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Big Tau Hordes Right In My Face edition

>Necron Leaks:

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1st for KRIEG

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Post models you guys want to use in killteam.

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Mad Men When?

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So how old is the normal Krieg solider?
I know they are vat grown.... but are they vat grown fast or as children?

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I've been trying to figure out how to paint my eldar for a few days now.

Any suggestions? I'm open to any of the established craftworlds or

angryman and lemon man are the next 2 coming out so says the rumor mill.

Thanks! (Didn’t realize about the middle part... don’t think my friends or I have ever done that; guess I’ll bring it up next we all play again)

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How bigly are the gunna make Papa Angron? He's hot to be bigger than a Bloodthirster right?


They get shipped off at 14, grenadiers start at about 18-19.

If tau are horde that gives me more incentive to get another Start Collecting.
God the crisis suits are sexy.

Do your opponents do this?

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I think it's been confirmed that there are rumours that the rank-and-file fresh from krieg are pretty young, like 15-18 range

of course I think leadership is older, but I guess GW is referencing their young age with how young some soldiers signed up in WW1

yeah that was one of the nice QoL improvements 8th edition had over 7th edition

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Only once in my LGS. Nobody's afraid to call that shit out.

How would you give non-Marine armies something that can stand up to a Primarch?

He needs to be at least the size of a knight I would think. unless they make him hunched over.

Yeah, but aren't they tank bred or something into adulthood, or something?

What am I even looking at here, someone who can't use a ruler to save his life?

I think all we know is they use something called the vite womb to grow them. Just no idea if it makes adults or infants.

I will protect this thread.

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Since the Necrons are coming out soon I thought about putting together a fluffy Death Spectres/Deathwatch/Imperial Guard army.

Is it possible? I haven't played for a while.

IIRC, they do clone them but not all of them are vat grown

I think if in a given year they feel like their gonna be short on their soldier tithe raised "organically" they'll pump the numbers up with lab grown versions

Not quite.

Attached: Down Amongst the Dead Men.pdf (PDF, 601K)

Heavy support options from each faction?

that short story got me into Dead Men Walking, both are good shit

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>please consult uplifting leaflet 44447//b: All Things Great And Small And Why They Must Ultimately All Be Slaughtered To Ensure Permanent Human Hegemony
I love these

How do I run the best pattern marines? Squads of 5 with a melta gun? Any reason to run a squad of 10?

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Yeah want there a krieg colonel who was like 24?

I have three regular opponents who do this.

They'll measure out a movement distance, keep the measuring tap down when they do it. Then they'll take the inside guy, and move him to the other side of the ruler, then the next guy will be next to him, and so on and so on, until a troop unit that moves six inches ends up six inches forward and a foot to the left.

Is it Mon-key or Mon-kai? Or Mon-keyg?

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For you it's pronounced fag-got.

I would suck her cock so you're not wrong there.

Vitae Womb tech seems to be more just artificial womb tech rather than cloning or pumping out mature soldiers. It's never explicitly described.

Harvest a bunch of eggs, fertilise them then stick them in tanks to gestate and you can produce far more kids per generation than a population relying on women carrying a single kid to term, seems the most likely reason but it might be cloning, that's speculated as one of the reasons Kriegers rarely remove their respirators.

They're raised from children by all accounts so they're definately not being decanted as fully grown adults regardless, they're raised collectively in military units, live fire exercises (sometimes against other trainee battalions or collections of wash-outs) and hunting mutants on the surface throughout childhood followed by being shipped off-world in their late teens.

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I call it Mon-Kai, unless I'm memeing, in which case it's Mon-Kayy-Lmao

So what would an anarcho-capitalist craftworld be like? I am working on my side craftworld that hangs out with my deldar and need some ideas

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I'm gonna keep posting this until I get some (You)s.

I'm starting a new Tau army, but I'm having trouble deciding between three different options. I don't actually play 40k so it's irrelevant how effective the actual army would be.
>Option A
A cadre from the Sa'Cea Sept stationed on a lush temperature rainforest world, on campaign against local ork warbands. Uniform would essentially be that of Cadians (khaki fatigues, olive green armor). A pretty even split between infantry and crisis suits, but few vehicles due to the terrain, and no auxiliaries.
>Option B
A cadre from an (as-of-yet) unnamed colony that has been established on a jungle moon orbiting a gas giant, fighting against a local contingent of human guerillas. Uniform would consist of either black or dark brown fatigues and dark green, camouflaged armor, with black accents. After being stationed here for so long, the Fire Warriors have become somewhat "savage," decorating their armor with things like skull and tooth necklaces, hides of vicious local wildlife, the odd skull from a defeated enemy. A very Vietnam War-themed army. Army composition would be almost entirely infantry with a big focus on Kroot auxiliaries. The occasional battlesuit as well, very battle damaged and worn from years of use without much in the way of maintenance.
>Option C
A cadre from the Vior'La Sept on campaign on a desert world not unlike Mars. Uniform would be bone-colored fatigues and dark red armor, with accessories like robes and headscarves to protect parts of the armor from the abrasive, microscopic dust that whirls around the planet in massive sandstorms. Heavy reliance on vehicles, all infantry units accompanied by a Devilfish, and maybe some flyers from Forge World.

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I've been seeing squads of 5 with plasma or melta and a combi weapon of the same type.

Heavy weapons for dev squads.

Also, mk3 master race bud

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Can someone help me with my world building? I need it for my next campaign and I feel it's full of holes.

I use Mon-kai.


>Thinking about keeping the crons after seeing the leaks.
>Feeling good, even have some conversion ideas.
>Have to build lycheguard

Fuck these spines, fuck them right up the narrow canal through which their artificial nerves go through.

No more Necrons.

Also, I pronounce "Sa'cea" as Saah-kayuh.

S2 T2 W0 6+Sv

RIP in peice my dear old friend.

I hope you liked my recommendation.

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45th for custodes

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Oh okay. I've had a tau and and orc opponent do this when I played last edition. They also had a bad habit of placing their minis at the end of the measure for an extra inch. Gotta say this made their movement phases hellishly long. Since they had to correct every few movements while muttering something about mistakenly nudging since they had so many models to move

Option B had the most "your dudes" vibe.

Also battle damaged and used armor is my fetish

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Doesn't everybody? The Tau don't have a distinction between the letters "C" and "K" in Low Gothic, so it stands to reason that that means they make the same sound.

Any leak yet for the ashes of prospero?

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Meh, I still think they are an easy starter army even tho they break like crazy.

Easy to paint and the rules look ok. The monolith still looks like a giant kick me sign however.

Sorry meant nid

I say mon-kay but the audiobooks I've heard literally just say monkey

It would be dark eldar

Nothing will stop me from protecting this thread.

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Nth for show me your progress the cum-strat experiment worked out pretty well I think

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The destroyers are fine, the guy who made the immortal guns link to their back is a jerk but dear lord, I cannot come back to this army, its all so fiddly and spindly and balanced on a tiny nub

My brothers

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I've been saying ser-see-uh or say-see-uh this entire time but saah-kay-uh seems like it would be way more accurate

Well that depends how you define the "anarcho" part. Capitalist is pretty straightforward.

If it's pure anarcho capitalism you'd expect militaries and police forces to all be privatized, which would mean that wars would all be fought by mercenaries hired by traders. Many disputes would devolve into conflict because force would remain an option in all trade arrangements, therefore biggest sticks tend to prevail.

If you rein that anarchy in to a more "minarchist" society, you can still have all the hookers, blow, privately-owned xenos beasties, and the like that you want but the instruments of defense and justice (of "force") would remain in control of government. So courts, prisons, police, and military would remain instruments of the government but everything else is fair game. Taxes would either be flat or more likely the government would run on voluntary contributions. Free riders would be shunned with public listings of who paid in and who did not.

You're the first person to respond with Option B, most people seem to like A and C even though I feel like B has the most character. I have a display board planned out if I do B. I really like the juxtaposition of having these super-advanced Tau warriors next to "primitive" stuff like buildings made out of wood and shit. So I think I'll have a central barracks/command center that is normal Tau architecture, surrounded by shit like earthen ramparts and trenches, tents for the Kroot and lower ranks, etc.

Can’t post a pic right now, but I have a couple DV heavy cultists with Skittle vanguard helms I’m excited to use for something finally

>fully supported range coming 2018
Are you sure, GW?

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Cum strat? I'm both curious and horrified.

Yeah. the tesseract ark loves to break in half also.

It makes me wish for failcast.

Sounds like you like Option B too user.

Go with what you're most interested in. I think B would be the funnest and would be nice to see some more healthy Tau players.

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Yeah, I have always expected plastic sisters.

But think about it. They need to make and stock inventory for a whole range of models.

Even if all the new models are done today. Making them and stocking them would take months.

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It doesn't help that my Primary army is vanilla marines and I don't want two shooting styled armies.

If anything, I'm waiting to see whats up with the rumors of World Eaters to get a melee styled one.

I put gloss varnish on the model and took a pic while it was drying. There was brief banter about hot-gluing my model.

Oh, thank god.

Is there any particular trick to dealing with Riptides as Custodes?
I'm in the process of building a 1500 point Custodes/SoS list (1100 points custodes, 400 points SoS) and my friend is one of those "owns 6 Riptides" Tau players and is planning on running at least 2 in his 1500 point lists.
Just about anything in the Tau codex Custodes can handle by throwing Jetbikers or Axe Terminators at them, but the Riptide's wounds, ability to disengage from combat and retain full offensive capacity and the ability to stay outside of reliable charge range make it a substantial threat.
Should I simply try and minimise their effectiveness over the game through the use of cover and line of sight blocking, or is there something I can do to cripple their power early on?

>the funnest

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Run some bikes in their face.

My monolith towers fall off even more than my old XV8 chicken feet. Now there's just layer upon layer of glue & I'm not sure what to do aside from sticking the thing in the freezer & seeing if it's possible to start again

Beat the player with golden cane.

Duncan has bad pronunciation.

Not quite but their interests may align at times

So free rider problems have solutions in ancapistan that aren't really important right now. I am mostly curious about how a craftworld would look if everything boiled down to voluntary association. I really don't have the best craftworld society lore knowledge so that is what is holding me back

I'm sorry.

>*the most fun


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At least there's no more metal immortals.

Do Scions work well as min-squads or max with hot shots dropped in RF range with Valkyrie?

I've thought about it, the only issue I can foresee is getting them within range early on to do enough damage. I could use 2 CP to Deepstrike them right next to my Terminator Vexilla and charge within turn two, but I'm not sure how successful it'd be.

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You do know bike are switching to 1 per detatchment right?

Oh fucking hell, I had issues with metal veterans back in the day, I can't imagine those nightmares.

I grabbed a metal destroyer lord (which was really just a metal chest and arms on a plastic base with a CHIPPED FLIGHT STAND AND PLUGGED HOLE) and I forgot how awful it is to get those things to glue


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Beat the shit out of your friend for being a fucking cunt. I cannot stand battlesuitfags. They give Tau players a bad name.

Yeah, bikes in the face or try the beta rules units for anti tank. Despite popular opinion salvo launcers are not that bad anti tank in practice.

Really sisters and custard isn't that great of a combo imho. Sisters and custard are both anti inf.
I would go hellbasters or guard. with azzy or ultra for CP return.

You could try mass melta or seraphim to the face.

Riptides can't do shit against Custodes jetbikes

With regards to Fuegan, does a "first fight phase" ever happen if no one gets in range or charges for the first turn?

where did you get that info

*Might be. According to rumour.

If this situation was on the tabletop, cuckstodes would get raped so hard it isn't even funny.

t. user that wiped the majority of a 2k point army with my one 30 bloodletter squad turn one.

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