Warhammer 40k General /40kg/

Each Invocation of Elements Power Is Now Once Per Battle edition

>Necron Leaks:

>New Imperial Knights:

>Fire Warrior Review:



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First for taufags

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third for cute girls

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American elections are like radiation.
Natures gift that keeps on giving

If you take a marksman, and marker light up their target, then can do mortal wounds on a 4+, which is neat.


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>Objective: Survive

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Warhammer TV tip of the day:

please stop posting videos with 10 views from channels with 5 subs instead of based Duncan

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Mission code name : Detroit

Nope, it's 6+s to wound, not hit. So you can only really use the T'au sept stratagem to increase their chances of getting a mortal wound.

>tfw you’ll never be the biggest and strongest

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Do people prefer codexes to be balanced towards quick, killy games with strong turn 1 alpha strikes?

Or do people prefer codexes balanced towards slower, less killy more methodical games, with the gametype and objectives playing a larger role?

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Can we get a scan or pdf of the Tau codex so I can stop coming to these threads?

>not Morkadishu

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Cyraxus when?

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The second one

> Kroot codex

Heh... almost got me.

If victory points and objectives are pointless, due to it being exponentially easier to get them by just trying to table your opponent, why should they be in the game at all?


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>vague blur instead of an arm
Oh greenmarine, you need to learn how to fucking draw.

I prefer the latter because the former leads to “First Turn Wins”. That is, whoever gets the alpha strike off first gets an irreconcilable advantage.

>Each Invocation of Elements Power Is Now Once Per Battle

Are you kidding me with this?

Necron codex leak looks boring as fuck.

I long for the day someone makes an alternating activation system that works for wargames, and 40k adopts it.

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Had that happen to me in detroit. Car broke down and managed to pull into a gas station on the way to harpos and once we got out of the car the drug dealers decended on us like in the pic

I hear chess has one.

>quick, killy games with strong turn 1 alpha strikes?

Hell no.
There's cheaper systems with much faster deployment if I wanted to have 1 hour games.

>Russ is returning - old man Russ, looks a bit like Odin - and he will POSSIBLY have 2 forms like Morathi

Anyone have that image of 'what we want, what we're getting' viking/furry russ, because it looks like we're getting both

In some ways, it got a little less balanced. Tau infantry is much closer to horde prices and that's dope. They weren't great, but now you can field a lot of them, and some of the sept traits really help out with that.

On the other hand, you had situational abilities like the Ethereal's buff bubble, granting an optional bonus on each turn. It was nice, but situational, and Ethereals were much less useful in combat than, say, a Space Marine captain. However, ethereals went up in cost, while each of their aura abilities can only affect units once per battle now, making them more expensive and even less useful.

A unit of two Tau drones, taken as wargear, still confer full victory points on death, which means taking fluffy lists with drone support (not drone spam) makes almost every unit in the codex worth twice as many victory points for killing.

Three other factions get a better army-wide stealth trait, and two others get a better army-wide cover bonus.

The codex has a unique keyword, JET PACK, in both the index and codex that costs extra points to optionally confer on some HQs, but that still has zero effect: It doesn't trigger stratagems, wargear, powers, or even transport limitations. Does literally nothing.

Tau's elite anti-tank options do less per point, per wound, and per model than horde tank options.

The guy who wrote the codex admitted to not playing or understanding the army.

No matter how many riptides got shoved up your ass last edition, Tau has legitimate reasons to feel a little over nerfed this edition.

Would starting a Custodes force be a mistake?

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>not Objective: kill the xenos
you lazy lot of heretics

Yeah, throw them in soup.

In other news; water still wet.

only if you don't like the models

What would be better for Blood Angels? Bolter Inceptors or jump pack Company Veterans with storm bolters and chainswords?

The fact that this sounds plausible really says a lot about the new tau codex

>New Kroot codex

Suddenly, the tau codex begins to make sense.

wow it looks like shit

make use of that +1 to wound user, company veterans with stormbolters all the way

Water isn't wet you moron. Being wet implies the ability to be dry. Water, the liquid form of h2o, literally can't be dry by definition.

Hear me out, let's do away with points.
Instead each faction has an army list of each individual subfaction and ray tells you what you need.
Like say you play Goff orks, you need 4 mobs of 30 boyz, 2 mobs of 6 nobz each in a trukk, 2 units of 3 kannons, 1 deff dread with 4 klaws, 1 unit of 3 kills kans with big shootas, warboss in mega armor, and 4 meganobz in trukk.
Where if you picked evil sunz you instead get 4 units of 5 bikers, 2 units of 12 shoota boyz in a trukk, 2 warbuggie squads of 3, 1 unit of 3 deffkoptas, 1 dakkajet, nob biker mob of 6, mounted warboss.

>The guy who wrote the codex admitted to not playing or understanding the army.

So they got

>The guy who wrote the codex admitted to not playing or understanding the army.


it can't be dry because it's always wet. checkmate atheists.

If you're talking about the fire warrior review, I forgot that was even there. I put that in there days ago as a Matt Ward joke, and someone literally erased the meme and put in a sober description of the video for some reason. I can't believe that shit is still in there.

Second of all, looks like the dude has 100k subscribers, which is about half of Duncan's count.

If they did a few new plastic boxed sets for Kroot, ideally a SC Box of their own or something similar, I'd be hard pressed to not pick up a force of them.

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Welp now we definitively know what faction is the most autistic.

>Each Invocation of Elements Power Is Now Once Per Battle edition
What the fucking shit?
Why nerf an already shitty unit that was only there for fluff reasons?



>how many levels of autism are you running on? You are like baby, watch this

Because fuck you, that's why.

>remove individual choice

lmao no, who the fuck would play if they could only field what a book said they would field

what if the playtesters who dictated the army lists are shitters and dont actually make them balanced against each other

So if I go to a place with a 0% humidity and a 0% chance of rain ever I'm not dry?

How about you go and eat a fucking dick

Going from a 50% chance to a 33% chance is quite the drop.

I'd probably run them solo, because I don't have much Imperial stuff as is.
I do like the models, though I'd probably go with the alternate colour schemes for a little less gold

>lmao no, who the fuck would play if they could only field what a book said they would field
Fluff people.

If only this can happen... Kroots deserve something more

Custodes are fine. They fit in well with other armies when you decide to expand

>I do like the models, though I'd probably go with the alternate colour schemes for a little less gold

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>what is ice?

I'd claim chess has an alternating activation system for SKIRMISH games. It might simulate war, but functionally... eh.

Also chess is dumb

The -internal- balance is at least horrific, a good army book allows a variation of builds and certainly doesn't fuck up at making one of it's key iconic units viable whilst making a hideously overpowered HQ version of it then lazily patching in that they can't be spammed but are still broken.

Meanwhile Necrons are shaping up to be a genuinely good codex, that doesn't just create a narrow band of workable builds but actually manages to make most of it's units similar in viability and allows for diverse list building.

It won't be provided, as they don't have one.

They aren't strictly once per battle, but each unit can only be affected by a specific power once per battle. So if you keep pushing new dudes into the radius, you can use it again.

I had to go and listen to the guy read the power several times. And check a few other videos of people reading shit.

What's a sensible HQ for a small vanilla SM force? I'm trying to come up with a list. I can take any chapter tactics.

Terminator Librarian with SS? I'd rather not include primarine shit.

What's a good HQ for BA? Sanguinary Priest with Inferno pistol? Jump pack maybe as well?

>Could possibly happen
>Will never happen
>Need to make sure it doesn't stay here

This is literally the thought process. If we rolled D12s instead of D6s, and crisis suits had BS8+, they'd be calling for BS7+.

Would you prefer Stratego?

Holy shit, never have i seen such a brainlet post. Please, when you KYS, donate your brain to sceince so we can marvel at its poor function for generations to come.

>cutting yourself off from probably 70% of the seller base because 30% would buy it

and what about the people who run thier own fluff homebrew chapters?

I don't even know where to start with this... it's just awfull

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Warhammer TV stream from a couple days ago. Duncan and Peachy were apparently just shitting all over the Tau and talking about how easily Imperium units could kill them, and then the guy who wrote the codex came on and basically didn't seem to know anything about the lore or even what he himself had changed in the book.

>necron codex

At inducing sleep.

The lore segment on Warhammer TV on twitch

Whats a good load out for pic related?

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Tips glass

I'm hype for Kroot. If they get anything like the old mercenaries list they had it'll be baller.
Totally up for bringing back Knarlocs, Anghkor Prok and hopefully plastic Kroot Hounds, Krootox and Vultures.

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pic related is a good loadout if you use him to buff gunlines

alernatively give him stormshield, chainsword and jump pack, then upgrade the chainsword to teeth of terra

Better, but now translate it to work for 40k

nah man some of these are pretty tight

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what're you using it for?

I still don't know why you can't just do 1 unit each, allowing the player with less units to pass (should they choose) until each player has an equal amount left.

Someone call up GW, we got a future warhammer game designer! He can join the rest of the idiots making 8th and AoS

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>lmao no, who the fuck would play if they could only field what a book said they would field

>what if the playtesters who dictated the army lists are shitters and dont actually make them balanced against each other

Aren't Codexes just lists of permitted units, more or less playtested.

>tfw no lion and no new emperors children and instead get papafurfag and more one-dimensional bfbg meme army

Son of a bitch

What chapter. Commander or Chapter Master.

Didn't see it myself, so I can't confirm.

>Duncan and Peachy were apparently

they fucking wernt. there was some light banter, thats it. Tau players are just the most senstive crybabies in the world

its a list of what has rules, in a game which is bound by rules that is a requirement

>having a list of units and you can choose what you want with a few minor restrictions, up to a points limit

>being told to take these models and nothing else

spot the difference

No one does that, they just spam whatever op shit they can and you know it.

I would say more people do what i claimed than what you claimed

and i'm a tourneyfag who does almost exactly what you claimed

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I've barely touched my Necron collection, which was around 11,000 points last time I checked, since the 7th codex dropped and made them too powerful (even with my distain for Decurions) for me to actually lose games.

I wasn't really inspired by the index due to the wonky reanimation mechanic and lack of decent anti-monster/tank firepower.

Now though, I'm plenty excited. The new Necron codex isn't perfect, but it looks like I can build a huge variety of viable lists around the newly tweaked units, dynasty traits and stratagems.

And my god, suddenly an actual reason to take Lords again, I never thought I'd see the day after they'd taken away them being cheap ass 1 wound sergeant-type characters.

>which was around 11,000 points last time I checked

pics pls

Then surely you realize by now this whole thing is a joke based on DBA army lists.

you're being dumber than usual today user

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