Have you guys ever been in a "Military Supers" game? What was it like?
What's the best system for running a game like this? What's some good inspirational material to read/watch?
Have you guys ever been in a "Military Supers" game? What was it like?
What's the best system for running a game like this? What's some good inspirational material to read/watch?
I ran a WWII short campaign using Marvel Heroic Role Play, and it worked pretty well. It's less numbers-crunchy than many systems, more focused on narrative-driven stunts and action/drama blending.
For fighting mundane enemies, I would write up groups of enemies as though they were singular, super-powered entities. So you might be fighting SS Panzergrenadier Company, with Firepower d10 and Manpower d10, and then stunts like "Stug ambush" or "artillery support".
Godlike is literally "superheroes in WW2: the RPG".
>What's some good inspirational material to read/watch?
Pic related (Über) is perhaps the purest and '''faithful''' depiction of what wartime super shenanigans would look like. It's unique in that pretty much everyone in the setting uses the same mechanics for their powers (everyone gets a mix of superstrength and Plasma balls) It surprised me with just how easily i could actually believe that thee supersoldiers could and would turn the tide of the war.
Worm is also a good source for getting inspirations on superpowered armies with just how many powers will be present at a given time, how well they mesh those powers together and with just how varied the powers in question will be.
I've never played it, but read the book. I like how it handles mobs. Basically, if I'm remembering right, you "target" the mob dice, so the SS Company in your example might have for example the 3d6 mob quality, and you gotta take out those three dice to take them out.
I'm glad you brought it up, I had completely forgotten about it.
How would you stat up a mob of /pol/tards? Running a supers campaign myself, might be good to know.
Nothing above a d4.
>It's unique in that pretty much everyone in the setting uses the same mechanics for their powers (everyone gets a mix of superstrength and Plasma balls)
You mean except for the doppelgangers and gigajew ?
>What's some good inspirational material to read/watch?
Parts of the infamous Worm serial portray the perspective of members of the Yangban, a group of supers controlled by the Chinese government in a highly-militaristic fashion.
Is there a system for Uber? I'd love to play it some time
I don't think it would work. Each class of Uber is invulnerable to anything beneath it. (i.e. Only a Battleship really has a chance against a Battleship. That, or five Black Flashes.)
>room full of dead hitlers
the stuff dreams are made of
It's a fun comic
Particularity the part where one of the German Battleship Ubers assassinates Hitler.
You got an good idea with Captian America in the OP. I second Marvel Heroics as it's an easy system to work from. Godlike is another one that I know of but never played so can't say much on that. Then there is Mutants and Masterminds, for the crunch enthusiasts out there.
The only thing about Marvel Heroics is that there isn't really a character creation other than a random roll thing but if you understand the system enough then you can work with your players on making custom characters.
Thanks for the suggestions, guys.
What I had in mind is something pretty close to "military x-men", child soldiers being politically manipulated by nations at war, kinda like Naruto but not retarded.
No so much they are immune to the classes below them, but they are just absurdly strong and can one shot lower tiers.
Kursk and the Zephyrs are decent examples.
Kursk the Russians threw 90 something tankmen against a battleship and took his arm and forced him to fall back with 90% casualties. Zephyrs (basicly tank man tier) bleed out a battleship.
Spot the Jew
Have you heard of RWBY? It...
>but not retarded
...never mind
big superpowered nazi tits in my face
Just play Godlike
I wish a better writer would write for Naruto's setting.
Same. I'm glad people appreciate the setting as initially presented in spite of the story.
i was so inspired by the setting i was in the midst of writing up a whole long term campaign idea where each arc would be them advancing from one generation to the next, starting back before the ninja villages, to establishing their own, amassing power and then kicking off into one last massive war
had some great ideas, like them recruiting bloodline families to their village, making animal contracts that become family heirlooms, discovering secret techniques to pass down to their descendants (i.e. their next character)
let them shape the culture and attitude of an entirely new village in the setting
but as the manga progressed i got more and more turned off until everything about the initial presentation of the setting seemed to contradict with the how the story progressed
dont even talk to me about the current incarnation (i had hoped for a return to how things began, instead its somehow worse)
Godlike was a pretty good setting. I liked how low powered it was where superhumans could cancel out the powers of other superhumans just by being closeby.
>Purest and "faithful"
Well you aren't wrong to put those quotes there.
Uber is sort of like what Invaders would have been like if it was in the Wildstorm Universe. It's war isn't like the war in Marvel or DC though. The powers in Uber aren't that great, and ubers are ultimately just humanized weapons. A nuke is a big deal.
Meanwhile in DC the JSA have the Wraith of God and a Flash as team members and the only reason they don't stomp Hitler in a second is because he has a plot device.
I love the setting and lore for Uber. I just wish it was written better. So far it's just been the Nazis pulling tricks out of their asses and other China and Japan and India more or less being ignored.
They were broken as shit and Gillen had to kill them off in in their first fight because even one of them gives America an enormous advantage.
>What's some good inspirational material to read/watch?
Overwatch and Metal Gear Solid, similar concepts but vastly different excecutions, both are about people with virtual superpowers serving in military units.
Take inspiration from OW if you want something more lighthearted while MGS is there if you want something more serious.
>Metal Gear Solid
>"More Serious"
It's all relative, I guess.
Metal Gears whole thing has always been to play thing super serious and straight even while the most absurd and wacky things are happening
Well, yeah, that's just the style of humor. Monty Python does the same thing. Snake / Boss are just the Graham Chapman of the bunch, acting like everything is normal even while people around them are constantly doing wacky accents, going off on insane tangents, and doing weird shit for no discernible reason.
Having a straight-man in your comedy troupe doesn't make the endeavor "serious".
Metal Gear = Monty Python
New canon confirmed
Source on the Captain America picture?
Über is terrible, the concept is good but the execution is atrocious, like the nazis keep pulling battleships and tanks out of their asses despite most of their army being either captured or dead.
And uber are far too strong, even a tankman is already a serious threat to platoons of soldiers, with battleships akin to nukes, only more unpredictable because of the human factor
Years ago I was in a mixed World of Darkness game where we were basically the early BPRD from Hellboy on the European front of WW2. We had an American soldier who died in battle and came back as a sineater, a British changeling witch, werewolf from Russia, and I was playing a promethean golem who was made by a rabbi to protect his people. The campaign ended with us fighting a Nazi scientist who turned himself into a pseudo-vampire and was making an army of alchemically enhanced super soldiers in a laboratory in the Artic. Good times.
Nightmares maybe