Monopose edition
>Necron Leaks:
>WHTV Tip of the Day
>Old Black Library Mega:
Monopose edition
>Necron Leaks:
>WHTV Tip of the Day
>Old Black Library Mega:
Painted rods are superior to Lego green
Custodes edition
Does anyone know anything about Kill Team's stats? Will shooting have to-hit modifiers like shadow war/necromunda, or will it be more 40k-style?
The chad Archon
Are there any 3rd party sellers that make Newcron-style rods for the older kits?
You could just order the alternative colored rods. The orange and blue look nice.
Furst foh dah ORKS!!!!
So given that Commanders are max 1 per detachment, what stops me from spamming Outrider Detachments of:
1 Coldstar Commander with 4x Fusion Guns/Burst Cannons
>Fast Attack
4 Kroot Hounds
4 Kroot Hounds
4 Kroot Hounds
It only costs about 250 points for each detachment.
DE leaks when?
>listening to DOOM OST while reading that
Damn, during the description of the demon I just imagined the Custodes staring in awe preparing himself for battle from a distance and then Doomguy jumping at it from a nearby cliff screaming angry screams.
The fact that many stores and events limit to a max of 3 detachments. If you store doesn't, cool, whatever, take your 250 point commanders.
I never could stand this model. I couldn't stand a lot of the DE models (old incubis, mainly) but this one right here killed it for me as a potential faction.
Congrats, you have 3 commanders and a bunch of kroot hounds
What does /40kg/ think of my shield design for 3D printing spare bitz.
>what stops me from spamming Outrider Detachments
The 3 detachments max in place everywhere.
Probably not for a while. I think we got spoiled a bit with the big Necron leak, normally we'd still be getting bits and pieces from that for the next few weeks.
What stops me from showing up with 2 brigades of IG to a game and pissing all over the table?
As everyone else has said, most stores have a 3 detachment limit. Aside from that, you'd need to own a lot of Kroot Hounds, you decide if that's worth it.
I have no idea how those Deldar models made the fucking starter set
Looks good but if you try to sell it with the aquila GW will take it down.
2000 points list will give me 8 Commanders, sweetie.
>Citation Needed
If you can fit it in the points limit, do it.
No sell just personal use. Plus the shield itself isn't mine either. I just arranged 3 pieces into one file.
Covens man! Hope you pick the true kin and wrack up slaves for the dark city using SCIENCE.
>tfw you nutted 10,000 years ago but your god still sucking
Modern Deldar is great tho
Make sure it's a Not!Aquila.
It was a different time.
Man, I forgot that plastic terrain. For a good year or two almost every battle my guys fought in was some variant of jungle planet ruin
>>Citation Needed
What do you need a citation for? Most stores have a 3 detachment limit, just ask your store next time you're there, if they say no they don't, then they're the odd one out and you can go for it, I know mine does and from what I can tell, it's the norm.
>those luscious cloaks
The power of dark light weaponry clearly.
they're like a boy band
what's their name, 40kg?
>Citation Needed
NOVA open
GW's own GT's, every one held to date,
Any event using ITC rules
And the main fucking rulebook towards the beginning of the matched play section.
Try harder next time sweetcheeks.
how can anyone even compete?
>And the main fucking rulebook towards the beginning of the matched play section.
Suggested doesn't equal required. Try again sweetie.
>And the main fucking rulebook towards the beginning of the matched play section.
It's a suggestion in the rulebook. Everyone sane uses it, but it's as much of a rule as the flyer rules, and how often do you use them?
Nth for Mk III supremacy
Page 214 of the rules? Yes, it says organized play, but most people follow some kind of organized rules because that is what matched play is.
Sweetie, you can play whatever you want with whoever will let you. Actually finding people to play you without detachment limits is hard. And no tournaments.
If it's not required then a tournament can't force me to follow that rule.
>If you can fit it in the points limit, do it.
>I play with a house rule where for a command point, I can pee on a unit
>I play tau without detachment limits
>Never mind, I have stuff to do anyway
lol, they look like chocolate chip cookie dough
Enjoy your open play hell then
Um, the tournament can enforce whatever rules they like. All the ITC missions this year are house rules.
>Only gets one out of five
>Even then it's STILL telling you events should be limited to 3 max
>I-i'm not illiterate I swear
It's so fucking cute, I just want to take it home with me and cook it tendies.
Open Play =/= Not Using Optional Rules
Not if GW doesn't say the rules are required.
>tfw no more Beckjann art
I don't know if he just up and quit or actually died, since I can't find any info.
People seem to forget this part. Finding someone willing to play a WAAC asshole is probably a WAAC asshole.
>A tournament can't force me to follow their rules.
>a tournament can't force me to follow that rule.
You agree to the rules by playing in the tournament. Ergo, a tournament can force you to follow that rule.
Can you try some more fun bait next time?
So did Duncan die or something?
I just dropped $130 on the new Tau Codex and the Tau "Start Collecting" kit. Brand new to 40k (but not to painting miniatures). How bad did I fuck up?
>T'a'u friend tries to spam their best unit eight times
>clearly hasn't played this edition
I'm stunned. I just can't believe it.
Sex scandal with asian employee, all being covered up.
>I have no idea how those Deldar models made the fucking starter set
and no fucking ultramarines.
based, kino edition.
The organization hosting a tournament can require whatever rules they want. If they say to participate you need every model painted at least 3 colors you gotta do that, if they say no Tau armies at all, you gotta follow their rules.
Just buy Riptides and u're good.
If GW isn't running the tournament you need to follow all rules set forth by the TO. Also, even in GW's own tournaments they enforce this rule. I'm assuming you're literally the same retard wjo comes on around this time of night to argue shit like "Fly can be a faction keyword and now my army ignores terrain." So you know you're wrong, have admitted to it, and will get no more (you)'s from me.
They suck now, so you wont be called WAAC
people will still hate you, but still
You're one of them now. Don't ever speak to me or my board again.
>Try again sweetie.
You sound like a 50 year mom who thinks she can escape being corrected by condescending hard enough.
You done good m8. You get to be a non-bitchy Tau player! Welcome to the game user.
It's not required to have 3 paints and based, but tournaments can enforce it.
>if they say no Tau armies at all, you gotta follow their rules.
That's discrimination
Tau are OK mid-tier this edition and come in communist, fascist and gundam flavours. You can have plenty fun shooting the shit out of your enemies with space samurai.
It's the girl they got to do the painting space marines video isn't it?
I don't really care if they suck. I'm more interested in building fluffy/"realistic" armies than I am beating people at a board game.
You got me. I laughed.
T'au are a popular unique army with cool models. Some people feel like they're too animu and nice for 40k however and the nature of T'au (sitting back and shooting) annoys a lot of people.
>"Fly can be a faction keyword and now my army ignores terrain."
That specific instance was people being ironic and mocking the trolls, user.
>best unit
>not the Riptide
Sadly, Tau pretty much never get respect in that regards
I love that I'm already seeing people buy Riptides again.
I couldn't help but grin when I saw it today.
Just don't be a cunt and you're okay by me
>the nature of T'au (sitting back and shooting) annoys a lot of people.
Why do people like Guard then?
>Don't ever speak to me or my mate's offspring again.
What cloaks are these?
Nah he is probably you can't stop me from putting landraiders into my rhino because INQUISITION guy
Sept/Chapter was a meme response to him
Veeky Forums help me
A friend recently moved away and left me a shittily painted T''''''''''''''''au army (I mean really badly painted)
What the hell do I do with it, and where the hell can I trade this weeb garbage to get things I want, like more orks, or a starting force of dark eldar?
>Milo fan boys
It's because Tau realism and fire doctrine doesn't work, by fiat, in this universe. Yes, it's silly that chainswords and hammers are the best ways to kill people in the setting, but that's the setting, you know? It's like making Dune lore where people use lasers.
The joke came about becomes some retard was legitimately arguing that he could use Infantry as a factio nkeyword so he could ignore it with inquisition Land Raiders to embark them in Rhinos. And that wasn't the first time that same retard came on to argue retarded rules interpretations as if they're totally legit.
which color scheme for my eldar this or
Chaos warriors.
A lot of cool lore like Ollanius Pius, being grimdark and not looking weaboo
Chaos Warriors maybe?
Dune has lasers..
the reddit where you trade minis?
miniswap I think
>communist, fascist, and gundam flavours
Which sept/faction is the fascist one? I knew about the other two but Nazi Tau are news to me.
Guard sit back and shoot and get slaughtered by the dozens in honourable melee combat, as the Emperor intended. Tau sit back and shoot and get abilities to make combat less effective, as well as longer ranges and JSJ shenanigans that punish melee.
GW planned it.
>Nerfed to shit, models dumped.
>Back to Wintide, or somewhat, everyone needs to buy them again
le HFY meme
Maybe it's a narrative tournament taking place somewhere with no Tau?
Noob looking for some army advice, did decently at the Nova Open trios last year and wanted to tune my Imperial Guard list early this time.
Any advice is appreciated.
Imperial Guard - 2000 Point list for NoVA Open Trios tournament
Spearhead Detachment 1
Regiment Valhallan
HQ 1
[46] Primaris Psyker - Force stave, Pietrov's MK 45, Nightshroud, Psychic Maelstrom
Troops 2
[47] Infantry Squad(10) - 8 Guardsman, Sergaent with Laspistol, Plasma Gun
[47] Infantry Squad(10) - 8 Guardsman, Sergaent with Laspistol, Plasma Gun
Elites 2
[21] Platoon Commander - Bolt pistol, Chainsword
[21] Platoon Commander - Bolt pistol, Chainsword
Heavy Support 3
[123] Armageddon Pattern Medusa(1) - Heavy Bolter, Siege Cannon
[115] Earthshaker Battery(1)
[143] Manticore - Heavy Bolter
Spearhead Detachment 2
Regiment Valhallan
HQ 1
[243] Tank Commander - Warlord, Battle Cannon, Heavy Stubber, Lascannon, Plasma Cannons, WT: Master of Command
Heavy Support 4
[596] Leman Russ Battle Tanks (3)
LR Battle Tank - Battle Cannon, Heavy Stubber, Lascannon, Heavy Stubber, Hunter-killer missile
LR Punisher - Punisher Gatling, Heavy Stubber, Lascannon, Plasma Cannons
LR Punisher - Punisher Gatling, Heavy Stubber, Lascannon, Plasma Cannons
[33] Heavy Weapons Squad(3)
3x Mortars
[33] Heavy Weapons Squad(3)
3x Mortars
[62] Heavy Weapons Squad(3)
2x Autocannon
1x Missile Launcher
Superheavy Auxillary Detachment
[469] Marauder Destroyer - 8 Hellstrike Missiles, Heavy Bombs, Twin Assault cannon, 3x Twin Autocannon, Twin Heavy Bolter
Currently thinking about replacing the Marauder Destroyer and second LR Punisher with a Salamander and Stormhammer since I don't have much heavy firepower and both options cost 665 points, but the Stormhammer wouldn't get Valhallan regiment for better damage brackets
Go full Nazi and use an Iron Eagle
>Mk III supremacy
>Painted white
>no Tau armies at all
That would be the best tournament ever
Wait till the tau outrage dies down and someone makes a good tourney list. Then sell whatever units are in that list.
How do you not understand how a chainsword and power weapons blessed by the cult mechanicus is stronger than Tau weaponry?