Not a single day passes on Veeky Forums without succubi being discussed in one form or another, usually involving some degree of lust. The question is how the forces of Good should deal with this. Should they find a way to start their own charm offensive, or let the lustful ones fall to evil as they'd do more harm than good on the side of Good? Should Good pursue quantity and get as many able bodied men as possible on their side by all means, or instead pick quality over quantity and go for a smaller but more loyal flock?
Not a single day passes on Veeky Forums without succubi being discussed in one form or another...
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They should not whore themselves out to Veeky Forums's constantly horny smutfags, not turn into a cum-drenched caricature of what they were supposed to be and keep what self-pride they have instead.
>Sexy angel with charm person, change shape and level drain
>Uses them to coax people into good behavior
Sounds neat
If I were a Paladin and I could start a family in a loving relationship with an angel, I'd do it in a heartbeat. The problem is that Paladins, Clerics, and Angels all have a tendency to be seen as celibate and standoffish, which doesn't bode well for the autistic faithful.
I think most neckbeards would choose a gentle, kind, committed waifu over a turboslut. It's just that Hell is the only one with a horse in the race. Heaven hasn't made a play because Heaven thinks it doesn't need to. Or it doesn't want to. Makes that whole "ant farm" concept feel a bit more likely than the devout might want to admit.
Their last attempts at it went moderately well, I guess.
Look, send a cute angel my way, and if she wants to be my faithful wife then I'm willing to make some concessions on the whole 'life of sin' thing.
>thinking the forces of good care about what we discuss on Veeky Forums
We are far from the light of God.
You say that like watching a 2pure couple trying to move to the next level isn't the cutest shit ever.
It's because those of us who GM realize that God isn't doing a very good job of running this game.
>how can angels compete
>angels are told from higher up to start showing more skin to remain competitive
>with the Succubi it’s a race to the bottom
>angels and Succubi soon start duking it out to see who can slut it up the most
[spoiler/]while this at first seems to be all according to plan for the forces of hell, the angels devotion to their men is winning them converts, and the Succubi are told to step up their monogamy game.[/spoiler]
The reason succubi are more appealing than angels has nothing to do with their appearance or their sexual politics. It's because people want to feel special.
I should explain. Someone who is nice to everyone will treat you nicely, but that doesn't mean anything. She will literally treat you the same as she would her worst enemy. On the other hand, someone who is an asshole to everyone but you is very flattering, because then you're special. It's even more flattering if you can tell yourself that you somehow changed her or redeemed her with your dick. You know how a lot of women read Twilight or 50 Shades of Grey and fantasize about romance with people who are, from an outside perspective, abusive? Men do the exact same thing, and men around here do it with succubi.
The Forces of Good don't need to do anything. There will always be examples of good in the people, even if they are outnumbered by those who would easily give into Evil. But those who take up the mantle of Light, those who are willing to dedicate themselves to the righteous cause, not for reward, not for some base pleasure, but because it is right and just, stand taller then a hundred men who fall short.
The Forces of Good need only trust in their shining beacons, thought few, to inspire those around them.
You should do Good to be rewarded, you should be rewarded for doing Good.
This board's unofficial waifu is the exect opposite of all that though. She's precisely the sweet kind of person who treats everyone kindly. She just also happens to be a semen demon.
Succubi are beings of pure evil. They use human sexuality as a tool to sap their life force / steal their soul. Angels are beings of pure good. Manipulating humans by exploiting their base sexuality would be dishonest. And if a person only does good for a reward, it isn't good.
We have the "b-but what about angel sluts?" discussion too. Both threads are equally dumb. Beings of a higher existence don't care about human sexuality, you pathetic virgins.
Blue board dude. Keep is clean.
Except angels can be warmer or colder to certain people without being dicks to anyone in particular. They may show how much you mean to them in particular by being devoted to your friendship, instead of just being polite.
Holy Heaven, that is the cutest thing I have ever seen in my entire life.
Unless the angels put out, they don't stand much of a chance.
Post Angel/Paladin couple art.
Choosing is a sin. An immortal angel himself said so.
>has nothing to do with their appearance
Uh huh.
Sweet Jesus!
I know this may be a nuisance, but I want sauce nao!
>The question is how the forces of Good should deal with this.
Detect Evil
Smite Evil
How come Paladins get all the Angels? Why don't any Clerics get loving attention from Angel waifus?
You know what, fair enough! Cleric/Angel Couples art is welcome as well!
Oh My Goddess
>Why does the Stacy Angel always choose the Chad Paladin instead of the Virgin Cleric?
No clue, user.
I thought Heaven was supposed to reward virginity...
Nope. It rewards getting married and then having lots of babies.
I swear the Japanese must have no idea how to interact with other human beings because all their media depicts relationships as being
"I'm physically assaulting you because I'm attracted to you"
"Oh fuck I'm holding hands with someone, time to lose all higher brain functions!"
Angels look hot, too. And so do hot humans, and pretty much everything else female in a cheesecake fantasy setting. There must be some other variable at work.
Sorry, that was Ah! My Goddess!
>have the good aligned fertility, nature, hearth, whatever else gods/goddesses set up churches across the street from the evil gods brothels
>use sexy angels outside as advertisement, clothed conservatively but with a hint of cleavage, nape, and/or leg to make the ind wonder
>this will contrast to the thots next door
>promote education on loving, hand-holding, copulation via use of angels if need be for example purposes
>bar entry to those who have used the evil brothels services/demons
>after sessions inside the """"""church"""""" get educated on warm, home cooking made from the heart as an added bonus
>this gives yet another service their followers can take to their homes as opposed to the evil goers and all for the low price of 10 units of currency less than what they are charging across the street
As opposed to American media, where you're expected to fuck after meeting eachother for the third time?
I was so into this show back when I was a weeb. Then I got rid of my wall scrolls, gashapon, PVC figs, and manga, and went 3D. It's... been a mixed experience. There will never be a girl like Bell out there though. Don't bother looking.
All the best succubi invert the concept somehow.
Veeky Forums also discusses elves a lot.
>I refuse to follow the word of evident and benevolent gods unless they reward me with sex
You disgust me.
What shows and movies are you talking about?
Thanks for adding to the pile of stupid threads.
>Angels are beings of pure good
Oh really now?
To be honest I'd still feel the same sense of shame going to the church for that kind of thing as I would if I had gone to the demon brothel. What's Heaven's opinion of isolated virgins anyways?
>/threading your own post
>You should do Good to be rewarded, you should be rewarded for doing Good.
Wrong. You should do good because it is right, and you should be rewarded for doing good.
>evident and benevolent gods
In game? Yeah being a derp about how you act in a game where this is the case is pretty stupid. The afterlife being a known quantity would really steer people's motives and behavior quite a bit.
In real life? Get the fuck out. I'm a good person because of other people, not some fabled sky-man.
>Beings of a higher existence don't care about human sexuality, you pathetic virgins.
>rules throughout countless religions place an almost eternal torment punishment for frivolous sex, or other sins of the flesh
Get a load of this doof.
Obviously I was talking in game, or I wouldn't have used the plural "gods".
IRL, you're probably not a good person.
I'm sure there'll be a thread up later today about a harem full of angelic concubines with some random archaic word thrown in as a descriptor.
Typo, serves me right for being a dirty phone poster.
You got it right.
>benevolent god makes their miracles work for the low price of 1000g if I want my family member, friend, or loved one back after they were taken by war, famine, or some other tragedy
YOU and them disgust me.
The money is for the materials which are actually consumed during the spell. But also I ban revival in my games because it's stupid and undermines stakes.
So like a reverse cult of Ishtar?
That sounds like it might actually work
I actually have a classification of angels called Apsara's in my ERP who exist as an acknowledgement that
1. Sex and Sexuality is not inherently evil or immoral,
2. Mortals have needs and desires beyond praying and thinking good thoughts
3. Socialization has a huge effect on behavior, and genuine love and affection can forestall or completely prevent bad actors from forming by helping to resolve underlying emotional issues
Part therapist, part waifu, they're not really temptresses but paragons of love and affection. Lovers, when necessary, therapists most of the time, they help people to feel good about themselves and the universe. Often times they'll visit weary paladins or champions of good, or try to intercede into the lives of those progressing down dark paths. The fact they do not use manipulation or deceit means they fight an uphill battle, as ultimately they are reliant on people realizing their better natures, but every life saved from perdition is invaluable.
"But user, that sounds like overly idealized waifu-faggotry!" you say. Well, yes - they're ANGELS. Of course they're more pure than a mortal lover. Which can cause problems if/when mortals fall in love with them, but they're experts at extricating themselves from these sorts of issues. They will sometimes, but rarely, stay with a mortal permanently; there are few of them and there's always more people who need help, but mortal lives are relatively short, so a commitment of a few decades isn't a big deal.
I am a scholar of angelkind. Obviously depends on setting, but since we have objectivity to Good and Evil, I'm presuming it's D&D.
In which case, it's too late to change the mission plan. Good has lost the quality game and they will never, ever make up that ground. They have won the quality game and should keep at that level, in fact it's the stakes that Good has to play by now. The Good gods and the paragons of Goodness are all extremely powerful individuals, but the armies of the Heavens are minuscule compared to the legions of Hell or the literally infinite hoard of the Abyss. A Solar could destroy a Pit Fiend and a Balor at the same time, but 100 Pit Fiends and 300 Balors would defeat 20 Solars, and there's not many Solars to go around. They must work with subterfuge and calculated battles.
It works on the mortal level too. Ten thousand evil cultists? Irrelevant. Four well prepared, cunning, and hopefully Good-aligned adventurers? They'll lay low an army, but not on the battlefield. Room by room they can clear an entrenched fortress, but they can't topple it with a frontal siege. This is how Heaven fights its battles, with incredible power applied with surgical precision.
No. Doing Good is its own reward. Whoring out angels is a dumb idea.
Your ideas are so bad.
So, so bad.
Obviously I'm an idiot and typoed in the very first line, contradicting myself.
Meant to say that Good lost the game. I'm sure you can guess that from the rest of the post.
Thanks user you really convinced me with those hot opinions
You're aware that Edward's a handsome, exotic vampire and Mr. Grey is a troubled billionaire hunk? If a man wasn't attractive, no woman would care.
A Cleric is a co-worker. The Paladin is a star quarterback.
Jesus fuck that is some atrocious anatomy. Good coloring and shit, but look at her arms and chest.
Are you rewarded for NOT being a murderer?
I ran out of ideas for a session one week and the group was leaving the good-guy tropes for more selfish and instantly gratifying rewards. I was getting desperate when one member gave into a succubi's deal to join the party (the rest of the party is still unaware, none have detect evil spells and they've retained human form since the beginning) and being the malleable Forever DM I am the group seemed to be wanting to touch on the more lewd side of things so I tried a one-off session built around a brothel that was ludicrously successful, and all sorts of other things.
Long story slightly longer its ended up with half the party, corrupted nobles, and demons on one side of a, literal, road while the other half are on the other side attempting to give more services to the populous of the city while also appealing to their humanity. Everything that was posted was what they've came up with so far. I just wanted to have them fight dragons and demons, why did things turn out like this?
Looks matter, but not as much as money and power do. Edward is literally superhuman, while being a billionaire hunk with a dark streak implies both power and wealth. Looks are just a bonus and no man can cruise by on looks alone (unless he uses those looks to acquire money and power by becoming an actor or something). If you don't believe me, just imagine how many women would fawn over George Clooney if he were a store clerk in some shitty Detroit convenience store.
That said, those three traits do make the only difference between a stalker and a secret admirer, for example.
I am actively embarassed for you.
Hey, remember angels in their natural state are literally burning wheels made of eyes
They're TRYING ok, they just haven't gotten this...human shape thing down pat yet
'kay :3
The chest looks fine, but I will agree that the arms are off.
That was literally one fucking verse about a very specific group of angels. Almost all biblical depictions of angels are of immaculate humans, usually without even wings.
Her tits are like a foot down from her neck
I thought so at first too but it's too low, she either has some super tooby boobies (possible given she's pregnant and not wearing a bra) or the anatomy failed
It's dumb sure but humans are not infallible and sometimes need more coaxing in the right direction passed a, sometimes not even attainable, possibility at an afterlife that is actually worth it.
If using angels in a sexual, but not necessarily whorish way, helps keep peoples faith then let it be done as long as its wholesome and not dealing with spikes, chains, and other deviant shit.
Getting cucked by Paladins is the kind of shit that causes Clerics to fall.
Well gee wizz, sorry Ezekial. Glory to God in the Highest and all that shit. You need to mellow out man, it's not like I called you chinese or something
There are polytheistic religions in the modern day, my dude. And we're both (hopefully) as decent of folk as we can be.
Praise be for my Cleric of Kord.
I unironically think there should be some form or reverse succubus angel
Not too sure on the details though beyond either being a pure waifu or enjoying sex/kinky shit but only the sort you get from a fulfilling relationship
While true, I would love to see one done with a nice, sweet romance on the side instead of standard chaste holy person
To be honest it's more of the bad girl/kinky image they project
I do like the idea of an angel waifu but the kind of girl I'd like/fantasize about in a fantasy setting is more likely to be a succbus so that's what I go for
Mind you if there was a nice, loving angel waifu who was fond of femdom and was up for using her powers to take it to /d/ish levels I'd sign right up for it, but succubi are just more of a low hanging fruit in this regard
>You should do Good to be rewarded, you should be rewarded for doing Good.
No, you should do good because it's right
Yes, by going to the equivalent of heaven in many other religions, moving one tier higher on the ladder of reincarnation, or some other afterlife related reward. Religions are almost always black and white user, its hard to budge on words written on a slate, book, dragon hide or other ways they let themselves be known.
You abide by the rules and are rewarded in death, or you dont and you are punished. Unless you're playing as some atheistic nihilist, in which case who cares lol CN ftw XDDDD
The problem is that we tend to treat sex as a bad, yet desirable thing, when sex is a good thing under the right circumstances. I don't see why an Angel wouldn't be open to having sex and raising a family with the cute shy Cleric she married.
I'd imagine they'd act as matchmakers among the faithful. Using their supernatural abilities, they'd be able to find healthy, loving relationships for the desperate and lonely (the main prey of succubi).
>The question is how the forces of Good should deal with this
They don't, they either don't care or don't try their best. That's why Evil always wins
Don't listen to that chump, that's a cool bit of lore
Exactly. You get nothing in this world, but your reward is a blissful afterlife. The whole sexy angel thing is missing the point.
Doing good goes against man's natural instincts. You want gratification, Evil has it.
>Giantess angels
This is my fetish
>I thought Heaven was supposed to reward virginity...
It rewards chastity as well which only applies to sex outside of marriage, you can be chaste and still fuck your waifu/husbando every night as long as you've put a ring on their finger
Paladins tend to be more active in their good
Clerics more passive
Statistically there's probably plenty of clerics who get themselves an angel waifu, it's just more noticeable with paladins cause they'll wade through the forces of evil alongside their battle waifu
A good way of handling it actually, using sex as a positive force. They likely teach self control as well and how to enjoy one's desires without giving into lust
Probably a bit unhappy with you avoiding the whole "Be fruitful and multiply thing", but if you've lived a good life otherwise it'll probably slide
That gp is for the materials needed to cast the spell, if you break it down I think the church only takes like a tenth of that usually
This is actually one of my favorite bits of D&D lore, evil uses a sledgehammer to get it's way, good a scalpel
Not really, most verses gloss over what they look like, the descriptions we do have are either of the burning wheel types or them in disguise
I doubt an angel would cuck someone if they were in a relationship with them, if they just had a crush on the angel she'd probably try to let them down gently though
i can imagine them being a sort of a matchmaker or a wingwoman and only seeking those with a pure heart and having difficulties in courtship.
they can be basically the opposite of what your succubus would be.
Instead of various fetishes, they would only go for pure loving but hot sweaty vanilla sex. They get piss mad at anyone who dares to destroy a couple's relationship. they kinda have the "pure vanilla romance forever and NTR is heresy and i really really hate it" vibe
Your problem is that you desperately want to fuck a woman without having to feel bad about it. You can't do what you want to do and be rewarded for it, that's not how it works.
>You can't do what you want to do and be rewarded for it, that's not how it works.
But user, what if what you want to do IS the reward. Having loving sex with an angel and raising a family is great reward in an of itself, wouldn't you say?
You're supposed to breed with mortal women, not angels. Nephilim were a thing, and they turned the world into a charnel house.
Because angels are usually the opposite of their demonic cousins.
Where the demons are incarnations of their respective sins incapable of feelings other than that singular one passed attempts at deceiving you it could angels are the embodiment of the seven virtues but as equally unfeeling. You can't have freedom of thought when your deity tells you to execute a command and come back empty-handed or with some question on the ethics of the deed you must simply do it. Sex with a succubus may feel extraordinary because thats what they are the manifestation of, but sex with an angel (if it even had genitalia) would be the equivalent of fucking a soulless machine. Then again if the god is feeling lewd they could always make an angel capable of sex to make half-breed babies like the demons do for reasons, but I'd assume they'd be few and far between.
It's the dumb kind of thing that the worst kind of posters on Veeky Forums would pat each other on the back on for forcing into a game.
The idea was based in how "sacred prostitutes" or even just regular prostitutes were sometimes regarded in antiquity. Granted, attitudes towards sex and prostitution were always changing so it's hard to say "they were regarded/treated as X", but we at the very least have anecdotes about the idea that prostitutes provided a very real and beneficial merciful service in providing men relief.
You keep same fagging but not posting ANY reasons. is it the nurture vs nature that's triggering you?
You're very fixed on that judeo-christian world view were pleasure is bad and suffering is good. I'm not going to debate that philosophy in a real world context, but in many (the majority) of 'vanilla' TT settings like Azeroth, the Forgotten Realms, Rokugan, etc, it simply doesn't exist.
It's not really that dumb, desu
no point in making angels fuckable since that's the job of mortal women. They're just there to protect the faithful and pure hearted from demonic or sinful influences.
>i can imagine them being a sort of a matchmaker or a wingwoman and only seeking those with a pure heart and having difficulties in courtship.
Yeah, I sorta see them as either setting things up in the background or if the need arises acting as something of a wingwoman/matchmacker/cool big sis depending on what the couple needs and pushing them together/helping them work trough any troubles that comes up
>Instead of various fetishes, they would only go for pure loving but hot sweaty vanilla sex
This I don't agree with, I like the idea of kinky angels, though it's probably more they'd approve of any form of sex both partners enjoy and find fulfillment in, regardless if it's hot, sweaty, vanilla sex or something dredged up from /d/
>They get piss mad at anyone who dares to destroy a couple's relationship
>and NTR is heresy and i really really hate it" vibe
Yeah, cheating/hurting your partner, particularly when true love is involved would be a big no no for them, on the level of "Where's my smiting sword?"
Nope, I'm asking for a reminder. Depending on the setting the interference from the gods can be few and far between or an everyday matter, and I'm going with the assumption that the average commoner might only witness these miracles being done at temples dedicated to them after someone was able to pay the price of the spell the church charges. A nice conversation or other services like tutoring, or hell even just the sight of a visually appealing celestial being in the confines of a holy building would be more than enough to remind those who wonder about their next important decision or who stay up thinking what awaits them after death on whats there.
Also hand-holding services.
You really want me to go line by line, explaining how just about everything is idiotic and contrived?
And, you'd actually need me to do this, because you can't see this for yourself?
And you're accusing me of samefagging because you actually can't believe something that's pretty dumb could be viewed as dumb by more than a single person?
Holy shit. You really are some of the worst posters on this board. Sorry anyone expressed an opinion.