Why can't Veeky Forums appreciate girls with unrealistic armor?
Why can't Veeky Forums appreciate girls with unrealistic armor?
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I probably don't speak for everyone in the class, but subconscious internalized misogyny certainly plays some part there.
Because your mind subconsciously wants to get them out of that armor.
Because contrarians actually hate fantasy related things, like dragons, non-human races, magic users, prophecies, etc
Because armor that covers is sexier.
Of course, there's ways to create unrealistic armor that isn't revealing.
That’s not bad. The sword is worse than the armor
But I’m perfectly fine with unrealistic armor. It’s generic anime moeblob faces and other weeb tropes I hate.
Because realistic armor is just looks better unless you're going for a wacky design. Also there's nothing worse than pauldroncore
You probably don't even know what weeaboo means, faggot
Ah, so we regularly have dump threads for exactly that because nobody likes it. I see.
There is. It's people who bitch online about unrealistic armor.
Cover her chest and she'd be good in my book.
Aesthetics matter.
Of all the things to have a persecution complex over, user picks this?
Autism, Soy, and brainwashed feminism.
Because Veeky Forums is full of faggots.
Because I'm midway and this feels stupid still. Impossible or impractical plate is fun. Metal heels, thigh-highs and plate skirts however are on the wrong side of pandering for me still
Because Veeky Forums is not one person. It's multiple people with different opinions. Some of them like girls in unrealistic armour, some don't.
So the reason is because /pol/ is retarded and smelly?
Because she should be tend'n to er children. Not galavant'n round play'n pretend. Leave the fight'n to the men folk like a good lass.
because people are autistic. Realism-fags kill the joy of roleplaying. They should take their shitty spears and go impale themselves on them.
This is an issue that takes us back to a time where /pol/ didn't even exist.
No one asked you dumb fag
Because if they're vocal enough about it women on their level of blatant ugliness might let their guards down just long enough for them to attempt a rape that didn't seem like a rape at the time and some might even call consensual but that she'll be quiet about for a few years until bringing it up is more convenient for her personal clout.
People like you are far worse than anyone from /pol/. Especially when you prevent any legitimate criticism of certain topics by screaming /pol/. You make them seem far more rational than they would. Faggot.
There is what?
Maybe you should look at the post I was replying to first you brainless faggot.
I appreciate them right into a crusty towel.
Doesn't mean I want them in my RPG.
Because people try to use it in serious settings where it ruins the tone and is generally distracting.
A female warrior is quintessentially a paradoxical design
Whenever you choose to have the warrior you're creating to be a woman, you choose the step away from the cloud of concepts that surrounds masculinity, which inevitably contains an always relatively greater quality of strength, in looks and actions both as far as humans are concerned
By choosing the woman, then you are intentionally making your warrior weaker and the question follows on why making a warrior weak, where the purpose of a warrior requires it to be as strong as possible; the answers can sound multiple but they boil down to a sole denominator:
After showing weakness you may then display what a "real" warrior of that kind, or of another, is capable; for this intent the closest natural concept (as in a concept that maintains its qualities without artificial interventions to maintain relative positions) to that same warrior, but stronger, is the same warrior but male, but in explaining a scale of powers, after lesser comes normal and only after normal comes greater, so, starting from the assumption that the female warrior created previously is not the norm of its kind, but always a weaker version of its male variant, it becomes apparent how counterintuitive it is to display the strength of a warrior above the norm by having it confront a weak one, rather than a normal one, unless the intention was to display how the norm is greater than the lesser, but when is that ever asked?
If the purpose of inherent weakness isn't to lose, then, it's left for it to draw or even win with the opposing embodiment of relative greater strength, but unless we're talking about an unequal confrontation, where other factors influence the outcome, the one and only place where a lesser shows to be greater than a greater is in an absurd situation, something that exists only to break expectations through non sequitur, which stands from the dawn of time as one of the pillars of comedy
A female warrior is quintessentially a joke
it's all opinion, but realistic≠effeminate. the armor could be the most accurate and realistic set of armor in fiction, but if it doesn't maintain/fit and support their femininity, it's not sexy.
lol suck my balls
As long as it fits the setting then fine I'm fine with it.
The only joke here is you stupid. Female warriors existed
>Liking girls in unrealistic armor.
What are you? A fag?
Tell me about it
The girl could be wearing literally anything, or nothing, and as long as her arms are armored and maybe she's got some magical stipper boot leg armor I could care less.
Because they are angry virgins.
Because it's retarded and pandering as fuck. Simple as that.
That is not a girl, it's a fucking homosexual.
Implying what you posted is realistic either
Like every element in fantasy ever?
You fucking mongoloid.
Masturbation post.
Why is Veeky Forums so angry today?
Avatarfagging is against the rules
>Imagine being born when the Sun converged with the star of the god of light and the goddess of life.
>Imagine thus being born the most blessed, filled with magical energies rivalling that of the gods, descending from a lineage that comes from angels themselves, with a most pure heart filled with virtue and beauty.
>Imagine being well trained in magic and swordsmanship since an early age with techniques which have been perfected through thousands of years.
>Imagine prophets and priests and even revelations from the highest beings in the universe talking about how your destiny is to save the world and confront a great evil.
>And so, imagine your time to shine comes and you go forward wearing an incorruptible plate made of starmetal of the finest quality, lighter than the wind itself, and a sturdy yet flexible mail woven with the silver threads made with the mustache of a rare extinct species of white dragon.
>Imagine saving a village from an invasion of horrid creatures, using the full extent of your holy might to obliterate evil in the name of what is good and of your pure ideals.
>Now imagine that just as you walk in as their savior a fucking fat lowly potato-munching peasant neckbeard suddenly yells "OI! WHY WYMMYN NOT INNA KITCHEN! I CUD SAVE THE WORLD MEESELF!!!!!111"
Now imagine being this much of a faggot that you would talk shit about a fantasy character in a fantasy world where different rules apply and fucking magic and gods are real and at full power.
Please try and keep the thread on topic
Please try and stop avatarfagging
Imagine being this mad
Only deprived faggots like Jap girls that have their tits hanging out of horrendous armour
You're half right. Men naturally don't take females seriously and that's just fine. Because females naturally don't view men the same way they view each other either. I'm not gonna pretend I know how girls think because I'm not a girl, but I can confirm how men think. Even the ones who would openly disagree with what I'm saying are full of shit and have by default viewed women as I stated first. They had to condition themselves to respect girls.
You can see it plain as day with children, we are naturally repulsed by each other at an early age, then reproductive urges kick in and we change our mentality.
Oh, I do. I'm a huge fan of JRPG-styled armor. I mean, we already have magic swords, fireballs and so on. (Not to mention that the idea of female warriors is fairly ludicrous anyway, so it's not like it violates my suspension of disbelief.)
More, I've never been a fan of 'realistically' butt-ugly, musclebound women. I much prefer sexy / elegant designs. Hence, unrealistic armor. I mean, it's not like D&D even pretends to be realistic!
I don't. The armor is the least unrealistic thing about a warrior woman, but I can suspend my disbelief for the sake of my own enjoyment.
>subconscious internalized misogyny
Get your micro-agressions out of here, nigga. Speaking from experience, misogyny is very rarely subconcious or internalized.
>Men naturally don't take females seriously
Of course they don't. Taking them seriously is why I started hating them in the first place.
give examples of female warriors that weren't:
1. used for propaganda
2. Rare, and not common at all
3.Defending their homes or fighting in a desperate situation
Germanic war maidens.
They went with the males during small raids and skirmishes. If they proved themselves in battle they could get to choose who to fuck
>inb4 not battle
But not in large numbers, and not more than a blip. Men have every advantage in combat over women.
Never said they were common you stupid faggot
I thought those were legend and folklore, not actually a thing. Besides, wouldn't someone like that be constantly under threat of rape?
Exactly. It's like saying "A cavalry charge is a viable way of defeating a tank battalion." Just because it happened all of once doesn't mean it's a good idea, or even repeatable.
>Germanic war maidens.
The closest thing I can recall the Romans mentioning in that regard is the wives of Germanic warriors basically looking on, screaming and sometimes flinging shit at the enemy. Celts like Boudica did that shit too. Problem with that overrated British cunt is that she mostly raided defenseless villages and the moment she met an organized Roman army for the first time (about a quarter the size of her army, mind you) she not only got her shit wrecked, but those "war maidens" sitting on their wagons actually blocked the warriors' retreat resulting in mass slaughter.
Did that actually happen though? I've heard of cavalry capturing a fleet, but never a tank.
It's like he was telling a half-truth at best or something.
Or you are just stupid
It's a myth, just like the myth of shield-maidens.
Doesn't even know about prehistoric warrior women. You know, the ones the Amazons were likely based off of.
>Cyrus the Great of the Persian Achaemenid Empire fought the Saka whose women were said to fight alongside their men.
>Graves of armed females have been found in southern Ukraine and Russia... About 20% of Scythian-Sarmatian "warrior graves" ... contained females dressed for battle as if they were men
Please learn some obscure history user. If all else fails, check common mythological origins. They're usually grounded in some fact.
Yeah, stupid Poles. Why would they bother with using cavalry when it's fucking World War Two? The technologically advanced Germans never bothered with such stupid things.
The Fianna were bands of nobles kids who had not yet come into their inheritance or lands. Men and women alike joined, and were required to prove a kill in battle before they earned any loot or command. In winter they were housed and fed by landed nobles in return for peacekeeping, but were required to spend warmer months hunting and trapping for themselves.
>obscure history
But that's the thing nigger, it's an anomaly. Sexual dimorphism is a biological reality and males are more adapted for war than females. Deal with it.
I guess you expected an academic paper or something. Want an actual source? Go fetch it yourself you sturdy buttnugget.
It was not that common, but it happened. There were some cases also where women followed men in battle, mostly as auxiliary troops. But that was not to protect their homeland, but to contribute to the actual war. You could at most say that these were desperate because if the males lost they'd get raped, but if you go to battle you expect shit like that to happen.
Also this
And you can even find cases of women soldiers nowadays, in warzones. And I don't mean Kurds.
>wives of Germanic warriors basically looking on, screaming and sometimes flinging shit at the enemy.
I read that about Gaul women, flashing themselves and making the soldiers lose their shit so that their husbands could get them. The reports I read about the fighting women come from late-Roman, close to the decline.
This is a good thread
because it often looks like shit and is poorly inserted
>I read that about Gaul women, flashing themselves and making the soldiers lose their shit
Old habbits die hard.
Stop talking shit. Tacitus mentioned that Germanic Women stood at the back of battle, and showed their breasts and bodies to rally the men to fight harder, and scorned the men who ran. These were also known as Shieldmaidens, as they provided warriors with broken shields new shields.
>It stands on record that armies already wavering and on the point of collapse have been rallied by the women, pleading heroically with their men, thrusting forward their bared bosoms, and making them realize the imminent prospect of enslavement - a fate which the Germans fear more desperately for their women than for themselves. Indeed, you can secure a surer hold on these nations if you compel them to include among a consignment of hostages some girls of noble family. More than this, they believe that there resides in women an element of holiness and a gift of prophecy; and so they do not scorn to ask their advice, or lightly disregard their replies. In the reign of the emperor Vespasian we saw Veleda long honoured by many Germans as a divinity; and even earlier they showed a similar reverence for Aurinia and a number of others - a reverence untainted by servile flattery or any presence of turning women into goddesses.
Conclusion, you're a fucking idiot. Read some Tacitus and stop reading from modernist sources that said muh women fought in Germanic Society, they didn't.
It's obscure because no one fucking teaches it. This tribe-nation was fucking bad ass and were hired as mercenaries. This tribe was literally the best of the best when it came to mounted combat and people knew it.
Don't undersell something just because it didn't fit in with the patriarchal dominated culture of the time of the massive world shaping nations.
This is hardly an issue of biological adeptness. It's a matter of social customs. The idea for much of the prehistoric world was "women make children. The men fight, protecting the factories that make the children." Simple fucking logistics.
After all, it's like saying a gun is masculin or feminin, it's just a fck object done for WAR not playtime. I agree w/ you
Nice source there, faggot. You may as well use Herodotus or Tolkien.
>mfw all of Hitler's "muh noble Germanic warrior race" bullshit is based on Tacitus because Germanics never bothered to write down their non-achievements
No, it's not like Tacitus would have talked to Romans who had served in Germany, Or Germanic Auxllaries, or Germanic slaves. No, just because Tacitus never went there it means the entire source is completely wrong.
you got BTFO by tacitus
romeaboos butthurt about Teutoburg once again
Fascinating and informative.
i do like unrealistic armor in unrealistic settings
everything can be explained with magic.
What i dont like is when there is no internal consistency
>J-just because he was never actually there doesn't mean he is b-biased and unreliable.
Nah, he just missed important details, was partial as fuck and often confused historical characters or contradicted himself. But nothing a historian should take into account, especially when losing an argument on the internet.
>Backstab a Roman army deployed in Germania for the sole purpose of putting down rebellions for their allies
>"Glorious Germanic victory! Much brave, such strategy, very brilliant!"
>Augustus personally drops by to kick their asses with another army in an actual battle, not a betrayal of his allies
>"We dindu nuffin, we gud boyz"
>Hop the border, live on Roman gibsmedats, outbreed the natives, refuse to adapt to superior culture
>"Wow, Rome is so weak and effeminate! We wuz superior! Fuck Romans hahaha"
>Everything goes to shit, literal dark age starts
>"W-W-We wuz Romanz 'n shiet!"
>Meanwhile they declare themselves "holy" despite starting and empowering the worst heresy since the days of Arianism (which was also popular among Germanics, how (((convenient))))
>Repeat the same (((Germanic tricks))) at Leipzig against Caesar reborn
>Start two world wars
>"B-But we wuz stronks! We wuz Romans 'n shiet"
>Try the same "ethnic displacement through superior birth rates" trick again, this time with (((new Germans)))
Same song, different tune. Charlemagne's biggest mistake was not exterminating every last Saxon when he had the chance.
post frilly battle dresses already losers
Around Krauts, watch out
Now you mention Rome
>Among the most famous was Carpophorus, a frequent dispatcher of lions, bears, and leopards, whose personal best involved killing 20 beasts in a single battle
Gladiators were fucking good.
Horse Archers are the best (and only) role females been recorded as.
Makes sense since you dont need to run yourself and hunting bows not needing much drawstrength (longbows dont need to apply)
I came here for boobplate and armor dresses. I am sorely disappointed.
Except he quite accurately told the locations of the Germanic Tribes. Modern historians cannot disprove germania at all. get btfo
>muh backstab
It's not like Arminius was trying to free his people from Roman rule or anything like that :^)
Romeaboos are still this mad about Teutoberg, even this many years later. Stay mad romeaboo.
Is that visor attached to her head?
>Armor Dress
Quality taste.
>It's not like Arminius was trying to free his people from Roman rule or anything like that :^)
Notice how Nordicists and Afro-centrists tend to sound a lot alike!
Not even mad m8, you brought it up in the first place because that's the closest thing to a "victory" Germanoïds can achieve. It's like how the Germans keep bragging about invading a battered, broken and unprepared France while conveniently forgetting they haven't managed to win a single war post-unification.
>Inb4 boxer rebellion or some "war" against African tribals