Is there any real reason that a tyrannic park shouldn't be built?
Obviously it'd be dangerous, but still. Think of everything the imperium could learn.
Is there any real reason that a tyrannic park shouldn't be built?
Obviously it'd be dangerous, but still. Think of everything the imperium could learn.
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>Is there any real reason that a tyrannic park shouldn't be built?
What a wonderful idea.
Found the gene stealer hybrid, what you gonna ask for then? For us to reproduce with them? Oh wait
Tyranids are not just gaunts and carnifexes. Tyranids excrete spores which rise into the atmosphere, may lower themselves wherever it is most convenient, and convert whatever biomatter they find into more tyranids. Building a tyranid park is a bad idea because you'd have to keep every single one in an extremely durable, completely air tight box, and somehow supply them with enough nutrients for them not to starve, but too little to allow them to grow large and strong enough to break out.
Basically like Orks, but you can't weaken them by keeping them away from fighting.
He looks so happy about his gun.
I've been waiting a while to use this reaction image
Forge World beat you. This is the plot to Imperial Armour 4 Anphelion. It goes as well as you expect.
Welcome to Beta Anphelion IV, and welcome... to Tyrannic Park.
The Imperium spared no expense in bringing Tyranid lifeforms here to be studied.
They had some gaunts in containment in For the Greater Good. They tried to introduce them to gaunts from another hive and they just started eating each other.
No but really this is a top-tier Dark Heresy/Rogue Trader adventure.
This is going to end badly, result in the destruction of several systems, and get billions of people killed.
When do we start?
Spared no expense.
>An Ordos Xeno inquisitor has been using their own wealth as well as favors from various wealthy Imperium nobles to basically build a moon size lab filled with xeno Fauna believed to be tryannid offshoots
>conducting experiments on them causes them to mutate and may attract a hive towards the system.
>An EC warband leader catches wind of this and wants the tryannid megafauna for his own personal pet collection
>let's just fuck around with rippers and gaunts
>what could possibly go wrong
Does this mean we get Inquisitor Goldbloom?
I'm trying to imagine what kind of inquisitor he would be if we're basing him on the Jurassic Park character.
Oh fuck what do you think would happen if you isolated an ork from war for incredibly long periods of time? Also do orks age? Can they die from old age?
“We’ve clocked the Hive Tyrant at 50 miles an hour” “You have a Hive Tyrant?” “Yup!” “Say it again?” “We have a Hive Tyrant!”
He’d be the only voice of reason. He kinda knows the parks a bad idea from the get go. The real question is what the fuck Chris Prat would be.
I swear to God the Dark Eldar actually did this.
god damn, 40k people are stupid.
Gung ho ex-Cadian soldier who's raising some Genestealers as his own.
Retired voidsman whos actually a genestealer (hence the reason he can not be instantly annihilated by the nids he "trains")
>The real question is what the fuck Chris Prat would be.
Noncombatant child.
C H I L I & S E A A S S
Yeah. The Amphelion Project is essentially Jurassic Park: Tyranid Edition.
The Red Scorpions simply fucked off leaving the Inquisitor in charge to his fate when the whole planet suffered a global shit hitting the fan.
They did
It went as you would expect
But hormagaunts reproduce asexually and before they die.
You will be overrun and buried in gaunts.
This would be interesting, would he get depressed? suicide?
>>conducting experiments on them causes them to mutate and may attract a hive towards the system.
>>An EC warband leader catches wind of this and wants the tryannid megafauna for his own personal pet collection
>This is going to end badly
>would he get depressed?
Origin of the Goffs.
Hey I have a little figurine of one of those that a friend gave me like a decade ago. I have no idea what it is though. I think it's from Warhammer.
>Is there any real reason that a tyrannic park shouldn't be built?
Because Trazyn already did it.
As someone who studies Chaos Theory, would Ian Malcolm be a Tzeentch sorcerer? He even enjoys being contrarian and annoying Hammond.
>Oh fuck what do you think would happen if you isolated an ork from war for incredibly long periods of time? Also do orks age? Can they die from old age?
Anyone have that pasta about the caged ork and the humie scientist who kept getting bullied by his fellow scientists? I wouldn't mind reading that again.
He nearly lost his little Museum because of it to, it wasn't a very good idea.
he was a chaos theorist. take a wild guess
This is the plot of the Tyranids' Imperial Armour.
Starts with a ripper, ends with a Heirophant and a barren plant.
He was only a contrarian in the sense he was the only one who was right.
>Tyrassic Park
Will there be roller coasters?
>in Tyrannic Park it's just a fucking Bio-Titan walking by
>same response
the tyrannids need a Kerrigan style character
In xenology they had a caged ork, it was getting flabby and depressed and hunched over more than usual.
they really don't
What the actual fuck is wrong with you
There was a whole Imperial Armor book that was basically this.
I don't blame you for not knowing about it, though. It was from back in the old days when Forge World wasn't peddling endless Horus Heresy shit.
I know they ingested your family and planet, user, but there's no need to go that far.
>the tyrannids need a Kerrigan style character
As long as the dank shit grows in their environments.
>As someone who studies Chaos Theory, would Ian Malcolm be a Tzeentch sorcerer?
Radical Inquisitor. I can't remember the exact name it's been a while since I read the Eisenhorn books.
>Heresy...finds a way.
Go read the Anphelion Project and see how "containing Tyranids in a secure imperial research facility" turned out.
What about what he said was wrong, user? Please do tell
Yeah, but Alan and Ellie had their reservations. In the book, Wu, Nedry, and even Hammond at times knew it'd fail.
iirc, in JW, Film-Wu also kind of acknowledges this.
>tfw no lizardmen 40k-converted minis
>tfw you're not even sure if certain lizardmen can be raptorish - not Cold Ones, actual JP-style velociraptors
>you will never fight Tzeentch-allied lizardmen-raptors backed up by loxatl troops and Carnosaurs taken off Exodite worlds as they shred your shotgun-toting Guardsmen running around in the long grass with clever, feminine tactics
>FUN is a SIN against GAWD
Preach it, brother!
This is just several chapters of the All Guardsman Party but bigger. I like it.
Thing is if we just tactical nuke them at the drop points ad quickly as possible and do so until the amount of biomass they've expended is greater than the biomass they would gain from killing us after we run out of nukes to nuke their drop points with they will simply leave.
Or we just throw all of our icbms into orbit at once and wipe out the entire fleet in one fell blow.
The drop points will be the entire planet. The planet will be getting terraformed into a tyranid-friendly environment while becoming toxic to humans. And this is after there's been a few generations of genestealers lurking around gaining political power.
I don't even think humanity would get the balls to start nuking itself if a tyranid invasion occured simply because of the amount of red tape involved in setting off even a single nuke in any reasonable time.
Then just nuke the fleets in orbit once the fuckers start dropping. The damn things are basically animals without the hive fleet. We can just gun the rest down with anti tank rifles after the fact.
I think it would be neat if it was Sanguinius :^)
>Amount of red tape involved in setting off even a single nuke.
That really doesn't take as long as you think it does. They were called minutemen for a reason. The US could feasibly respond to any threat with a nuclear response within a minute.
It's gotten slower now only because we'll take time to confirm that nukes are the best option but the president still has the power to launch nukes within an hour.
Something tells me we wouldn't/don't have the technology to launch a rocket with a nuke on it through space fast enough to destroy a tendril fleet before the rocket gets shot down...
Hmm if that's true I could definitely see us putting up a good fight. It just seems really unlikely we could nuke what is going to need to be the entire planet and survive before the fleet literally eats us.
This is objectively the best idea
>But is now Sister of Battle
Oh no.
My dick.
>Believe in the nuke meme
You do know that any ship that has the capability of interstellar travel is able to tank weapons that are billions of times more powerful than our entire nuclear stockpile right (especially the Tyranids because the have to aproach the target planet from the rim of a solar system)?
That is not to mention the fact that a Tyranid hive fleet comprises of billions of smaller organisms swarming around Hive ships that are as long as 50 kilometers.
Or the fact that they regularly engage against Imperial navy ships weapons with hundreds of megaton of firepower (in their weakest depiction).
What kind of technology or pysker powers are they going to use to block the hivemind?
How long till it stops working, or they realize it never worked in the 1st place?
>blah blah life finds a way
If you're just going to complain, Brother Malcolm, you can go right back to the battle barge.
I’m pretty sure about three Cain Novels are based around someone being this pants on head retarded
t. Anti-science Michael Chrichton types. Provided you spare as little expense as possible, this can work.
>The damn things are basically animals without the hive fleet
Not sure why you think this. As long as there are synapse creatures, they can act as a command structure. Killing the fleet won't make the hive tyrant on the ground revert to instinctive behavior.
So like basically a really deep Genestealer cult?
You cannot target anything in orbit with ICBMs, they use inertial/celestial guidance, are aimed at pre-programmed ground targets, the warheads don't even separate from the post-boost vehicle until it starts to fall towards the Earth again and the re-entry vehicles are basically unpowered, pointed fucking downwards and totally reliant on their momentum to take them to their target. It is literally impossible to even aim them at a target in orbit.
There's a reason the solution to "how do you shoot down objects in orbit or re-entering the atmosphere at high speed" is not "shoot ICBMs at them", and is instead to design completely different, generally non-nuclear missile systems, and that's because you can't fucking shoot ICBMs at them, ICMBs are designed exclusively to attack ground targets.
Also planetary defenses shooting entire salvos of enormous, extremely fast missiles with massively powerful warheads and sophisticated guidance systems at a spacehship is a normal occurrence in the 40k universe and the ships in it are, as you would expect if you weren't a fucking idiot have dedicated defenses against those kinds of things, specifically entire batteries of point defense turrets and void shields (or in the case of tyranids ablative spore clouds that seek out and collide with incoming munitions to pre-detonate them).
The first piece of lore written about the first point of conflict between the imperium and the tyranids describes them overcoming dedicated planetary defenses consisting of surface to orbit laser batteries capable of rapidly engaging and destroying multiple armored warships over an extended period of time. That capability alone makes the defensive ability of the modern day Earth (which actually consists of a small number of anti-satellite missiles) against orbital targets look like a funny joke.
You're a fucking idiot.
Well now, that's interesting.
You are repeating yourself.
>John Hammond
If we go by the book he'd actually be a rogue trader, not an Inquisitor. If by the film, Xeno Hybris Radical
>Ian Malcom
Recongregationist Inquisitor
>Dr. Grant
Amalathian Inquisitor
His interrogator
>Lex and Tim Murphy
Young Mechanicus Acolytes
Istvaanist working for a rival Inquisitor
>Arnold (Sam Jackson)
Mechanicus Magos
Seneschal of a rogue trader, either Hammond or one funding him
Arch Militant and former Guard Leftennant
Autosavant in service to Hammond
Magos Biologis
Jesus, even Deathwatch doesn't hate them that much.
Technically possible due to GSCs
Don't they become literal mushrooms eventually when they reach old age?
Deathwatch RPG has some packs of Gaunts the Deathwatch breed and keep around for practice in various locations for training.
Not really. Without a synapse creature, they're just violent animals.