What is the best non-MTGO client?
What is the best non-MTGO client?
your FLGS
I've only tried Xmage, but it's pretty shit
Watching this thread
I use Cockatrice, but I'd only recommend it given you don't mind actually having to know the rules and dealing with shitheads who don't know the rules.
Sure, if you don't like thinking.
Dealing with shitheads who don't know the rules is the worst thing ever. Especially when they're adamant that they know the rules. And people who claim that clone has an ETB trigger or that people choose the clone target when clone is put on the stack.
>I cast clone
>What's it cloning?
>First, does it resolve?
>But what's it cloning? I need to know that.
Fuck you. We've been through this shit over ten times and I still need to call you out on that shit. Fuck you to hell and back.
Wait user, which side is you?
I assume the one saying they need to know if the clone resolves, which is correct. Clones don't target they have a replacement effect that replaces them etb as themselves, you don't declare which creature you want until it has resolved and is entering.
Just remember that asking what it 'targets' is a tournament shortcut for saying 'It resolves, what are you cloning'
There's Untap, but you do every fucking thing yourself and it's teadous as shit.
anything good for single player mtg so I can test my decks against the computer?
I like XMage. Sometimes it will glitch or crash but I can't complain due to it being free. The worst that's happened is getting DC'd during a game or casting a git probe then not actually seeing the opponent's hand, etc
Forge has an AI mode but that program is such an unholy piece of shit I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy
Lackey is shueet
And XMage is so badly coded that 1 player out of 3 can't play it IF they passed the download of the launcher that reset itself
I want to be able to use my iphone to scan my cards, then upload the results to the computer so I can make decks online. What's the best way to do this without paying for it?
xmage is the only one with rules enforcement so its the only one that compares.
i only use it to draft which is pretty fun, just dont get too mad if it crashes now and then.
I'm neither of these sides, I was a 3rd player on this table. But the dude asking what it was cloning is a control player and of fucking course we're only telling him when we know if it's resolving, because that's how it works. Yet the control player still does this shit and will be the first to do rules related fuck ups on our table. Sometimes I wonder if he does that on purpose to get us to screw up and take advantage of it.
I think you mixed yourself up, the side asking what the clone's cloning is the one who might want to answer it. At which point it's already too late to answer because it's resolving.
And you're also right. But hey, get that in the head of some players. Good luck.