> this kills the /pol/fag
this kills the /pol/fag
>the orc looks happy
>the elf looks dead inside
>white suit for the husband
Of all the dumb fucking things.
>blue roses
Someone who knows flower language was having fun.
That's clearly a normal suit with the jacket taken off. Why you would take a picture without the jacket, I don't know, but that's not the point.
>posting /b/ tier meme to protest /pol/ tier posts
the state
>this kills the orc
elfxorc is cute
I wonder how many half-elves actually exist in Fantasy.
There's at least one.
Elf-hater please fuck off.
the comic is cute
It's an insignificant amount. You might as well say that they are not canon.
A lot more Dark half-elves than normal half-elves. I can tell you that much.
But it's always male orc/female elf.
Why not a huge chubby female orc facefucking with her tongue a waifish elf man?
I'd argue that the big, green, warcraft-esque orcs outrank niggers in their potential for civilization and general virtue.
>inb4 le go back to /pol/ xDDD
OP specifically provoked me, I can go as /pol/ as I want.
user that's just the anime looks.
She looks no more 'dead inside' than any other number of generic pretty moeblob girls.
No, now we're just going to make fun of you for unironically being a /pol/tard.
>A lot more Dark half-elves than normal half-elves
You know damn well those half-dark elves aren't living to maturity.
Well at least you admit you're cancer.
But you're still cancer! So fuck off!
I wish I had more pictures of elves killing orcs. It's almost a religious duty to kill them for Faerun elves, so there should be a ton ofpics.
He's basing it on dark elves being degenerate chaos worshippers, not actually anything from the army books.
If he did then based on Morathi and the Hung then a lot of witch-elves are half-elves as of late. Or were until SoC was retconned.
If they would actually be half-elves it would be stated somewhere.
what is race?
Basing it off a story in Brunner where an exiled Dark Elf fucked the local humans to have a few loyal, better, henchmen/guards.
Fucking despised them though.
>No threads about other boards
>Meanwhile, on Veeky Forums...
>tranny janny strikes again
>Why you would take a picture without the jacket
Thing about weddings, lots of pictures are taken. Wife and I had about three thousand total taken over twelve hours. Plenty of moments where I wouldn't have been wearing my jacket. Especially after a couple of hours of dancing.
What's that thing you are talking about?
Have you tried not being a fag?
it's more to do with the unfocused, distant gaze. even moeblobs are capable of focus.
Name of story?
Also a dark elf hating is nothing new, they hate other dark elves for example.
The janitor is a tranny, deletes fetish threads but leaves his own fetish threads for hours or even days.
In this case we see he wants to be a cute girl and get married preferably to muscular black man; which is unlikely to happen because he's too old, too ugly and the only people who ever go up his ass do so out of desperation or novelty, never for love
I wish I had enough power to turn an entire board into my personal fetish playground.
I'll believe that but you got a screencap to show me?
>orcs being evil is inherently /pol/
Look I ain't condoning faggots like but really can we cool it with the excessive coding of modern politics into our game of make believe? I mean if everyone's on board and wants that sure but some people just want monsters they can bunt around without the same weighty moral implications we have to lug around in the day-to-day.
take a trip down to /asp/ to see what it looks like
Do you think he would also bait /pol/-posters?
Also please everyone sage. This is a pure and unfiltered shitposting thread and we shouldn't even be posting in it.
>But it's always male orc/female elf.
>Why not a huge chubby female orc X a waifish elf man?
It's an inheritance thing. Say a girl from Hong Kong (let's call her Chi) marries some German-American guy from Seattle (let's call him Bob). The girl's family in Hong Kong may be upset that she isn't marrying a fellow HongKonger, and may have defied some matchmaker or taboo, they can just shrug it off. She's out of the family register, they don't visit Chi's children, they move on with their lives.
Now imagine what happens when Chi's brother Tsang marries some American named Alice. All of a sudden, their family register is now half-American, from now on. Alice took their family name..... and their son's pureblooded HongKonger bloodline.The parents are going to Have to visit Tsang's children and see Alice there, every time, looking at their half-American grandchildren....
Now imagine Tsang and Chi's parents are four-hundred years old, are elves, and Tsang just married an orc. Is it wrong for them to think that way? Probably, yes. But they're old-fashioned, and now their family name will be associated with half-orcs in Hong Kong forever.
orcs are.......literally coded as racial minorities........ both the tolkien kind of orcs and big greens..................................
>literally coded as racial minorities
They're just the evil horde.
If the /pol/-fag plays traditional games he would know that this never happens.
The question then becomes, which is worse, in your 'elfy' opinion?
Male Elf / Female Orc,
Male Elf / Female Dwarf?
it's a false-flagging thread
he sets it up so people call him out for being a shitposting baity tranny
then he deletes the thread and cries wolf claiming Veeky Forums is full of racists and homophobes
Statistically, it's not going to work out. That's not an orc/elf thing, that's just marriage.
We find ourselves at a cross-purposes, user.
wasnt there a thread like this already? Could someone post more pics like No.58472427
That would make my day
Fuck off applesponge
If it weren't for the laws of this land I'd call a blood feud for your mere suggestion.
Hey check him out, you can ask him how he got to where he is now
probably by sucking cock
How rude must this thrad get so that OP liberates us from this blight? I don't like being rude but I don't like obvious shitposting threads no less.
im a literal dumbo. I JUST WANT MORE PICS LIKE THIS
>Could someone post more pics like No.58472427
Hello newfag, please fuck off.
Faerun is a shit setting. But here's an orc getting proper medical attention from an elf.
>Orcs = Blacks
>ancient race of manipulative beings that lord over others and believe they are "chosen by the gods"
>race mixing with savage, brutish, gutter-trash
/pol/ approved. If the elves would stop using their token orcs to try and destabilize human society, there wouldn't be a problem.
you want the real answer?
spam it with ugly tranny pics, statistics about how suicidal they are and studies about what medications work and he'll delete it asap
then he'll try again in 20 minutes because he's got nothing better to do
hello senpai, I just want to learn to be cool like u guys. Pleas no fuk of
Fuck off applesponge
lol look at him squirm
Bright is a shit movie, no wonder /pol/-fags like it. Confusing elves with jews will forever be retarded.
Shit taste.
b-b-but i just want to admire those grand foreheads.
This is how hobermutts are made
Except elves don't give a fuck about orcs, this pic shows the elvez keepin orcz down by using humans. That's not the jew equivalent
But I only like to spam on-topic shit.
This is why eldar are shot on sight you know.
What do blue roses mean?
Blue is a better color than red.
C'mon, it's cute.
okay then: headcanon, the girl in the OP is actually a boy, an ugly one using charm spells or whatever
boom, there you go
Here we go again
Not that user, but because a blue rose is impossible in nature, it symbolizes the mysterious/unattainable.
She's not using any spells, for an elf she is absolutely hideous.
Which means the lesser races find her to be of the greatest beauty ever conceived.
The fuck is up with that chick's head?
Dwarf girls are the best.
I have just accepted my half elven grandkinds, because they may be forever a taint on my pure elven lineage and inherently inferior, but they are not part dwarf.
Admirable but mistaken, /qa/ doesn't actually do anything, it's a placebo board
I don't know, but it's captivating. The pic was posted in the previous thread and I stumbled upon it there. At first I thought they were some actual disabled people. I know now better.
They actually had a child, and she's even cuter.
I know, next step is IRC, then to get banned from there because the mods don't want to talk.
Don't forget to ask them if /qst/ can have a banner before you get kicked!
Oh no, she takes after her mom.
>thread about them gets deleted
>tranny janny had to make his own shitty baity thread instead
That's a goblin
Does anyone have pics of aspel? Anyone from wod generals here?
Veeky Forums used to be half fetish board before we had mods. It was a great time to be on Veeky Forums. Weekend smut threads, hilarious shitpost stories and all that (infamous giantess thread aside).
Veeky Forums used to be a lot more fun.
Come on Orcs are strong and nowhere as stupid
Weekend smut threads got kicked out after the reign of nazimod. And they got kicked out because an increasing number of anons got annoyed by smutfags not being able to contain themselves.
ok nvm I think I found it
aspel is a rare gem, but his contribution is more of a literary kind, he has nothing on that skull
How did she win him overit was rape wasn't it?
Not-canon, it's fanart
The mod again?
The really shitty thing is that now, if a Shadowrun movie were ever made, people would sneer at it for copying Bright.
Stop shitposting OP.
I suppose you think that was terribly clever.
I liked thulsa doom as much as the next guy, but to pretend the board wasn't at least 30% elf slave wat do, or flare spam, or other stupid shit like that is a bold faced lie.
Veeky Forums badly needs mods/janitors to keep the shitposting in check since it seems Veeky Forums is great at attracting the kind of fuckers who post the same thread 5 times a day every day for a week.
And as much as I occasionally enjoyed the smutty/fetishy threads, they need moderation as well, this isn't /d/ and we can't pretend it should be because of 'muh board culture', like people tried to back then.
No, sweetheart, they are not.