How does the Imperium generally respond to Nurglite Chaos Incursions? I need to know for a Dark Heresy game, and after the party's failed to put down a cult on a backwards agri world their heresy and disease has begun to spread like wildfire throughout the sector. What's the standard procedure, and how do guardsmen fight them without getting infected en masse?
How does the Imperium respond to Nurglite Chaos Incursions?
quaruntine and fire. The imperium does want people to know that the infection is a result of demons (although post rift that cat is probably out of the fucking bag) if it can't be treated with mundane medical procedures then the next best thing is to burn everything and prevent the spread shooting down any hauling vessels that are suspected to carry the disease as well and keep an eye for cultist who are looking to sneak by and infect more areas.
Blessed silver vaccines. And many purity seals.
Cullexus Assassins?
Cullexus Assassins with bioengineered super-immunesystems?
Send the guard in, but set up anpther world to deal with the wounded. Mid transit, they get screened. Those too far gone are killed and burned and everything they touched burned with them.
This with warp diseases with no cure suffer the same fate.
Those with disease that can be treated are isolated and all their possessions burned to keep the taint from spreading. Then when they arrive, Hospitalers take them for treatment, one to heal them, and to learn how to better treat it in future patients.
Regular wounded are just treated but separated from them. They have their stuff burned too for good measure.
This seems to be a standard doctrine employed now that Girlyman is in charge.
With fire and extreme prejudice
You can drown the enemy in disposable bodies like a penal regiment or conscripts. Write them all off as already dead, send em in to soften things up, then hit the whole place from orbit.
You could also go with gas masks like the Armageddon Steel Legion.
Or you could do both and go disposable soldiers WITH gas masks like the Death Korps of Kreig.
Read Cadian Blood. Honestly they just deploy the poor bloody infantry it seems.
Exterminatus. It's better to deny a world to the enemy than lose it to them
If you're lucky your regiment is the kind that won't even notice that it sucks more than usual.
First step is probably a sector wide quarantine, which would be pretty jarring almost immediately I'd think.
Step two would be just going full exterminatus on any planets that are too far gone/not worth wasting the resources to save
Step three would probably be to round up some forces and launch a crusade
Step four would be Space Marines, as many as you can manage, and start using them as advanced forces on worlds you care to save
Step Five is throw Guardsmen at it with industrial grade NBC gear. I can see regiments like the Salvar Chem Dogs or Kreigers doing well in these kinds of situations since they're used to basically being bundled up 24/7
The guard has to have regiments capable of fighting and waging a campaign completely buttoned up, what with all the basically uninhabitable hive worlds it has floating around. Also, be sure to add a few Inquisitors from the Ordo Sepulturum, since a sector wide outbreak would almost certainly be such a rare occurrence that a ton of them would be drawn to it.
Just as Planned a TZEENTCHIAN Incursion into being, then sit back and watch as the Chaos problem solves itself.
Ze Flammenwerfer
>You can drown the enemy in disposable bodies like a penal regiment or conscripts. Write them all off as already dead, send em in to soften things up, then hit the whole place from orbit.
So you're feeding Nurgle more fodder and zombies? Not a good plan.
>You could also go with gas masks like the Armageddon Steel Legion.
A lot of Nurgle's stuff can, and will, eat through that maliciously.
Doesn't it really depend on what kind of sickness exists on the planet first and foremost?
If it's in early to mid stages, you probably have sporadic episodes of various plagues, perhaps entire cities with terrible but mundane sickness. It's the kind of stuff that'll make you die an excruciatingly painful death, and often one of the causes that pushes people to making a pact with Nurgle in the first place. It's only later do the truly horrific warpborne viruses start to show up, as chaos influence hits critical mass and that stuff can exist.
Of course, there's also the stuff that makes plague zombies which seems to occur without a whole lot of outbreak beforehand, so I guess it really depends. I just don't imagine a few small cults can swiftly bring out disease that eats through metal and such in quick or early stages, otherwise it'd be nearly impossible to have a hive world of 80 billion people last without getting infected nearly instantly.
I don't think there's a plague, pox, pestilence, sickness, or miscellaneous illness that Nurgle couldn't turn into a planet killer given enough resources and influence on the planet.
Hell, the 1918 Influenza season killed a few million people. Nurgle would have no problem using a battlefield of plague resistant Imperial Soldiers to create his most wonderful gift yet.
The conscripts aren't meant to being the zombies and survive, they're meant to halt infestations temporarily and then be disposed of. They don't need power armor, they just need to burn creeps.
Nurglites aren't an invincible unstoppable army any more than EVERY army has fluff about how invincible and unstoppable they are.
But every mook that falls to Nurgle is not only another soldier, but raw materials to create more plagues. Plagues that can get through Power Armor.
> what is orbital bombardment, the post
Sure, some of Nurgle's stuff can get through power armor. Some of it can get through spaceship hulls. But Nurgle's armies can't just use it whenever they like, they don't have a bottomless well of the stuff. It's not like every Guardsman has his own Deathstrike missile in his pocket.
IG regiments like the Chem Dogs won't be immune to everything, but they won't be susceptible to everything either, and as the Guard does their numbers will make up the difference.
And the fact is there's just no mechanic that can justify your idea that Nurgle armies just Might and Magic 3 up 1000 skeletons at the end of every battle.
>And the fact is there's just no mechanic
Fluff =/= Mechanics
Nurgle can raise the dead. The more plague in an area, the more influence he has. A simple outbreak of the Flu can turn into a planet killer.