All elves are Trans. It's canon
Genderfluid =/= trans, dork
the thing about corellon has been d&d canon since like 1e
>Genderfluid =/=trans
Well they're both mental illnesses, so I can see how he would make the mistake.
Why do they push there agenda into this shit?
Why can't they let us enjoy this hobby?
IDK, maybe if you were smart enough to use the correct "their" you could figure it out though.
Same attitude that communists have. They can't just be happy with their own little "utopia," they have to force everyone else to be a part of it as well.
That said, it only seems like this is happening "everywhere" because of social media and shit. I live in a rural Michigan town and I have had to deal with any of this ridiculous PC/SJW shit the past few years. I haven't even seen a black person since 2008 unless you count the mixed kid that works at Culver's.
Upvoted for epic burn.
This shit is straight up fetish shit.
>Why can't they let us enjoy this hobby?
What exactly about elves picking their genitals stops you from enjoying the hobby?
>have had
haven't had*, damnit.
Oh my bad, thanks for correcting me. For a second I thought elves had just had a huge SJW change applied to them. Good thing they are just genderfluid and not trans
What's with all the low effort /pol/bait threads lately?
>inb4 meh /pol/ boogermen
Stop typing like that forever
Did anyone even like elves in the first place?
Also, the worldbuilding implications of this are neat. Keeps the elves from just being retarded pointy-eared humans.
Fucker. Now I want Culver’s.....
SJWs ruin everything they touch
WHFB and Tolkien had them be really really cool
Most other games made them shit
Now most sjws coming into this hobby hate Tolkien as a "white old man"
Their cheese curds are the fucking shit
Stop it! There isn’t one where I live now!!!
what about half elves
I honestly like this a lot too, it fits the portrayal of elves as magical otherworldly androgynous creatures.
I feel like if somebody on Veeky Forums had proposed this in a worldbuilding thread people would've thought it was a great idea, but because it's "caving to SJWs" they're going to sperg out instead.
SJWs are a fucking cancer
I never thought I'd see the day this was the right response
But the cancer might spread
>all elves
Some members of one subrace
>Introduced in 'Tome of Foes'
>Drow with the ability to change gender usually have to take sanctuary in temples of Corellon because they're considered dangerous to other drow and are considered outcasts, or even killed.
ayy lmao
When have elves ever been portrayed that way? It's always been little cutie blonde elf maids running around.
It's a pander.
...Case in point. It's the horseshoe effect at play- people only looking at ideas based on how they do or don't fit their ideology, regardless of context.
I dig it.
Might =/= will
>the portrayal of elves as magical otherworldly androgynous creatures.
Except that is never what elves have been portrayed as. Not in folklore and mythology, not in high fantasy like the Lord of the Rings, and not in RPGs and shit. I wouldn't be as upset if it weren't so blatantly just pandering to the SJW crowd. You might think it's fine now, but in a few years when they're saying Gandalf was actually a genderfluid polyqueer or some shit, it will start to irk you. Or maybe it won't because you're a faggot and you think they're right, idk.
I mean, it's stupid and pointless virtue signalling, but I don't really care. I even like the fact they're trying to make elves more alien and wierd. Even if the way they're doing it is stupid
You're asking when have elves ever been portrayed as androgynous twinks? Are you new to fantasy as a genre?
>It's always been little cutie blonde elf maids running around.
Your autism is showing
It's an inconvenience and, worse, a victory by WotC. It's not that I find the addition gross, it's that people are happy about it's inclusion.
Subrace, sub-humans, I get it now.
>it's that people are happy about it's inclusion
And that's... bad?
>WHFB and Tolkien had them be really really cool
>tfw I use WHFB, Tolkien and the Aen Elle from Witcher 3 as the templates for my High Elven characters
Yes, celebrating mental illness is bad. Encouraging the delusions of mentally ill people instead of trying to help them is objectively a shitty thing to do and is not at all productive.
Of all the ways they could make Elves feel different than Humans, they chose to talk about their genitals.
WotC are perverts.
Dude it's magic gender changing elves. Shits mythical in nature. I relate it more to the character Simmu from Death's Master by Tanith Lee than any sort of alleged mental illness.
Same reason I got annoyed by Wolfenstein II overemphasizing how "good" it feels to "kill a Nazi" during a period where racial tensions (specifically towards a group of people accused of being Nazis) was at an all-time high.
It feels filthy, it looks filthy, and people are reveling in it.
Fuck you WOTC and your binary gender view.
Solid taste my companion of high melanin
Culture of critique
>a special ability that some elves use to choose their gender at the start of each day.
>some elves retain a blessing of Corellon
Truly, we are living in the end times, because as some of us know, "some" means "all".
...This thread now has me envisioning a kingdom of half-elves said to descend from a time when a hedonistic and foolish set of human kings took in elven concubines as tribute, only for the elves to proceed to impregnate the other women in the kings' harems behind their backs.
>I honestly like this a lot too, it fits the portrayal of elves as magical otherworldly androgynous creatures.
Did your parent raise you on formula?
I'm a weeb and you still disgust me.
This is actually a thing in my Original the Setting (Do Not Steal.) A rogue expeditionary force of Northern Elves who decided to fuck off and go native colonized what is basically Scandinavia, and blanda'd upp with the natives until it's almost entirely Half-Elven with an extreme minority of pure Elven nobility.
>Same reason I got annoyed by Wolfenstein II overemphasizing how "good" it feels to "kill a Nazi"
Oh god your one of those? Hahaha you poor stupid salty /pol/ bastard.
Yes user, videogames about killing alt history actual Nazis will totally lead to violence against unrelated modern people.
First off, it isn't alleged. The shit is a mental illness. Thinking that you need to mutilate your genitalia and that you can magically switch your gender is as healthy and normal as thinking that you're Napoleon Bonaparte.
Secondly, I don't give a shit about the mythical aspects of the shit. The point is that this was done purely as pandering bullshit to make them seem more "progressive" and tolerant.
Or maybe it could just have something to do with the fact that it was a shitty videogame that attempted to sell itself on only one point: hurrrr durrrrr kill German people!
ITT: WoTC try to piss off people who envision being magic pointy eared dickgirls for pretend, and they fall for it completely.
>be elf
>be male
>Sit and meditate for four hours
>during which my penis splits in half and fold outward and down on itself until it forms a wound-like hole which then tunnels up and the remnants of my cock-head grow and expand until it forms a uterus
>tfw you are playing a kids game
The fuck does that have to do with anything. Quit looking for shit to just bitch about and actually have a fucking discussion. Otherwise might as well autofellate yourself, as you'll get more out of it, and you are both sucking dick and getting your dick sucked.
Well, good thing I haven't paid WotC a dime since AD&D 2E.
I warned everyone that this was going to happen.
The Snowflake Brigade has arrived
Oh, don't play this game. Nobody has or ever will *completely* change a race in the name of progress points, it's always going to be a heavily-pushed yet optional measure they will never, ever shut up about. It's a common tactic to get what you want.
You might as well have been describing lovecraftian horror than your daily pussy change
No, kill pulp evil alternate history Nazis.
I want to link that one Wizards of the Coast press video where they are openly wondering why more kids aren't getting into D&D.
I mean why aren't they getting more cultural penetration when we keep appealing to such huge segments of the population?
Or wait are they just trying to capture that huge >1% market share of people who spend way too much time on social media and ignore their own mental health?
Found the soyboy
As opposed to... what, exactly? Wolfenstein has been defined as The Game Where You Kill Nazis since it first appeared. It is literally the entire point of the game that you are a Polish-American out to kick Hitler's head off.
I honestly thought that people being suddenly salty over literal Nazis being killed in fucking Wolfenstein were just a meme.
I wonder if the elf threads will diminish because of this. One can only hope
Found the applespounge
1 - It allows for rules-supported magical realm
2 - It allows for future additions similar to this
3 - I cannot say "this rule is no longer true at my table" because if WotC ever releases a class option that requires the "tranny elf" power, you just know some kind of retard is going to want to do it.
4 - This is likely to attract the kind of people who will further demand these kinds of changes and make my hobby unpalatable to me.
Does this man look like a soylet-sipping homo to you?
No, but the fluoridated water did a hell of a number.
Man? How dare you assume his gender. Don't you know all elves are fluid now?
WHFB Elves are from a dead setting and inspired heavily by the Noldor from Tolkien's Silmarillion, don't try and say the existence of manly Asur means it somehow rubs off and onto Faerun Elves in 5e.
I'm not transgender myself so I might be wrong here, but if elves can change their sex once per day, is it really correct to call them transgender? As far as I know, gender refers to your identity while sex refers to your biology and what physical sex organs you have, so if an elf can change their genitals and not their overall mindset towards gender, that doesn't make them transgender, doesn't it? Or am I just overthinking this?
He was talking about the one on the left
Do me a solid. Go to the doctor, get some blood done, and ask him for your testosterone levels.
Like in Tolkien, the best elves leave us far to soon
We live in the timeline where we just got fucking Magical Realm'd in the biggest, most mainstream RPG game of all time at the height of its popularity.
/pol/ was a mistake
Next they're going to give Drow the option to have a BDSM background path and grow Lolthcocks at will
Nah, you're right, stupid people are just not taking the effort to know thine enemy.
There's no way in hell this is going to be played as anything remotely sexy, user. They're going to awkwardly ham-fist a genderfluid Elf NPC into a published module or campaign and just call that a job well done.
oh shit I drew that!
By memory too
>Game about killing Nazis is slated for release
...As a sequel to a successful 2014 game about killing Nazis that nobody batted an eye at. Sadly "Nazis are bad" somehow became a divisive political statement in the meantime.
>Blessing of the most metrosexual elf deity.
>Change gender 1/day
>Not even sex change, just gender
First gripe is that this is moot.
>Give to drow as a blessing of Corellon as major Fuck-You to Lolth and the Theocracy.
That sounds about right.
>Accordingly these elves don't give a fuck.
No part of this has any bearing on anything that matters in the real world, and Faerun already has Alter Self spells available; this is not groundbreaking nor any cause for major discussion aside from shilling the change and drawing more attention to WotC and things you are appearently upset about for no discernible reason.
But wait, no there's no comment no ire no opinion.
Just throwing an article out for clicks.
Because jews
And if they do, it would be bad! Their culture isn't based around BDSM, it's based around forceful taking of power - there is no consent there, unlike in BDSM.
Why are you so upset about this?
Why are you pretending to be a fa/tg/uy?
>>White supremacy is on the docket, front and center
But it isn't. Trump is not a white supremacist, he does not promote White Supremacy. White Supremacists promote HIM, because they're both idiots.
Fawning over slaughtering Nazis has been a thing in American media since the 40s.
Now, I in fact believe that Nazis should not be attacked and harmed in the United States. They should be shamed, hated, and reviled for their odious and degenerative beliefs. But never assaulted or harm.
Still, if you're gonna be sensitive to hatred, maybe don't preach it
Just so you know transgender identity and gender dysphoria are not the same, and the classification of it being considered a mental illness is up for debate, and may change this year.
Illness requires it to cause distress and dysfunction. While these are prevalent in transgender people, they are from external factors, and not the transgender condition itself.
There was already a spell in older editions that allowed you to change sex.
Anyone who really really wanted to add that kind of stuff to their game could easily do so.
Adding something like this seems to be pandering to a certain loud subsect of the internet.
I can't imagine a situation where this would make a game better for any of my players or help move a collaborative story along.
Nigger just don't fucking use this material if it gets you so fucking bumblasted. As a DM, you are LITERALLY the final word on what does and what does not fly in your setting. If somebody wants to do this, tell them no. If they persist, you wouldn't want to play with them anyway, so kick them. If you're a player in this situation, you can leave the group. Nothing is going to force you to endure the horrible tranny elves.
Honestly, this is kind of pathetic. So what, some elves can change genders? It's by no means a big deal. They're elves, they were already magic weirdos. Shit, do you guys even into mythology? Loki changed genders all the time, both in popular culture and in the original myths. What a bunch of pussies.
Actually, go ahead and stop enjoying the hobby.
Suffice to say they'd be fucking us all over
Can elves impregnate themselves now?
Good one.
>Did anyone even like elves in the first place?
Yeah. They were the noble race of Good Guys who had cool stuff like rangers ambushing enemies in the forest and giant eagle air cavalry and magic users and were just generally cool. They were skinny and had no facial hair but whatever that was me when I was a teenager and getting into D&D. They sure as fuck weren't these fucking faggots that peopel seem to want to turn them into.
Magical items too.
All are Magical Realm though. Not bad, not good, just kinky.