You just received a Luck Blade. How do you spend your potential 3 wishes? (seriously, Veeky Forums, I need some ideas.
You just received a Luck Blade. How do you spend your potential 3 wishes? (seriously, Veeky Forums, I need some ideas
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Put it down. Wishes always backfire.
A quiver of arrows that never runs out?
More Luck Blades.
Three major worldly changes, but I'd need to contract a tech writer to work out the details. Worthwhile, depends on the sort of person and ear and character I'm playing unless you're asking for us personally, but I'll detail that lower.
However, knowing it's a Luck Blade with three Wish Spells and that that effect can safely generate any magic item of value OR cast any spell of a certain level and effect, I take the blade to the books and look over my literally thousands of choices and options to decide which ones will have the most long-lasting and advantageous results. The fact that it can also straight up generate 25,000gp worth of non-magical goods also means you can just dump all three for a lump sum, but there're more effective ways to make money if you're smart abut it.
That said, the first wish is probably going to be a casting of a spell-to-power, or power-to-spell conversion of Metacognition, which will allow me to think through literally every possibility the situation presents and how best and most effectively to use the other two wishes, as well as perhaps literally re-think my life in ways I never could have before this moment.
After that my choices are probably going to be Clone (as a fairly standard and reasonable backup) followed by Planar Binding (at least, with my thinking as it is without metacognition used to pre-game my second and third wish) to call on an entity that cannonically or historically grants powers and insights so as to start taking Warlock Levels and manifesting some of the basics of magic on my way to turning the world into an Urban Arcana setting. Kineticist would also work if I can only get basic elemental entities and honestly people would probably take better to Avatar styled magic being the first thing to pop up rather than Charmed or Buffy stuff on a cultural basis.
Don't be a wimp, it's not a Deck of Many Things.
The fuck is a luck blade
Sword that grants three wishes. Also a pretty good sword (+10% chance to hit, +5% chance to resist/dodge saving throws)
Sounds like out of control homebrew so I assume its from an awful system.
Unlimited Blade Works
Have all my attacks from now on (if needed to be more restricted, only with a specific weapon) deal illusionary damage - it looks and feels in-game as regular damage, and has almost the same mechanical effects including pain and eventual loss of consciousness, but it the effects go away after a day or so without any actual long-lasting harm.
I'll think about the other two wishes while I'm starting my career as the world's best animal catcher.
It's an official item in at least two editions and one remixed port by another company of the most generically available system in our hobby's industry.
Of course WOTC has terrible ideas.
Create a living spell/cosmic being with purpose to hunt for any wish granting items or people/creatures capable of casting wish. It would find them and eat them.
Melt the fucker down into baubles and sell them as love charms.
Fuck you, DM, I'm making my own story.
Wish for happiness.
People who meet you have their lives improve immeasurably.
But misery is your only companion.
First wish: a week-long, no-holes-barred fuckfest with Scarlet Johansson, Salma Hayek, Emma Watson, and 3 virgin nuns no younger than 19 and no older than 25
Second wish: 5 trillion USD
Third Wish: Putin and Trump suffer fatal strokes while having a shit
Adjust to fit your setting.
My second wish is delivered fist-first to the dungeon master.
I think I can guess which two editions :^)
3 ham sandwiches please.
First you get all the STDs.
Second the US economy crashes like it's 1929 again, taking most of the world and in particular Russia with it.
Third Putin and Trump, seeing the ruins of their nations, shit their pants and suffer fatal strokes.
Aren't there supposed to be downsides?
Nah, I'm not That GM. You also get relatively easy access to medicine if you can fight your way through to it. You also Mad Max now. Enjoy.
>Nothing to check the tide of Nationalism and rampant militant Islam.
Ares be praised.
>>Nothing to check the tide of Nationalism
Well, with 2 of the big fans dead...
>rampant militant Islam
Not nearly the issue some people think it is, especially if the world economy crashes
so basically the campaign program of the globalist left of the entire western world
Think of the crazy neo-commies what you will, but if they'd get their way, at least we'd have rather interesting times. Which sucks for most people, but is good as an RPG setting.
>not one ham, one turkey, and one pastrami
Need some variety.
They've all got slightly different kinds of mustard.
Depends on my character.
My bumbling stumbling knight would probably waste it on stupid shit. He’s the type of character that genuinely doesn’t know what he wants other than to get stronger to protect people
>my lawful evil gnome would wish for something that would most likely backfire. Like a devil portal to summon in more devils he can command to his heart’s content or something. Ambitious little fucker
Just for that, I went and searched to find it in others.
Hackmaster has it too.
Congratulations, Mike Pence is now president, you're under arrest for rape and sexual assault x6 and the economy has crashed into hyperinflation, making your fortune worthless.
>Wish it will destroy itself
All right I'm done here.
I wish all humans were robots with human level AI.
Neigh limitless energy generators to power these robots.
Ability to produce new intelligences equivalent to people via random seed.
1: I wish for a set of clothes that makes me impervious to all forms of harm.
2: I wish for the personal ability to freely travel to any time, location, and plane at will.
3: I'm saving it to revert literally anything the DM fucks me over with. I'm wise enough to say "This sword never existed" to completely negate my previous two wishes, and potentially me.
>TFW all your character really wants is to become this guy.
the same powers as pic related
Cut my finger and write the letter P before luck, get the Pluck Blade