How would you run an rpg campaign based on "Made in Abyss"?
How would you run an rpg campaign based on "Made in Abyss"?
i wouldn't
Like I would run a bloodbrew campaign
Also, the system doesn't actually matter
>look this up cause the name sounds cool and the OP's pic is dope
>its a fucking weeb shit
>not only that, first few google images are of a tortured naked loli
it's a legitimate great setting, sitting at bersek levels, but it's full of body horror and loli torture, so clearly not for casual anime fans
>"it's a weeb shit"
>says a neckbeard geek shit.
Seems like a fairly straightforward mega dungeon, honestly. Such things often have their own, unique ecologies, histories, and magics, all of which fit the Abyss pretty well.
You don't have to be a weeb or a lolicon to appreciate the rumble of scientific triumph
I actually ran an immensely successful campaign based on this premise.
Here's my advice- pick a system with serious specialization. We settled on a homebrewed system based on a d100 system with the usual stats, but a bonus stat much higher than the others that represented a particular skill class (e.g. archery, rock climbing, knowledge of Abyss).
Second, throw out the plot of Made in Abyss. The last thing you want is to be running an anime. That's shit. Always. Instead, focus on outposts and tiers. My party was a group of scavengers, run-aways (late teens), and ex-military looking to get simple loot from the first few levels.
Third, have a central chasm map and then made numerous mini-dungeons and psuedo-mazes (i.e. they make terrain selection choices- cliff or forest descent; swamp with hornets or caverns with boars- and not direction choices).
Fourth, encourage them to make short trips to acquire artifacts then bring them back to outposts to sell for better gear. Occasionally have powerful, but only a few use artifacts that they can keep. I was a fan of autorapelling sets and flamethrowers with a few charges. As they stockpile these weapons, they can descent to dungeons on lower levels.
Fifth, have tiered combat/terrain. Our combat took place on a multi-level board and they could move freely up and down depending on the ropes they'd put in place, natural paths, and a combination of Wis/Con-esque stats to overcome the curse of ascending.
Lastly, make it your own. The anime is great, but it should be the world that draws you in- not the premise. Having a direct descent or big villian ruins some of the fun, or so I found. Feel free to have recurring competitors or some thread of a plot though! Just be original.
Hope that helps! I'd be happy to talk more if anyone is interested.
I also introduced a roster system in which they could swap out a few characters at outposts. My PCs are excellent at roleplay, so no issues there, and it allowed me to be pretty brutal
Always makes me happy to see good advice like this on Veeky Forums. Thanks, user.
It's a filter to keep out normalfags like you.
Lol @ assmad weebs
Please, that's so 2017. We've moved on to new flavor of the month now.
>complaining about weebshit
>on a Chinese fingerpainting forum
The loli shit is weird though, I grant you that.
Your tastes just aren't cultivated enough. It's a manga meant for true patricians.
Made in Abyss was pretty decent until the author decided to put his degenerate fetishes in it.
Naked hanging happened so early that there wasn't even any story going on, so you missed all the good stuff if you stopped there.
>it should be the world that draws you in- not the premise
honestly this, exactly what brought me to stuff like bloodbrew or numenara
I don't know why people struggle with this.
Made In Abyss was not good "before" the fetishes were put in, because it it a magical realm formed for that specific purpose. The author said "hmm, what kind of fantasy world could have my fetishes everywhere," and he came up with that. The fetishes came before the setting.
Have you ever found something that you have refused to watch or read Veeky Forums ?
I still haven't, and I hope that it keeps that way for as long as possible; that's how you get great ideas
>made in abyss threads were there long before the anime
>made threads are still actively made long after anime
made in abyss will be remembered longer than you will.
I mean, that's because the manga is still being made and there's a season 2 on the horizon somewhere.
I agree with you, but it's not some finished cult franchise yet.