I gotta Poop
I gotta poop
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this is why you have a squire
Just poop, man.
You're wearing the armor for a reason.
Roll 1d20 for how many minutes it takes to get the ass part of your armor off
>fuck why did I go for full ass plate
Dat knigga low key thicc
Rolled 9 (1d20)
let's find out
thats what the flap in the back is for.
back in the day how did knights go potty?
The same way marathon runners go to the potty.
I think I would be in physical pain from all my cringing if I were under those conditions.
There's an unique condition for marathon runners where the salt from their sweat have crusted up on their shirts, constantly rubbing on the salt on their skin so it becomes sharp.
They loose the nipples is a long story short.
I liked the Stormlight Archive's take on it.
Is this early modern or late medieval armor?
Just use your magic to teleport the shit out of you.
If you can do that why not make it standard? Just teleport your poop to a contained sewer area with a few tamed Otyughs who'll gladly eat it.
Reminds me of chefs in kitchens. Shit is so hot and they are fat so the sweat and salt scrub against the nutsack. So they use vaseline or dont wear underwear to reduce the damage
I lold
I'd like to note that knights didn't wear pants like we wear today. You could easily unbutton/untie the entire middle part, so if you only wanted to shit, you didn't have to take off the entire armor.
>get uncomfortable while wearing shirt during poop
>layers of plate mail on while pooping
i dont think so
Which was?
If you were actually wearing that armour for a long period of time ie: not tournament armour your arse almost certainly wasn't armoured up. Just shit through the hole.
That said, humans tend to empty their bowels at times of stress so you'd have probably already gone in the morning when you got all gussied up to fight.
It's not that hard to remove some bits of the armor. The only issue is if happens midbattle.
Pretty boy warrior prince is trying to impress the main girl by telling about his (legitimate) awesome exploits with his magic armor and magic sword. She gets distracted and out of the blue asks how he poops in full plate armor, which leads him to confess that if he has to go on the battlefield he usually needs a squire to take off the rear plate and wipe him, which is humilliating. And no less than four times he had the need in the middle of a battle so he just straight up shat himself.
They hit it off after that.
Hold it till the end of the day if they could. If not they would just shit in the armor and their squire would scrub it out later.
Remainder that without toilet paper yoy have to use other methods...like the hand and bucket of water method.
They used cloth.
Depends on the kingdom and time.
>not using corncobs like a true man.
Unrelated but the first scene in the manga Five Star Stories features two knights that have been dueling for 3 or so days straight (yes, they're super human) and one of them mention they want to win already just so they can clean up all the urine and poop.
A domesticated/genemodified one at that.
Corn is not genetically modified (At least not until the last ten years maybe) is it EUGENICALLY modified.
Henry VIII was very fucking high key thicc, my dude
You poop on the squire?
God fucking damn it Frank, i asked you THREE times if you were absolutely sure that you didn't need to take a shit before putting the armor on!
You do this same fucking shit every god damned week Frank, this needs to stop!
The other crusaders are starting to call you Sir Stained Steel, Frank!
Shew me this wonder!
We murdered jewish corn?