>Be Paladin
>Fight for justice
>Keep getting crap everywhere and from everyone
>Say fuck it and become evil
>Actually do more good with evil alignment than when I was good
It's amazing how life works better after you start stabbing people in the guts.
Be Paladin
You have a very one-sided notion of "fighting for justice" especially as a paladin.
I bet you're one of those people that band up with other PCs to kill the Paladin PC just because your party "wouldn't align themselves with one."
Or because "muh boring self-righteousness."
Fuck that and fuck you.
It's easier to do good when you stop caring about being good.
Are you actually implying that stabbing people in the guts is evil or disallowed by lawful-good aligned paladins?
Lawful good paladins aren't allowed to do that.
They can only cut down enemies who attack them first with clear murderous intent, while offering a reasonable danger to them or others, in a respectable duel who ends with the attacker not asking for mercy keeping in mind a reasonable use of force.
I mean, yeah.
Not picking the easy road (like you just found is obviously preferable) is the thing separating a hero from a butcher who happens to be on the right side of history.
Not all paladins do that though. (Maybe if they took Oath of Redemption for diplomacy)
Paladins are not one-sided dumbfucks who will wait until a village is burned down to take action, they utilize preemptive strikes so the threat is eliminated with the least casualties.
He who strikes first, strikes last.
Don't play such a cookie-cutter paladin, user.
>What is a Paladin of Vengeance.
That's not important. If a butcher lowers evil in the world, who cares if he isn't a hero? Evil in the world decreased.
Because reducing evil is not all that makes a hero.
Doing good is the other side of the coin.
Heroism is subjective. The Punisher, for me, is a hero.
Lawful Stupid shit paladin players detected.
Ever heard of Vlad the Impaler? Do you think he is a hero?
If the opinions of others are enough to leade you off the straight and narrow, you never were a paladin to begin with. It is a paladin's duty to be a shining beacon in a world of darkness, the only sane man in a world that has been driven insane. The paladin may be spat upon, chewed out, villified, branded a heretic, outcast, assailed and ridiculed, but he knows he has Justice on his side. No worldly pleasure weighs up to the satisfiaction of doing the right thing.
He may have been a butcher, but he never killed a human.
He is in fact a super hero, since he managed to make an entire army flee and thus stopped a potential bloodbath.
Think of it this way, OP.
In a metaphorical war, the paladins would be among the first at the vanguard but the last ones to rout.
Paladins embody the hero archetype more than any other class.
That's the same due process expected of a police officer. A paladin would use even tougher rules.
I know the feeling
I know the feeling.
Paladin =/= Police Officer.
Niggers Vlad the Impaler was the same person whose solution to poverty was to get all the poor people together and kill them. You have one fucked up moral compass.
Also in regards to your definition of Paladin please remember the golden rule:
You do not choose to be a Paladin. You are chosen to be a Paladin.
>Vlad the Impaler was the same person whose solution to poverty was to get all the poor people together and kill them.
Well I don't see any poor people around, and the cost of labor just sky rocketed as well.
I don't get it
>Niggers Vlad the Impaler was the same person whose solution to poverty was to get all the poor people together and kill them. You have one fucked up moral compass.
Yeah, it's much more moral to let them live oppressed, slowly starve and die of disease.
Shows that he wasn't like other lieges, who viewed his peasants like cattle. He was truly interested in the betterment of society, and he had to guts to free them from their miserable condition.