TWO booster boxes with 23 identical rares.
Still enjoying those preorders, ca/tg/irls?
TWO booster boxes with 23 identical rares.
Still enjoying those preorders, ca/tg/irls?
Not gonna lie, that's pretty fucking nuts.
I like how the only difference between the boxes was that one of them had Jace in it, because that implies that Jaces are handled differently from any other rare or mythic.
This is just a very coincidental event that never happens and is not indicative of the quality of the product. Masters 25 will be just fine please continue buying the product.
Jaces are like golden tickets.
If you get one, you can redeem it for a ticket to visit WotC factory and suck MaRo's sagging scrotum.
it the mapping is true could this be how how Wizards Keep can offer this deal?
Reddit mods are also deleting topics about this on /magictcg
I don't think they need foul play for that, the chance of getting a specific mythic in a box is so low normally that that stunt amounts to like a 0.5% discount per pack on average.
It's become clear that moles within the company are actively trying to subvert and sabotage. Purge when?
There's a big one up right now.
lol, didn't even see it on the front page and it just appeared out of nowhere
They might have hidden it, if that's possible. The mods in that subreddit are jerks, apparently.
So basically what this means:
>M25 boxes are mappable
>loose packs are an absolute NO BUY, especially online because somebody has surely nabbed all the jaces
>even full boxes are risky
Fucking great job Wizards, you just keep knocking them out of the park.
Who cares about this. What really matters is equality and women being drawn with small boobs and transgender players.
>link before the article
>wonky formatting
I wonder who could be behind this post
If this was the dealbreaker for you then you're a moron.
A25 was dead in the water weeks ago. I can't believe there are STILL morons who were willing to pay for this set up til fucking today.
Holy fucking shit dude
I know right? It's amazing how some people are too dumb to use printscreen in this day and age
>my name is OP and I have never heard of box mapping in my life
Thanks for your valuable insight, OP. Truly learned beyond your years.
Guys you don't get it, WotC is trying to be more inclusive to people who might be twins. Remember feelings over quality everytime, unless those feelings are from an evil white male!
Is that a picture of the screen?
What the fuck.
They have a modbot set up and it probably auto-removes Alpha Investments videos. They restored it pretty promptly.
It's confirming that box seeding is real, and box mapping works. It's always been a pseudoscience user, this give it some real weight.
>auto-removes Alpha Investments videos
Reddit is what Reddit does.
rudy/alpha investments is just one drink away from pulling a jeremy.
Probably because they tend to stir shit up and not contribute much.
That or they just have a whitelist for YouTube links and he's not on it? Who knows. You want your anti-spambot to be somewhat random so the spammer can't figure out how to evade it.
Your QC has proven itself to be fucking garbage again on what was supposed to be the "sorry we fucked up iconic masters so bad" set.
Wouldn't that make things worse?
Clearly we misunderstood what they meant. M25 is the "sorry we didn't fuck up hard enough" set.
>MTG sub-reddit is not owned and paid by WotC
Wasn't Jeremy the only one who was complaining about card quality? I don't get what WotC's logic was. He was spending thousands of dollars of his own money to promote their product, for free, for 10 years and he only shat on them about legitimate bonehead decisions.
>Azusa in the list of rares being dupped
Hope it tanks her prices enough I can buy in finally.
I guess it's time to move to another game.
Thankfully, FOW learned from WotC's mistakes.
are those official
because if they are, I might have to look into this "fow"
Please tell me these are real cards
M25 is already at $20, don't spend more than $10 for her.
The game is Caster Chronicles.
And yes, you can pull these from booster boxes, the second set actually.
They appear roughly as often as a foil mythic.
Meanwhile the expeditons are like pic related.
As much as I enjoy anime art, playing with these in a public space with semi-randoms would make me feel a bit uncomfortable. Especially against socially awkward people which most card game players are.
Jeremy harassed an mtg cosplayer and other fans/content creators online. Wow I wonder why WotC banned him???? It just makes no sense!
What's wrong, user?
Scared of a woman's body?
What are you, gay?
Turns out this card game actually has some starter decks released in English. Is there censorship?
>completely ignorant about a subject
>speaks about it anyway
Guess I'll just keep not ever buying boosters
Very little.
>Jeremy harassed an mtg cosplayer and other fans/content creators online
>spreading disinfo this hard
>please continue buying the product.
Gtfo maro
The best thing is that about 80% of the creature staples are in the COMMON slot.
Not even close to how it went down you numale
They are, was about to post what
Though you can be sure that art won't make it anywhere outside Japan. Pic related was printed internationally and enough soccer moms bitched (mostly from the US) that the second print run gave her some digital leggings.
Not really. The US didn't get the nearly-nude promos, which is surprising given the sexual element in much of the art. Then again, I don't even know where the fuck you can even buy it in English, so it's probably that no one knows it exists.
US/JPN card lists for example.
>I know what happened because Jeremy told me!
>calling some cosplay whore a whore
This is what emotional babies really believe.
Look, even playing MtG makes you a fucking subhuman mega nerd to 99% of people. You need to learn to stop caring. I play Shadowverse in public and I don't give a shit anymore. If anything it's more embarrassing that Shadowverse is poorly balanced.
Why the fuck would Rudy buy so many of these?
>Pic related was printed internationally and enough soccer moms bitched (mostly from the US) that the second print run gave her some digital leggings.
Another tragic victim of the puritan twats.
>I know what happened because I spend all day on reddit like a complete faggot
He's a hoarder
Fairly certain he's a retired trader with millions in savings and nothing better to do than fuck around with his hobby from high school/use it as an unregulated asset to make $$$$$$$.
Gambling on it being good. Not the only reseller who fell into that trap.
No one has ever provided any evidence that he harassed anyone. No one has ever provided any evidence that he verbally "harassed" anyone either.
Also, I want to point out that even if he did verbally "harass" someone or multiple someones over the internet, that's not grounds to ban him.
>being this much of a beta orbiter
>on Veeky Forums
bro, come on
>booty cat
those were the days
>playing Shadowverse in public
Also back to the FoW query, I would not buy anything from them if you intend to have company support/backing in the next year or two.
you sound like you need to get laid man.
He owns an LGS. He gets boxes at a huge discount, and can actually sell the bulk cards.
I understand what you are saying and I really don't care for most people's opinions when I'm doing stuff that's not widely accepted by everyone. That being said, I think people still should hold themselves up to some standard and be aware how they present themselves to others. I would have no problem playing with anime titties cards with my friends, but imagining random creepy neckbeards drooling over scantily clad anime girls and being socially unaware how they look to others feels pretty awkward to me.
>implying I buy boxes
>implying I buy Masters packs
Fuckers dipped down to like $20/copy and now they're back up to $75-80.
Bare-assed Zero promo is starting to climb as well.
time to buy a couple A25 blood moons I guess
no way in hell I'm cracking a box of these
Don't spend a penny over $15 for each.
It would honestly not be much worse than regular MtG tournaments filled with smelly fat neckbears or gangly nerds with smartass t-shirts.
well i like showing my mom my cool 15 dollar cardboards that i got for 5 dollars but if the character on the card is an anime girl with big heaving titties then the conversation will inevitably veer towards the fact that i don't seem to get out much
Your mom will think anything you do is stupid unless it's juggling fat stacks of 100 dollar bills.
Dude. It's not too long ago when playing _any_ kind of card or board game (except Poker or Chess) after the age of 15 was completely unacceptable socially, something only the most pathetic of nerds would ever admit to doing. Worrying what other people think about your hobbies means you can only ever do the most normie of normieshits, and that is no way to live the only life you have in this world.
>"At least you're not gay, user."
>now they're back up to $75-80
What? FoW is making a comeback?
>having your fucking mother act as the judge of your entertainment
Are you literally five years old?
I still feel it was a power move on her end to:
A. Get paided by Wizards
B. Get more Patreon members from white knights and feminist
C. Both
Trust me I will stand by her side and fight harassment, but I am going to need to see some proof, certainly she screen shot/saved those emails right? I see more women cry wolf than actually suffer harassment, called me Jaded, I just want to help the real victims.
Jesus Christ it's like they work for Wizards.
>Jace is seeded
why are both her ass and her tits facing the viewer the angles on this are retarded
He wasn't a duplicate.
Shouldn't he be a wild card in that case?
Broken spines are very common in erotic art.
There's a difference. One was frowned upon for being nerdy, the other is frowned upon for being fucking porn
I'm not saying to bend over backwards to appease normies, but sometimes they do have a good point
>slant-eyes can't draw properly
This isn't new.
Like I said earlier, I really don't care what random people think about me or my hobbies, but I still want to present myself as a somewhat decent human being to others (which playing with anime cards doesn't prevent). Honestly I wouldn't have a problem playing with those cards linked earlier, but I would still be aware how ridiculous the situation would look to others.
wizards is like your morning shit, you have to release the majority of the turds first in a huge anus tearing square shaped block (A25) before you can sit back and relax with short squirts of less painful and more enjoyable squirts that occasionally spash back on your butt and balls (dominaria)
Then what was iconic masters?
when you shit your pants in your sleep after too many beers and a 2am kebab
Stop trying to reason with the people that play weebporn games, I see them regularly at multiple LGS and they are beyond redemption. Like convicted felons serving multiple life sentences without the possibility of parole, they've given up on life.
>Like I said earlier, I really don't care what random people think about me or my hobbies, but I still want to present myself as a somewhat decent human being to others
That is a complete contradiction. You realize that, right? If you want to present yourself a particular way, you by definition do care what other people think about you.
user, I'm all about THICC anime titties and asses and everything else and am a massive slut for many other things that are even worse, but unless you specifically questioned me on it you'd never know.
There's a lot of people who know how to keep that shit in check.
>There's a difference. One was frowned upon for being nerdy, the other is frowned upon for being fucking porn
There is literally no difference there.
Sorry for not being as scared and ashamed as you are.
I'm only scared of my own failures; but society could use a whole lot more shame.
There's a ton of gays at my lgs. I definitely don't want people playing soft porn because I would be on the short end. Wait, what was this thread about again?
No user, you'd be on the long end