Recycled Edition
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Recycled Edition
>Necron Leaks:
>WHTV Tip of The Day:
>Old Black Library Mega:
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First for Magnus did nothing wrong
poor grey knights
I miss when there was only one jetbike confirmed to be still functional in M41
Posted this in the last thread but only got two conflicting replies. Would like to get more input and suggestions before starting the build.
I'm starting a new Tau army, but I'm having trouble deciding between three different options. I don't actually play 40k so it's irrelevant how effective the actual army would be.
>Option A
A cadre from the Sa'Cea Sept stationed on a lush temperature rainforest world, on campaign against local ork warbands. Uniform would essentially be that of Cadians (khaki fatigues, olive green armor). A pretty even split between infantry and crisis suits, but few vehicles due to the terrain, and no auxiliaries.
>Option B
A cadre from an (as-of-yet) unnamed colony that has been established on a jungle moon orbiting a gas giant, fighting against a local contingent of human guerillas. Uniform would consist of either black or dark brown fatigues and dark green, camouflaged armor, with black accents. After being stationed here for so long, the Fire Warriors have become somewhat "savage," decorating their armor with things like skull and tooth necklaces, hides of vicious local wildlife, the odd skull from a defeated enemy. A very Vietnam War-themed army. Army composition would be almost entirely infantry with a big focus on Kroot auxiliaries. The occasional battlesuit as well, very battle damaged and worn from years of use without much in the way of maintenance.
>Option C
A cadre from the Vior'La Sept on campaign on a desert world not unlike Mars. Uniform would be bone-colored fatigues and dark red armor, with accessories like robes and headscarves to protect parts of the armor from the abrasive, microscopic dust that whirls around the planet in massive sandstorms. Heavy reliance on vehicles, all infantry units accompanied by a Devilfish, and maybe some flyers from Forge World.
Repostin' the killteam stuff from last thread.
Fires of Cyraxis when?
more chaos superheavies that aren't FW when
Shush you, Banana Bikes are beautiful
Custards aren't pants on head retarded, at the end of the heresy they put their toys away rather than leaving them outside in the rain.
>Still no plastic Sororitas rumours
When you get Angron or Fulgrim, depending on if Slaanesh occurs this summer
nth for Ordo Sepulturum
Don't play Tau
Best advice you'll ever get
Eww primarchs are boring
So new kill team is stand alone? I played kill team in 7th a good chunk and had fun with a few games of shadow war. I'll probably buy the new Kill team, especially since it looks like it comes with skitarii and neophytes, both which I could use more of.
Except dooming his own species to a slow death.
> I don't actually play 40k so it's irrelevant how effective the actual army would be.
Reading is hard, huh?
>[suddenly daemons]
t. Butthurt Dangle
I may not collect, paint, play, or really understand what 40k is, but even I know Tau are for weebs.
Play Necrons instead.
Do 'Nam Tau.
NOT a poof just don't like custodes simple as
I wonder if Custodes will be good in kill team
Who /Custodes/ here?
I don't know what that means. Which one of my options does that correlate to?
What does a guy have to do to get some BIG CELESTINE TITS in his face
Yes it will have its own ruleset which looks based on the standard rules, but with major differences nonetheless.
One man army
>NOT a poof
The user doth protest too much, methinks
So how are Tau doing with their new codex? Are they mid tier at least? Did they get point drops? I would actually prefer to see them buffed rather than cheaper point-wise because I already find them quite expensive to play $$$-wise compared with other armies like marines, DG or custodes
>people still not giving up the sister meme
Most Tau players seem pissed commander spam is gone
Option B reminds me of the Tau from Fire Caste, and I think it is the best. Option C also sounds good if you are good with greenstuff.
I prefered their depiction as Warrior-Scholars there rather than the mono-task Bodyguard-Autists ADB depicted them as.
They're supposed to have been the Emperor's companions as well as bodyguards, it makes sense he'd make them capable of holding a half-decent conversation rather than "I CAN'T TALK M'LORD I NEED TO CHECK THE PERIMETER AGAIN, IT'S BEEN ALMOST 40 SECONDS SINCE THE LAST CHECK".
>ridiculous fluff breaking garbage is gone
>Tau players upset
So Gauss cannons got a nice buff to heavy 3 S6 AP-3 Dd3 assuming the leaks are accurate.
Are Destroyers good now?
I hope they let you pick your kill team from individual models off data sheets, not entire squads like the Fate of Konor missions. I hate having to use entire devastator squads just to get a pair of heavy bolters
I think that they will be unplayable - saves are too good and GW is too lazy to give us some alternative kill team stats for custodian guard or wardens.
They're okay. Pretty much nothing but buffs. T''''au fags are just mad because they're not OP again like in 7th. Everyone else is just poking them for fun.
Don't ever pick an OP army unless you also have a backup, because it will get nerfed to hell next edition. Unless you're playing Eldar, for some reason they're always strong. I can't ever recall an edition where they were bad.
What's the cheapest army cash wise? I'm guessing eldar are the most expensive?
>ADB making characters bad.
So what's the point of it when this exists?
If /pol/ can meme themselves a president, /40kg/ can sure as hell meme ourselves plastic sisters.
Well yeah; they did it by not nerfing commanders and buffing other units. A shame that they fisted in a hard limit instead of internal balance fixes.
>We were never soldiers.
>Whenever we are seen outside the walls of this place, as rare as that is, it is in our martial aspect. We are clad in gold, just as it was in the earliest days when He was our living captain, and mortals fall on their faces as if before gods. To them, it must seem as if we are wrath incarnate. To them, it must seem as if we were created for destruction and nothing else.
>But we were His companions, once. We were the ones in whom He confided. We were His counsellors, we were His artisans. We were the first glimpse of what the species could become, if shepherded aright and unshackled from its vicious weaknesses.
>Of course, we were taught to fight. He knew that war would come. It was a necessary part of the ascension, though it was never destined to last for eternity. We were the guardians of a new age, and had to be strong enough to keep it secure.
>We failed in that, and now wear the mark of that failure in the black robes that cover our auramite. It is a permanent reminder, replacing the cloaks of blood-red that once adorned our battle-plate. It weighs heavy with every one of us, for we know more of the nature of the fall than most. We still recite the old stories, and we study in the lost archives where we alone are suffered to tread, and so do not have the comforting illusions of ignorance to salve the wound. In a galaxy defined by ignorance, we remember. We cultivate the shards of the thing that was broken, and remain aware of what would have been.
>We have many duties. But that is just as it should be, for we are not simple creations. The aeons have changed us in so many ways, but not in that.
>We were a thousand things to a thousand souls, but we were never soldiers.
Oi fuckin' nice are they redoing Killteam for 8E?
The ones with the least amount of models. That would be GK or Custodes. Sadly, they both suck. If you buy used, marines are cheapest. The used market is flooded with them.
You would need to actually focus on memetics outside of Veeky Forums.
I would be happy to run an army of ~20 fire warriors, few crisis suits and a broadside because this guy is sexy as fuck but I heard that Tau got point drops and now they are semi-horde
nice get slaanesh
because the new rules will be worse and more complicated and will make more money
Probably custodes or knights.
Or anything you get second hand from somebody's mom getting rid of their old toys or some autist rage quitting, but those are rare treasures.
Option B will require a lot more greenstuff than Option C. C will be easy, just robes, cloaks, and hoods, nothing I haven't done before. Option B will mean crafting a lot of necklaces, hides, damage, etc. I can still do it, it'll just take forever. But like I said, I don't play so it doesn't matter how long it takes.
[Dies in Krieg]
The codex is actually pretty decent but T'''''''''au players are salty because their BS and markerlight table are unchanged.
The army is still good, but they will need to adapt.
The amount of salt on leddit and ATT was one of the most entertaining things since the release of 8th though
One time I won a full tyranid army (like over 3500 points worth) on ebay for $400 and paid immediately. The seller messaged me and said "uhh sorry I forgot to put a reserve on it" and cancelled the auction and refunded my money. I was so pissed off.
Two halves of Dark Imperium give you nearly 1500pts of DG/Primarines. 2x Skitarii SC give you nearly 1000pts. Box of bikes and two boxes of custodian guard give you 1000pts of bananas. Also both Prospero and BaC games come with over 1000pts of marines
That way lies tactics to get normies to bark at GW over feminist inclusion, and that way lies heresy user.
*puts on hat and coat*
I don't know about good, but they're a hell of a lot better. Points reduction to 50 in the leaks, and with the new Cryptek now able to keep pace with the 10" move, they might actually benefit from a RP bonus. S6 I don't think is nearly as relevant as the 3rd shot they got. The damage output of the weapon was so poor, but adding 50% more shots to a very accurate and now cheaper platform is a marked improvement.
Not soon enough friend.
How bad are Custodes?
Although they're covered in gold they're blue on the inside.
*salutes fellow history enthusiast*
they get easily swamped by models but they're dead killy
You lose but you feel like a turbo chad while doing it
The bikes are good in imperium soup, but as a mono army they suck. Like all elite armies they cant stand up the volume of fire in this edition.
Krieg > Dark Angels
>tfw Scoria survives to 40k like Cawl
Strange how ADB succeeded that one time in making a one-dimensional character interesting (Betrayer has probably the best depiction of Angron) and after that proceeded to make characters that had all the setup to have some depth to them very one dimensional.
Oh dear is it that time again?
Oh I don't want to play Tau because they used to be good - I know that GW is changing rules every friday. I find their aesthetic and not-grimderp-into-oblivion fluff neat but getting two start collecting boxes, an optimised pathfinder team box, a cadre fireblade and a broadside to play 1000pts is just too much for me
nothing>krieg>dark angels
>water aelves confirmed
Chalk up another confirmation for Haechi
What is left is Speed Kult Orks release and SW Codex in August I think from his leaks
I remember that one time I recognized obvious design cues.
Anyone tried out a Linebreaker Bombardment list for chaos space marines? Seems like fun but whats the best way to protect the Vindicators?
pls no, i'd have to go to the ER for raging erection
Hey newjack here trying to get together my Krieg army. I started collecting right before the 8th edition transition started so I waited for the dust to settle before hoping back in.
So how does my army actually work? Do I used Index, Imperial Guard Codex, or FW: Index for the DKoK army list? Do I use any one of these, or mix them? Any guidance will be appreciated.
>Speed Kuly Orks
Please Allah let this be true
I honestly don't get this meme. Commissars look more Napoleonic than nazi (aside from the hat) and they act like soviets. All other IG units are like a mashup of WWI and starship troopers.
The smaller the game the better they are
>dark mechanicus actually get a codex
>I may not collect, paint, play, or really understand
We've found it. The ultimate post to summarize /40kg/.
Which army is in a better place right now, Thousand Sons or Death Guard? I'd really like a chaos army that can field their daemon primarch
>"The boy, Darak, turned his eyes up to Diocletian. ‘Are your parents soldiers?’ ‘No,’ said Diocletian. ‘They are long dead. My mother was a slave who died of intestinal flux, and my father was a barbarian king executed by the Emperor’s own hand for opposing the principles of Unity.’ ‘The... what?’ ‘I’ve finished speaking with you,’ Diocletian told the boy."
photoshop the dice out, put the effort in damn
FW index dkok and codex for any stuff you can have that isn't in the index
Well, they don't really need protection. The whole point of linebreaker bombardment is to give them something to do after they get charged. You shouldn't use it otherwise since the individual guns of the three vindicators do more damage than the stratagem.
Could there really be something to it?
>t. history """""enthusiast"""""
Well so far basically everything else he leaked came true. Unfortunately he said Orks weren't till late in the year so you got a while to wait yet