>Missing out on the best part of wargaming to just play fixed battle even points over and over and over and over again.
Haven't even scratched the surface of wargaming. Poor lad. I suggest you find a club and actually start doing the hobby properly.
And by story, you seem to think I meant huge sprawling backstory etc etc rather than just 'In a campaign, a chest of gold, intelligence etc was said to be in a village, while the other side had a VIP in the same town; both sides go in, unaware of why the other is there, but presuming the worst.'
Or 'The army is retreating and this one last bridge is all that stands; with a small group of forces, defend until destroyed against overwhelming odds.' That's all you need to do.
Take unfluence from films, history, books or just think of what's a logical reason, rather than just PITCHED BATTLE/MEETING ENGAGEMENT, 1500 POINTS OVER A WOOD, A RUIN AND A HILL RANDOMLY PUT OVER A TABLE.
Seriously, get some people actually into the hobby of wargaming, rather than just tourney play.
>You need to test everything to get victory conditions, etc.
No you don't. You don't need to be a genius or playtest extensively to pick up a handful of troops and give them an objective they have a chance of accomplishing. The point is having fun. Not balance. One of the best games I played had no hope of me 'winning' but the objective was to inflict as many casualties as possible on the enemy while ensuring a model got off the board.
>Pic related, what your wargaming tables probably look like.
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