How do you buy cards in public without looking like a complete manchild? I was thinking of passing by some stores today...

How do you buy cards in public without looking like a complete manchild? I was thinking of passing by some stores today, but my gf is unavailable and I don't want to look like a lonely fatass neckbeard buying cards made for children.

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Order them online.

If you're that self loathing about participating in the hobby you'd probably be better off pursuing something else.

I just flip my phone out and make sure I'm visibly posting a Veeky Forums thread with a big titty anime woman pic as the OP, so everyone around me knows I'm a real cool adult.

>Being this insecure about what random strangers think of you.

What does it matter if some random asshole thinks you're a manchild?

Just do it, faggot.

You are a fucking manchild. best you don't worry about it and stick to playing video games, sweetie.

Stand in your truth. No one is going to push you into a locker, and if you have a gf who are you trying to impress?

The way you buy cards without looking like a lonely fatass neckbeard buying cards made for children is to understand that you can buy what you want with your money. If the cards are generally for children, people will just think you are buying them for your son or daughter anyway.

Chill bro. It's not like people are going to follow you around screaming "NERD" at you like this is some kind of 90s TV show.

Just buy your damn cards and take whichever anxiety meds your doc prescribed to you.

Realize that no one gives a shit about you. Nobody. All those people you think are looking at you and judging you? They aren't, they haven't and won't notice you. Just don't make a massive fool of yourself and you'll be fine

>Just don't make a massive fool of yourself and you'll be fine

>OP walks into store
>"My girlfriend is unavailable OK"
>"I'm not a manchild"
>Uh excuse me sir can I help you were you looking for some family board games
>"No I want the cards made for children"
>Sorry sir?
>"The children's cards. Can you sell me them behind the counter or something so it's not so public?"

Just get ripped
Wrong, I judge everyone

>tfw no hot dork gf to play childish games with
Don't make me feel this feel again, OP!

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For sure you don't sound like you're covering up personal insecurity.

As someone who works at a place that sells cards, the trick is to not worry about it. Nobody worth caring about cares, so if you want some cards just buy some cards.

It's mostly adults that buy the larger amounts anyway, kids don't have that kinda cash. If you're ultra insecure, just say it's a gift for your nephew / kid brother. But really, nobody cares.

>All those people you think are looking at you and judging you? They aren't

False. Every time I have to go get groceries it disgusts me as fat people make me almost physically cringe or grunt in disgust as they come into my view. I take mental tallies on these people as well and run a number of miles equal to how many fat fucks I saw in those lard factories over the weekend. Dont give a shit about people buying cards, video games, or other nerdy stuff though.

I'm good looking so I can do anything and get away with it.

Pal palio, when you're a fat fuck, everything you do looks fat, graceless, undesirable. When you look good, everything you do looks good. It's simple math.

>buying boosters in a big retail chain
>playing weeb card games

Buy singles online

Okay, people who matter aren't judging you. I think that most people can live with being judged by cringing, maladjusted autists. I mean they wouldn't be on Veeky Forums otherwise

Is this what you came her for, user? Is this what gives you a raging 2-incher?

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Say it’s for the kids when asked

Otherwise, nobody cares

you've got it backwards.

the idea is that none of those people who might judge you actually matter.

are you at a game store? you're surrounded by fucking nerds who are doing the same shit you are.

are you buying it at wal-mart or your country's equivalent? who gives a shit what wal-mart shoppers think? they have to go home and keep being fucking poor just like you.

...and so on.

Can i get a sauce?

The fuck is a manchild? Do you mean a person that has hobbies and fun in life?
Just don't give a shit about it, either take the packs and put them on the counter or ask the cashier to sell you a pack. People are more likely to think that you're buying them for somebody else, like a family member, if you look old enough. If you don't look that old, then they won't object to you having a hobby. Shaving and maintaining a standard of bodily hygiene also helps.

But what about the ubermenschen like ?
How could OP ever live with being judged by such pinnacles of humanity?

They'll probably assume you have kids

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There comes a point in your life where you realize that almost no one else cares about you or what you do, so you shouldn't worry about it.

No, I came here to offer advice to OP : Get ripped and nothing you do will look out of place. You seem to be immensely triggered by this for some reason, but it applies even to you! It's not too late.
And use plural when you speak with more then one person.

I assumed you were the same guy as that "akshually I judge everyone" edgefag. If you were actually giving advice in earnest then I apologize.

Have you tried not looking like a lonely fatass neckbeard in the first place?

Not to sound like some edgy nihilistic Rick and Morty fan, but no one cares about what you do, we're all going to die someday, there's no afterlife and every molecule that makes up who we are and the universe we reside in will be in a black hole eventually. Do what you want, senpai. I'm sure actual cucks would use my same line of reasoning, but just ignore that and focus on living how you want.

this tbqh

The issue is that some people *do* care, and are fucking pricks about it. Wannabe Veeky Forumsards or Veeky Forumsgoots love to make fun of people they see, and a few of them are even unbeta enough to actually mock them IRL

>tfw cute dork gf to play childish games with


I mean, aren't the other people in the game store also manchild nerds?

Doesn't seem like anyone will care.

>How do you post without looking like a total manchild?
By keeping your hand out of your pants for two seconds while picking a picture

Op here, I convinced my gf to come with me. I wasn't brave enough to go by myself.

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That's unfortunate, OP. I mean I'm glad you have someone to help you out but It's bad to use another person as a crutch.

I'm not the guy you're replying to, but even if some rando points and laughs at you going "haha, what a fat faggot buying a children's card game", what does it matter? The likelyhood of that actually having an impact on your personal or professional life is so astronomically low that it's not worth worrying about.

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Not me, I already went a couple hours ago.

>How do you buy cards in public without looking like a complete manchild?
You don't, because you are.

That's true on a rational level, but OP (and most other overweight/fashionably challenged Veeky Forumsers) tend to have horrible self image, mental illness, and overvalue the opinions of strangers, so some fucker heckling them might actually cause some damage

Well good on you, user. How'd it go?

I just went in and bought some. My pants were in the wash so I had to go in my sweats. Took a shower beforehand, though, and I keep reminiscing on the times I actually got laid to keep myself from bursting into treats. Overall, not too bad.

That's good. I'm legitimately kind of proud. I know how shitty doing something like that can be

The fuck? Go to your LGS and buy them.

What are you buying them out of Gamestop or TRU?

[MEME50] Drawn by Brush

Then don't play.

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>spineless wimps like this can get a gf

The state of the world.

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Being Veeky Forums doesn't make you fit to be anything more than a fuckbuddy. You should try to have actual personality too

The only difference your girlfriend being there is making you look like just a fatass neckbeard instead of a lonely one. Get over it, people know that these things are a hobby for all ages, cunt.

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Chicks dig whiney manchildren who need someone to hold their hand as they buy their cards?

Some do. Some people also have social anxiety/body image issues, and have empathy for people who do.

Having some minimal amout of self-steem and confidence?

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>minimal amount of self-esteem and confidence required to go to LGS
How the fuck does anyone on Veeky Forums go there then?

It's fine to have empathy for such things, but to be attracted to it is a bit sick.

>How do you buy cards in public without looking like a complete manchild?

By being an active and productive member of society.

I became a medical professional over 4 years ago: I attend patients, handle emergencies and all kinds of important paperwork at my office everyday while having under my command nurses, nurse's aids and interns with a stern look on my face. I handle them with respect, but roughly when the situation calls for it, and I get respected back.

I do this while listening to the most moeshit music on my mp3 player (fuck smartphones) and browsing Veeky Forums after office hours.

I am also confident enough to visit my LGS after work on my way home, all the while wearing my uniform. Not a single fuck given.
On the contrary, I get a generous amount of respect from my LGS community, some of them actually became my patients and I am sure someday I'll give CPR or perform the heimlich maneuver when one of these sad fat fucks chokes con a Cheeto.

Also, I am comisioning pic related as my new playmat.

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Stop being so self conscious, no one gives a fuck about you because everyone is too interested in their own shit.

If you want cards, buy cards. Life is too short and sucks too much to hem and haw over things you know you already want.

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Once you remember nobody gives a shit about you past the couple minutes you're at the register checking then it becomes easier. That's the nasty and cynical way to put it but really the point is people, especially cashiers, don't think about you or what you bought an hour or whatever after you're gone, so there's no reason to worry about what they think, because they won't think anything about you after a short time.

I'm glad you have the mental capacity to track and remember every person who you see that you don't like for forever then. The majority of people in the real world don't give a shit past MAYBE an initial revulsion once you walk away.

I'm gonna be real with you OP. I have a hard time believing anyone who makes this thread on Veeky Forums and is so insecure in a hobby shop of all places, has a girlfriend.

If you're going to a game store, everyone who goes there is a fatass neckbeard. You won't stand out.

If you came in and bought cards from me I would forget your face the literal second it is not directly in front of me, and I'd forget you ever existed roughly a minute after that.

Get your weapons-grade autism in check user and go buy some goddamn cards if it makes you happy

>taking physical care of yourself
>taking care of your appearance
>taking psychological care of yourself

So you aren't a fat neckbeard, you don't look like shit, and you don't let insecurity and anxiety dictate what you do.

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Really, everyone?

It's totally harmless and non-inflammatory bait.

Are you me?

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no one fucking cares dude. do whatever makes you happy unless that happens to be diddling kids. no stranger is gonna recognize you as the guy who bought cards.

>but my gf
is morbidly obese and/or male? How did you get a real girlfriend if you don't even have the social grace to perform an activity surrounded by strangers performing the same activity.

Rule of thumb; the weirder and more uncomfortable you act about it, the more other people will judge you for it

If this really is OP, you are actually pathetic, and I hope your qt dork gf leaves you.

But you are totally comfortable looking like a fatass neckbeard buying cards made for children in front of your gf?

Not true. People don't give a shit about you but they do judge you. Judging is natural and opinions are free, they don't need to actually care to despise you.

After our mod killed quests, the only entertaining things left on the board are bait threads.

You dress up as a totemo hontoni kawaii anime girl. Anime grills are not nerdy manchildren, unlike you, so it's a perfect disguise. Bonus points if you go all the way and become a qt3.14 tarp, but that takes a bit more time.

That doesn't look like Ed at all. Love the top pic tho.

It's really simple.

You go in, and you ask for them, and you don't get all weird and insecure about it.

Everytime I go to my LGS I judge all those machildren playing the game and when some spergy adult comes in to order some cards I can't help but laugh inside.

It's not about what you do, it's about how you do it. If some wannabe Chad makes a joke you can always reply with the same tone if you're not a sperg. The problem here is that almost everyone on Veeky Forums is a manchild that can't do that.

Post pics of gf faggot.

Who the fuck gives a fuck about what people think, do what you want and like fuck what people think.


can't you just, you know, print them yourself?

I wish I was a spineles wimp with a strong, big titty gf

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You're just buying fucking cards. The cashier is not going to remember you even existed unless you actually start up a conversation with them.

If you worry about looking like a neckbeard, then tidy yourself up a bit before going out in public. The cards mean very little.

For fuck's sake, adults go into the toy isle of stores all the time. And nobody really cares if they're looking for something for their kid or themselves. People are mostly preoccupied with their own business. And cards are more inconspicuous than any toy.

So... nobody worth worrying about or having as an acquaintance is letting you live in their head rent free.

Just buy your damned cards. The manchild part is that you are worried about it.


>that artist
Godlike art when you read his tanks. The rest of his stuff however,

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Depends how open you are to selfcest.

thanks you my dude.

You buy it online, there's like no reason to shop retail for sealed cards because odds are you can find it cheaper online, and if you're going to LGS than I really don't think you'll have to be concerned about it. The one exception is when they repackage shit like the commander decks, but there are people out there way more dedicated than you to get their hands on those who snatch them up like hour 1 and leave the garbage ones behind.

Oh Jesus.

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The people who give a shit are slim to none. Those that actually DO give a shit, they will probably just keep it to themselves, bitch to their Facebook, or rant autistically on Veeky Forums. If (in some fucky, bizarre universe) there is going to be someone who confronts you about spending your money on things you want, you can just as easily ignore them and take your purchase, or tell them to fuck off.

Could be worse.

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This. I would regularly buy pokemon cards, from a female cashier, and talk to her. Never any judgement or anything like that. She was probably just happy to make the sale.

This. The sort of people likely to cause a scene are probably going to do so as autistically and bombastically as possible in an attempt to look cool, and are super easy to counter-mock.

This. Its why i dropped out of tabletop, i cant stand being in a room with greasy neckbeards that laugh at their own obscure references, let alone be associated and interact with them for 4 hours.