Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Taufags go home edition

>Necron Leaks:

>WHTV Tip of the Day



>Old Black Library Mega:


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>eck dee they were broken an edition so they're a shit

orks wuz here

2nd for Tau codex sucks

Absolutely BTFO.

What's a good base mode for Shredda?
New BB orks?
Given that Bebork and Orksteady are already Nob/Flash-Git scale.

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What are each armies' stereotypes as far as their players are concerned?

>eldar are always broken
>no one really cares about eldar players
>tau broken one edition
>people hate them
Almost like there is another reason for it other than being broken.

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Imagine being this mad

There's a difference between being "broken for an edition" and "un-fun to play against because of broken rules and an awful playerbase".

Worst part is that they make it seem like all taufags were spamming riptide wings and it wasn't mainly eldar faggots abusing the alliance system

You played against some real shitters then my dude. I've got a titanfall inspired army with a badass paint job and hate the flakk I get because of some faggy weeaboos and waactards.

>wate patiently for codex
>tau still sucks
>have 6 worthless riptides STILL


Nth for Inquisitorial Storm Troopers and Elysian Drop Troops.

(fuck i need to get around to painting these fuckers and the rest of my armies).

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This. Tau players weren't inherently bad, it was the taudar tourney fags who don't know how to write a list themselves or read a codex.

There's 3 reasons I hate the Tau.

1. They fill no niche in the game. Everything they do could have been done by another army present when they were added.

2. SHIT lore. When 99% of your lore is blatant plot-armor, it's time for a squatting or complete rework.

3. The players. Every Tau player I've met is WAAC to the max and whine the whole fucking time if things don't go their way.

When you get fucked in the ass for decades on end you stop noticing the dicm is there, but when Weebtrash5009 shows up and tries to make it DP you're going to notice. Also Eldar players actually paint their shit and don't cry NEARLY as hard over their nerfs.

sell those riptides and buy some tidepods for dinner. I know this is wasted on you because for every legitimate complaining tau player there are 99 bait posts cast

You could possibly do something with the Ironjawz warchanter. I did a conversion out of him and he's fairly big. Pic related.

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>eldar dont cry about their nerfs
What fucking nerfs? There hasnt been a single fucking edition where they havent been in 8/10 of the top slots in any competitive event

Things have changed a bit.

Ork players used to be considered cool and chill guys that just rolled with it, but 7th ed codex and the long neglect finally broke most, now it's either bitter shits, die-hard converters or newbies trapped with a army they hate.

Lol no, very certain there was fucking rage as soon as windrunners weren't troops anymore

>Bought two rapid insertion cadres because they looked cool
>had fun playing them with index as they required mobility and thought but rewarded smart gameplay
>army got slightly better with codex but isn't cheese

I am okay.

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It's not even like it was a power thing, it's a playstyle choice thing.

I did basically the same thing and its fun as fuck

rate my Eisenhorn/Deathwatch list that tries to be somewhat book accurate with the sisters of silence representing bedica and her bitches and the acolytes having approximations of the retinue's weapons also the acolytes aren't done yet gotta do some more poking around to remember what all of eisenhorn's friends were strapped with

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Wow, I hadn't actually read about deathwatch at all until now, but frag cannons are fucking insane aren't they? Sure, they're 30 points and your marines are already expensive, but hot damn, the whole squad can take them. Does anyone here play DW?

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wat scatbike spam was pure cheese

They also got nerfed, didn't they? Regardless, how many windrunners do you see now that they're competing with fast attack again?

I don't play DW, so someone can correct me, but it seems like a real mistake to field a full unit of frag cannon, because then you'd have no cheap (relatively) ablative wounds. A couple per unit seems more reasonable to me.

And yet the models that are broken as fuck change every edition. Between 6th to 8th it was fucking Bikespam, then Wraithknights, now Dark Reapers, amd each preceding unit got nerfed into the ground. Funnily enough, though we STILL see Taubabbies crying about RIPtides I've not seen ONE Eldar player go "Abloo bloo bloo my Rapeknight is bad now time for sudoku."

Nice brothers, what Septs?

I almost did that myself when I was looking at getting back into 40k for 8th ed and was shopping around for armies

Glad its working out for you

as someone with 2k in DW, and 2 squads of fragcannons, they are amazing. IF your opponent doesnt know about them and decides to charge at you (or you move to within 8" of the) fall the autohit shots. Even out to 24" they are still good. But so much of the army and its equipment is overpriced (like the infernus heavy bolter) and a frag cannon vet is 49 pts each.

Still really fun to play but you got to play REAL smart, they can be almost as bad as custodes is you make a misplay.

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Why are there always people who look at a ruleset and try to find way to exploit it or argue over RAW vs RAI?

Why can't people just play the game to have fun instead of obsessing over winning?
These games aren't designed to be hardcore tactical simulations and they certainly aren't balanced. There are way too many variables for balance to ever be achieved.

I haven't decided yet, still working on painting all my dudes. I'm either gonna do white sept markings or orange sept markings. Either way I'm gonna do a sept. My guys are all OD green with black mechanical bits and orange accents.

To be fair, when Eldar get nerfed and don't get a replacement broken unit, we'll probably see some tears. Not as much as balanced Tau level, but still.

Yeah, having more than 2 per team is painting a big bullseye on the team, my usual team comp is 2 fragcannons, 2 bolter+stormshield, shotgun+chainsword on sergeant

Blatant plot armour? The Tau get their asses handed to them by every race they meet, their leaders get humiliated, everything goes wrong, their plans go to shit, but they still keep troopering on.

custom lost-in-space 5th sphere expansion fleet flying around near-ish Chogoris trying its best not to die horribly.

Since its all mostly space combat or quick raids, most missions are done by smaller battlesuits.

I'm convinced it's not even always about winning. It's about outsmarting a system.

Can you link me to a single taufag here complaining about riptides? Even now they only faggots crying are you anti-tau people who somehow believe riptides are back with a vengeance

Between Custodes, Deathwatch and Grey Knights what is the best, middling and worst elite, overpriced power-armored army?

Are you retarded? They win or tie every engagement. The only time they 'lost' was when their leader was assassinated, and even then they just faked him anyways.

>but they still keep troopering on.
This is plot armour. This is not a gentle universe.

Oh definitely, I'm just saying if afyer Dark Reaper spam started winning left and right Eldar fags showed up and started going "WHY IS THE WRAITHKNIGHT NOT OP GW JATES US GIB BACK WRAITHKNIGHTS PLS" we'd be just as pissed at them as Tau who go "But I don't LIKE fire warriors, I want 9 commanders desu."

Cause they're fucking obsessed with arguing and winning arguments.

Yeah, fair enough, I was just wetting myself over that statline.

Mind posting your list? I'd love to see what you run.

Yeah, not my best idea. How exactly do you handle a partially storm-shielded unit? Do you just roll up to two invulns (if they're alive), rolling to fill unblocked wounds if any of the invulns save?

Are YOU retarded? The Deldar completely fucked them over and murderaped an entire planet. And their 'revenge' was to not get completely fucked the next time they fought.

The ironic thing is that we actual lawyers know that when it comes down to RAW vs RAI, courts are more likely to side with RAI. Courts will even go so far as to look at legislative intent and minutes on the record as to what the lawmakers were arguing about when the law was drafted.

Why shouldn't that also be the case in 40k?

this was my post but here is my 2k DW list

Watch Master (130)
Watch Captain Artemis (130)
Watch Captain (119) (heavily modified artemis, gave him a jump pack, xenophase blade, combi-melta, he actually looks pretty awesome)
Squad 1: Sergeant with xenophase blade+ storm shield, heavy thunder hammer, 2 combi-melta's + 2 power swords, power sword +storm shield. (192) + 1 more veteran and frag cannon (241)
Squad 2: Sergeant with xenophase blade+ storm shield, 4 deathwatch frag cannons. (227)
Squad 3: Sergeant with xenophase blade+ storm shield, 4 deathwatch frag cannons. (227)
Squad 4: Sergeant with Stalker Bolter + powersword, 4 stalker bolters, 4 infernus heavy bolters. (295)
Corvus, hurricane bolters, infernum, blackstar rockets, twin assault canons. (249)
Corvus, hurricane bolters, infernum, blackstar rockets, twin assault canons. (249)
Razorback, storm bolter, hunter killer missile, twin lascannon (128)
Army Total= 1995 power= 97

Battalion Detachment: 3 HQ, 4 troops, 2 flyers, 1 transport. 6 command points.

You gotta play real smart, and know how to bait your opponent into charge your frag squads, or putting your frag squads into the corvus, flying across the table and unloading into your opponent. its tricky but completely doable. I have won 3 out of 4 games with this list.

Decide who to allocate wounds to. It can be, but doesn't have to be the storm shields. Then roll up to the number of alive members in that allocation.

Custodes is the best, they're going to put big holes into the opponent even if they can't maintain board presence.

Not too familiar with DW but from what I do know I'd say they're the middle, they have some good stuff but they're overcosted

GK at the bottom, especially with the Smite spam nerf in play

Thats a hyperbole my guy, its more like.
>have 3 generic HQs
>1 has useless buffs, the other only buffs half of the 2 whole troop choices
>1 is good at shooting and moving, limited to one per detachment

instead of fixing the problem that all armies have with abusing HQ units and removing supreme command detachment from matched play, they just hamhandedly threw a nerf that limits the people trying to make lists that aren't just commander spam

Unflattering comparisons to lawyers? Unprecedented!

I think the practical reason is that 1) There isn't a centralised court system with records of interpretations and 2) There's an entity that can hand down by fiat interpretations and flat out new rules. And of course, they're not arguing in front of judges, they're arguing among themselves and against opponents to 'beat' a system, not to fairly interpret the rules.

You forgot the important part, which is while doing this they also allowed you to keep commanders as ridiculously overefficient rape machines, you're just mad you bought 9 and now can't use all of them. You'd be twice as pissy if they nerfed commanders and got rid of supreme command than you are right now.

pure arny? Custodes easily the worst (until more FW models get rules), and then GK and DW.

if you are going soup though, Custodes can be real good addition to IG. GK just arent all that good right now with the price of units and a lot of units just being terrible.
DW is almost viable by itself, but without some kind of chapter tactic, and limited wargear options for no fucking reason (chaplains cant even take a fucking jump pack) and a lot of shit is just overpriced (like infernus HB and frag cannons). Special issue boltgun squads arent bad, and the SIA to wound on a 2+ is pretty good (on non vehicles), but the lack of list options and limited unit variety is not good at all. still though its a fun army.

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Again, point out a single post asking for more commanders. You guys are chasing after your own strawmen

But I only own one commander, I'm not even that angry. I just want more generic HQ choices so I don't have to rely on firewarriors for my troop choice.

>'Custodes are bad' meme
They beat Guilliman led Marines 3 times out of 5. They are an average army at worst and if you spam bikes your opponent is gonna cry. Play some games before you start repeating memes.

Yeah, every tau player convieniently forgets to mention they don't want them nerfed either.

I need more ideas for some Kroot kindred to eventually use for Kill Team.
So far I've got a Whip+Axe guy, a Chainsword+Shield, Patfinder, Fire Warrior...

Next is probably a Butcher or Meat Hoarder. Any ideas guys?

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So it wasn't a play style thing?

Used to.
But in 7th they were eggs in one basket monotask monobuild unit/formation army.
Cool and thematic but you had litle wiggle-room.

get one of the more burden animal looking kroot and have him hauling their gear

Your goldfish memory is not our issue.

You can run HQs that don't directly buff every troops choice you have. Take some fire warriors if you're so concerned about it and run mainly other troops.


Why not nerf them and leave them in troops? Like you said, people weren't complaining about anything but them leaving troops. It's even easier to spam units now, the critical thing is that now our playstyle has been handed down to us from on high that we need to use guardians or dire avengers instead of jetbikes.

Custodes can win in combat, but unless you are spamming jetbikes, you are going to lose to objectives 9 times out of 10. the army isnt bad in combat, they are bad at taking objectives.

ALL elite armies right now are hurting, GK, DW and custodes all fall behind every other codex because units are overpriced, lack mobility or lack of bodies to take objectives. internally they may be balanced, but externally they are losing to other codexes because of the issues i listed.

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>4 stalker bolters, 4 infernus heavy bolters
On the same dudes? That's not possible, reread the entry. If you take a heavy weapon you can't take any other weapons.

More like no reason to get shit ton of CP for an all jetbike army

>goldfish memory
Just because your mouth writes cheques your ass cant cash doesnt mean an insult will save your argument faggot

How is it that Taufags underappreciate the ethereal so damn much?

So then you're fine with the commander nerf and don't mind the changes made. Great. Then stop bitching about nothing you whiny Tau playing cunt. You can either be mad about the changes and bitch or fine with them and not, you can't somehow exoat in both states.

Pick one

I like my Commanders being as strong as they are and I understand the limit but it would be great to have a generic version of Longstrike or Darkstrider

They also have nothing to deal with high toughness enemies. Enemy brings a leman/knight and they're just fucked.

So Breachers wouldn't benefit from Ld9 and a 6+++?

Lol ok.

>cant use bonding knife ritual because he reduces leadership rolls by 1
>reroll hits of 1 if you stand still is useless since a single markerlight token does the same thing, even if you move
>rerolling advances is now an army wide ability
>fnp is alright I guess

pretty useless unless you want a 6" 6+ fnp bubble

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Good idea. I've got a couple more Seekers of Slaanesh like in the pic, been putting Kroot Hound heads on em. Could make one for it or get a Krootox.

I also want to make a Rail Rifle armed one too. Thank you for reminding me

Go back and finish school, you need to relearn basic reading comprehension you uneducated knife-ear

Oh nope, running through some quick mafs that 295p is for 9 dudes. I thought the stalker bolters would have been more expensive.

You are not only wrong, but damn wrong. Stalkers are considered standard weapons, any vet can replace their standard bolter for a stalker bolter, and up to 4 veterans in a squad can take heavy weapons, of which the infernus heavy bolter is a heavy weapon. read the fucking index fool.

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Not when shield drones are shit ton cheaper and better, also no reason to ever take a morale test on the guys since they're suicide squad and probably going to die to a stiff breeze if you're not running them in squads of 5.

>>reroll hits of 1 if you stand still is useless since a single markerlight token does the same thing, even if you move

I thought Tau players were complaining they didn't get enough Markerlight support now though

Talking about Custodes you fucktard.

Okay so your argument is

>Lol nobody is mad about commanders

And also at the same time

>They overnerfed commanders I should be allowed to spam them

And you think I am the retard? If you project any harder you could kill someone, be careful there kiddo.

>put your HQ who folds to a stiff breeze into the fray
Ethereals are fine for gunlines but believe it or not the memes arent always true and some taufags actually want an aggressive army, strange isnt it?

What? I think the markerlights are pretty balanced as they are right now. It makes markerlight drones not completely forced to take, but they still give good bonuses.

Ah, okay. If you have to allocate more wounds than you have storm shields though, you can't allocate multiple wounds to the (1w) storm shield guys right?

Thanks, looks pretty fun, albeit low on overall wounds as you said.

Ah, that's a shame.

fuck, clicked on the wrong person to respond to, my apologies. meant to respond to and then he responded with i am going to head to sleep, i am too grouchy. my DW, elysians, and all my other shit wish you all a good night.

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its the same

>Talking about Custodes
I like custard, I like it with a sliced banana on it.
Why are we talking about food in a plastic army men thread?

Taufags who say they want to play "aggressive" are just as bad as Orkfags who want to play shooting heavy armies. Neither understands the game is based on some armies having syrengths and weaknesses. If you want "aggressive" Tau I suggest looking instead at an army that isn't defined by it's static gunlines.

I think a tank commander unit is probably a good idea, but doing that after you limit commanders to 0-1 is a PR shitstorm. You definitely need to be able to customise fireblades a little to account for the multiple troops types.

If you're trying to reply to then you're wrong.

"Up to 4 Deathwatch Veterans may replace their boltgun with an item from the Deathwatch Heavy Weapons list."

You have to give up your bolter to get a heavy weapon.

Yes, you need to roll one at a time for every death you can take, basically.

>T. Caacfag

There is more than enough Markerlight support, its just that most of the table isnt very good

lol thanks for proving my point Better to be silent and thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt :^)