/sfg/ Six Figure General #3

A thread to discuss how we will get to 7 figs in 2018. Only those with 6 figs can post itt.

Right now I have 80% BTC the rest in alts, here is my strat so for for 2018.

>50% BTC
>10% LTC
>10% XMR
>10% OMG
>10% ETH
>10% miscellaneous moon missions
How will you be getting from 6 figs to 7 figs in 2018?
>How will you be getting from 6 figs to 7 figs in 2018?

Other urls found in this thread:


Forgot to mention im at 400k right now.

if i could guarantee you one of your currencies would crash, what would you say.

You need to load up on some Enigma, compatable with all existing blockchain networks.

Enigma functions by creating an off-chain storage for private data, which is attached as a second layer to an existing blockchain. Parties can store and run computations on the data without being able to view the content unless the existing blockchain grants access.

Using a Turing-complete scripting language, each node is given a stand-alone piece of seemingly random information so that no single party has access to the complete data; this allows privacy to remain totally decentralized.

By implementing this function via smart contracts, Enigma enables users to send encrypted content using smart contracts, without comprising their computation, and preventing any single party from viewing the content.


I would say that if that happens I would most likely only lose 10%.

Shills not welcome itt

How come you dont go all in on altcoin instead of holding bitcoins if your ultimate goal is 1million in fiat.
Do you really think Bitcoin will make a crazy bull run when it has been steadily losing its grip on market cap dominance?

No I dont think bitcoin will do a crazy bull run, but I think its a safe bet to not go down. You say go all in on altcoin but if you guess wrong it could be bad losses.

You plan to cash out once you hit 7figs?
Also any idea on moon missions you’d like to get in on?
Do you feel safe with half your stack in btc? Considering Bitcoin Cash, bitcoins dominance percentage dropping almost daily, and many people realizing bitcoin isn’t really good for anything. Other than ‘digital gold’.

i have 180k and want to get to 200k by 2019.

currently my biggest holds are xlm, eth, neo, req, 0x, icx, link, ven, eng, iexec

anything else I should be holding for this year? I got most of this money from the ripple moon mission but I feel like it doesn't have as much room for growth.

>want to get to 1m

anyway I'm planning to invest another 35k or so and looking for a few more holds for 2018.

I was thinking omg, knc, dcr, ark

and then save some money for ICOs

want a 5-10x from where I am at. So I want multi millions. But I will take out a few hundred thousand when im over 7 figures. Yes theres lots of FUD with bitcoin but its still king and not going anywhere anytime soon. Its paired to alts, so until that changes its here to stay. If I did do less than 50% btc where would you say I should put it?

You only want to make 20k? Thats super easy just hold btc/eth/ltc/xmr.

I changed up my main holdings as of 1st of jan for several reasons
I decided to spread 15 btc between xmr,eng,coss whitch I see as low/medium/high risk/reward.
7 figures is the goal this year and as long as I just hodl i can’t see why I won’t see the same types of returns as last year (£5k in may to £250k 31st dec)

Okay that makes sense now. So you need just over a 5x. Hold 50-80% in safe bets then chase moons with the rest?

I think thats a good call. When do you think I should move my btc into alts? Everything seems high right now except LTC which is semi high. Maybe pass on LTC for ZRX or something else?

I guess, I feel like most of my holds have a chance for a 10-20x this year, and it's basically impossible to get in at low/ICO-tier prices on things because >burger

I don't really have time to browse biz, reddit, bitcointalk etc. constantly to find moon missions either. I already missed XRB at 1 dollar because I thought the exchange was sketchy or I would have 250k by now.

I'm at $110k. My portfolio is a mess from moon missions but I want to eventually only hold:

40% BTC
20% ETH
20% ADA
10% REQ
10% ICX


60% BCH
20% ICX
10% BTC
10% odds and ends, mostly ICOs

I might be starting the seven figure general in a few days.

just get the 150k ven node faggot

Honestly i wouldnt blame you in feeling like you have missed the opportunity to move btc to alts but I always find hesitating in crypto always puts you at a loss

Nah, ICX is the safest bet to give me 10 mil this year.

All in on Aion is the clear path to success

If you did under 50% btc, I like your other picks. Especially eth/xmr for steady safe growth. I feel it can be a big year for NEO as well, they have a ton going on 2018

Whats a good entry for icx?

Help me boys, I want 1M bad

I'll ask since you guys are obviously successful:

I have $1000 to invest in crypto. Recommendations? I was thinking about Ripple.

Out out out

All in on fun

Moon mission from 0.1 to 1 incoming when casino is released

Haha ripple? Haha. Go learn what marketcap means then come back. I mean fine maybe it’ll go to $4-5. You could start with it on the dip then go put it in something else that has 4-5x potential then you’re in business

Consolidate into 4-5 total picks. I like BNTY that will hit $1 easy. I would probably dump LINK.
Definitely not ripple.

I don't see any significant dip happening considering the schedule, so there's no time like the present.

Why is everyone so antilink in these making it threads. I felt that had the most potential of them all, like ether level potential.

Yeah but last time this happened BTC mooned again and alts got justed bad, so Im kinda scared to get in right now. What do you think is a better 6 month hold, ICX or ZRX?


>You could start with it on the dip then go put it in something else that has 4-5x potential then you’re in business
>something else that has 4-5x potential

Tell me what that something else is, please.

I’m all in on NEO at the moment. Also have a good deal of GAS I’ve generated from staking it. My holdings are worth around 150k. Is hodling this for the rest of the year too outrageous? I only need it to hit around mid 600s in price for me to hit a million and at that price I’d also be earning 20-30k worth of GAS per year. I’ve been in since about 10 per ANS

Started with 50k, cashed 40k last week (2x btc and some ltc)... Feel pretty strongly about all of these holds. Eng seems to have the most moon potential followed by ubiq. $400m market cap. Xlm makes me nervous because of the recent gains/popularity/shilling/higher market cap. Neo could 5x easily, while making 5% in gas. Eth could 4x this year, plus pos/Casper coming. Xrp will probably overtake btc in cap, so there's another 2-3x. BAT undervalued+cb rumors. Holding btc and ltc just cuz coin base.

Hopefully when you get to 7 figures you'll buy a NNN leased property backed by a solid corporation and live comfy on free money.

Anyone else here making big $$$ on TRON?
Justin Sun Lord and saviour, hodl for 46287 years

Not bad. I would dump xlm and xrp. Also you should dumped BTG by now.

Same here man. $9/ans and some strong hands through some nasty fud. So glad I held. Sold 60@$105 to dump a little in xlm and eng. I feel great about neo.

You're absolutely right. Alts and btc/ltc take turns in the spotlight. Key is to jump on and off at the right moments. Ltc and btc seem pretty weak and sideways, whereas every alt right now is winning. Might be a good time to buy back into the scary moves... Btc and ltc

30/30/30 btc, bch, xrm

Want to divest out of btc later, I think its got another upswing in it. bch unfortunately is probably going to get hammered for another week. Would also like to see some better moves out of xmr. Random shitcoins and a couple of trades have kept my losses pretty minimal.

I made that mistake dumping bch at $300 and then it went nuts months later. They were free and coin Base has suggested that they'll support btg in the future, so I'm just holding. Dont need the $1200, ya know?

I just bought the xlm but I don't feel great about it. Too much growth too fast. I can see it slowly bleeding out. I may hope for a 10% gain and sell into ltc

Just converted all my BTC and ETH.

REQ and ICX. Best alts for 2018.

Yep I dumped my 15 bch at low 300s. That one hurt, probably one of my biggest errors thus far. Still though I see BTG as just a total shit coin with no point whatsoever.

No larping bro.

join in on ZCL forking with BTC into Bitcoin Private

I hate omg by the way. All their self shilling skateboard Google McDonald's pictures really turned me off. Purposely misleading imo. Why not neo instead or heavier into eth? Eth is going to do big things...

The most easiest way is just to try to beat the market by a low percentage
If you daytrade and get a 1% gain every day you'll have a million in 3 months

That's a solid portfolio sir.
COSS seems like garbage and too risky.

Too much Bitcoin.

Bch is trash

You have a lot of faith in ICX. You're not wrong.


Spread too thin, sell bounty sell KCS , sell ZCL and go into ICX
Less Bitcoin and BAT

For me I'm 100 ETH in STK pre sale
50 ETH spread between Bee token and other upcoming ICOs
30k LINK
5k ICX

Guess time will tell. Gonna go heavier into NEO and NEO ICOs.

50k investments. Each $50k profit is shifted to my hardware wallet. I will stack and stack and stack and let bitcoin multiply everything.

Not that easy to make 1% with larger amounts of money. At that point you begin putting up sell walls and moving prices with your buys. Theoretically it's great but nearly impossible to execute

> less bitcoin and bat
Bat is gaining traction like crazy. That's a short/mid term hold for me. I feel good about my btc. I sold 2 at $18k. I know it's an alt market right now, but the king will be back soon.

Not a 6 figure yet, recently broke 5, but I'm very happy to see support for eng around here.

Very jealous of these NEO holdings, retirement accounts...


Will I make it?

Because OMG will actually have real world use and has good people behind it. WHats more likely to 10x, eth or omg?

Bullshit. Ripple is backed by big names and is actually usable. It's a good buy.

I see neo having a strong year personally

Same. Gonna be huge.

I disagree on that one. I think they're immature and manipulative and purposely deceitful with their marketing. Omg growth is uncertain in my eyes... With a chance at losing value whereas eth is a solid 2-3x gain eoy 2019 while gaining "interest" for the majority of the year.

Hmm, maybe I will ditch the omg for zrx.

Dear rich fags, sorry for the pleb intrusion.

How you get there?

Mining BTC?
Buying and holing BTC before 2013?
Buying low market cap alts and holding them?
Day trading?

I got most of mine by buying and hodling btc in 2015.

It's just my opinion, fwiw. I saw it pump, I saw it dump, I saw everyone react to their social media shit day after day. It just seemed like bullshit to me.

All of that aside, the numbers aren't super impressive either. it started its life around $12, dumped and traded from $5-10 for months, and only recently hit an ath around $22. Meanwhile they haven't produced anything. It's all been speculative.

Check out eng for one of your moon mission prospects. It's a gamble, but if they deliver, it could be a top ten coin

I was already rich :X I dumped 50k into coins and bought 20k worth of GPUs for mining about 6 months ago. Time in the market> timing the market. Just don't buy dumb shit, pray the bubble doesn't pop, maybe get lucky and find a 50/100/500x coin... Then get your money out and into more tried and true investments

This is why REQ > OMG in market cap in the future.

REQ engineering team have worked together in the previous startup Moneytis. They know how to ship code. They are committing code on github like mofos. As a dev myself, I've been following the github closely and like what I see.

Pretty fair fud with dubs to confirm. I see OMG praised so highly though and it has a real company behind it.

not a rich fag here but I made some pretty good gains since I started 10 days ago

started with $3k, up to $12k now.

if you do your research constantly it gets easier to pick up on what coins will moon. also make sure to diversify a bit and dont go all in on just 1 coin.

also we're in a huge bull market right now for cryptos, literally everything is mooning.

pick literally any one of these and hold for even a week and you should see some easy gains:


best advice I can give is read read read read, just keep reading all day and try to consume as much information as you possibly can

hah, jokes on you I'm poor as fuck and I'm posting in your thread. I win.

This is a legitimate strategy.