Why did they make it so bad? Incompetence? Sabotage? Greed?
Why did they make it so bad? Incompetence? Sabotage? Greed?
Other urls found in this thread:
lol poopie
We've had four fucking threads
Orders from the top, I'd assume.
Just a lack of fund allocation going to the correct places. Wizards is cutting from all their departments except whoever does the stories, hence why we've gotten all these gameplay issues in standard, leaks, mappable boxes (Eldritch Moon before this), and garbage PR
>mappable boxes
This has been disproven by multiple streams and vids that went up today
So I’m sure you’ll have no issue even linking ONE then, right?
My guess is on
>Not counting on autistic people to cardcount through an entire box to snatch a few good cards
Happy to provide! Here's a brand new vid from everyone's favorite grifter, Rudy:
White do you think is so bad about it?
and these were accepted by everyone, or at least most people, right ?
It's not like the price of a box dropped from 50 to 70 dollars, right ?
Uh think again sweetie
Given the assumption the Rudy's video is not faked and he opened two selected boxes.
See, this doens't prove anything. The premise is 'all boxes are sufficiently randomized'. Somehow, Rudy found a rule, got two box together and they had enough similarity on the rare slot two be said 'they have the same rares'.
The golden word here is rule. Opening boxes ad nausea, without following the rule, is meaningless. The rule probably is burden by serial numbers, not barely two boxes on the same case.
It worked following the rule. Rudy knew the rule beforehand. The only way to disprove it and call a coincidence is following this rule and not obtaining the same result. Then we can conclude the rule works on even more constraints than 'serial numbers'.
Rudy probably opened so many boxes on Masters 25 and other similar structured products (same sheets, same number of cards, same number of packs, etc...) that breaking the 'encrypted randomization' was an easy task.
In the end, opening boxes like people are doing and claiming there is no problem is silly. They are just doing it wrong.
If you think they made it shit intentionally, there's no saving you.
Why are Masters 25 and Dominaria getting shit on so hard here? Masters 25 looks like they finally figured out how to make a good Masters set, and Dominaria so far looks like it could be the best standard legal set in a long time. I'm still waiting to see if there will be good black removal at common, but I'm feeling optimistic.
Everybody I know IRL that plays has had nothing but good things to say about Masters 25 and Dominaria, so it's really jarring to see so much hate here. I'd like to hear the reasoning of anybody who isn't so hot on these sets.
It's a bunch of lingering /v/irgins and /pol/kiddies from the Jeramey fiasco. They hate everything that everyone else likes and enjoys
Hey Gavin, come have a game with us sometime. Is the card quality fixed?
>everyone who disagrees with me is wotc
> Masters 25 looks like they finally figured out how to make a good Masters set
>and Dominaria so far looks like it could be the best standard legal set in a long time
Anyway, the short answer is that it's a combination of the following factors:
>Veeky Forums being bad at Magic
>influx of non-Magic players into Magic threads
>Veeky Forums has done this with basically every set ever
>Jeremy is butthurt
So the card quality is not fixed.
I'm loving Dominaria, but then again I'm an EDHfag on top of being a Wizard/Angel/Goblin Tribalfag and Teferifag.
I'm glad I skipped Masters 25 tho, what a shitshow.
How the hell would I know. I don't work for wotc
>Jeramey fiasco
Literally who?
Again, literally who? Anyway, I'm only talking about the set itself. Card stock quality is another issue, and one I hope that gets resolved.
>> Masters 25 looks like they finally figured out how to make a good Masters set
>I'm glad I skipped Masters 25 tho, what a shitshow.
Care to elaborate?
You can tell they really wanted to do a re-release of Alpha, but they couldn't because of the bullshit reserved list.
God damn, what were they THINKING?
>>Jeramey fiasco
>Literally who?
Jeramey Fiasco is an American rapper, record producer, and entrepreneur. He rose to fame in 2006 following the success of his debut album, Jeramey Fiasco's Food & Liquor.
He got into a spot of controversy over the holidays for crossdressing as Liliana as a promotional stunt, and Wizards of the Coast banned him from attending their most recent conference on transphobia because of it.
Oh fuck off
Is there something I forgot to mention?
Underrated post
Dominaria looks good. A25 is definitely a bit disappointing. Like, it looks fun to draft and I probably will but they seriously need to drop the price back to $7 going forward, then they can design whatever janky themes they want. Drafts aren't going to happen if people can't afford to do it.
I only follow magic loosely now - what's wrong with m25? Dominaria actually looks good enough that I'd want to play again if the game weren't so fucking expensive, so I'm kinda assuming OP's just full of shit.
I thought Dominaria had recieved a surprisingly overwhelmingly positive reception here. I like it too even if I really really think historic is dumb (and apparently a lot of designers did too, since Mark had to fight for it to get in).
Really strange choices for many of the slots, some of which are exceedingly bad (Tree of Redemption at mythic, for example, is the big one)
Not many cards that are actually NEEDED for various formats, when the Masters sets are supposed to be about increasing supply of necessary cards.
They clearly used current going prices to determine the contents of the rare/mythics, but even the ones that are currently pricey are mostly that way due to scarcity than usability, and their value will sink like a stone.
Ten dollar per pack price tag, despite not having the reason the first Masters set jumped to that price (limited supply)
The prior Masters set having all of the above problems and them claiming to have fixed it, despite their scheduling meaning A25 was being printed by the time they learned of those problems.
Jace the Mind Sculptor being unbanned just prior to release being considered by many a simple money grab, and it's hard to blame them.
Multiple Akromas at mythic despite them already being reprinted to hell and back. Same with a bunch of others.
Potential print run randomization problems that, if true, mean that one can tell what's in a box just by opening a few packs, meaning stores can pop a box, grab the good cards, and put the packs with crud up for sale. Or regular people doing the same and selling the excess packs. It's possible this isn't the case, due to the source of it and others claiming otherwise, so it's up in the air.
Fucking up Ihsan's Shade's art. Even if one accepts they needed a new version for the card, it should've been closer to the old version.
Both Ihsan's Shade and Stangg's arts really bug me. I don't even really care about the rest of the armor, but both characters had easily recognizabe helmets that should have been part of their design. They didn't necessarily do anything wrong (the website posted an art description for Ihsan's Shade and other than not referencing the first card, it made sense that it looks the way it does), but it's ridiculous how they don't resemble the old ones at all. I just don't get how Stangg doesn't have his helmet at all. I get if you want to say he's black, but have him holding the helmet or something. I guess Bolas for example doesn't resemble his old art at all either but for some reason that bugs me less.
Card choices have always been pretty iffy for the masters set, if I'm honest. They pretty commonly alternated between useless and cash grab. But fair enough, that doesn't mean this one is okay.
Price argument is also a good point.
Print run randomization is their problem, not really the users.
>Fucking up Ihsan's Shade's art.
Holy shit you weren't kidding, that's awful. All complaints validated.
Also, the thing that bugs me the most is both Ihsan's Shade and Stangg appeared in other media with an appearance very close to their card art. Stangg is a fucking vanguard.
Bolas gets away with it because Bolas was once a nigh-divine shapeshifter.
Probably didn't realize his face was as flat as it is now before the Mending hit and it got stuck that way.
Thats a bit of a cop out. Might as well say ihsan and stangg just got some different clothes.
Move to Europe. Our printers are garbage.
Making nonbinary players feel welcome is more important than making good product for everyone.
Capitalism, ho!
fuck off Mark
>Move to Europe
Nobody wants to move to Europe anymore
Fucking lol
This, you can somewhat map boxes because packs/rares are not distributed with true randomness, otherwise you couldn't garuntee 1.5 mythics in every box.
Theoretically every booster box ever made is mappable if you have enough data
>Be Me
>be wotc
>just released Magic Origins, announced as the last core set
>hot off the heels of Khans of Tarkir block, giving allied fetchlands to modern and introducing new tools to decks all the way back to vintage
>Origins goes off without a hitch
>Battle for Zendikar
>Return to Iconic, beloved plane, lottery ticket full art foil lands
>Standard becomes degenerate 5 colour good stuff
>Lol it's ok new rotation cycle will clear out the fetchlands soon
>That Jace we made was a bit busted, escalates in price, people complain and want bans
>Like we'd ever ban anything in standard
>Oath of the Gatewatch
>Decide not to playtest for older synergies in eternal formats because lol those cucks don't earn us money
>Fuck it, let's really get on their goat
>"In the interest of competitive diversity, Splinter Twin is banned"
>Oh shit
>"Lets give the format some breathing room"
>Ban the thing people said to ban anyway
>Shadows Over Innistrad
>Another return set, people are scared we're going to ruin another iconic block
>Don't worry we got this btw lol it's totally not emrakul
>Archangel Avacyn ruins Standard
>Eldritch moon
>Delerium deck looks too fun, gonna have to keep an eye on that
>Tree of Perdition xDDD so funny i wonder if we should reprint Tree of Redemption?
>Artifact based block boys! This has historically gone well!
>What's that? Energy needs to be costed? Pfft you're reaching
>Dude our guys are flying around in helicopters and shit and this one ever draws you cards!
>...That's a lot of players drawing cards...
>...uh oh
>...erm... HEY LOOK! Masterpieces! New premium foils with cool borders!
>Why isn't the art foil? Ehhhhhh.... Hey look Chandra!
>Begin to Sweat, the Spaghetti is real
>The Modern players will save us
>Modern Masters 2017
>Fetch lands will stem the bleeding
>Thank modern players with reveal of fatal push printing
>Ban those evil cards from Standard because why not
>Ban Reflector Mage after CoCo has rotated because i guess...?
>The Marvel? Nah shit's cool senpai
>Aether Revolt
>Everything goes blank, only see flashes of Energy in front of my eyes
>Wake up 3 months later
>Bolas hanging out and scheming, cool story bro
>This one should be good right?
>People are sick of only the gatewatch members everywhere
>Nissa is also Blue now because fuck you
>Our invocations are mostly blue and illegible
>Welp. Guess we'll scrap that later
>Booster pack art leaks
>Oh shit, erm... Atlazan? Ajani? No clue what you're talking about...
>Note to self, fix that shit later
>Hour of Devestation
>Yo dudes here's my boy Scarab God
>No way he'll be format warping in about 3 months come rotation
>Set does actual nothing, Energy still the best deck
>Does literal nothing
>Energy everywhere
>Foil cards bending more than the latest iphone
>Player base complaining
>Who cares about foils lets talk supplementary!
>Magic Arena
>Hearthstone the Gathering
>Ixalan block constructed
>It seemed like a good idea at the time
>Iconic Masters
>Give it to Target and Walmart, LGSs who invested large money into boxes of this end up making huge losses
>Supply hugely outweighs demand
>Every card in the set tanks in value
>Full art lands stem the bleeding
>Only a set taking the piss out of this fucking game could save us
>Hey i wonder how standard's doi-FUCK FUCK BAN SHIT BAN SHIT FAST
>Rivals of Ixalan
>Trying to revive a dead format like standard
>The modern players will save us now...
Just because every box isn't literally the same doesn't mean there wont be a map.
>Announce 25th anniversary set
>Put the most powerful planeswalker card ever on the front of the box
>Not like we've killed a format before let's gamble on this one
>Unban Jace in modern purely to hype 25th anniversary set
>Shift up rest of value rares to mythics
>Fill rest of set with shite, people will buy it just for Jace anyway
>Unban Bloodbraid too, don't even bother putting it into the set
>Foils still warping like fuck
>I think we fixed it guys
>Dominaria leaks a month early because we fucked up... or did we?
>They'll never know because we keep fucking up all the time anyway
>Masters 25 still going to big box stores
>Masters 25 isn't even randomised properly, duplicate rares abound
>Mfw i look in the mirror and see nothing wrong
>Mfw it's all good because we're changing pronouns on cards
>mfw i run a multi-million dollar game franchise
>mfw it's all the modern player's fault.
If he can know the contents by the fucking serial number on the box then anyone that buys enough boxed can, especially if people pool their data together.
It's fucked.
sounds about right
We're going to have a hundred more. This is kind of the biggest deal in the biggest card game right now.
it had a good run
Containment leaks from /pol/ and the grognard tendency to echo negative sentiments hard. There are definite flaws in M25 and every "masters" set after the first one, most of which are either directly or indirectly to do with how they've been going about adjusting EV, print runs, and retail price. We've only seen like half of Dominaria, but it looks promising enough.
But these days everything's a conspiracy by the Jew/SJW/woman/communist-infested company, or its simultaneously feckless and fiendishly competent corporate overlords, to make the game worse, punish and minimize the white men who are literally the game's only audience, and I'm pretty sure sterilize us all through fluoridation of our drinking water. Take your pick from that alphabet soup, I'm pretty sure someone will claim every possible permutation at some point.
>SJWs in the board room
>Pedos in the judge program
How long until Wizards comes out as a gay man?
I will never let down this tweet.
gotta love how they address "cyver bullies" and not the shit card stock.
>Watch Rudy open a box of OG innistrad
>All the women are attractive and white
It's Wizards. Obviously they were incompetent.
That was right around the infestation started.
The think i hate now is how WotC labels you as a racist homophobic if you complain about SJW agenda being introduced in the game.
Samut and the Mexican planeswalker are bland as fuck who's only trait is to be "le strung wumen".
The worst is many youtubers are supporting this shit. I used to respect the professor and learned a lot about quality products from WotC and sleeves but now he and many others are busy being inclusive and labels you as a jeremy supporter if you don't agree.
Really, no fun allowed I see.
>butthurt /pol/tards crowing about how the games gonna die because Wizards hurt their feelings
I guess it's not much more dumb than any other instance of the annual THE GAME IS DEAAAD doomsaying orgy.
P.S. Every master's set has been greed driven shit, there's nothing special about this one.
Fuck off Mossad.
TCC is the biggest sellout ever. Only thing that's watchable from him anymore are the sleeve and deck box reviews.
The product reviews were the only thing worth watching on his channel to begin with.
He did some good reviews from some WotC products. I bought the Modern Event Deck years ago, which was a pretty decent product and he was right about the sleeves from it being pretty shitty and gave tips to upgrade it.
>muh /pol/
this is Veeky Forums not reddit, you have to go back
kind of Offtopic, but why the fuck did Rudy from AI bought lot of that shitty MtG Gift Box?
This is not /pol/, get the fuck off my lawn.
Right, so insulting /pol/acks is actually hostile, derailing bait, and you shouldn't do it.
Because this thread was so good to begin with.
>plebbit mods even doing the damage control on Veeky Forums
Do you feel in charge?
>Only thing that's watchable from him is the majority of content he puts out
Praising with faint damnation, there.
DESU, the "he or she" to "them" wording doesn't bother me. Other languages like Spanish had that change long time ago and I don't care if they did it just for for inclusion.
What I hate is the poor state standard is right now, the product quality and the shitty story they've been delivering in the last years with the gatewatch.
>What I hate is the poor state standard is right now, the product quality and the shitty story they've been delivering in the last years with the gatewatch.
That I can fucking respect. I quit the game during RTR/Theros because Standard was shit and I've yet to regret it.
>the shitty story they've been delivering in the last years with the gatewatch
What bugs me is there are kernels of creativity in there. Like elite armored zombies aren't original, but they were well done. Parts of the gatewatch narrative are mildly interesting, Bolas is an okay mustache twirling villain, and so on.
But it comes across as your standard Hollywood movie co-written by eight people, where three or four non-sequitur blurbs of dialogue or action scene moves are shoved into a loosely connected B-plot because the movie was just a vehicle for seeing the visuals they wanted and shoving lame quips into the public consciousness. Hour of Devastation comes across as being ABOUT destroying Egypt and having imagery of a destroyed Egypt be sold to children. The game itself, and the story with it, is a distant afterthought to the all important imagery.
Wizards wants to be Marvel so bad it hurts.
58503871 (You)
What's wrong with it? I am aware of the events, but PR is tricky and the tweet doesn't seem bad in a vacuum. No idpol or explicit side-taking. Having people creating controversies in their community would make them look bad by association.
I believe that there are legitimate problems that need to be addressed, but we need to keep things apolitical. If crossboarders from /pol/ want to help, they must leave their politics at the door and try to solve problems in good faith. It helps no one if we're going to get sidetracked on "KANGZ", or stoop to the SJWs' level by bitching about casting(?) decisions.
I think it's stupid that Wizards is a part of some "Cultural Marxist" conspiracy. Why does kissing up to activist wannabees have to be a part of some political conspiracy and not just be a matter of cynical business? I don't like it when diversity is done for the sake of diversity or following some trend, but I don't believe this is a part of some Jewish conspiracy.
If Wizards is going to pull a "players are dead" on us, I'll stop playing or buying in a heartbeat, but for now, I'll tolerate this phase of dumb neo-feminist memes. Hopefully it will mellow out. If they want me to dabble with their "stronk independant womym creatures", then they better start printing good cards in all rare slots.
They can’t even keep the hate for this set off their mainstream social media channels, fuck off (((Mark)))
>If crossboarders from /pol/ want to help, they must leave their politics at the door and try to solve problems in good faith.
I agree and am interested in working in good faith, I think most people are. We have a serious problem. However, in good faith, it does seem really obvious to myself and others that there is a creepy, cultish, religious background tone that does need to be addressed in said good faith. Quite bluntly, groups that consider themselves real life wizards are all interested in the massive, popular, psychic smorgasbord that is Magic the Gathering. One of these organizations is the CIA, another is Mossad. Both have been infiltrating toy companies for decades.
>It helps no one if we're going to get sidetracked on "KANGZ", or stoop to the SJWs' level by bitching about casting(?) decisions.
Agreed, of course. Though it is fair to say mixing cultures and races haphazardly can be seen as quite insulting to all cultures and races involved, and there's a difference between having peoples represented, and having an artistic mandate to draw white girl/black guy every time in, say, a mongolian marketplace. Artistic freedom is good, stories about cool fictional cultures are good. Letting the marketing department run the company is probably bad.
>I think it's stupid that Wizards is a part of some "Cultural Marxist" conspiracy. Why does kissing up to activist wannabees have to be a part of some political conspiracy and not just be a matter of cynical business? I don't like it when diversity is done for the sake of diversity or following some trend, but I don't believe this is a part of some Jewish conspiracy.
Unfortunately it is, and I am saying that in good faith despite your posting style displaying the tells of a Mossad agent. I don't want politics to be dragged into this game, but pointing out just how much they're already a part of it isn't the same thing. I want literal spies out of our game, and I want their demoralization psyop to end.
Why are you trying to convince people who already agree /pol/ should fuck off that /pol/ should fuck off? Also Christ you sound condescending as fuck.
these bait posts will never stop, will they?
>your posting style displaying the tells of a Mossad agent
That'd be "disagrees with me," presumably.
Actually its your inability to avoid being condescending combined with your poor formatting.
>/pol/ should fuck off
we need people to say these things tho without fear:
>pissed off wizards want to make women ugly and unappealing
>making karn identify as a women
>gender politics in our card rules text
at the end of the day we want a wizards to sell us fucking cardboard to us, how can they fuck up this bad?
Dominaria looks great, Masters looks dull as hell because they feel like they have to balance every product for limited.
>making karn identify as a women
say what now?
It's already too late.
>karn identifying as a woman
wait what? You better be shitting me fucker, links nao.
>karn identifying as a woman
You best be pulling that out of your hyperbolic ass cause it sounds just plausible enough to make me nervous
Alright, I'm going to have to look up what Mossad is.
What I'm saying is that I think we need to sort our priorities and focus on the non-controversial things: Wizards needs to make Standard better, card stock needs to be improved, and the game needs to be more affordable (which is a very high barrier of entry for many of the very blacks and latinos they want to pull into the game, by the way). Getting distracted by dubious motives and culture wars is only going to result in nothing getting solved. Greedy people want pointless bickering because it means nothing changes, and nothing changing is generally more favorable for businesses.
/pol/ should leave their politics at the door. Everyone should. Politics is a minor topic at best. We cannot have ourselves be distracted by a creeping quagmire of political bullshit, especially when we have Wizards already kissing up to "progressives".
You could argue that there needs to be a counterweight, but if you are correct, I would still exercise coolness and avoid unwarranted outrage.
>making karn identify as a women
That's the day Rosewater dies
>Alright, I'm going to have to look up what Mossad is
>There are actually people that think Wizards of the Cost can do no wrong and are actually customer friendly
>They list how inclusive they are as good reasons
>focus on the non-controversial things: Wizards needs to make Standard better, card stock needs to be improved, and the game needs to be more affordable
Card stock first. This is a fucking trading card game. Then affordability but never at the expense of card stock. Third, healthy support for all formats and ways to play. A healthy standard environment is good for Modern, Commander and Legacy. Even all those weird fringe formats deserve at least the attention of a page on WotC's website with a leaderboard or something. Keep people active in the game and shuffling their cards up in different ways.
No it's not, and all of these threads are full of retarded /v/irgins and /pol/kiddies
He's calling you part of Israeli intelligence, when you're clearly just a newfag. Seriously, go lurk for a while. I agree with you and reading your posts still makes me angry.
He's full of shit. Do you believe everything you read online?
Funny, the only idpol I ever have to deal with is you faggots.
No, this Veeky Forums post Iconic Masters