I made a thread about this earlier before noticing that there was a /general/ up.
I'm starting a new Tau army, but I'm having trouble deciding between three different options. I don't actually play 40k so it's irrelevant how effective the actual army would be. >Option A A cadre from the Sa'Cea Sept stationed on a lush temperature rainforest world, on campaign against local ork warbands. Uniform would essentially be that of Cadians (khaki fatigues, olive green armor). A pretty even split between infantry and crisis suits, but few vehicles due to the terrain, and no auxiliaries. >Option B A cadre from an (as-of-yet) unnamed colony that has been established on a jungle moon orbiting a gas giant, fighting against a local contingent of human guerillas. Uniform would consist of either black or dark brown fatigues and dark green, camouflaged armor, with black accents. After being stationed here for so long, the Fire Warriors have become somewhat "savage," decorating their armor with things like skull and tooth necklaces, hides of vicious local wildlife, the odd skull from a defeated enemy. A very Vietnam War-themed army. Army composition would be almost entirely infantry with a big focus on Kroot auxiliaries. The occasional battlesuit as well, very battle damaged and worn from years of use without much in the way of maintenance. >Option C A cadre from the Vior'La Sept on campaign on a desert world not unlike Mars. Uniform would be bone-colored fatigues and dark red armor, with accessories like robes and headscarves to protect parts of the armor from the abrasive, microscopic dust that whirls around the planet in massive sandstorms. Heavy reliance on vehicles, all infantry units accompanied by a Devilfish, and maybe some flyers from Forge World.
I suppose I could if I made it a cadre stationed in a Badlands area, or the mountains, or basically anywhere that isn't quite so flat. That's basically why C is a vehicle-oriented army, I imagined massive open flats like you'd see out in Utah or something.
>2 wounds >3+ save Dead meat. T5 aint gonna save you this edition, it's indistinguishable from toughness 4 for S2,3,6, and 7. They don't have numbers, range, or power enough on their flamers to offset their random nature, and they're pathetic in melee. I've heard the gun+missile variant is an okay raged damage piece, but they're very mediocre, and easy to kill, for what they are.
Jeremiah Davis
How deep is their face-slit? Could you get decent penetration?
Jaxson James
Does this board allow the posting of BLUU ASS?
Adam Cook
Autocannon + Lascannons is the objectively patrician loadout for Predators. Prove me wrong.
The pred autocannon looks better than the twin las cannons, that's for sure. And at least it's not just a regular autocannon anymore.
Parker Martinez
>want to play necrons >no waifus how the fuck am I supposed to play an army I can't sexualize?
Caleb Cruz
Sweet christ, user. >ywn have a water caste slut deepthroat you to climax then put your hips in an arm lock and keep sucking for hours while you sit their twitching uselessly
>the imperium and the emperor are irredeemably evil without any justification for any of their actions ever >if the imperium didn't exist humanity would be nice, strong, pure and have good standards of living with no sacrifices needed >not only is this an indisputable truth but is the entire point of the setting
>DarkMech when? >new Forgeworld added: DARK MECH >replace IMPERIUM with CHAOS and add any DAEMON ENGINE into a DARK MECH Detachment without fucking with the bonus
Bonus is Death to the False Omnissiah. Same as DTTFE
Isaac Morgan
The former is a deviant who will be disowned by their family and society for essentially being into bestiality. The later will just be looked at strangely for being into someone most of their peers think is ugly
>reviving a universe spanning eternal empire >removing all flesh from existence >not sexualized Up your game son
Levi Morgan
Why do they wear the helmets?
Ian Russell
> but is the entire point of the setting No it isn't, what you just said is the exact opposite of the setting. The point of the setting is that the future is so dark that each faction does unspeakable things just to survive. The Imperium is a bloated carcass of an empire that is dystopian in every way, shape, and form, but it's also the only thing protecting countless human worlds from being utterly raped and destroyed by Chaos, Tyranids, and Xenos.
Not to mention that GW has made it pretty clear that the Emperor is basically Jesus and that when he finally dies, he will travel to the Realm of Chaos and do battle with them and destroy them once and for all.
Xavier Ortiz
No they are totally space japan with a more world war 2 japan thing going on.
They even basically worship the ethereal cast...like the jap emp family.
Logan Harris
Considering the Japanese administrators in Manchukoku were all the young university graduate left-wingers who couldn't get a job in Japan, and whose idealism eventually lead to them doing some very fucked up shit in the name of social progres... eh, sure, maybe.
Eli Howard
So she's just a eldar ranger then? Nothing too auspicious.
Jose Moore
>the thread starts off with typical communist posters >this devolves into amera baiting which turns into general political rapid fire >a few disgusting anons write fan fiction >while others ponder the meaning of a soul within a machine >the general celebrates another good /40kg/ thread as it hits page 6 and they start again
Connor Wright
Superior golden bois coming through. Cuss toads can go home.
Aesthetically they're modeled after generic Asian/Oriental themes, but as far as their philosophy and whatnot goes, they're basically Space Communists. "Accept our peaceful ways... or else."
Owen Clark
Yup. I use a Kindle.
Wyatt Reyes
Jaxon Ward
All the eldar are into bestiality.
Jayden Richardson
But I want the love of my life to not treat me like an animal she hates (when in a good mood and aknowledges I exist).
Jason Moore
Yeah, it's unironically a pretty fun thread, buckle up
Where was the lie? Everything I just said is objectively true, including the prediction about where the lore is going from here. GW screwed the pooch and pissed everyone off with End Times/AoS when they basically said "lol Chaos won, Karl Franz rekt, gg no rematch." This time they're likely going to go the opposite direction and have a "good" victory.
Joseph Wood
> taking the blue pill this hard
Juan Ward
Wraith lord is probably the best. Does get bracketed but that toughness and point efficiency.
Also versatile as fuck. You can have a giant walking ghost sniper or a sabre wielding ballete dancer
Mason Russell
>Xeno scum only as tall as to suck our dicks Just like God intended
Battalion 1 archon with parasite kiss 1 haemonculus 3 kabalite troops (1x5 with Blaster and 2x5) Vanguard detachement 1 archon warlord embarked on the tantalus 1 haemonculus 4 Sslyth 1x5 trueborn (2 dark lance) 5 incubi for countercharge 5 scourges (4 dark lance) Embarked in the tantalus 1 Reaper 1 Venom (for the Sslyth and the Archon with parasite kiss)
I know it's low point for a Tantalus and I know it's going to be a shooting magnet but what do you think? The haemonculi will provide +1 T on the Reaper and tantalus. I don't have any more scourges unfortunately.
Dylan James
I'm starting a krieg army. How much of a nazi does that make me ?