Give my players transformation macguffin way back near the beginning of the campaign

>give my players transformation macguffin way back near the beginning of the campaign
>it was actually a kind of fun little side adventure, lots of laughs
>one free permanent transformation, literally labeled by a wizard with the words 'don't fuck it up'
>forget about it, assume everyone else forgets about it
>fast forward by months
>7-8 months literally how was anyone supposed to remember this shit
>party has beaten down the door of the cult boss, a powerful succubus
>she had been bewitching people all over the countryside in order to collect sacrifices for her dark master
>party was actually kinda dreading fighting her because of how tough the crawl to her lair had been
>she takes off the gloves and gets ready to throw down
>ranger: "oi, let's use the changing stick"
>"ye remember that thing"
>"oh, that thing" "oh yeah" "sure why not"
>uh, shit
>I can't just pull a bitch move or anything
>I had been looking forward to this encounter but they had it fair and square
>"noice, I can turn her into anything right"
>"something weak and inoffensive for sure"
>so what do you want a slug or a frog or-
>"puny little girl"
It was a bummer to lose a beefy encounter, but eh, I can deal. I did rule that all her kickass magic items got annihilated though. Wasn't gonna give those smug shits access to that stuff. The more I think about the, more I think it's not over. The succubus occult leader still exists. She's a lot shorter and a lot less busty, currently in chains and being carted around by the gloating party. But she's still in the game, still technically a fiend, and the eldritch abomination she calls master is still waiting outside of the dimension, ready to bust in and wreck face. But I am the kind of user that has things like pic related saved. I don't want to do the magical realm thing you're all talking about all the time. So I ask:

Dare I continue with this bit, and play the loli succubus against the those gloating fucks?

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I can practically guarantee that you've never played a game with anyone in your life.

bzzz... bz.... d2g activated

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wheres the weed bitch. im fuckin ghorny

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Darrel 2 General

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did someone say..... darrel 2 general............. Yes Please

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Darrel 2 General

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Any other /frasierheads/ in here?

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Lotta legs........ Cool

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darrel 2 general........ get it.......... like the darrel that comes after darrel 1 juniors

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Welcome to Darrel 2 General

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Robots r dumb as shit

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This is the only image I have. Dare you deny me that?

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Hey you..... Are you lost? This is Darrel 2 General. Watch your back.... GET DOWN!!!! Sorry. Had to brain that hater. Watch your back in Darrel 2 General, stranger.......

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SEX = darrel 2 general

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OBama in the sea.......

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The Electrician

we b postin

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me when i come into darrel 2 general

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Hello Hi Guys :)

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What the fuck is Darrel 2 General.

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6 6 6 6 6 9 9 8 8 4

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watch out ladies this is my kind of darrel 2 general HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmhmhmhmmhmmmhhmhm

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SCraazzyy rite?

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this is so fucked up. buy hey, so am i

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What in the fuck is going on in here


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Damn. Wish all these fags would get flushed by the admin.

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Yeah Michelle I'm on my way ho- oh fuck it's Darrel 2 General...... Take aim gentlemen

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dont know what this place is but i REALLY dont know what the fuck is on the back of this jacket

*whistles* Damn

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El Bandito........ Keep your wallets close folks.

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what the fuck is it

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healing rays

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We're going to ban D2-Wait WHAT? *gets Decapitated by D2 general general-goers*

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What the fuck

Terrorists in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, the Sudan and around the world have been seriously worried since President Obama came to office.

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How they fittin all these bees in such a tiny canister? Wild

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extremely low life expectancy

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Darrel 2 General presents....

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Damn. Cool Shirt. I am a Girl that wants to Have Sex with Anyone that wears This Shirt.

Attached: coolshirt.jpg (1200x1600, 239K)

You're getting raided.

Wowza..... Didnt know HE played!

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