smugest orc edition
>Document compendium: Contains official (ex-canon) DnD 3.x variants and a fan made DnD 5e version! Also contains the official Warcraft Chronicles volumes 1 and 2.
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smugest orc edition
>Document compendium: Contains official (ex-canon) DnD 3.x variants and a fan made DnD 5e version! Also contains the official Warcraft Chronicles volumes 1 and 2.
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So how much plague is going to be deployed via the course of BfA and what will the consequences be.
Also first for best warchief (^:
>So how much plague is going to be deployed via the course of BfA
probably a lot
>and what will the consequences be.
ideally the total annihilation of the Forsaken by the Ebon Blade, but we're not that lucky
The alliance (AKA stormwind humans) will be decimated and run away all the way back to stormwind.
nothing. The light will tell anduin that plague works against the void and he will fall in a vat
>And what will the consequences be
Fuck off can we atleast have 1 race doing edgy shit instead of 'muh old horde muh goody good alliance'
well if the entire alliance keeps turning it's cheek, it just makes blizzard look like that guy.
Actions need to have consequences.
>The alliance (AKA stormwind humans) will be decimated and run away all the way back to stormwind
This. Horde nukes Undercity and Tirisfal into an uninhabitable wasteland, in doing so they also create a stronger defense for Silvermoon to quash thw Siege of Silvermoon ideas.
From there the Alliance gets pushed all the way back to the Wetlands, Stromgarde becomes the Warfront, meaning there's no canonical winner there, and the upper half of the Eastern Kingdoms remain in the hands of the Horde and the leftover Argents who never leave the EPL.
Meanwhile, the Horde will take Ashenvale, Darkshore, Winterspring, the rest of Azshara and likely what's left of Dustwallow. The Exodar will continue to be ignored by both factions for the rest of time.
>Alliance doesn't gain shit, just a ruined fortress with a disputed border between factions
>Horde gains an entire continent
Brava Blizz
Do you guys think Tyrande is saving herself to bear Illidan's children?
Yes, the Horde also gets to nuke a World Tree and likely kill the strongest Druid on the planet while doing so.
Good lore
Tyrande is a lesbian who only married Malfurion because politic demanded it. She doesn't actually love him, he just happens to handle the rougher part of NElf politics and finding a suitable replacement would take a horrendous amount of work.
Remember when the world tree was supposed to be a rarity but then blizzard started making those in every continent just for the shits and giggles?
Aren't there only 3, two in Kalimdor and one in Northrend? I don't remember Pandaria having one.
There is one in Val'sharah.
Oh yeah. That. I actively try to forget about Val'sharah.
>Rexxar for new Horde warchief
or do you have better candidates?
I think we should make Thalyssra the Warchief! Just look at her feet!
>Meanwhile, the Horde will take Ashenvale, Darkshore, Winterspring, the rest of Azshara
Has this been datamined?
The Warfront for Kalimdor is in the Barrens. The fucking Barrens. Not Ashenvale, not Darkshore, not Azshara. It's the Barrens, which means the Horde has taken Northern Kalimdor
Yikes. Hey man it will probably be better as time goes on. Believe it!
How is the hoard supposed to be the underdog faction when they're stronger than 10 Jesuses?
Because blizzard stating that they were the underdogs was a mistake.
because of fanboyism.
Blizzard started whacking off Warchiefs too fast and had to pull a hard stop. Said stop involved putting the Elf with enough Plot Armor to make Med'an blush in charge, and then make her into a paranoid ruthless psychopath hellbent on protecting herself by way of empire building.
We both know she's now a pure and innocent waifu who dindu nuthin and just needs more corpses for dat totes-not-a-scourge.
It's amazing. She's pretty much worse than Hitler, but there's a shitload of people who actually think she's not cartoonishly evil and nobody in honorabru warria faction has ever questioned her.
Am i the only one that likes Sylvanas for the sole reason that she fucking does something? She and Gallywix are the only autists that can spin things around since Garrosh died.
>Ganon didn't sneak up and pile drive Sylvanas into the ground to claim the title Warchief by rite of battle during Vol'jin's funeral
Worst timeline.
It's not that she does things, it's that she does stupid things
>Hey, we all just came together to beat the Legion and the Alliance is being almost completely led by the biggest anti-war diplomat on the planet. What do we do next?
Red vs Blue is the dumbest shit. I'd have really liked to have seen a de-escalation rather than total war again.
I don't even care what happens to Teldrassil.
How's Maiev holding up now that she knows Illidan's in an eternal cage that's beyond her reach?
Is she just sitting around in the ruins of the Vault, moping and crying?
She's preparing to become a boss fight.
>Hey, we just found this new crystal ore that's really powerful, and both factions have engineers in both the magical AND mechanical fields, why don't we progress our technology forward and make our lives easier and more advanced?
I mean it's not even one faction's fault at this point. Shit's just fugged.
RvB makes no sense only if you're a hordie or a lorelet
Fuck these savages, the Alliance has territory to reclaim (even if you discount Lordaeron)
Eh, they might make her one of the Warfront commanders later on.
BFA is the last expac before WC4. Warfronts are a way for them to test out new 'Commander' Hero Units a la SC2 Co-op that'll be used in multiplayer to make up for only having two major factions.
Can my void elf be one of the proud members of the Sons of Lothar? I mean, when he was a high elf. Twenty years he fought in hell side-by-side with his brothers-in-arms and grew closer to them. Won't be too outlandish for an elf to do?
You know? He wouldn't want the job at all, which is why he is the best fit for it.
How would a Valley of Heroes look like if the Horde won the Second War?
go nuts
blizzard clearly cares nothing about their lore.
>blizzard starts losing subs again after they half ass something
>"Playable high elves for the alliance and ogres for the horde, for realsies. You also get to resurrect Lothar."
A bunch of rocks covered in dung and tribal tattoos.
user don't give them any ideas! Lothar might actually get shit done. We wouldn't want the Alliance being proactive, now would we?
>making a new game in a dead genre that only Koreans care about
At best you're getting a remastered WC3.
No blonde heirs for Lordareon
>How would a Valley of Heroes look like if the Horde won the Second War?
Nothing. Azeroth would blow up alongside with Draenor, if Khadgar didn't close the portal in time.
"My father once told me the world was gonna roll me, I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed" -Jaina Proudmoore
>2 factions
ill kys
>DKs didn't get to resurrect Lothar as the final Horseman
Keep dreaming. RTS is dead and WoW's fucked the lore so hard that it'll never happen.
>DKs didn't get to resurrect Lothar as the final Horseman
I think that Turalyon or Khadgar would not allow that.
Khadgar would be off in his meme palace writing treatises on neutrality while Turaylon would be waiting outside Xera's room asking if he could get his wife back.
If Horde had won the Second War, Draenor probably wouldn't have been blown up. Ner'zhul only cam eup with the plan to open all the portals because Horde had failed to conquer Azeroth and needed some place to go because Draenor's ecosystem had pretty much been destroyed by fel magic.
>while Turaylon would be waiting outside Xera's room asking if he could get his wife back.
But the windchime is dead and now Turalyon is free to slaughter evil monsters in the name of the Alliance once again.
>Khadgar would be off in his meme palace writing treatises on neutrality
That's true. But Khadgar was disturbed when rogue showed up with Garona's blades that killed his king and friend. He politely asked to take them away.
Well, I wish Vol'Jin actually got to do the fucking job but apparently we can't have nice things.
It is what defines the Alliance in the setting and separate them from the Horde. The ability to forgive those who tried to murder you. The ability to show empathy to your former enemies. These qualities are what make the Alliance truly grand.
There's more soy in this post than in the entire Alterac.
I wish he just stayed alive man I love trolls and I loved Vol'jins voice so fucking much.
He was that funny guy who liked to say 'mon' a whole lot. They had no idea what to do with him.
>Spend whole MoP promoting Vol'Jin
>Spills all the spaghetti after it
I wasn't even surprised when he died
They didn't even try.
Turning the other cheek once or twice is good.
Handing away all the gains your people made when you finally have your boots on the throat of your foes is not empathy, it is rank disregard of the sacrifices your people have made just to take a moral high ground against a foe that repeatedly tries to destroy your way of life.
Varian wrynn for all his hot headed warrior's bluster had the chance to destroy the horde a second time with garrosh's fall. He let it slip.
He is the antithesis of what a good and caring king would be.
>He let it slip
Maybe just MAYBE. He saw that the rest of the horde fought back.
except letting an enemy unite one more time after the horde had pushed the humans to the brink of extinction twice before he had grey hair, he would take the bull by the horns and finish this problem.
Instead he lets it fester and then dies.
Look at his leadership on Echo Island and his warning to Garrosh. He was steady, stern, and threatening when he had to cause to be.
What are some must play WC3 custom campaigns?
I get that it bit him in the ass later but at the time it was the morally right thing to do for him. Yes It's not logical but It's blizzard what do you expect.
Why do people think the Ebon Blade is an army of eternal undead justice dispensing police?
Rexxar would just wander off into the Barrens his first day on the job and never come back. In that sense he would be the best warchief for a long time.
We've talked a lot about who should lead the Horde, but who should lead the Alliance? Anduin can't be the best candidate surely. Assuming you're not allowed to retcon away the idea of the Alliance having a "high king" in the first place.
Give it to Moira.
After healing the planet, Magni comes back.
>Alliance having a non-human leadership
Who was in charge during Vanilla? It’d have to be Magni, as he’s the only one not having some weird power struggle or crisis.
Mekkatorque and his people were betrayed and fled from their city.
Tyrande was fighting for control against Staghelm, as he was the highest ranking awake Druid.
Anduin was a kid being led around by Bolvar and dragon lady with hidden agenda.
I miss Ironforge being the de facto capital of the Alliance. Stormwind is shit.
>Perenolde gets a statue in Stromgarde for his aid to the Horde
>World of WarCraft: Kings of Azeroth
>Very High Tier
>High Tier
>Decent Tier
>A Couple Years Ago Maybe Tier
>Not Good Tier
I could go a bit in depth but overall the Dwarves seem pretty solid.
Read Khadgar's treatises on neutrality.
Lol. You want an old looser as high king?
He is a soldier. Although he was born to the nobility, so he can potentially become a king of Lordaeron but that's it.
Lol. You want an old vengeful looser as high king?
The dwarves are.....rock solid, you might say?
Calia Menethil might be capable enough. Just have her, Moira, Tyrande, and Fareeya of the Lightforged be a Lesbian coven of the Light.
Is Elune confirmed to be of the Light?
As for why all of them, I realized that the Alliance has a LOT of female priests and figured they'd get along well together. Moira and Calia certainly do.
An all around heavily respected Dwarf who already has experience as King in both times of war and times of peace. Only issue is that he has very few dealings with the Night Elves.
An almost universally respected leader who likely has the most experience leading out of everyone. Is now also less overreliant on the Light and is leading his people by himself.
Hero of the Third War and the Northrend Expedition, has acted as head of the Council of Three Hammers for some time now.
A literal living legend to Humans, Dwarves, and Draenei. Husband to the Void Elf representative. Hero of the Second War, Outland, and Argus. A military man though, so politicing woupd not be his strong suit. Also has very little in terms of relations to the Night Elves, and may be holding a grudge against Genn and the Gilneans. Good leader for times of war, not so sure in peace.
Not only led an entire faction of evil Dwarves to negotiate peace with the other clans, but has gone so far as to reintegrate them into Ironforge society. Mother of the future Dwarven king, with support could be a fairly potent leader.
One of the most experienced Human Kings still living. Bears strong hate towards the Forsaken and rightly so. Is on good terms with the Dwarves and the Night Elves, as well as decent terms with Stormwind. With the support/restraint of others (especially Velen and Malfurion) where necessary, could prove to be a good High King.
So when did Velen go full autist and say she was a Naaru?
>Husband to the Void Elf representative.
I am just curious, are Turalyon and Alleria traditionally married? I mean, there is no information about wedding ceremonies in Warcraft universe and how they work.
Well, it's entirely likely that they were married during their time over Argus.
Also there actually is a bit of info, there's a Dwarven Wedding Ceremony you attend in the Twilight Highlands Alliance side. Seems fairly regular in terms of our weddings.
Uh, I remember the dwarf custom campaign is well regarded. And the adaptation of The Last Guardian is comfy as fuck.
I saw someone refer to Arator as a "half-breed bastard" in character.
suddenly I want a Warcraft version of Cesar's campaign on Kalimdor.
Well he has Liadrin to cuddle with so it probably didn't sting too much.
Cesar didnt cross any sea
I think Kul Tirans might be part-Drustish for reals.
>straits of dover is a sea
And this is a real simulation of a pike battle.
Rexxar would lead if he understands that it's his duty. He did lead in the attack against Theramore and did a lot other stuff for Thrall.
Warcraft Total War when?
I mean the 7th Legion is basically the 10th Legion so it works. You'd just have to find an Alliance leader as competent as Caesar
When someone gets around to modding Total Wamham. So never.
Interesting. Kind of a wickerman vibe.
I wonder if an actual wicker man is their moonkin form?
well the med2 mod is there
But GeeDubs is being a cunt and trying to block anyone from importing new assets(some have successfully gotten some small things in) and so it's not going to happen as a fan project as everyone is afraid of GW's elite team of Culexus lawyers.