.
They went all out with Legion when last expansion they did less than the minimum of effort. WoD was the wakeup call to Blizzard that people weren't going to put up with the minimum effort anymore.
Shadow Domain for Clerics, as there's nothing to adequately represent shadow priests.
Other than that, just about every class specialization is represented with a little imagination. Except for Death Knights. Maybe you'd need to make an Oath of Frost, Oath of Blood and Oath of Profanity (Unholy) for them, or you could just make them all Oathbreaker Paladins.
I never knew this and now I'm sad
I was thinking of doing a Void Patron for Warlocks to represent Shadow Priests, but I just finished working on a Burning Legion Patron.
>We've stopped legion
>We're having the biggest faction conflict ever
>We're going to stop Azshara
>We're probably going to stop N'zoth
What else is there to stop after BfA that has somewhat established lore? I can think of Bolvar and voidlords that seems to be pretty big threats. Anything else?
I'm not sure that'd be right. Shadow Priests don't have a patron.
>Shadow Domain for Clerics, as there's nothing to adequately represent shadow priests.
Evil Clerics mixed with psionics?
the bloid lords--even more sinister and dangerous!
It'd be kinda like GOO Warlock. Basically siphoning power off of something that either isn't aware or doesn't care about your presence.
I mean isn't that what Shadow Priests do right now in Legion? Suckle on the nipple of the void for tentacle magic.
We could take a trip to AU Azeroth and see what life would have been like without the threat of the Orcs and the Legion to unify humanity, AKA a total shitshow of smaller petty kingdoms constantly waging war, but this time Arthas won't be evil, probably.
>You will never desperately fight for your life alongside a rambunctious purified Annihilan and a jaded huntress from the race that was transformed into the Sayaad, with all three of you reforged and empowered by the grace of the Light.