/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General

Around the World in Eighty Sessions Edition
>Unearthed Arcana: Be Sure to Drink Your Ovaltine!

>5e Trove
rpg.rem.uz/Dungeons & Dragons/D&D 5th Edition/

Stable releases - get.5e.tools/


>Previously on /5eg/:
DMs, how much of the world do you like your adventures to span? Do you think continent spanning quests give the game a sense of grandeur, or make the world feel too small?
Players, how far do you like to travel in game? Are you content to stay in the same general area as long as the story is good, or do you prefer exploring new locales and constantly shifting exotic lands?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I feel that a small travel area allows that area to be fleshed out more.

>Players, how far do you like to travel in game? Are you content to stay in the same general area as long as the story is good, or do you prefer exploring new locales and constantly shifting exotic lands?
You know Paper Mario? You sort of get both with that kind of world map and travel system.

I like continent-spanning adventures as long as it's made clear that there are other continents in the world that we'll likely never visit that are going through just as many shenanigans as the one we're on.

I am making a bard and I think the music motif I want to go for is Balkan brass since it seems like a pretty unique way to play the trumpet. Problem is, I don't speak Gypsy so I can't find a lot of good solos to give me a sample for the music. I came upon some pretty obscure shit but I need to go even deeper.
Here is a sample of what I am talking about:

Can someone help with more? Have a THICCling in return.

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If you say so.

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Are there any good sailing and ship combat modules? I need some tips on how to make this work in my campaign.

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If the players killed a wraith, could it be possible for the wraith to "awaken" from its hazy hatred as a ghost/lesser spirit and haunt a PC?

I'd like to know this as well for games I'll probably never actually run.

>Murderous Rage, Half-Elf Wizard
Nah. Half-Elf doesn't work very well for Wizard.

Rage Bard? Heavy metal vocalist is pretty tempting. Could give him a magical electric guitar.

Terwellious Rage. Badass name. Hill Dwarf? Great. Cleric of War though? Sounds cool on paper but personally I think it kind of sucks.

Cool Rage Half-Orc Paladin. Not feeling it as much. Half-Orc could work but this particular pairing doesn't feel right to me.

Dolorous-Umb Rage. Nah. Could get behind being involved with the minister of magic though.

>Blood Mage
I fucking wish this was an option.

I love everything about this one. Very tempting.

Don't like 'em personally.

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I'm planning a campaign set around the Plane Shift: Amonkhet UA, and the players are all going to be going through the trials of the gods.

What would be some good trials?

start here:

refluff as desired

/5eg/ lease validate my starting character concept and help me get over the lingering feeling they're boring.
>human gladiator from Tashalar sailing north looking for opportunity after pissing off most of the local authorities by illegally dealing with lizardfolk jungle tribes
>level 3 Battlemaster Fighter
>Menacing Attack, Disarming Attack, Riposte

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>illegally dealing with lizardfolk jungle tribes
Dealing how and in what?

I missed the last general to run a session, sorry about them. But I'm back now. Post more content!

I'll try and get a pastebin up soon.

Attached: Fucked with an anchor.png (1000x750, 75K)

Nobody cares. Please stay gone.

I feel that depends on how you give it to them, and how much you describe it. DMing is like being a director and editor. What a director really edits is the players/audiences attention.

If you want to have more detail in an area, give it more detail and focus. Your players will naturally metagame by going to the thing described the most anyways. If I want to convey a sense of length, I'd describe how long it takes, various things they do, some pitstops, and make a large period of time pass.

Riposte is pretty good if it looks like your target isn't about to run for it, I'd almost recommend Parry if you can convince the DM that if you bring the damage amount to 0 or below it counts as a miss so you can use a Riposte with it.

Magic Initiate, Sharpshooter, or Skulker for a Monster Slayer Ranger?

Pretty positive response in the past couple threads I've posted in. To be honest I'll be here on 5eg with or without the trip, but I really do just want to get people to post homebrew content because god knows Mearls and Crawford can't be assed to make any.


Not bad. Everybody is always concerned about if their character concept is boring, but how you play the character and how they interact with the world is a million times more important and memorable.

Give you character a quirk. Give them something that's physically descriptive like a bulbous nose. Give them something in terms of personality, like a vice or habit.

Those both use your reaction

smuggling goods like imported metals out of the city in exchange for valuables that'd be hard to get without mounting a full scale expedition into the chultan jungle

Are there any Veeky Forums-approved feat revamps or homebrew feats? ie. ones that make the rest of the feats at least somewhat comparable to the 'meta' feats?

What are some interesting ways people have seen druid played? I've really only ever seen ultra caring hippie like characters, neutrally neutral guys who insist on maintaining the balance between good and evil, and (much more rarely) rules of nature villainous druids.

you could do an evil druid going full Leafensraum on those pointy eared fucks living in muh forest


Take Precision instead of Disarming. Sadly, there aren't a whole lot of enemy types that actually use weapons for you to disarm, and even when you do disarm them you have to prevent them from picking the item back up immediately. Also, your DM might allow the optional disarming rule as it is.

As for a build that goes with your backstory, I actually ran a similar one, but the first 6 levels were 3 Battlemaster/3 Swashbuckler, took Magic Initiate for Booming Blade. It was a duelist-type that took Warcaster at level 7 and would Booming Blade with Sneak Attack twice a round, consistently, because of Riposte. That might be something to look into

Civilization Fuck Yeah druids hoping to structure nature to be more like civilization.
Alternately, Cat Ladies.
Very smart and loyal dog wildshaping as a human to find his owner.

If you're ranged, always go Sharpshooter. It's too good even if only for the cover-ignoring. The +10 shit is just retarded, and SS is better than GWM due to archers getting the fighting style that reduces the downside.

You can kick the weapon away as a free interaction.

GM is changing up rules for disarming slightly to make it more than just a half turn waster for whoever's hit, so I was thinking it might be useful against humanoid opponents who are way more reliant on weapons like that.

At best they walk 5 - 10 feet away and just pick it up again. At worst your DM rules that the knock away is based on a contested check of some kind as it's dropped on the enemy's square and they beat you.

Like I said, there's an optional rule for disarming, which your DM is clearly using if he's changing up the benefits of disarming someone. You could take precision and still do fine, while also having the option to disarm people anyway if it's that important. The downside is that when you fight enemies that don't have weapons to disarm, or you simply can't disarm (there's a lot of them), you've got a potentially wasted maneuver

What tattoo would an Oath of Vengeance paladin get?

And then they provoke an attack of opportunity. Hit them with a trip attack, and if you have sentinel, they are now prone, immobile, and disarmed.

A terrible one. His oath is against the charlatan that gave it to him.

>Trip Attack
He didn't have it in his original list
>Provoke an opportunity attack
Only in the best case scenario where you're freely allowed to kick it to a distance that the person can't just pick it up normally, or they don't just have a second weapon at hand
>If you have Sentinel
Lots of requirements for a relatively lackluster result

Alternatively, you just kill them with a better maneuver and they just die, versus you wasting two maneuvers and needing a specific feat to get any meaningful result.

So... what dump stat for a Lore Bard? Strength? I think the plan is to not be in any kind of situation where I would need strength..

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What would be a good name for a Not!Celtic deity of Love, Wine, and Joy?

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I would be incredibly surprised if a dm didn’t allow you to kick the weapon away. I hardly rule that a “best case scenario”. Sentinel isn’t much of a reach for melee combatants to grab. Just saying that there’s is beneficial uses to it.

Yes. Just hope your DM doesn't track encumbrance and that he doesn't like athletics checks (not that being a -1 will make a huge difference in the end).
Jeremy hurry the fuck up and buff strength.

Strength. Intelligence of you don’t take the intelligence skills. Largely depends on how you skill monkey.

If you are using Finesse weapons (Hint: you are) then it'a a decent dumpstat unless you are going to be rolling Athletic a lot to climb on top of chandeliers. Acrobatics would be more important in that regard anyways.


I agree there are benefits to it, I'm not disagreeing there. But disarming by default is simply lackluster and doesn't actually accomplish anything without the DM ruling in your favour. I never gave a scenario that you wouldn't be allowed to kick it away, but given that the item is dropped below the enemy, it'd be just as likely that the DM would impose a skill contest for you to knock it away.
Sentinel's nice on certain builds, but the one that takes it the most, PAM builds, wouldn't even let you make the opportunity attacks unless you're kicking it 15 feet

So i’ve rolled a barb in my new campaign and regret it instantly. It doesn’t seem like barb is that interesting or gets to do that much stuff. Is there any interesting or unique barb or multiclass builds i should go for to make this cooler?

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Actually, you'd need to knock it away 20 feet vs PAM, 15 feet with non-reach weapon

Barbarian is one step in complexity above Champ in "mom said I have to let you play so play this."

What kind of barb?

Works really good with Rogue MC. But yeah, baseline Barb is really fucking bad.

Just started, so only level 1

Barb is Fighter with even more passives, but at least you have Reckless Attack and Totem Barb can customize your build pretty damn well (you're going to pick Bear, though, so whatever) if your DM allows extra things like the SCAG totem options
I made a Michael Myers build the other day. 5 Barb (Totem - Elk), 3 Rogue (Scout), rest Barb. At level 5 you're moving 65 feet a turn, grapple people well, abduct whoever the fuck you like (especially once you get Rogue 2), walk around being a general nuisance. At level 8 you've got 4 Expertises and you're basically a racecar date-rapist who just picks a person on the enemy team, abducts them, and then repeatedly stabs them with Sneak Attack because of Reckless Attack + a shortsword (reflavoured as a kitchen knife).

It's not a GWM Reckless Attack dps god, but you've got free reign to fuck with the entire battlefield and grab anyone you want - and if they're too big to grapple, you just climb on their back and they can never shake you off.

Is Rogue/Warlock multiclass viable? I'm trying to make a tiefling chick whose thing is sneaking around, stealing shit, and being charming and seductive (conceptually, would prefer to resolve conflicts with smooching or sneaking).

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thoughts on these spells? the group found scrolls of them and I want to give them a final draft tomorrow so that they can actually learn them when they level up.

Attached: Spells of Ancient Cynarra.pdf (PDF, 652K)

Or, in any 2 handed build, you can simply make disarming your last attack and pick up the weapon, stowing it or throwing it away on your next turn. You even can use it for any AoO that get triggered while you can't swing your glaive for the rest of the turn.

It makes you more mad unless you go hex blade (but you’d still need 13 dex) but it’s perfectly viable.

If you want to be a hyper asshole, do Moon Druid. Rage and Unarmored Defense can both be used in Wildshape, and Moon Druids have the ability to consume spell slots to heal themselves while wildshaped. Barbarians can't cast spells, but nothing stops them from consuming spell slots, so you have a self-healing 16 AC Crag Cat with 34 HP, resistance to weapon attacks and bonus damage.

Ah true, I didn't notice that bit. There goes my dream of master-stroke killing people for the low low cost of half my superiority die.

Congrats on the first tiefling character idea I've seen that I actually like at all. And, I don't see why sneak attack and eldritch blast wouldnt stack.

Hey I just checked out your latest creations, they're all really good. The Zerker is better than the one in the PHB, but the basic issues still remain.

- Frenzy adds a bonus action attack instead of an "Extra" normal attack. This is weak since you can get this from dual wielding, from Polearm Master, and from GWM. Not only can you create a "better" Zerker by being a Bear Barb (resist all dmg except psychic) with GWM/PAM, but the Zerker's main feature gives you NOTHING if you want to dual wield with it. You just get a level of exhaustion, that's it. Frenzy also does not scale with levels like many other class abilities.

- Frenzy still causes exhaustion, even if you get 1 or 2 uses for free. No other archetype is penalized for using its core power. Even if you get 1 or 2 free uses as you level up, you still can't use it the same round you go into a rage (raging costs a bonus action, changing the frenzy bonus attack to an extra attack would fix this). As of now, taking 1 fighter level for action surge gives you a better frenzy than frenzy.

- Intimidate is better now based on STR than CHA, but it still costs an action. Why not have this go off when you kill an enemy and/or enter rage? Or, make *this* the bonus action power?

- The Zerker's theme is "all-out offense." The old PrC had better power attack. Now, I know PA isn't really a "thing" in 5e, but why not add some kind of extra damage or effect to Reckless Attack? Zerker doesn't really pull ahead of a Totem Barb with PAM/GWM until he gets Retaliation at level 14. The defensive barb is better at killing than the offensive barb.

This archetype is based on the 3.x prestige class Frenzied Berserker, and their main feature was going into a super rage that gave a bigger STR bonus but no extra con, an extra attack at full BAB, better power attack/cleave, but take 5 non-lethal dmg every round. There is still no equivalent in the new version. He's still beat at his own job by a totem barb.

Excellent. Any specific Rogue archetype? I was thinking Arcane Trickster.

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You fuck off. I like his stuff.

Yes, but you're combining the two edgiest classes
Darkness + Cunning Action (Hide) is a smokebomb, you're really good at infiltrating places at night/scouting because of Devil's Sight, you'll always have advantage in Darkness for Sneak Attack. SCAG Cantrips + Warcaster work phenomenally with Rogue since you're only doing one attack anyway.
You can go something like 3 Warlock for Pact of the Blade (summon your murder weapon at will and walk around unarmed otherwise), Darkness, Hex, Devil's Sight, Eldritch Smite. Then the rest is Assassin Rogue or something.
If you don't want to be generic Assassin, you could play Scout or Arcane Trickster Rogue + Warlock and pretend you're a ninja or something.
Just never go Hexblade because you're a faggot if you do

Oh boy thats pretty goofy i might do that LOL

I think im the only frontliner so as hilarious as abducting someone would be I should probably soak up a bit of the attention. This sounds great tho

Disregard the trolls. A lot of us appreciate your stuff. Do you have a website or just the gm binder?

That's even MORE MAD.
Go thief for UMD.

Swashbuckler has some Cha interactions, letting you net some extra benefit from the going Dex>Cha>Con

Once again, that'd still be up to interpretation for a contested check since the item drops on the enemy's square. Also, if you're going for a two-handed build, you'd be using nothing but Precision Strike (or the advantage-giving maneuvers like Menacing Attack/Trip Attack) for GWM. Disarming would just be a waste, especially if your GM already allows disarming via the optional rule. There are very few situations where disarming would even be worth it, or usable, and most of the time the maneuver would be a wasted choice.

Oh, I'm not the guy that made the fixes for subclasses, I just collect stuff (except for Toxin Cleric). I hope he sees it, though!

I'm not making much actually, just collecting what I can find from here, DMsGuild, reddit, etc. I'll be setting up a mega or pastebin of links for things that I've find.

>contested check
There is no RAW or RAI interaction involved there, so anything requiring a check at all is DM fiat. Don't go into a discussion assuming the DM dicks over players by going outside the rules.

Attached: Disarming Strike.png (612x309, 33K)

Even with being a frontliner this build works. You've still got resistances to bludgeoning, slashing and piercing by default when you rage, and the most HP of any class (I took Tough on this particularly build, too, for the unkillable appeal, as well as the immense synergy with resistances). If you don't need 65 movement and could settle for 50, you could just take Bear and be limited to moving 25 feet a turn while grappling (or 50 when dashing via bonus action). You'd still function perfectly fine as a tank even when you weren't building for it, simply because you're a Barb.

>nothing bu precision strike
Sure, if you whiteroom encounters and assume every enemy has fuckhuge AC.

Attached: Disarming Strike.png (538x589, 49K)

The reason I don't wanna make the extra attack part of the main attack is
>I already buffed base Barb
>I buffed the Dual Wielder feat
>a level 9 Zerker with TWF could make 4 attacks and deal 4d8+4(Str)+4(Rage)+4d4 damage every single round

They can do this with buffed Dual Wielder as well, however, it just requires a feat. Getting 3 attacks without needing a feat at 5th level + rage bonus damage is very very strong.

Also, Intimidate is an action because it targets all creatures in a 30ft radius you want, not a single creature. Berserker is a very strong archetype, especially with the revisions. I actually think I may have made it too good. They can get 4 attacks at 5th level, and can do this 1 time for free, afterwards taking exhaustion.

I also prefer the "short rest gets rid of 1 level of exhaustion" houserule I see a lot of people use. All things considered, I find that this ends up being by far the best Barbarian for dealing damage. It spikes at 3rd level, 4th level if you pick up dual wielder, can also function with a glaive and sentinel, spikes again at 5th, spikes at 7th with the fighting style, 9th, 13th, and 17th with the increased barbaric strikes homebrew rule.

If I make them any stronger I'd need to go back and gut the archetype or rework it.

Attached: 0 - Class, Archetype, & Feat Revision Link Page .pdf (PDF, 4.75M)

Oh you made an archetype? Post it, I'll take a look see.

Which sorcerous origin is mechanically the least awful?

I've got a player playing a nerd who just really likes nature, think bug and rock collecting and stuff like that.

Draconic is solid. Boring but all around good features.

I see. Well, if you can pass it along, please do. Also, what's a better place to collect/review homebrew? Do you guys have a discord or something? TG is good for browsing but it's hit or miss if you are trying to be creative/constructive.

Eldritch blast isn’t finesse. It doesn’t stack.

>quote Jeremy confirming you can pick up a dropped weapon
So he was telling you exactly what people already knew? That you can pick up a dropped weapon? Something literally listed in interacting with an object?
Heck, in the following post, it even addresses Jeremy literally saying it could be out of reach and is just as viable as a Jeremy-ruling for you not to be able to pick it up freely.

It's DM fiat to assume you can even kick the weapon away since kicking isn't an action you can do normally even with an object interaction, given that it's not listed and anything that has a major interaction like that would be an action by default, I just gave the benefit of the doubt.

If nothing has huge fucking AC and you're using GWM, using Disarming is a fucking waste since the enemy should be dead even without using Maneuvers. Better yet, use a better Maneuver like Menacing or Trip which gives more immediate benefits and isn't so easily avoided or limited based on enemy type, and is thus infinitely less likely to be a wasted maneuver. Sounds like your fights are whitewashed because every single enemy you're fighting is a humanoid reliant on their weapon, but doesn't have the strength to hold their weapon when making the saving throw to drop it, nor do they have any backup weapons to use.

In lieu of a "reworked" Zerker, I'd have it be something like this.

Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, you can go into a frenzy instead of a rage. While you are frenzied, once per turn, when you make a strength weapon attack as part of the attack action and miss, you may reroll the attack. You must use the new result.

In addition, your Rage damage bonus is doubled during your Frenzy.

Once you Frenzy you cannot do so again until you finish a long or short rest. Starting at 11th level you can Frenzy twice before needing to rest.

Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, you can go into a frenzy instead of a rage. While you are frenzied and take the attack action on your turn you can make one additional weapon attack as part of the action.

Once you Frenzy you cannot do so again until you finish a long or short rest. Starting at 11th level you can Frenzy twice before needing to rest.

Attached: 7e92800f4c2add8d54ca1c4729937e63--fantasy-monster-fantasy-characters.jpg (736x1125, 71K)

RAW and RAI, and confirmed by Sage Advice all says you are full of shit and are just blathering on about nothing. Disarming is a damned useful maneuver in a variety of situations.

Sure thing! I'm debating as to whether or not I want to drop Septic Blood.
You got it. I'll start working at getting something together at some point in the next few days. In the meantime, reddit.com/r/unearthedarcana is actually quite good. And save whatever PDFs you can!

Attached: Toxin 1.45.2.pdf (PDF, 703K)

RAW and RAI, confirmed in sage advice in the post that followed yours. The post you originally linked was Jeremy just confirming you can pick up a weapon, which you can. The one that followed was Jeremy saying it's just as viable for the GM to say the weapon is out of your reach, which completely invalidates what you're trying to say.

Disarming is fucking worthless. If it's so important to Disarm an enemy, use the disarming rule which is statistically more likely to work. In any other situation, use a maneuver that has better benefits like Menacing or Trip, both of which aren't as limited in the enemies they can be used on, have more beneficial effects, and aren't as easily ignored by the enemy simply having a second weapon even in the event the DM rules in your favour.

>rules in your favor
Only in the same sense that letting you attack or take a turn at all is a DM ruling in your favor.

>posts Jeremy sage advice
>a second Jeremy sage advice is posted which contradicts it
"B-but my strawman and cherrypicking says you're wrong"

How are you going to incorporate the Elven ability to change their sex once per day into your campaign and/or setting?


I definitely like the new base Barb, but everything you said about the Zerker barb is also true of a Bear Totem Barb except for getting Retailate at level 14. He gets the same number of attacks with GWM/PAM, and the same off hand attack while dual wielding. He's MUCH better than the PHB barb, but I'm comparing apples to apples here. Frenzy is also inferior to multiclassing into Fighter, since you can Action Surge after every short rest and double your total attacks (4 attacks at level 5 not counting bonus actions or dual weilding) with no exhaustion.

I also didn't realize you had buffed dual wielder lol. Any chance you could add a cleave type feature to GWM instead of the bonus action attack? It feels like they wanted to merge power attack and cleave into GWM but the bonus action attack is redundant.

Please help a guy out and post your best ideas, I don't care if it ends up being a bit OP. it's not a PVP game anyway and I've been kind of frustrated trying to come up with better versions of these things. Yours is the first barbarian homebrew that I like.

By purging the knife eared cunts. Can't change your gender if you're dead

make my ambiguously gendered elf more literal instead of an occasional joke

It literally doesn't, but there are circumstances where it won't be in reach. Like, if you are both flying, on a rocking boat, over a narrow bridge or the like.

Thanks! I think I have read that they specifically do not stack, but I am not 100% certain.

I was thinking Chain pact for a quasit familiar, make him out to be a little greaseball asshole constantly trying to coerce the thiefling into dirty or evil stuff, but helps her out nonetheless.

Going Fiend patron mostly for story reasons; she was abandoned on the streets, was an urchin, that whole kind of thing, and Baphomet answered her when she was starving and crying wondering why life was so awful.

Thief or Swashbuckler it is, then. My primary goals, in order of priority: Charm/Beguile/Diplomancy/etc, Sneak, Stab. I like the look of Swashbuckler, the feel of it kind of aligns with the devil-may-care attitude I've given her, but still, she's more of a lover than a fighter. Scrappy survivalist more than a killer.

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Working on my alternate to 'Deck of Many things' with a 'Die of Many things,' what you guys recon on some of the gifts and curses I've got so far, any other none campaign/character breaking suggestions?

1: Curse of the Void | the characters limb (of choice) begins to rot and decay and they’re suggested to cut off the cursed limb before it spreads to the rest of their body.
2: Knowledge is Power | you may learn something about a person of your choice
3: Power Drain | your character immediately losses 2 points in a random ability score
4: Power Gain | your character immediately gains 2 points in a random ability score
5: Gift of Tongues | your character learns how to speak fluent abyssal
6: The 63rd Law | your character immediately and irreversibly turns into the opposite gender


19: Luck of the halfings | A random magical item appears before you
20: A heroes Call | you will dream about a heroic deed that you must conquer within a weeks’ time, upon its completion you will receive a free feat of strength based on your performance (As chosen by the DM)

I don't really want to change GWM too much.
I will consider it but I'm slow to put anything to paper for the reasons I explained at the bottom of the Feat list.

By the way, here's this.

Attached: Berserker Revised Alternate.pdf (PDF, 2.32M)

If you go with Swashbuckler and get to 9 on it you get access to Panache. Assuming you expertise Persuasion, which sounds likely, you can do a Persuasion vs Insight contest to charm freely
>If you succeed on the check and the creature isn't hostile to you, it is charmed by you for 1 minute. While charmed, it regards you as a friendly acquaintance. This effect ends immediately if you or your companions do anything harmful to it.

That's DM fiat which means you're contradicting your earlier points. Jeremy expressly stated that "a DM might say the item is out of your reach" when addressing picking up an item which had no implication of it being based on a specific situation, just the DM's decision. If you want to go further into the rules, you're not even allowed to go into the opponent's square without using a specific action like a tumble, and given that you're bending down to pick up the weapon that is in the opponent's square, you're certainly entering it.

Fucking no it isn't. DM fiat involves going outside the norm, being able to pick it up is the excpectation. DM fiat would be creating a situation in which you can't. It isn't DM fiat to be able to perform normally acceptable activities, such as picking something up.