Let's make a cool Tyranid Hive Fleet guys!
>What is the Hive Fleet's progenitor? (d100)
Let's make a cool Tyranid Hive Fleet guys!
>What is the Hive Fleet's progenitor? (d100)
Other urls found in this thread:
Rolled 51 (1d100)
Kraken get!!
Nope, we got Leviathan
>What is the Hive Fleet's classification? (d10)
Rolled 10 (1d10)
Fug bugs
Hive Fleet
Ohh looks like we're a proper hive fleet
But how big is it?
>How large is the Hive Fleet? (d10)
Rolled 10 (1d10)
Source on the webm? Bruva, or...?
We are huge!
What are the Hive Fleet's current goals? (d100)
Rolled 92 (1d100)
Voyage of discovery (Fleet is boldly going where no tyranid has gone before, to nom new cultures)
*star trek theme*
So we are a HUGE Tyranid Hive Fleet that is just casually exploring the unknown of this galaxy
>What is the Hive Fleet's strategic tendency? (d100)
I am the only one seeing a old man face on the pic?
Rolled 54 (1d100)
>Destruction from Afar
We one hell of a weird hive on our hands.
This absurdly oversized exploration fleet is just flying around into the unknown with a preference towards pew-pewing things instead of burying them in bodies.
Next should be this right?
>What common biomorphs manifest in the Hive Fleet? (d10)
clearly because they always bombard from afar, they lose less soldiers, allowing their numbers to swell.
Rolled 5 (1d10)
This thread looks promising so far
>adrenaline glands
Damn, that’s pretty boring and strange for a fleet that prefers to fight from afar. Since it’s a fuckhuge swarm do you think we could roll for a second biomorph trait?
Rolled 4 (1d10)
I support the idea
I think the hivemind made this fleet a bit *to* special if you get my drift. Alright, adrenaline glands....Specializing in the art of kiting enemy forces? They take a page out of the tau playbook by doing hit and run styles attacks....Somehow dispite that fact that they have fuck-huge numbers.
You people are the scum of the earth!
O.k Adrenaline glands and Bio-plasma are the specialties, I think that plays well into the theme of this fleet being professionals at long range like i said before, blasting enemy positions with copious amounts of acidic goop and then fleeing from the retaliation
Alright, we got a massive hive fleet specializing in Tau battlesuit tactics. The adrenal glands could also be used in the event that the Tyranids get surrounded and can’t retreat, they activate the glands and tear into their foes with wild abandon. This tactic has been the bane of many enemies who thought they had the advantage once they got into close range. Now rolling for specialist creature
Rolled 60 (1d100)
Rolled 70 (1d100)
a specialized assassin beast like the death stalker. Makes sense for this fleet, and elite assassin creature(s) ranges out ahead of the main swarm and takes out artillery crews and commanders, allowing the main swarm to maintain the advantage at range. Now for their preferred enemies
T'au lol
>If you can't beat them, join them (and then beat them after stealing all their secrets)
So it's a hive fleet that after getting itself shrekt by the blueberries trying to 'brute force explore' tau space decided to try learning how to out tau the tau and began learning from the best and mastering their ranged combat from observation of tau tactics and experimentation with new bio-guns.
What should we name the fleet? Should we give it a T’au sounding name like for example something in the line of ”Fleeing Fire”, “Invisible anger”, etc
So what kind of swarm composition would you expect to see in a swarm that mimics the tau tactics? I’m thinking tons of termagaunts and ranged warriors, shrike jump-troops, dakkafexes, shoots gargoyles, Zoanthropes for coordination, flyrants, and all the artillery beasts. We also got the death leaper. Bioplasma is a big deal for this fleet so maybe they have developed plasma rifles and cannons for the warriors and carnifexen? And if Gargoyles in the fluff can be equity with bioplasma, perhaps even some of the gaunts in this swarm could as well.
Sounds scary to face those kinds of Tyranids
Did you have a fucking stroke while writing that?
Makes sense, if it's the tau who will be mainly fighting it then their name for the swarm should take precedent.
Found this when searching for T’au language when trying to find a good name for it. Maybe we can find some good name for the fleet there
Rolled 80 (1d100)
I’m also thinking since this is a huge swarm, it wouldn’t make sense for them to fight just tau since a massive swarm that fights with tau tactics would likely overwhelm them quickly. Rolling for other preferred enemy
No I'm seeing it too.
I thought it was a space marine looking to the screen going "I bet you're wondering how I got here?"
But no, just the shittiest race in WH40k
What about the Ghastly Scourge for the name?
I don't know what you're talkin about
better name. chiron was hercules' archery teacher.
Yeah I like it
What colours should we choose for the Hive fleet?
classic tau colours
These guys are gonna wipe the fucking tau out