Why not give the orks weapons with self-destruction devices in the (inevitable) case they will end up using them against you?
Why not give the orks weapons with self-destruction devices in the (inevitable) case they will end up using them...
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Because all thats going to do is make more orks.
Consider this, in the case of low munitions, it would be better be able to re-use Ork weapons.
You could circumvent this issue by having the gun overheat and melt, rending it useless and keeping the Ork alive, but pissed off.
Orks don't believe they will explode so they wont explode.
A pissed off weaponless Ork is still going to require killing.
>Why not give orks improvised explosives?
They'll stop believing that your self-destruction devices will work.
Because according to current lore, if the ork thinks it will shoot it WILL shoot and not explode.
>Oi, wazzat! Look attis, boss! Dis 'ere blinky gubbin is makin' a zoggin' rakkit! I wunda wattit is!
>*presses button*
>*ork explodes*
>Oi! Look boyz! Da fish'eads gave us a new bomma on our packs! Mayhaps we could use it to overthrow the blue skins?
Because they're more likely to use the weapons as the basis for "Konvershunz" into proper Orky gunz. This dismantling results in the devices being found by the Orks, who then happily re-purpose them into detonators, etc., for use by the Kommandoz.
It's " proppa Orky" to use someone else's sneaky gubbinz against themselves!
What would happen if you take an ork's brain and feed him false data of the world around him? Could we use ork's brain for manufacturing and war?
You're gonna need a lot of them
An ork's what now? You need to retake xenology
>taking plot notes
Then why cant we them 'ish head killa kans? They popped the grots brains trying to use it
Eric Holder is that you?
Matrix Orks?
A radical Ordo Xenos Inquisitor decides to network a bunch of unconscious Orks to leverage their gestalt psychic field. It works, and he gains an immensely powerful weapon that can allow an escort ship to destroy entire enemy fleets.
But inside the simulation, the Orks start to realize something is wrong. Things quickly fall apart Jurassic Park style.
>Dat's coz yoo ain't dun enuff konvertin on dose kans ter make em proppah Orky!
If this were a Black Library book I'd read the hell out of it.
Are there any Black Library books even partially written from the Ork point of view, in "Ork speech"? Because it seems like it would get old pretty quick.
Holder my pecker.
i heard this weird psychich rolling thunder before i joined this thread.
or it could have been an airplane.
you write the narrative in a normal voice and let the orks speak ork speak. 3rd person limited omniscient, 1st person ork speak wouldn't work.
It would be a picture book.
I'd read the hell out of it.
orks aren't that dumb, a mekboy could probably figure out that the weapons are booby trapped during an attempt to make it more orky.
Now you've just given the orks a bunch of spare parts to make orky dakka with
they did this in 19 diggity 2!
The orks can make things they expect happen to happen, but in no way can they prevent unexpected things from happening.
hence the red button.
no ork could resist.
I can get behind that.
Cuz' now the Orkz know two fings:
1. Yer a filthy grot wot can't fight for imself
2. But yev got good gubbins worth takin'
So you get a krumpin', dats just maffs.
but orks would suspect you of sabotauge cuz thats wut dey wuld do
somebody should have explained this to Carter during the Iran contra hostage crisis.
Consider the following:
Orks thrive on conflict. As they age they get bigger and bigger.
Orks trapped in a simulation would be constantly fighting, while completely safe from physical harm.
This could go really, really wrong.
>Orks trapped in a simulation would be constantly fighting, while completely safe from physical harm.
>This could go really, really wrong.
Don't you mean really, really right?
They figure out how to turn them into bombs or they make their own guns
And the Orks who get artificially bigger and stronger could co-opt the technology and use it to artificially make more Orks bigger and stronger.
>Oi blueberry, oi've been tryin' ta reach ya all day, yer watermelon Boyz musta been muckin about er sumthin
>Jus' wanted ta say we were gonna go ahead and krump ya afta yer dakka was dropped off after our "bizness" on Scrap V was done
>'Oweva, wun uv me mek Boyz just told me yer mekboyz threw in some explody bitz free a charge
>Ya even hid em inside our dakka as a surprise, it was like waaaaghmas come early! Even 'ad fancy little beepy noises an' everythin!
>Well anywayz, we jus wanted to thank ya and say you blueberries must not be too bad if yer willin' ta give us extra dakka fer free.
>So as a thank you, instead of stabbin ya in da back like we normally do, we figured we'd do da proppa thing and give ya a 'eads up that after such generosity yer now our favorite enemy.
>We'll be back in a few weekz after you've 'ad time ta rebuild dat big ol' dread a yerz, lookin' forward to a roight proppa scrap we is!
>Yer pal, General Gobsmasha
Now I imagine the character of Morpheus the Ork and his pills.
>Youz kan take da red pill an' go fasta, or youz kan take da GREEN PILL an getz even more Orky!
>looted equipment randomly explodes
>dem umie bin makin sum explodey guns, guess dos squishies aint got zoggin brainz
>orkz start believing human guns are unreliable
>imperial guns suddenly start exploding in human hands
>ad mech report shows that substandard manufacturing techniques has made nearly the entire shipment unusable
>defects tracked down to poor metal mined months before the battle even started
>surely just a coincidence, no way orks could have sabotaged weapons in this manner