>Unearthed Arcana: Be Sure to Eat Your Ovaltine!
>5e Trove
Stable releases - get.5e.tools
>Previously on /5eg/:
Will Pathfinder 2 make Mearl's lazy ass work harder?
>Unearthed Arcana: Be Sure to Eat Your Ovaltine!
>5e Trove
Stable releases - get.5e.tools
>Previously on /5eg/:
Will Pathfinder 2 make Mearl's lazy ass work harder?
Also, I need distinct features and/or personalities for 12 different male, human knights. Any help?
Nice picture
inb4 shadman thinks it's a black person and starts complaining its not anime
Alright so I'm moving Warlock around.
Pact of Blade now reads as pic related.
In turn, Hex Warrior now reads:
At 1st level, you acquire the training necessary to effectively arm yourself for battle. You gain proficiency with medium armor, shields, and martial weapons.
You can bond to a weapon you are proficient in at the end of a long rest. At any time you can summon the weapon into your hand as a Bonus Action. While wielding this weapon you have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls unless it is a magic weapon that already has a bonus to those rolls. Additionally, you can use your Pact Weapon as a spellcasting focus.
This benefit lasts until you finish a long rest. If you later gain the Pact of the Blade feature, this benefit extends to every pact weapon you conjure with that feature, no matter the weapon's type.
Accursed Specter now reads:
Spectral Weapon
Starting at 6th level your patron grants you an otherworldly spectral weapon to do your bidding. This weapon has the statistic of a Specter except with the same alignment as your Patron, and has additional hit points equal to half your Warlock level. It can take on the form of whatever weapon you wish, but its statistics do not change.
The Spectral Weapon rolls its own initiative, obeys your verbal commands, and gains a bonus to its attack rolls equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 0). Should the Specter be destroyed you can resummon it at the end of a long rest.
Fuck off, nobody cares for your homebrew shit.
I’ve had lovely homebrew conversations all day.
Also I just rearranged this and the improved pact weapon invocation. Gets rid of an Invo tax, buffs Hexblade on the whole while making it less attractive for a level 1 dip, and makes pact of blade actually good.
Warlock, Hexblade
14 Dex
16 Con
18 Cha
Should I get 20 Cha on Level 4?
Or some feat like GWM?
Should I eventually get Heavy Armor or Medium Armor mastery & 16 Dex?
Your choice. If you’re smacking bitches go for a feat, if you’re getting smacked around then look into heavy armor, or take Tough. Tough is honestly better on the whole I think if you want defense.
Would it be wise to immediately multiclass into Fighter if you start out as a Sorcerer?
Also, don’t go MAM it’s a shit feat and you have no real use for Dex being that you’re a Hexblade.
You wouldn’t even get MAM until 8th level.
For what reason? Heavy armor?
Working on a conversion of the alchemist from pathfinder for a player in my group. I saw that middle finger of vecna did one, but didn't really like it. I think I captured the feel of it, but i'm not sure about the mutagen. I know the pathfinder version is buffing a single stat, but I wanted to avoid that, but I feel like my solution may be worse. Thoughts?
Better weapons and yes, armor. Probably not heavy armor though.
That’s pretty good. I like it, had a few typos though, like persistent mutagen.
Heavy armor is better than medium armor and light armor unless you want to sneak.
Why would you ever want to use weapons as a sorcerer
Just play stone sorcerer instead and stick to the vanilla class.
I am still triggered with Crawford bringing Lolth and Correlon to Eberron. Drow there were interesting because they had multiple cultures, all of which were nuanced and mixed with native american motifs. Both regular and drow elves in Eberron are some of my favourite depictions of the race in media as a whole. Why do they have to fuck with that?
Another draw of the setting is that Gods are not proven to exist at all, so agnosticism/atheism can even be justified unlike other settings. If that is the case why the fuck would there be elves reaching ascension and getting closer to Correlon, who isnt even one of the deities theists in this world worship?
All of a sudden I am really hoping they never come out with a 5e supplement for the setting.
Oh shush, you.
Everyone knows the main reason we play Eberron is Magitech.
Which feat would you consider better on a fighter looking to increase strength by one, Brawny or Athlete?
I wonder what Baker thinks about this.
The Morkoth is able to make water as clear and as breathable as air. If you had an ocean of the stuff, what would a beachgoer see instead of the sea?
Are you running the superior encumberance rule or the standard one?
Why does the bond reset on long rest?
Seems it leads to bookkeeping and potrntial "Gotchas"
Dead fish
I dont know it hasn't really come up yet. I'm just looking at things that can help represent a dude that spent his life doing a lot physical work up to this point.
So that's just the preview? When is the full UA?
If it hasn't come up you're running standard (15x strength score)
In which case brawny is useless (If I'm remembering it right, brawny is the carry weight thing right?)
Speak for yourself.
Im in it for the Raptor-riding barbarian halflings, scorpion desert drow and orc druids guarding the gates to the far-realm.
Carry weight and double proficiency on athletics
Check 5etools faggot. It gives you carry weight and athletics proficiency.
Its a preview for their upcoming book. If there is UA it might come out next month.
>If there is UA
Y-you mean 'when' right?
As a GM how would you feel about a player stacking feats, racials and class features to deadlift 18 tons?
And what if he throws something that big at the enemy, or just slams them with it...
When they'll actually RELEASE something?
UA is total bullshit. They basically throw some imbalanced crap for you to test that has no official support, you can't use it in AL, and you have to convince your GM to allow it, just like some 3PP homebrew cuckery.
I wouldn't let it happen. How did he do it? I question if that's even possible RAW, but it's certainly not RAI.
H-haha, funny joke user!
So for level 4, 20 cha is better than GWM?
Charisma is useless compared to Tugh
go 20 charisma and nuke things with EB
>the gm is forcing the group to all play tabaxi rogues
Wat do?
play a tabaxi rogue or find a new group, seems simple
>not rolling up to every session with a character cobbled together from three different third party books and telling the DM it's your way or the highway
>in 2018
Elves are pissed at a human lord for murdering a son of their chieftain, humiliating his other son and kidnapping his daughter.
What are good reasons for the lord to do that?
Racial prejudice. Fuckin knife ears.
I dont know man, in a world of magic and dragons and shit a dude being able to deadlift 18 tons isnt that far fetched. Be like one of those guys who lifts helicopter and shit but fantastical.
High str, rage and 3x count as larger size.
Fucking exponetial increases.
Doesnt even count bulls strenght or actual size increase.
A hexblade will always do more damage with pact of the blade weapons than blasts because they can have +1/+1 damage/to hit from an invocation early & can get a real magical weapon later (rare one). On top of that, Greatsword/Greataxe. So you will do on average 3 more damage per hit.
Agonizing Blast should just be your backup invocation for ranged/force damage.
April UA: "UA discontinued!"
You pretty much max out at lifting 1200 lbs, slightly above peak human, RAW. Turns out RAW your 20 str non-goliath fighter can't lift as much as the current world record without resorting to UA feats or magic.
Elves were causing trouble by not allowing the humans to cut down trees and make new settlements in the forest. So the human lord decided to show them that might makes right.
He was mad that his teenage crush got ELF'd so now that he has power he decided to exact vengeance on the whole race.
For a chain special familiar, how balanced would it be to ask my DM for a nerfed intellect devourer for my GOOlock? I was figuring I'd cut out the multiattack, get rid of the INT drain (make it a 1 round stun on an INT save or something) and only be able to use its brain hijack with my 14th level feature Create Thrall.
>will always do more damage with PotB weapons
How do I go about creating this guy? Drago Sorc + bullshitting shield proficiency from somewhere?
See Once you get GWM, you deal 9 more average damage instead of 3 more average damage.
EB as main attack is for virgin warlocks, not Chad hexblades.
Yes.... like you're literally trying to argue 1d10+cha does more than 2d6+cha+magic damage[+10with GWM].
If you have strength to utilize it. The original post said Dex14, Con16, Cha18, which means he likely has 10 strength. Good luck getting any real use out of that weapon.
1 dip into fighter, but conjuration is a pretty prime skill to have for TES sorcerer class. I'd say 1 level fighter/X war school wizard.
hexblades use charisma for melee weapon attacks, and heavy means fuckall if you're not small.
You get multiple EB rays at higher levels and they max out at 4 whereas you probably have 2-3 melee attacks tops depending on what multiclass you take...
April's UA will be Mearls crying on stream as he admits that he's out of ideas.
>Gets rid of an Invo tax,
I think you mean removes an option. You've made improved pact weapon exclusive to hexblade.
> buffs Hexblade on the whole
Exclusive to hexblade and free and at level 1.
>and makes pact of blade actually good.
Doubtful. I don't see anything here that fixes any pact of the blade issue.
No way is tough as good for a spellcaster is +2 Con.
My GM actually was a forgiving fellow and allowed us much.
That's why I like to keep myself relatively tamed.
>Hexbladefag doesn't know the rules of his class
What a fucking surprise.
Or better yet, an "April's fool" UA, which is literally nothing again.
>3x count as larger size
I don't allow duplicate features to stack.
I've never seen anything in D&D lore about a person lifting that amount of weight by hand.
Do you guys understand how heavy 18 tons is? That's like, several elephants on top of each other.
Whats harder, lifting 18 tons or stopping time?
Sounds like something a level 20 fighter should be able to do easy enough at least.
>>Unearthed Arcana: Be Sure to Eat Your Ovaltine!
god damn that made me lol
Drow ruin everything.
How the fuck did they even get on Abeir? They were created after the worlds split, and they STILL managed to tunnel across dimensions and infest the Underdark.
Just ignore this new crap for Eberron and continue with all the old setting documents, the same way anyone sane doing FR runs off ancient 2E books that flesh out every bit of the world instead of the paltry offerings put out under 5E.
>hexblades use charisma for melee weapon attacks
Yeah, if it is a 1 handed weapon.
>Fighter being impressive? Fuck off! Only wizards gets to do that!
Mounted combat with a ghost lance
I used to run a campaign in the past that got held up because of RL stuff. Now we are gathering again for a couple of sessions to finish off a major plot point since my players really want to know what happens. However, the only melee fighter/tanky dude of the party, our bear barbarian, can't join us.
I am planning on giving them a tanky NPC they get to use in combat as a substitute, but I prefer it using monster stats rather than PC class levels. What are some humanoid creatures that can match a lvl 13 tank?
If you make a 2h weapon your pact weapon it can vibe off of Charisma too, but you need the pact of the blade feature first.
^Is the tzitzimitl (5e conversion at the end of the page) too much for a group of higher powered level 8 pcs with their npc ally? They're more powerful than the norm due to me giving them epic boons and cool magic items. I'll obviously tone down the tzizimitl.
April UA: Mounted Combat Rules
>A single DC chart surrounded by 4 pages of fluff
Treat Correlon as an elven buddha. Not a god. Just a mortal that found elf nirvana. That's if anyone even knows about Correlon at all.
Or better yet, ignore the shit Crawford came up with.
Pact of the blade lets you conjure any melee weapon, improved pact weapon extends that to ranged weapons. Hex Warrior explicitly works for all weapons conjured with the pact of the blade feature no matter the weapon's type.
The 4 blasts at lvl 17 still on average do less damage than the double GWM attack hexblades get at lvl 5, assuming all attacks hit.
I'm planning a campaign set around the Plane Shift: Amonkhet UA, and the players are all going to be going through the trials of the gods.
What would be some good trials?
That's probably what I am going to do. Its just annoying because its akin to "Wow! Nice rich, nuanced and developed Halfling culture you have here! Let me delete it all and replace it with these one-dimensional caricatures for no reason!" We already know where Eberron drow came from and why they are in conflict with the elves and amongst themselves - its all about the Giant wars and the elves being a servitor race that got "freed" after the conflict. Making them spawns of Lolth and retconning their much more interesting backstory with no clear good and bad side is boring.
This is the one setting where every single race, even the usually lore-starved gnomes, is made significant, interesting, and complex. I am not even that much of a sucker for drow, its just that this is the particular aspect that they messed with in the latest video.
That would still require him existing in this setting to begin with which up until now he did not. There has never been a cult that worships him, or even mentions him.
No you cannot. I know it's confusing with all the homebrews in this thread, but pact of the blade doesn't actually let you use your spellcasting stat for fighting. Only Hexblades get that.
Holy fuching shit and to think D&D beyond/roll20 tries to charge you for something similar.
Free shit is great. WTF I love communism now.
They should really make an apk, add some ads and publish it.
Hexblades are a patron and blade is the pact. You can extend the Hexblade Cha onto 2h weapons onto any weapon conjured by the pact of the blade per XGtE page 56 right under the picture of the edgy fucking tiefling.
Missed that. Fuck's sake.
>want to throw my players into an submerged and underwater dungeon.
>Run into walls of issues
Now, the being sending them down there is a cthulhuesque creature. It will give them Gift of the Depths, that allows water breathing and let's them move their speed underwater. Undecided on whether they keep it or not, will likely depend on how well they complete the task they have been given.
I have a way to represent a 3d map. I have a bunch of monsters at the ready which are underwater specifically, including a proper Chinese style dragon.
Now, I am unsure of how to handle the... Physics of it. It should feel like they are under water, after all. So torches won't work, knockback should be reduced somehow, and ranged weapons.. yeah, How do I handle that best? And certain types of elemental damage, should they gain a benefit or penalty for being used under water?
The party comp is:
>Arcane Trickster Rge
>Oath of Ancients Paladin
>Way of Shadow Monk
>Shadow Sorcerer
I plan on letting them get the option to MC into Warlock after this if they want, regardless of the outcome, as one of the players requested that option, and I don't allow them to just suddenly wake up one day suddenly having made a pact with something.
Is there any guide to what levels you usually give people different tiers of magic items or is it more dependent on the items themselves? Like can you be giving people boots of speed at level 2 or should you be sticking to boots of striding and springing at that point?
I think I would start homebrewing if that were the case
PHB p. 198, DMG p. 116.
If you want weapons and armor as a Sorcerer, multi into Paladin or Hexblade to make best use of your Cha score.
Page 198 of the PHB has a little blurb about underwater combat, basically they have 3 different combat rules:
1) Melee weapon attacks from a creature with NO swimming speed will have disadvantage unless it's a spear, trident, javelin, dagger or shortsword
2) Range weapons automatically miss past their normal range (the first number), and will be with disadvantage within their normal range unless its a crossbow, new or thrown weapon like a javelin or trident.
3) All creatures and objects fully immersed in water have resistance to fire damage.
XGtE p. 135, and the whole god damn treasure chapter of the DMG.
Definitely get 20 Cha first. If you want a feat for more damage, Savage Attacker. If you want more defense, get Tough.