How do you portray of the not!ottomans in contrast of the not!arabs in a fantasy setting set during the renaissance?
How do you portray of the not!ottomans in contrast of the not!arabs in a fantasy setting set during the renaissance?
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I'd just go with Nottomans next time
You put in a not!constantinople and make sure to set up a theme where these steppe archers (and Ottomans were scythian/hun/mongol style horsemen who converted to Islam, not semitic peoples) have crushed an old and advanced empire and remade it in their own fasion. Cutting-edge Renaissance technology, but a people and a culture connected to violent tribal roots.
Wheras your not!arabs will be more agricultural, metropolitan, and cosmopolitan.
One is screaming, naked, turbanshit inbred retards who invade the temperate lands
The other is screaming, naked, turbanshit inbred retards who invade the desert lands
Don't forget the whole 'take children as slaves and turn them into an elite military force' thing.
That wasn't as uncommon as you'd think
Not OP but I am interested in a Not!Ottoman Empire too. I was going to spice it up with undead. How could I tie that into what you mention? Undead religious "tribes" take over?
t. 56%er
Ottomans became organized imperialists. The Arabs were facticious tribalists the resented being made into vassals
The Ottomans had really interesting inheritance and appointment dynamics. How the court functions, the monarchy, how governerships were passed out and to who.
Much more organized, an empire as opposed to a princely state, much more technologically advanced, a new empire on the rise, claiming its place from the empires of old.
Also slave soldiers.
well its easy if you run DnD, we actually have this in our campaign.
Hobgoblins as the Nottomons, spreading all the way over the North of NotAfrica
while the NotArabs are a race of Humans from the same general regions who regularly clash with one another
in none DnD settings do it the same way you differentiate Not!France from Not!England
you make then hate one another with a passion, give them recognizable fashions and colours and pit them constant wars with one another
If you want to portray them in their golden ages:
>Ottomans: gunpowder galore, fancy hats, large degree of secularism for a religion centric society and GLORIOUS WELL TRIMMED MANLY MUSTACHES.
>Arabs: Badass cavalry, horse archers, lots of lammelar, massive ammounts of caravans, GLORIOUSLY FULL BEARDS, turbans and scimitars
>That guy on the left.
That's a big axe.
>I'm telling you Ahmad, there's no such thing as an axe that is too big
8 weapons.
dear god, is there no inventory limit for this guy
The ottoman also had the bashi-bazookas, mad people kept in chains and then released at the start of a battle.
Though receiving weapons and equipment, usually at a minimal level, from the Government, these deranged men received no pay but were rewarded by a virtual licence to plunder.
Bashi-bazouks were just irregulars m8. Basically bandits employed by the military under a license to plunder. They weren't literally mad.
It's okay, because christians aren't really people so the holy books allow it.
Instead of taking foreign babies to make Jannisary, just take foreign corpses. They don't need to be well trained, just enough to point a musket in a direction and engage the trigger. That's the magic of mass gunfire!
Oh this is good. I'm gonna do that. Makes them seem more malicious to steal the dead.
T*rks are more like Persians and Greeks than they are Ar*bs. Persia was where they settled into civilization after being nomads and then they melded with the Greeks when they settled in Anatolia.
Incorporating that into a fantasy setting, I'd say they should have elements of the people they conquered, along with bits of their original heritage. Their only connection to the Not Arabs would be their religion.
Ottomans: incompetent homosexual boy rapers with overly fancy hats.
Arabs: incompetent homosexual boy rapers with turbans and beards.
2 different smells from the same shit(skin).
I came in here to post this
But what if they were? Maybe in the Nottoman Empire they keep actual mad berserkers in chains, ready for battle. Like those mutants in 300.
>Persia was where they settled into civilization
Didn't they split into two dynasties, one which held onto Persia and other went to conquer Anatolia? They became long-standing rivals later.
Don't forget sitting on trade routes from India and the Far East to Europe
Catholics: competent homosexual boy rapers with overly fancy hats
Protestants (catchall): competent homosexual boy rapers with stupid names for their denominations
>Underestimating the power of fancy hats
You are as POOR and PRESUMPTUOUS as you are A FAGGOT!
All this makes me think is that this man goes around stealing the hats off of other fine Gentlemen
most notarab tropes in DnD at least are based on elements of ottoman society anyway
>turbans (as far as i remember a persian invention at least, but associated with turks)
>scimitars (persian)
posted prematurely, meant to add that scimitars were turkic in origin but popularised by Persians and Arabs alike. No doubt they were popular enough in the Arab world independent of the ottomans
>architecture and administration
Nottomans are an empire. Proud and materialistic. Strong leader, expendable subjects.
Notarabs would have more of a spiritual side and "muh ancient history", lots of wise sayings and moral stories. Less organized and more reliant on magic.
This so much. I'd put Notarabs as a civ which can be either ally or enemy depending on the situation, but I'd put Nottomans on the asshole side, even though you might work for them occasionally.
>how to trigger Turks in one sentence
Arabs should be irrelevant in a renaissance game, so inevitably the relevant muslim cultures will be confused with arabs.
Actually and ironically arabs started this, and with turk(ic) slaves.
But arabs used straight swords during their golden ages and basically everything you said about arabs is either taken from others or a general thing
Arabs should be stoic desert pastoralists who hate civilization.
Not him but Persia (along with China) was the main civilization turks had contact with even before Islam. What with Central Asia being an iranic region in antiquity but also the turkic mainland later.
Anyways I think you're talking about the Great Seljuks who came from Central Asia, had the hearth of their empire in Persia but later conquered also Anatolia. Ottomans were ultimately an offshoot of the Seljuks.
Scimitars are also turkish, moreso than turbans