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Best Elves Edition

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>Best Elves Edition

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Competing for best elves is like competing for shiniest turd

get fucked, gnome

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>storm of chaos
>start players off in small village
>do a cool scenario or two, get to know the folks
>suddenly beastmen
>village destroyed, players captured
>rescued by an npc from paths of the damned
>swing the campaign into that AP
>players come across ruined big town that owned small town
>everyone they knew is dead or worse
>players now have an incentive to do paths of the damned besides fucking up rats/vikingbois

Does that sound like a good framework? I like PotD but feel like a few parts of it, especially the prologue adventure, are heavy on the railroading.

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>Dwarves and Elves bickering as usual.

Whatever, just say off our land.

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>our land
H*m*ns are little better than Skaven

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Why would she insult him with her own race?

Druchii guilt.

Cumbongobatch is so fucking ugly holy shit

I think if helves weren't declining in power & number they'd probably figure everyone is squatting on their property and go around evicting them

>wood rats get uppity
>start messing with m'lord's crops
>*unsheathe fire arrows*
even Orion fears the bretonnian longbow

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Yeah no. Although what else could you expect than delusions of grandeur when one's brain is as rotten as that of a Bretonnian peasant

I approve of these black and white OP images.

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Yes, of course, Bretonnia is the bow faction.

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> Fire arrows.

Get the fuck out.

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>Any guilt

Probably not.

Technically speaking they should be called "hot coal arrows", but geoffery the turnip farmer definitely has incendiary arrows.

Why else do you think the fey are stuck skulking in Athel Loren doing nothing of import? That's right, they fear the peasant and his longbow of destruction.

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>when you disperse the bretonnian cattle with a whiff of grapeshot

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Time for a Wild Hunt? Time for a Wild Hunt.

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The state of Bretonnia-fags

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>so fearful of old peasants that they keep them under constant surveillance
this is why Ulthuan makes fun of you

You don't need to pretend to be this retarded when you roleplay as a bretonnian peasant, user.

Reminder that Karl Franz pushed Bretonnia's shit in with the Reiksguard
Reminder that bretonnians have smaller lances than tileans
Reminder that Voland cucked Bretonnia's flower in the tourney field of couronne.

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On one hand this is kinda funny, on the other newfriends might think you're serious

>Reminder that Bretonnia sucks

Nothing new to anyone unless you're a retarded peasant. Bretonnia fans are the Sistersfags of Fantasy. GW stopped caring about them long, long ago.

The high elves land? *chitters in cold blooded*

Is it too subtle without directly comparing them to elvish longswordbows?

>GW stopped caring about them long, long ago.
Why yes, unlike those other WHFB fans that GW "cared" for with 8th and the end times.

Bretonnia was forgotten about way before even those. GW never cared about them.

Well, around most shores that aren't Lustria and a majority of the Old World

How much out of place would they look next to GW's Empire minis?

Its subtle enough for the uninitiated to be confused, but obvious enough for regulars to recognize
I rate 7/10


Slimmer all around, smaller heads/hands/feet, less noticeable detailing, less dynamic posture, molded on bases rather than slots, significantly thinner/smaller weapons. You can mitigate some of that, but I find historical proxies need to be an all or nothing thing.

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Perry mini's are more realistically proportioned than GW's. They tend to have smaller heads and hands.

>umgi owning anything
Back to your mud huts, manlings

If your players are invested, it worked.

Benedict Cumberelf

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Bendydick cuminself

Joking aside, the fiction sorely lacked for an occasion where the wood elves tweaked the Brets and got fucked up for it.

I had an idea of a bunch of Grail Knights getting together to put an end to the ostensible evil of the Wild Hunt and managing to seriously wound Orion, despite ultimately dying to a man. A bad year for the welfs, who go on to get BEASTed more than usual.

I'm pretty sure in middle ages nobles ate mostly meat, it was sign of status
crops were for peasants mainly

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The skaven are real

holy fucking kek

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>tfw no mercenary bros to go plundering in tombcuck lands with

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That's exactly what a skaven would say

300 years later the mercenaries home city is raised and his descendants are put to the torch

Lads, it's pie day today.

What are you having in your Halfling pies?

I mean, that's because wood elves are arguably more neglected than brets in the fluff. They don't even get the occasional pseudo historical dickwaving like the minor, not-even-an-armybook human kingdoms do.

Shit, even the lizardmen get out of their secluded jungles more.

Ah okay. Will probably go full historic exept for stuff like demigyphs when I start my Empire army anyway, but thanks.



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fotosketcher is too much fun

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[Windows XP shutdown sound]


They can fuck off too.

Why hasn't there ever been a Warhammer movie?

Thanks God for that.

Because as awful as GW are, they don't want to ruin any future possibility of anyone thinking warhammer is cool

oh come on, why would it automatically be a bad movie?

They haven't done it because nobody has asked. They would whore Fantasy out in a second if they thought it could make them some money. I think this bridge has been burned though with Lord of the Rings and Warcraft. 40K may still have a shot though.

It's sad because their 6th edition army book was fantastic and so were their models. On their own they might have been a bit bland, but as a second army they are perfect. I might be biased as a Wood Elves and Beastmen fan though

Druchii = Dark Elf = Nigger

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Why is only one of them wearing pants?

'cos there was only one clanrat stupid enough to wander into slave warren

That's what passes for Skaven heavy armour.

To make them look less human / more disgusting I guess or sexy if that's your thing

It would be horrible. Even if you had a storm of chaos movie, just to include just about everyone, it would be butchered to shit and hollywood-yfied like the wow movie, where you miss 99% of the intrigue and depth to fit in some dumb as shit action because the word 'war' is in the title and unless you have explosions, no one's watching it.
Now a series ala game of thrones might work because of how many characters and places you need to see in whfb to make sense of why the wars are happening. But TV series will never get the proper budget unless it's a smash hit, which is a coin toss these days.

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Because he hasn't killed the one with pants yet and steal-take for himself while simultaneously receiving a promotion from shit eater to shit thrower.

>you will never relive that magical time in 2003 receiving the Bretonnian battalion and putting it together
>you will however, after university and getting a decent job decide that you want to get back into the hobby and be greeted with age of sigmar

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At least GW now knows only 40k matters.

the warcraft movie and the space marine movie make me thankful we haven't had a warhammer fantasy movie

>just to include just about everyone
Who says it does need to? You could make the movie with a small scope. Something like a witch hunter investigating in a city plagued by chaos. A small village defending itself from beastmen. The journey of a norscan through the wilderness and his interactions with the chaos gods.

>not wanting building of Empire movie with Sigmar played by Jason Momoa

>not wanting hard R Mordheim Netflix series

>not wanting Benedict Cumberelf actually playing Teclis

do you even Warhammer guys?

>Bent Cucumber as Teclis

yeah, and William H Macy as The Fay Enchantress

All of that sounds like Hell on earth.

in the age of CGI and motion capture... why not?

Because CGI and Motion Capture can't create a personality on that man.

I like the weird humour and the tidbits of lore but honestly I think WH adapted on-screen would be intrinsically ridiculous.

>John Malkovich as Malekith

Forrest Whitaker as Grimgor Ironhide

>Confusing a halfling with a big folk.

Check your eyes.

Willem Dafoe as Vlad von Carstein

J K Simmons as Karl Franz

>GĂ©rard Depardieu as Louen Leoncoeur

Kentucky Fried Franz would be black. It's the only way to avoid a white washing scandal. Everyone knows the Empire is so strong because of it's diversity and multiculturalism.

Louen really let himself go. He's not a Grail Knight anymore, more like a pitcher. A pitcher full of wine.

fuck off race baiter
we are here trying to make Command and Conquer: Warhammer here

>jason momoa
Pls no
I'd rather take Ron Perlman

Fuck off Vermintide fag.

why would a Russian play a Bretonnian?
they would use a French actor for sure, no?

Fuck thos, louen is either jeremy irons or mads mikkelsen

The product of good Couronne claret!

like jean reno

BRIAN BLESSED as Thyrus Gorman

>mads mikkelsen
hm, Louen has got fucked up eyes? I missed that

>jeremy irons
I'd get Irons to play Gelt

>Jeremy IRONS plays a master of metal
Nice one

John Boyega as Malekith

>in this movie the stormcast eternals assault a Khornate stronghold
>don't bother actually naming it correctly, geedubs wants more sales

Tom Hiddleston as Tyrion
Adam Driver as Teclis

hm, I didn't notice the pun, I just like Irons's voice
it would do wonder behind that mask

we're talking about actors here, Boyega need not apply

Ok, Denzel washington as Malekith

Malekith should be played by Michael Cera. Tyrion is Sean William Scott.