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Kenku. Awesome PC race/class, or bullshit bird people?
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Kenku. Awesome PC race/class, or bullshit bird people?
OK npc race.
I played a kenku back when they looked like this and my DM gave me all the abilities that were in the MM entry and just scaled the game appropriately.
Then after that PC died I played another kenku that was his brother.
I just reskin the Halfling as a Kenku, easy peasy.
>book has a section in the GM's chapter detailing the creator's gaming philosophy and how this game should capture that philosophy
>completely ignore it and run the game how I want for whatever genre I want
who else /devilish/ here?
Awesome bullshit bird people.
It's okay if it doesn't work as the obnoxious version of Kenku 5e made
What retroclone is that inspired from?
This seems chill and easy.
>He's got a knife!
nu-males and roasties gtfo
Does anyone know a good introductory module suitable for new players that isn't a) a massive cave complex full of random enemies or b) LotFP edgelord shit that's going to turn them off and murder their characters? Looking for, like, a 10ish room dungeon with a nice variety of encounter types and that's it really.
Tomb of the Iron God?
make it
>Greg Costikyan responded to the publication of Blackmoor by counterproposing against both the Monk and Assassin classes in that same issue of Fire The Arquebusiers!, with his “Martial Artist” class and his Assassin, of which he claimed, “This is the real thing. Not Blackmoor’s dipshit watered down version.”
Dammit, Playing at the World keeps telling me about cool stuff in weird old fanzines that aren't available on the net.
The poster two above is cavegirl. Be wise to her tricks.
Lots of 1page dungeons do that. Trilema adventures too.
How would you know?
Most of the 1pages I've got on my laptop at the moment are a bit off from
>like, a 10ish room dungeon with a nice variety of encounter types and that's it really.
But they're in there.
The Sanctuary Ruin is pretty good. Forest with some varied nasty encounters and a 20 room goblin dungeon, tactics included. There's also a subplot thing going on with a wererat that can be expanded.
>putting edgy internet tough guy quotes next to a drawing of Gary makes them legitimate
Worse, it's Fight Club.
-Prison of the Hated Pretender might work.
-First level of Tomb of the Serpent Kings, but just the first few rooms might not be enough.
-These guys. I like "Full Dark Stone".
That's a fairly clever reskin.
I thought that sounded like Fight Club.
>Instead of supposing that a work of art must be something that all can behold - a poem, a painting, a book, a great building - consider making your own life a work of art. You have yourself to begin with, and a time of uncertain duration to work on it. You do not have to be what you are, and even though you may be quite content with who you are, it will not be hard for you to think of something much greater that you might become. It need not be something spectacular or even something that will attract notice from others. What it will be is a kind of excellence that you project for yourself, and then attain - something that you can take a look at, with honest self-appraisal, and be proud of.
-Richard Taylor
Another session writeup:
Featuring the end of Steam Hill (and the start of something new).
Are there any good supplemental classes / races for LOtFP
B2 but use a one page dungeon for the caves of chaos
Should game rules reflect the setting's reality? On one hand, this can lead to silly shit and inconsistencies, but on the other hand, we can sometimes get cool shit like deriving OD&D's implied setting from it's random encounter tables and other assumptions.
I haven't read your play reports, but I am curious about that map. Does your group have a mapper? How do you describe that?
Will it make for a fun game? Sure! But don't feel constrained by the setting. A modern action game doesn't have to forcefully ape Friday Night Firefight or Twilight 2000 just because they're "realistic."
There's a difference between mechanics-as-physics and making a ruleset that reflects the intended genre/tone for the system. The first is what leads to silly shit and inconsistencies, the second can be nice if you make your intent clear
It's more that game rules create the setting's reality as it is experienced by the players. If a setting guide tells you a monster is rare but it's on every random encounter table ten times, your players will experience it as common. That is the setting's 'reality' for them (which is the only thing that matters).
Your biomancer spell list is a mess
Oh, I'm only using this for the zoomed-in bits. The caves are so weird and abstract that there's no point in mapping them like a conventional dungeon. Sometimes though, you need to know where you are.
I use a sheet of black construction paper with a 1-square hole cut in it (1 square = 30'). You could easily change the scale. This is the light radius of one lantern. As the PCs explore (or are chased), I move the paper around.
It's a situational tool, but it's handy.
The main Veins exploration efforts are mapped by linking landmarks, cave shapes, rock types, encounters, etc. It's more like a flowchart than a true scale map.
Both these make me really appreciate Veins of the Earth's cave generation.
How so?
I know, right? It's very good.
This is for the situations where it doesn't work. VotE's rules work perfectly most of the time.
>That number 2
Horses are always a problem, aren't they?
What do you think about the "5 room dungeon" or Maze Rat's "one-more-thing" approach?
Redunandancy is a huge issue:
2 ways to disguise
2 ways to weaponize potions
2 ways to deal with poison
2 ways to summon a monster
2 ways to debuff (which at least have synergy)
2 ways to uncripple people
That leaves Wave of Mutilation and Acid Arrow (neither of which play into the supposed theme)
(And if Wave of Mutilation was supposed to target creatures, Acid Arrow still broadly outclasses it)
And that leaves Mutate which, from your description of Octarine Light, is as lackluster as Wave of Mutilation
The blood ID cantrip only seems to be there to play along with their Doom
and the age cantrip only seems to be there because Arnold thought it was a neat touch
The big issue is that you've got three themes, and you don't quite reach for any of them
I was reading through AER and saw this
>Monstrous entities have units of fewer individuals, usually corresponding to the number found in a lair of the creatures.
I know it probably doesn't matter, but how are you supposed to know that? Does it reference something from LL in specific or do you just ballpark it?
Ah, nevermind, it does. It's just the outdoor Number Appearing
Think I’m going to nix surprise and give characters a save vs. subterfuge. Failure = surprised for one segment. Success = ready to rumble.
What's the thoughts on setting games in more modern settings? Like the 1800s with revolvers and more firearms versus just swords and sorcery? LotFP already sets most of it's stuff in a more Renaissance-esque setting so it's not like it's completely out of left field. I'm wondering what /osr/ purist would think about it though
I think you're thinking I try to theme these wizard schools very consistently.
I really don't.
>And that leaves Mutate which, from your description of Octarine Light, is as lackluster as Wave of Mutilation
You've seen the mutation tables, right?
>The blood ID cantrip only seems to be there to play along with their Doom
It's also surprisingly useful in game.
>and the age cantrip only seems to be there because Arnold thought it was a neat touch
And it plays into the general theme of wizards (life is good if you play it safe but who wants to play it safe). And their spells are pretty good (compared to other classes), so they need less cantrip support.
Anyway, these are fair points. The duplication is semi-intentional. Since spells are randomly assigned, it helps the class feel a little more consistent.
Neat ways to quickly create dungeons, but they're more of a "too lazy to.make an actual dungeon" thing rather than a replacement for making a detailed and interesting dungeon
>The duplication is semi-intentional. Since spells are randomly assigned, it helps the class feel a little more consistent.
The other schools aren't nearly as redundant. Which is odd, considering how their spells feel less out of place together.
What three themes are you seeing?
I've got a biomancer spell list of my own and would share it if it's up to snuff
On the other hand, the other classes don't have signature spells don't link to a d1000 table and they aren't encouraged to try every potion they find...
"Renaissance" is a bit overblown for something that hasn't even been around fifty years yet, but okay.
You can tell it's good 'cos I made it.
So what's your take on Zak's "Official Sean Nittner Memorial Frostbitten & Mutilated/Target-Rich Environment Terrible Take Contest"?
Is it just me, or is it a bit self-aggrandizing? It's a genius scheme for self promotion and review deflection, I'll grant it that, but it also bothers me on a fundamental level.
Despite whatever you think of DCC, I've been having fun tinkering with this today.
>still uses weird uncommon dice
Every picture anons post of it makes me think they're posting tape jackets from the '90s.
I cannot use this... but that's a damn fine PDF. Very, very good work user.
I have the book, but have no idea what you're talking about otherwise. Any links?
Look at his blog, it's his latest art/political statement. I'd also be glad if anyone would explain what the fuck is going on.
>Hey guys, write fake reviews of my stuff pretending you are reactionary idiots. Seriously, write stuff only a blinkered idiot would write.
>Sure! "Herpa derpa derp, [X], [Y], [Z]"
Other People.
>Wait, I think [X] is a legitimate criticism of this product, but if I say so now, I'll look like an idiot, because this guy, in parodying an idiot, shared this opinion.
Other People
>Wait, why are people posting these silly reviews? I should go exchange my cash for this book.
It's a very interesting idea.
>pretend to be an idiot on the internet for advertising
what could possibly go wrong
To be fair, people around here pretend to be idiots for fun.
Well yes, but a key part of that is anonymity and everyone you talk to being in on the joke. I want to see what happens with Zak's thing though.
Wait, I thought this was an official Goodman Games thing, not a homebrew
Really hope this is okay... so, I just learned the name of the Dwarf pantheon in old-school D&D is Morndinsamman, analoguous to the Elf pantheon being called the Seldarine. But what's the first sourcebook to actually use this name? I have Planescape's "On Hallowed Ground", but unless I'm missing it, that name isn't mentioned anywhere in the Dwarven Pantheon chapter?
Quick google showed the earliest reference as 3e's Faiths & Pantheons. Maybe check 2e's Demihuman Deities?
>cool stuff
Greg Costikyan's secret background as a massive obnoxious faggot clearly struck you very differently than it did me when I read it.
Not that, but here's some: costik.com
Are there OSR systems that try to better suited to general purpose fantasy gaming? As I understand it, most of them only really shine with time-sensitive exploration.
I mean that's like the sixth or seventh time I've been reading PatW and it's described some old fan material and I've been like "Damn, I wanna see that now" and been blue-balled because collectors are faggots who won't scan and make those old fanzines available.
Greg's an asshat, but I do wanna see his take on a martial artist.
>these women are just porn stars
Nice scans generally involve destroying (unbinding) the original material.
What is "general purpose fantasy gaming"?
Give us something to go off of
This cracks me up every time.
The way LotFP is just an excuse to have firearms and bad fanfiction. So in the end I'd just say fuck the "setting", just get firearms.
Yeah women are icky
The poster above is cavegirl. Be wise to her tricks.
What tricks?
The point escapes you.
I'm sad the Toast is gone. The site too; it's kind of silly. How much could hosting have been? What about archiving it somewhere. Nope. Just here one day, gone the next.
Could ask for transcription.
Hmm... can't check the copy myself, net's too sluggish to download Demihuman Deities, but thanks for the head's up.
I think the point escaped you actually.
That or you are just an angry homosexual.
Most of those old zines are stapled together, all you have to do is carefully bend the staples, remove them, scan, and then replace the staples. And that's for the ones that aren't just a bunch of sheets stapled at the corner.
There are also some fancy scanners that can scan a proper book without disassembling it, some modern libraries have these available to use.
No, the real reason scans aren't made is because the collectors are afraid it'll drive the value of their originals down.
Let's be honest. If you collect ancient D&D magazines, the internet is probably not your home turf.
And value is probably not the goal.
Would like some help on how to get into OD&D? I've got the all books and a good deal of knowledge in old skool gaming. How good is Greyharp's version of the game, seems to be rifled with spelling errors and mistakes?
>Would like some help on how to get into OD&D?
Read Holmes, then read OD&D. If something seems missing or confusing, check if odd74 has a thread about it.
Stay away from compilations. I've never seen a good one.
The Nightmares Underneath includes that as an option for it's Halfling class(along with a couple other options like a Goblin, or a Human Child)
can be fun, but has a good point about not being absolutely constrained about it
reposting an idea of mine from last thread, cause I think it has potential for use as an adventure seed or maybe even a setting;
the fun thing about a Monstrous Humanoid breeding project is there's so many ways it can be taken, I think my favorite path for this would be to explore the end point of it as a success, several centuries down the line, the small ragtag group of thugs and madmen who started this enterprise has evolved into a full on City-State, ruled by the Great Families descended from the original breeders, this city having as it's primary trade and function being the breeding and sale of specially bred and domesticated Monsters of all sorts, although it's best sellers remain the hundreds of different breeds of Monstrous Humanoids descended from their paltry original stock, if you can name a function or purpose(especially for matters of war) there's a breed of Goblin, Troll, or other Humanoid for the task
TLDR; basically imagine the Republic of Venice but with a focus on Monster Breeding(and said breeding having reached near Qu of All Tomorrows levels of sophistication and weirdness)
It would surprise me if the rulers/nobles of that city haven't already modified themselves into a superior breed.
I don't know why but it always cracks me up when RPGPundit acts unfailingly polite to everyone who's new to his forum, welcoming them and everything. It's a pretty damn strong contrast when he's worked up about something.
Yes, I personally make the game's setting inferred and related to the game's mechanics.
Leveling up is a real thing in setting. Doing tons of crazy shit and getting better at your "job" of dungeon crawling makes you physically and magically stronger. Kings and Lords are all high level, and as such are really fucking hard to kill. They ride in front of their warriors in battle and in a world of teleporting wizards and dragons are pretty fucking hard for some dinky 1d4+poison dagger wielding assassins to kill him in his bedchambers at night.
Best way to worldbuild tbqh.
>It would surprise me if the rulers/nobles of that city haven't already modified themselves into a superior breed.
some enhancements have probably happened, but for the most part I'm imagining the Breeder Princes of the city-state(which I need a good name for) have remained most human/demi-human in nature, which in many ways makes it all the more terrifying
for one thing at this point it's not merely a business for the Breeder Families, it's an art, even a religious calling for some, and indeed the mark of the finest Breeders is exhibiting love for their creations much like a normal man would for a beloved hound or horse, and their creations in turn love them back, which is one of the keys to their successes, for while they have programmed various magical and biological fail-safes into their creations, the Breeders have almost never needed to actually use them, for their creations love them to a fanatical extent
ironically despite having all the hallmarks of potentially becoming a stereotypical Evil Empire, the Breeder Families have gone out of their way to stay neutral in the politics of the region they're in, indeed it's part of why they're only a city state, they do their best to only hold onto enough territory to ensure they have the resources they need to continue their breeding works(at least here in the Old World, they've actually been putting some work into establishing some overseas colonies to minimize any need to expand back home)
>LotFP already sets most of it's stuff in a more Renaissance-esque setting
Well, kinda. They tell you about the era the adventure is in at the beginning and then completely forget about that. Take "Better than any man" for example. If you join the campaign midway there is almost no way for you to know that you are in a historical setting. Nothing scream "Europe" than going to Goblin Mountain to fight an evil cult.