Is your PC an ass man, or a boob guy?

Is your PC an ass man, or a boob guy?

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face boy

Leg is superior to both

a long hair lad

My PCs tend to prefer tig ol bitties

Chest Lady

Neck is best.


Ass, all day ass, if given the chance would worship a fine ass hard enough he'd start getting divine spells from it, which could end up somewhat awkward as he is a cleric but given who he worships his goddess probably won't mind

Hips and thighs, but not necessarily ass.

Dat D.

Clearly it's her fault for making lust stronger then a man (or woman)

Real patrician choice is ass & legs + hair superbonus.

He's chaste.

As a goddess she has a sacred duty to have an amazing ass. If her cleric turns to someone else she only has herself to blame.


My character is a short hair boi. And so am I.

dick girl


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Good legs automatically means good ass, so it's a win-win

pics? pics?

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The back

I’m saying I like women with short hair, not that I am one.

Funny thing is the concept for him spawned from a joke about a cleric finding an ass so amazing he falls from the worship of his god but starts getting spells from his devotion to that booty
...dropped a lot about that idea when the game finally started but he still loved butts

>As a goddess she has a sacred duty to have an amazing ass. If her cleric turns to someone else she only has herself to blame.
I like to think she did, one perfect enough he'd treat a glimpse of it like a divine revelation and would happily spend his afterlife on his knees for her.

Never came up in game though and probably never will, game ended over a year ago and I'm still looking for a new group

That's why I count them as one.

I know.

my PC's a vagina man.

Hips man first, ass man second

I practically worship ass already, so my PC's tend to do the same.

Fine then. Anons forgive my filthy phoneposting, and mods forgive my lewdposting.

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We understand, user. You're a shorthaired woman into other shorthaired women, no need to get drastic.

All humans have asses. It's what unites us, after all: bar grotesque accidents or severe birth defects everyone has an ass. Big ass, small ass, fat ass, skinny ass, smooth ass, hairy ass, clean ass, sweaty ass: all humans have one at the base of their backs. Disliking ass is equal to disliking humanity. Do you like humanity? Then you like ass. No ifs: just butts.

Ass. ponies don't have tits.

My PC is all about them child-bearing hips.

No more Dryads though. He made that mistake once and never again.

If I were born a woman, that’s exactly what I would be.