Weird West character idea

My friend is going to be a first time GM at a Weird West type of game, and its about to start but I can't think of a character to play! The one I was gonna play is essentially being played by someone else i dont want to step on their toes.

Can anyone please help me out, I need some kind of idea for something worth playing.

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A typical brooding edgelord but a Native American instead of a trench coat ninja
>*unzips tomahawk*
>*Old Indian tricks behind you*
>"Pssh, nuthin personnel, paleface"

Lich gambler/saloon owner that pimps zombie whores in the rooms above the bar...

An intelligent midget sitting on the shoulder of an 8ft tall, mentally retarded saloon bouncer.

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perhaps a revenge obsessed now-orphan on the trail of some wandering villain?

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I DM a Weird West campaign. My players have some pretty fun characters
>a smooth-talking gambler who tries to befriend everyone he meets so he can squeeze them for favours later
>a sheriff's deputy who's basically Judge Dredd, and has a hard-on for the law
>the town drunk, also the most accomplished brew master in town, and an accomplished alchemist
>a boxer who's possessed by a spirit

Just find a stereotype and play into it, you don't even have to be particularly original.

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Idea, Demon Werewolf!

Hear me out, people love native american werewolves, what if you also combined that with ghost rider!

Sounds pretty edgy sempai. What's his deal? Why is he a werewolf? Why is he ghost rider?

Well the simple answer would be theyre both cool, and sometimes we can end it there.

But I guess if were going somewhere, maybe something along the lines of Prey where you got your ghost grandpa with you, you're a werewolf as all men in your family have been. At 12 or some shit they turn you into a werewolf and teach you to balance good and evil wolf stuff and use this to be one with nature.

As for the ghost rider shit, uhm, fuck, made a deal with a demon for demon powers? nah, upon running through the woods naked you found the previous ghost rider dying and passed the mantle to you?

I think one of those concepts is enough, you don't really need them both. That's a little snowflakey, and probably annoying for the other players to roleplay off of. Be a skinwalker, or be wild west Ghost Rider, punishing the sinners for their evil deads.

Okay, nother random idea, Castelvania Vampire Hunter?

A whole band of hillbillies, who collectively take up one typical character's actions a turn and share an hp pool.

At first I thought he was throwing an energized shovel through the guy

I am disappoint

Sounds pretty good to me.