>Leave deck in back pocket
>Concubine washes your pants in the washing machine
Who was in the wrong here?
>Leave deck in back pocket
>Concubine washes your pants in the washing machine
Who was in the wrong here?
Any imbecile leaving their decks in pockets and not a card box deserves the fate their worthless painted cardboard gets.
How many concubine threads a day do we get?
that would never happen in vintage
Not sure, but I hereby propose to make some of them about concubines (male), to contribute both towards quota for concubine shitposting and quota for tranny shitposting.
everything is at fault
>getting gf in the first place
>washing your clothes with water
>not buying fake mtg cards because of better quality card stock
>not placing cards in water tight tripple sleeves
>How many concubine threads a day do we get?
You simply take the number of replies the last thread got and add it to the number of days since the original OP (not this OP) first started spamming the threads to determine the total number of concubine threads that will appear on Veeky Forums before gookmoot nukes this board.
Note that the total is re-calculated each day.
Fuck off applesponge
She's a concubine, don't give your concubines crap; they already have to live with the fact that they're a concubine. “君子以妾而胜”;A Gentleman's success is thanks to his concubines.
Why is your concubine washing your pants and not your servant?
What are you?
Maybe stop buying less cards and buy more oil, you idiot, I will have you taste my shoe if you come posting more stupid crap Muhammed.
皇上 !
You, you fucking retard.
>leaving unsleeved deck in pockets
Enjoy those "lightly played" cards bro
Don't call your mother a concubine.
How good are the fakes, though? Last time I cared to look, there were several obvious tells.
Can the new hologram be faked yet?
Not gonna ask where to buy, I'm a big boy who can google, but no amount of googling has answered those questions.
That depends. If you forgot to take the cards out, it's at least halfway on you. If you weren't planning on washing your pants, it's 100% on her. Because only a retard doesn't chect the pockets before washing clothes, especially for pants.
She probably didn't meant it, but no matter how your look at it, it's always partially on her. Check the fucking pockets.
How hard was I baited?
Left my back window down once and destroyed about $250-300 worth of cards when it rained that day. Deck boxes came off the cards like i was peeling oranges. Sleeved cards were fucked too. Never played magic again, that was like 2011-2012ish.
She obviously did it on purpose. Are we supposed to believe she doesn't check pockets? What if it was your phone, keys, or wallet? She knew they were there and washed it anyways. What does that tell you? She was jealous of the time or money you spend playing?
Women aren't anything to be afraid of, bro. Most of them want to get laid just like you.
>playing Fagic: The Gaythering
That’s where you fucked up son.
You were stupid to leave the cards in your pocket (or carry them in your pocket in the first place if they weren't at least in some sort of dexk box) but I'd say the fault ultimately lies on the concubine (which is a weirdly sexual thing to call your mom btw). You should always check pockets before putting something through the wash, whether it's your clothes or someone else's.
If you cared about your cards this wouldn't have happened. You should remind your woman to check pockets before washing, but I can see how a woman might forget since they don't have a lot pockets. Give her a dicking as punishment anyway.
I second the motion, and amend it to include some bullshit edition wars, eclipse Phase /pol/ v /sjw/ garbage, and generic "I hate elves" bullshit.
Let's have a containment thread. Hell, let's have a containment board. Oh, wait, that's /trash/.
Nevermind. I withdraw the amendment.
>When your mom is your concubine
I’d be down for containing Concubines, Whores and bikini armor threads to Harem Generals.
That's not how Fade works, you dolt.