what sort of roaming monsters of legend should i have in my game? think dwarf fortress titans or zelda guardians
What sort of roaming monsters of legend should i have in my game? think dwarf fortress titans or zelda guardians
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another question is what they should be named?
A really big skeleton.
Really big skeletons are great monsters.
but only human skeletons?
I like the way you think.
Funny that you mention Dwarf Fortress because I actually use some of the beasts that I encounter in Dwarf Fortress as monsters that roam my lands. The pic is of a forgotten beast that was memorable enough in DF that I decided to make a mini to use in one of my campaigns (see pic, I just got it out of the oven a bit ago so it is still unpainted, also there are knights for scale). DF can lead to some interesting mechanical (flesh eating blood, so PCs should use blunt weapons or risk getting blood on them) and visual (towering three-eyed horned grebe) monsters, but they don't always have that same "roaming monsters of legend" quality that the guardians from Zelda have.
The oldest slime in the world, various names due to its extreme age. The Timeless Crawler, Old Jiggly, "that damn goo", and Primordial Ooze are popular.
A forgotten bipedal warmachine. It only attacks elves. Otherwise it strides across an unknown patrol route, lost to time. Thus it's just called "the tower on patrol". Or Elfkiller if you want to be rude.
Corpse Collector, an immortal mindless undead, that looks like a ball of limbs as it rolls around, looking for bodies to add to its mass. Despite the name, it only takes the arms and legs, leaving smashed torsos behind.
I'm a fan of good old fashioned ogre-type things. Hairy, mean and stupid.
Check out some of the beasts from Borderlands
Yeah, I like the idea of giant, ancient oozes, maybe filled with the bodies of heroes of legend and kings, and the heroes goal is to track down each roaming slime because each one has a piece of an ancient artifact, but that sounds cliche. Maybe wandering taraques or froghemoths?
A gigantic thunderbird, that eclipses the horizon as it approaches.
I'm a sucker for an ancient out-of-control autonomous death machine that's just wandering the land after its creator either died (if a person) or collapsed (if a nation). Like that thing from Konosuba. Or Warmech.
Why only pick one?
There could be a whole campaign in building channels to route each of the primordial slimes up into the frozen lands in an attempt to contain them.
Names are some of the hardest things to come up with.
I think a very strange, semi-demonic sounding name + a title would be good for most of them. Depending on the type of creature, of course.
Think war of the worlds striders except biological
Take any animal and put a human face/head/faces/heads on it and it becomes creepy, mysterious, but also easy to describe.
Alternatively, look up pictures on google or pinterest and bring them up whenever you need the players to figure out what something looks like.
I fought one of these as a campaign end boss, it was many times larger then default and was on fire, emerging from a volcano, was a high level game