>ancient and stripped of their former glory
>wastes away their time rping and coming up with autistic ideas
>have taboos that exist for a reason
>slow as fuck
ITT: Races that Are Literally Veeky Forums
Am I supposed to recognize this?
Is it those simulation ammonia-based aliens from Orion's Arm?
Not OP, but yep, that's the Muuh. And they are very Veeky Forums.
>Muuh realism
>Muuh 3d6 in order
>Muuh plot
Never made sense to me why other species/civs in Orion's Arm didn't get as into gengineering themselves into fantastical forms as Terragens did.
My favorite OA xenosophont race:
>Alien species first discovered in the neutron star KJEI-54-458945 in the Einstein's Revenge Cluster. They consist of knots of the vortex and charge tubes in the neutronium mantle of the neutron star; each individual is a few centimetres across and lives on soliton waves and neutrino flows. They are based on nuclear matter processes, acting naturally on the femtosecond timescale and have nuclear matter manipulation abilities. The Einstein's Revenge Cluster consists of 34 neutron stars, apparently the result of timed supernovas several hundred million years ago. It is unknown if they were caused by the Knots or some species which created the Knots, but all neutron stars are inhabited by different versions of the Knots.
>The Knots appear to have a largely non-material culture where the basis of interaction is trade in self, orthodoxy and authentic noise (?) according to the communication attempts that have been undertaken by various interstellar institutes. Knots appear to view the world as an eternal unchanging structure, where they just play out its logical unfolding in order to cause their existence (?). Most contact attempts have failed, as the Knots consider the world outside the neutronium a highly abstract mathematical problem rather than something to interact with.
Well there are the Meistersingers: orionsarm.com
>Never made sense to me why other species/civs in Orion's Arm didn't get as into gengineering themselves into fantastical forms as Terragens did.
Mostly because xenosophont civs who had such a tech level were destroyed a long time ago, stagnated and their culture became one of eternal reccurence or became so advanced that a entire galaxy was convereted for their uses and they took metric forms.
There is a defunct tabletop game that had a race called the Therans or something. They were post singularity humans that fLee around the universe in Dyson spheres and the ones that showed up in the game were their equivalent of basement dwelling neets obsessed with wargames, which is what the world ending apocalyptic wars were because lol immortality. Seriously one of them invented teleportation just to boost her kill/death ratio in 1v1 arena matches.
>they took metric forms
What does that mean, though?
Therians from AT-43 were a fun bunch.
Is this Saruthi from Inquisitor wh40k series?
Their bodies consists of the structures of space-time itself.
>A post human society of uploaded conciousness that spends it's time in a Matrix like virtual construct, if the Matrix were a mash up of /v/, Veeky Forums and /k/ with unlimited resources at their disposal and who fight wars of extermination to prove who is better at building optimized lists.
What's not to love?
Oh, it makes perfect sense to me. It's because furry sperglords got into the writing team and it's them that wrote all the animal clade shit, and of course god forbid it not be about human-animal mashups.
I really don't want to hate furries... but shit, it's impossible not to hate them what with how they push their cancer into everything they can. Take the furshit out of Orion's Arm and it actually has a ton of badass stuff.
A setting that's just "add chips to be GAWD" is never badass.
What is not logical about rianths and splices? In a world of gengineering, furries are an inevitablity. It's not furshit, it's how shit is gonna actually go down in the far future? My question wasn't why humans were so good at gengineering, but why the other alien civs weren't...
But OA isn't a setting like that, the basis of terragen civilcation is autosentience and you only achieve this by rearticualize your ow self, this can take decades or can last millenia. I like OA because its timescale works out.
If you ever ask yourself “is this [X] from 40K?” and it isn’t blatantly apparent that the answer is yes, it’s probably the original source 40K lifted the concept from.
>What is not logical about rianths and splices? In a world of gengineering, furries are an inevitablity. It's not furshit, it's how shit is gonna actually go down in the far future?
For what practical reason do rianths or splices even exist? Sure some wil exist but they will hold no importance whatsoever in the politcal area. They are too antiquated and not effective enough as they were or are only created for vain projects and not for any important issue.
>"Heaven take it away! Hippopotami should not have human hands and carry torches... men should not have the heads of crocodiles..."
True. Damn, Veeky Forums should try its hands at making a more logical OA.
Oh, wait.
Did Veeky Forums also auto lobotomized itself because of Something Really Bad, making itself literally unable to talk about it?
Something doesn't have to be practical in order to create it. Rianths would be artistic gengineering, an exploration in our own ability to have compassion for other beings that look different from us, and of course because rule of cool, fetishes, and all that good stuff that doesn't really need a reason to exist but does. It's called the future, get over it nigga.
Gengineering fashion and trends basically guarantee something like rianths and splices in our future.
Sure, I'm not saying that stuff like rianths won't exist but they will have no influence or greater presence in sapce. There will be no dinosaur empire. Also a animal/human hybrid isn't a very daring art, more important is the exploration of the mind. Stuff like Emple-Doketiks will be our future not some furries.
It's some Orion's Arm autist-fuel nonsense. Once Mach Effects and dark matter are truly understood, all this so-called "hard sci-fi" will seem impossibly quaint.
Mach effect? Also Dark Matter isn't magic, it's just unknown matter.
I really like Hard Sci-Fi like Blindsight because the author has to be careful for the implementation of technology.
Hey I liked the Dinosaur Empire.
I just feel it doesn't fit the setting. Of course OA is a collaborative sci-fi setting so stuff like that is expected but I would like more to explore the Solipsistic Panvirtuality or other powers who truly are posthuman.
t. someone who didn't read/understand the lore
t. furfag scrabbling to justify shit lore
I mean, we have no way of telling what will be "politically vogue" in 10,000 years or more, maybe clade based polities will exist in a civ hearty with biotech and gengineering. It's not that far fetched to me. Makes even more sense when you figure different gravities for different planets literally making it harder for people to planet hop. Doesn't make evolutionary sense to stagnate and become ubermenchs, some kind of "pan optimal form" which likely doesn't exist. Cladistics, one of the main themes of OA, states that any sufficiently adaptable organism will fill all available niches when given the opportunity. That includes ideological and political niches too. So, Dinosaur Empire in 10,000 years makes sense to me.
Now, I'll agree with you that something like a vixen or a rabbit person is pretty low-genetic art, but you don't have to stop there. How about making real fucking dragons. Or any other chimera you can think of. Animal-plant hybrids. Cyborg Trees. Bioborgs (completely synthetic organisms from the genetic material up). Organisms that don't even use DNA, some kind of other genetic code! It's endless!
Exploration of the mind is important, but to get the best of both worlds and pack a punch you have to successfully synthesize the mental and physical AND spiritual arts. I think this holds true in the lore and history of OA.
The silent ones would fit TG as well.
This was made using gurps aliens voting at choices that had more than 0% of being selected at random.
PS:This was voted using approval voting, not the best system (range voting would be voting)
Chemical base: Water-Based Life (Cold to Hot worlds)
Habitat: space dwelling life
Race is sapient
Trophic Level: Hijacking Carnivore
Place the race lives has 0.1 g
Movement: Immobile
Size: 250 yards
Weight: 78130000 pounds
Size in race local gravity = 1150 yards
Weight in race local gravity = 7604375000 pounds.
Strenght = 3933 ST
18 segments (each segment has one limb per side) won.
Has tails
Long tail (Long enhancement) and Barbed striker tail (Striker doing cutting or piercing damage)
Is an tool using race
6 sets of manipulators (each set has normal DX or High Manual Dexterity 1)
Internal Skin
Outer Skin : Scale
Scale Type:Armor shell (DR 5)
Cold-blooded (no disadvantage)
Growth Pattern: Unusual growth pattern (add segments )
Gestation: Pollination
Special gestation: Brood Parasite (young raised by another species)
Moderate r-Strategy: 1d+1 offspring per litter, some care after birth
Vision: Telescopic Vision 4
Touch: Acute Touch 4 and Vibration Sense
Has those special Senses:
360° Vision
Absolute Direction
Scanning Sense (Radar)
Primary Sense of Communication: Scanning Sense (Radar)
Lifespan: Extended Lifespan 2
Average IQ: 11
Mating Behaviour: Permanent pair bond
Social Organization: Pair-bonded
Gregariousness: Loner (0)
Concentration = Short Attention Span (9)
Curiosity = Curious (9) (reduce selfcontrol number to 6)
Playfullness: Compulsive Playfulness (9) (becomes Trickster at 12 if specific being of this race is is Overconfident)
Empáthy: Empathy ( add Charitable at 12)
Chauvinism: Racial Intolerance
Suspicion: Normal
Egoism: Selfless (6)
Imatination: Versatile
I think this is the “furriest” of things added to the site.
>Mach effect
Yes, look it up. Also dark matter isn't what it we're largely assuming it is. If it is matter, it's non-baryonic and composed of highly non-interactive particles which we have no actual evidence for, and no clear theoretical ideas about. It's more likely to be due to a modification to inertia at very low accelerations (MOND), which ties into Mach's Principal which I mentioned earlier.
I've only read the parts of the lore about space habitats and ultra-rockets. Also wormholes a little bit. The stuff about Sephiroth civilizations is super uninteresting to me.
OA has a vast lore from pre-terragen civilications to Interplanetary Earth followed by the Federation Era and ends with in 10.000 years, a realm ruled by metric machines.
Ever heard of Transhuman Space? Orion's Arm is Posthuman Stars.
Therian are literally us.
Orions Arm lore was erased and re-written couple of times to be fair.
There was far more more furries and new-age mysticism in previous editions.
Also a spaceship called Ronald Reagan.
>Most contact attempts have failed, as the Knots consider the world outside the neutronium a highly abstract mathematical problem rather than something to interact with.
It's like they played too much 3.PF and now treat everything that way.