Where do you draw the line between a good homebrew race that just happens to be animalistic and furbait magic realm?
Where do you draw the line between a good homebrew race that just happens to be animalistic and furbait magic realm?
Facial and lower leg structure.
There isn't one. I don't allow dumb Veeky Forums maymays to get in the way of good fantasy.
Depends on the setting.
If they're just humans with fur i forbid them.
They must have a closer relation to the animal they resemble
Kitsune in my setting are literally foxes in their natural form. They have no hybrid form--either it's a fox, or it's in the form of a different race.
Too far?
How close like skaven tier?
>lower leg structure
Firstly, you mean foot structure. Digitigrade and unguligrade are modifications of the foot, not the leg.
Secondly, I honestly can't tell which way you're considering furrier. It seems to me like plantigrade with fur and paw-like toes would be furrier than digitigrade with true paws, since it's closer to just "humans with fur," but I've seen people complain about literally anything.
Fun fact that most people don't think about: Most reptiles are actually plantigrade.
If it has a snout, it's out.
But frankly people who mention opossums more than once in a fucking month are too autistic to be good company. Especially girls, jesus christ it's like a magnet for every shit interest from kpop to feminism.
There's no line. I've met people who play HUMANS because they are so obsessed with HFY.
And don't even start talking aboit elves.
Nothing is safe.
Everything is a fetish.
Just try to have fun.
But what about elves? Aren't they just humans with ears?
I like this cat.
>being too autistic
>for literally one of the most autistic hobbies in the world
How much the player tries to sexualize it.
Right answers.
>Good animalistic homebrew race
Has features that exemplify the animal in question in a way that interacts well with game mechanics. The lore should not read like it was written with one hand below the desk. The focus should be more on interesting aspects of the animal, rather than simply going "Uh, they can hear well and have fangs so advantage on perception checks to hear and d4 bite attack?"
>Furbait magic realm
Abilities are blatantly kinky, lore has justified fetishes, and traits are blatantly more powerful than similar traits of other races. If someone wants you to review their homebrew race and their profile pic is of a fursona of the same species, abort immediately.
t. Someone who homebrews shittons of beastfolk and anthropomorphic homebrew races.
That deer's about to get raped.
One of those werewolves is gonna hold it down by its antlers while his steaming hot werewolf dick flops between them and the other one shoves it thick red lipstick tube deep inside its toasty warm stag pussy.
A good homebrew race is a race that's interesting and fills a niche within the setting but has zero sex-appeal.
Anthros that are just lazy animal-as-races you wanna fuck with no non-sexual definitions or purposes are furbait magical realm.
>t. someone who tried to intentionally make a blatant furry setting with furbait anthros but gave up and made non-furbait races instead on TWO separate occasions...
When they specify the species' sexual habits.
>lore has justified fetishes
I have this for all of my races, though. Rarely for fetishes I actually have, mind you, and more as a result of exploring all the psychological and physiological differences that exist between
Look, okay, human menstruation is fucking stupid and it's silly to think that all humanoid races would have the same thing going on. Some would be seasonal breeders or go through estrus or some shit. Some might be marsupials. Hell, look at seahorses. Nature is fucking weird about how babby is formed. Sterilizing all of that would make the world feel more artificial.
>zero sex-appeal
I would argue for "zero EXTRA sex appeal," for two reasons.
One, humans have a base level of sex appeal, and it's not uncommon for us to read sex appeal into other species. Outside of furry circles, there are still certain common associations for some animals, so it's silly to pretend that we'd be incapable of recognizing appealing traits in another sapient species.
Two, no matter what you come up with, someone will find it sexy. You can't come up with anything that has zero sex appeal--there are people out there who beat off to Lovecraft's Elder Things. And the harder you try, the more layers you add, the more it will seem like you're trying to hide a fetish.
stags are male deer they don't have pussies
That sort of thing is fine because it falls under exemplifying animalistic traits. I'm talking about stuff like someone trying to justify why their custom wolf-dragon-taur race needs a swallow whole ability and that it's absolutely not because they get off to it.
Mmm. More like Great Race of YIFF am I right?
i believe he was referring to the caboose, friend.
>Two, no matter what you come up with, someone will find it sexy
It's amazing how true this is. I once created my own variation of Mermaids that were slightly closer to sharks. They had human (mostly) heads, but wider mouths filled with rows of shark teeth, giving them a really creepy smile. They could spend time out of the water, but they started to spew a black, watery substance from most orifices (secreted by glandular organs whose purpose is to keep them alive outside of the water). Oh, and they considered human flesh to be delicious. I tried very hard to make them as off- putting and alien as I could for shark people.
So, naturally, no less than two of my players, and several anons the last time i spoke about them, wanted to fuck one. Humans are wierd.
>setting includes kitsune because a trusted player wanted to play one in a previous campaign, and everything turned out all right
>finally get around to actually developing the setting in depth
>want to make sure that kitsune aren't furbait
>draw more from the original myth: actually foxes, no anthropomorphic nonsense
>for reasons of civilization being functional, decide that a given kitsune always looks the same when it shifts into another race, so you don't have the headache of an entire species that can commit crimes without consequences
>read what I've written
>realize that kitsune basically now all have fursonas
You don't know pain until you've tried to spare a satyr character being fap-bait by making it explicitly clear they are -goat- from the waist down, entirely goat, with -all goat parts-... Only to end up with half the party trying to fuck him anyway.
You made me Google what a goat penis looks like. So, thanks, I guess.
Be fair here. I had to find some art for noncombatant frogfolk for a swamp campaign and the only art that meets that criteria is clearly someone's fursona.
Welcome to Veeky Forums.
>he's never had to remove a dying pizzle from a wether
Fucking city kids
That explanation actually works really well with a bit of my favorite pseudoscience I like to use in magical settings, Rupert Sheldrake's Morphic Resonance Theory. The basic explanation is that all creatures have a morphic field that resonates a certain way and which tells the cells of a body to be shaped a specific way. It's basically a weird soul version of DNA but allows for more weird effects such as Lamarckian evolution. It happens that the morphic bulb of your kitsune is a specialized organ that allows them to have more control over their morphic resonance.
And i'm not seeing the whole fursona stuff.
Umm, user, it was rather common in old statues for Pan or satyrs/fauns to have goat like genitalia. See pic related, a pompeii erotic statue of Pan fucking a rather realistic goat. And what i've found from playing among furries and non furries, its pretty much everybody, fur and not fur, who tend to go hardcore in erotic activities with animal people. Seriously, trying to run a naive LG nerdy gnoll raised by a church, and thus ignorant of a great deal of sex related stuff , and not having the party members trying to make him not a virgin in every city or trying to hook him up with various women was deeply uncomfortable. And I was the only furry.
I don't care about furriers anymore.
The real problem with furriers was that they infected everything back in the gap on /b/, and wanted the Wednesday slot for warhammer, then got banned, and we got Veeky Forums.
The other usual hatred as that most exposure to furriers is mostly degenerate sexual freaks who shit their fursuits and smoke incredible amounts of drugs while wrecking hotels for their weirdo conventions. In this degenerate age, I only really hate those people.
People who just like Anima and fap to the porn of it I could not give a fuck about anymore. I have better things to hate
I'm not a furry or very comfortable running for players with weird sex shit going on, but if I were PLAYING, and someone came along who had as a bullet-point that they were EXPLICITLY A VIRGIN? I'd be trying to hook them up constantly too. My greatest hope would be that the GM would shut it down because it'd be like crack. Don't want it, can't turn it down.
Furthering my point,
I only really hate people who make their shit out to be better than everyone else undeservedly.
The furriers were not guilty of this per-say, but the "Fursecution" thing belayed an attitude that they were some persecuted minority, instead of a bunch of people who liked some weird shit, and were told to take it elsewhere.
Anyone agree?
To be fair the ancient greeks were weird as hell.
Humanlike breasts.
Basically yes
>noncombatant frogfolk
I got a pic.
Basically when the conversation turned towards sexual conquests IC, my gnoll was basically sitting there rather embarrassed and uncomfortable. It's just that he had never thought about sex or even courting someone before and thus was naturally a virgin. He was also deeply loathing of his nature as a gnoll, and thus thought that as a monster he wasn't allowed to love another person despite how much he yearned to be good. Thus the constant attempts to get him nonvirgined and also why it would never happen.
Basically I made a naive, thoroughly fucked up, possibly suicidal gnoll who over the course of the campaign would sacrifice himself on multiple occasions to hopefully die, permanently after the first time didn't take, and redeem his nature as a gnoll. Was quite fun.
Yeah I'd definitely try to hook you up. As a GM I want everyone having fun. As a player I want to tease anyone I can relentlessly.
See the other issue is that the adventure was about missing child-frogs. Tadpoles if you will.
>You can't come up with anything that has zero sex appeal
Zero sex appeal to ME user, to me
That's an insult to all the world's decent amphibians.
Found the too autistic one
This gnoll needs to spend a weekend with Donk.
>If it has a snout, it's out.
Every time I see a weeb type this, I have to laugh. Aside from the fact that anyone who specifically wants to play basically a little girl in a monster costume is probably bringing more of their fetishes to the table than the typical player who wants to make a beastfolk character, being so anal about removing JUST the snout makes me think of all the terrible live action movies where an animal race is pretty much just that: no snouts. It's ugly as sin, and this is what your waifu is probably going to look like.
Just bring a surprise snack to your next game.
If the characters have any hair or fur on their bodies except on the top of their heads, then it's a shit tier tier furbait setting.
Please don't bring your hairless twink fetish to the table.
>Implying furries wouldn't be just as ugly with snouts as without
You shouldn't be playing girls user, but especially not little ones, creep
I allow my furfag friend to pick within reason (Good racial story, backstory and actually making sense) funny enough the cunt is the least sexual of my party.
What about chest hair, are you calling a manly man shit you little soyboy? And what about hairless animals, reptiles, molerats and fish?
Checkmate cunt.
>Aren't they just humans with ears?
Guys, I think I might be an elf!
1; What kind of art they use
2: How much of their sex appeal they describe
3: How "Perfect", "superior" or other wise better than other races they are.
For example:
While most skaven are dumbfuck idiots who eat their own shit and backstab each other just to get ahead at the soup kitchen, they are also smart and have members that outmatch other races physically. This is acceptable.
Those weird fucking psychic cattaurs from that one poorly written furry not!Star Trek are not acceptable.
Then you're a furry.
It's entirely based on making animals that people usually don't wanna fuck.
Avoid felines, canines, and most vermin of any type.
If you see a dramatic percentage of furries wanting to have that as their fursona, that's who a majority of dumb furbait will pick. Sadly Dragonborn is already a core race, because that's about the second most popular right next to wolves.
Are people really this worried of being a furry for playing a non-fictional creature? I think they have some inner issues they need to sort out if when they see a creature and immediately think of people wanting to fuck it.
Almost all furry players are dog shit if they insist on playing characters that have animal traits.
Count yourself lucky if they don't straight up ask to just be an awakened wolf.
>want to make cynocephalus straight out of medieval art into race for RPG
>Have no idea how to do it when the premise innately straddles being a furry
Furries don't do animal heads.
There needs to be a lot more to make a race furbait than just an animal head.
And let's be honest, normal people don't even know half of the usual warning signs. Furries have a stupidly dense culture that's made their "art" into a very streamlined, almost identical thing that's reinforced in an unchanging style by a mixture of plagiarism, lack of skill, autismal conservatism and pure sexual distortion.
You will not create a furry race "accidentally".
Furbait is a checklist. All the elements are someone's fetish.
And somehow, furries seem to get off board when it's just an animal head on a human, with no weird genitalia, no absurd proportions, no rainbow colors, no psychic powers and nothing that resonates with the furry mindset.
t. fought the furfags in Second Life a decade ago
What would you use to describe the... weird cutesy-wootsy pseudo-retro-animu facial style of the furry art style, with the big cartoon a final nose, goofy grin, and big eyes?
For me that's always the main tell. Well, that and how viscerally, screamingly gay the work is.
*big cartoon animal nose
I'll go flagellate myself for phoneposting now - should I use rusty steel cable or horsehair threaded with shards of chicken bone?
Because let's be honest, every actual cartoon that checks the same boxes was probably made by a madman.
Furries don't take their style straight from Disney - they're creepily fond of Drawn Together and Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
When you take those and then drop them on top of an 80's Tijuana bible featuring Disney characters, see, now that's furry.
I recommend bicycle chains.
Do they have distinct human and animal parts, like a minotaur, centaur, etc? If so +1 point.
Are they based on a species which isn't a Cat, Wolf, Fox, Red Panda, Dragon or Hybrid? If so, +1 point, +2 if it's something normally considered vermin like rats, beetles, snakes.
Does their description mention any weird sexual stuff? If so, -1 point. -2 if their culture is a femdom matriarchy.
Is their culture based on American Indians, Celts, Vikings or Japan? If so, -1 point, -2 if it's some terrible mix of them.
Do they speak with animal-like voices? -1 point, -2 if it's meowing or growling.
If the points total is positive, I'll allow it.
>human menstruation is fucking stupid and it's silly to think that all humanoid races would have the same thing going on.
The evolutionary driver for the human placenta's aggressive bullshit is the vast nutritional demands of a human fetus's brain development.
Unless you involve magic, you will need something similar in all mammalian intelligences.
You could alter the timing, or even make her season male induced, but you will need an aggressive placenta and similarly aggressive measures to remove a failed pregnancy or remove the endometrium in the event of a non-pregnancy.
Whether or not it has a snout.
>And i'm not seeing the whole fursona stuff.
As I understand it, "a consistent internal image of oneself as a member of another species" is basically what a fursona is.
I could be wrong, of course, in which case I have nothing to feel guilty about at all.
Nnnno. It has a lot more to do with the competing needs of child, mother, and father's genes. We slough off the endometrium because we've restricted blood flow and hormone access to it in order to wield some kind of control over fetuses, to the point at which it's actually easier to shed and regrow the fucking thing than check to see if it is damaged or infected. I'm frankly unsure of where you got the impression that the human fetus develops a particularly large brain compared to the peanut gallery--a lot of things have higher brain-to-body mass ratios.
Moreover, that's still starting from the assumption that all races would have hemochorial placentae. Which, surprise surprise, most mammals don't.
I don't consider myself a furry, but I have fapped to anthro characters before because my fetish attracts a lot of furries. From what I've seen, furry art doesn't really have a set style
You gave your mermaids sawmouth and made them self lubricating, I honestly don't know what you were expecting.
It doesn't matter how creepy or inhuman you tell your players it looks, this is what they are seeing. That's just the way of things. A good player will try to keep his power level in check despite his preferences, but when the GM hits your fetish dead-on without even realising that the fetish exists, it can be frustrating.
Then there are some players who just don't give a fuck, don't find it arousing much at all, but think it'd be funny to try to bone a shark.
God I love sawmouth
Inkling teeth are better.
Back up motherfucker
At birth, a human infant has the highest brain mass to body mass ratio of any known newborn infant mammal, and the top 3 runners up all have hemochorial placentae too.
The human style sloughable endometrium is an evolutionary response to the hemochorial placenta, because a hemochorial placenta in a mammal without a sloughable endometrium would be a death sentence (better have multiple births, because now your females are one time use).
So, unless you want your infants to have animal intelligence for their first few years of life, odds are you're going to have a hemochorial placenta and a sloughable endometrium.
Yeah, that's not what a fursona is, it's basically just an avatar for the fandom. Some people have multiple, some are more representative of the person, but at the base they are just an avatar. They are characters, often with their own personalities but sometimes bearing the creators own. Its hugely varied and with different levels of commitment.
>Avoid felines, canines, and most vermin of any type.
Or just leave out mammals all together
So a Roman-esque race of conquering femdom driders is okay? Because that's my fetish.
Oh sweet summer child.
I want to believe.
I went looking.
And in the end, furries don't change no matter how much people wish them to.
The "summer child" maymay is fucking obnoxious
Also what the fuck are you even trying to say?
Dude, i'm a fucking furry, going back a couple decades. What i'm saying is literally what I see on a near daily basis, what the people I follow on twitter and fur affinity and deviant art do, what i've seen from a huge number of actual furries. Not the stupid cherry picked bullshit spread and bullshitted about here on Veeky Forums.
And don't confuse Otherkin stuff for furries, they aren't the same thing and barely overlap.
>Pretending to be an oldfag
That no matter the fursona, the autism required is the same.
By that point, how far the individual takes it has already stopped mattering. No matter how much you try to make people with fursonas look less autismal, facts are that it's past the point where anyone cares.
is proof.
You "oldfurs" or whatever the fuck you call yourselves always speak in the same way. Like you're a secret order camouflaged in society and no one will ever notice.
People notice.
People cringe.
You're the janitor who's friendly but who people run from anyway. You're the pudgy family dad whose children were taken away for some reason. You're the psychologically immature soccer mom who leaves her kids wailing to ERP. You're the video store clerk who obviously thinks he's not weird for introducing Who Framed Roger Rabbit to a six-year-old. You're the guy at the 7-11 who's twenty years older than the others and who smells vaguely of sadness.
You've bragged and pounded your chests too much. We've seen you post your personal information on the Internet, we've seen you at cons, hell, we've talked to you and politely kept shut as you spilled spaghetti all over, because that's what people do and that's why you think no one notices - because you're too drunk on your own circlejerk and specialness fantasy to notice people notice.
Next time you go out, look around. You'll be amazed at the sidelong glances and the people holding their breath.
You're not hiding. You're only imagining that society's denser than it is, because you're simultaneously too psychosexually fucked-up, drunk on yourselves and holier-than-thou to realize that everyone knows.
The reason no one's telling is simple pity.
I remember Goatse proudly reflected in the edge of the lolcube as it descended on the furry sim.
I remember the sound of eternally looped retards screaming like music in my ears as the allcaps wailing ticked in on the chat.
Don't you doubt my PTSD.
This is the cringiest shit I've read in a while. You keep up projecting that hard and you might have a promising career as a lighthouse
You know why this is fun?
Because you're obviously not assuming I'm projecting from what's in my post.
You're assuming I'm projecting because I'm disagreeing with you.
And you could say this all the time, every time someone dares disagree with you, and you could feel just fine. You could rock back and forth in your hugbox, chewing your thumbnail bloody while whimpering about how everyone's just out to get you.
But it still won't change the fact that people think you're garbage.
And they do that because every single one of you is anywhere from waffling to a pathological liar. I hate that I have to say this, but furries have problems understanding trust, reciprocality, responsibility and maturity, and this is a constant pattern that you'd have an easier time seeing than me if you've been around for that long.
Furries are not only a fetish - I understand that.
I'll tell you what I think furries are.
The furry fandom is a cancerous circlejerk built around the easily defensible fortress of imagination, individuality and personal sexual freedom, for people who can't understand any of those concepts.
Furries press their attention on other people and erupt when they don't get repaid just right. Furries expect people to read their minds and wipe their asses.
Furries have incredibly complex rules and universes that need to be remembered or it's discrimination.
And you know what, I saw the exact same thing every day at my stint as GM at the youth club, for the special kids.
>So a Roman-esque race of conquering femdom driders is okay?
If that's wrong, I don't want to be right
You talk like a massive faggot.
Nigga I ain't readin' that shit
Make it a curse, or a cursed bloodline maybe? Like, being a Dog-head is kinda creepy and weird, and is generally seen as a sign of moral impurity. Despite this, there are plenty of heroic Dog-Heads and even small communities of the creatures, but they're treated poorly by most of society. Sort of like being a leper, or someone with some other dreadful disease.
That's what we did with Minotaurs in one of my games, they were always born of normal parents, were usually animalistic and were seen as a curse from the gods on the parent's for impiety.
This is the refuge of people who see an argument laid out in detail, who cannot form a cogent response. It's a pretense of smug, cool-headed apathy that's immediately seen by anyone with half a brain for what it is - a red herring, a distraction from the fact that you're sitting there, gawping, unable to actually refute the truth of your shame.
We're not arguing with you, we're mocking you and your smug pseudointellectual pretension
Depends on the person playing it. Just like Kenku.
The snout rule is my standby. Snouts is out. Suffer not the furry etc etc.
This is weird to me. I would think a snout would make their character less fetishistic.
That rule is bullshit and you know it. It exists as an excuse for furries who don't want to admit that they're furries to convince themselves that they aren't furries
damn right he does. find him a proper gnollish woman to snu snu a permanent his ass shaped impression into that bed. he'll learn dam quick to be assertive unless he just enjoys always being the nail in that equation. nothing wrong with that but IMO a man, gnollish or otherwise, needs variety in his love life.