>Unearthed Arcana: Be Sure to Drink Your Ovaltine!
>5e Trove
Stable releases - get.5e.tools
>Previously on /5eg/:
What do you think is next for Fifth Edition?
>Unearthed Arcana: Be Sure to Drink Your Ovaltine!
>5e Trove
Stable releases - get.5e.tools
>Previously on /5eg/:
What do you think is next for Fifth Edition?
Other urls found in this thread:
Unearthed Arcana: Rope Revised
Not Eberron, unfortunately. But apparently Giff are gonna be in an upcoming book so maybe spelljammer?
>What do you think is next for Fifth Edition?
Alternate grapple rules
That art is garbage.
Nth for make a different fucking thread if you want to argue about politics
>But apparently Giff are gonna be in an upcoming book so maybe spelljammer?
Why? So they can gender fluidify that TOO?
I would honestly prefer some rules around rope than some BS about Duregar clans.
When Ioun Stones are worn (in orbit around your head) do they count as worn items? Therefore won't be destroying by AOE shit?
I don't really want to give my player an Ioun stone just to have it demolished when he gets hit by a fireball or something.
>What do you think is next for Fifth Edition?
Next UA is going to canonize gender fluidity for ALL races, not just elves.
>Next UA is going to canonize gender fluidity for ALL races, not just elves.
Nah, can't have elves be less special.
Pretty sure they do for that purpose. Are those grey ioun stones that do nothing but orbit still a thing? Can you still cast continual flame on them for a permanent hands-free torch?
Cool, what's the issue?
please go away
Actually, Monk DPR assuming 4 ki spent is 49.
If the Fighter doesn't get a BA or Power Attack, its average dpr no resources expended is 36.
If the Fighter gets a BA attack its average dpr is 48, no resources expended.
If the Fighter uses Power Attack it can deal up to 88 dpr average, assuming one missed attack its dpr average drops to 66.
tl;dr GWM still shits on Monk even after I buffed it to high fuck. Also this assumes neither one has a + to hit weapon, Kensei can get one for more Ki though.
thanks anons.
I don't get why people are upset about them "adding" something thats been part of the game for decades.
This. Veeky Forums is no place for hate. /pol/ needs to leave.
Because /pol/faggotry is a mental illness. Don't reply, just report.
Corellon could
Elves couldn't
Personally, i have no issue with Correlon at all, my only issue is the nonsensical magic but not magic penis to vagina for some, but not all elves. It's just random as all hell, and i'll be ignoring it and hoping it doesn't keep coming up.
Canonising genderswapping elves is okay on paper.
But the biggest problem that arises from this is that people are going to make even MORE special snowflake cringe-inducing characters.
If they want to actually represent trans peoples then here's a better suggestion:
>A high level spell with a high gold cost to represent the struggle that the trans community goes through to get what they want most in life
And for those who are genderfluid:
>An alter self that has no utility outside of transforming the user to suit where they feel they are on the gender spectrum at the time.
This image will be used a lot when it comes to you know what.
Luckily you don't have to worry about that in your group, assuming you have one.
You got me, I have a fetish for Kensei.
>tfw play in a group of fellow russians
>tfw don't ever encounter the western "issues" of race, gender and other faggotry
>Have a hearty laugh about the drow video and ignore it
Feels good, man.
How's Britain this time of year?
Literally one character that is a god which was a high level in multiple caster classes (including illusionist), could change their gender, but almost all lore related was about him being ambiguous, not even changing his gender.
Standard Elves could never change their gender at any point. Yes, they're androgynous. The PHB states that. But it says nothing about changing gender.
I have no issue at all with people being androgynous. I have no issue with people being trans if that's really what they feel is the case. I would have no issue with elves, when they reached a certain age, getting to choose their gender like some coming of age ceremony. I do have a problem with obvious tumblr-pandering where elves can now suddenly be all genders, ever, forever, whenever, and it's not even magical because then WotC would get complaints about the genders not being 'natural' because of magic.
Enjoying your paycheck for sabotaging their election?
Is this supposed to be a joke of some kind
You do realize that androgynous = genderfluid, right?
>literally says "he" can alternate, be both, or neither
I resent that.
Also I have a fetish for buffing archetypes and classes in general.
Last repost before I go sleep. Lots of changes to classes and archetypes and feats. Feel free to give feedback or offer suggestions in general.
You make me sick.
It's a bit more nuanced than saying something about Adidas, but just a casual joke about assassination.
No, no it doesn't.
It can mean either literal, hermaphroditic, or more commonly, having an appearance characteristic of both male and female, so you look kinda both.
I got 3 groups, one of which is mostly trans (thanks Roll20) and even they think this is pandering.
Yeah. And genderfluid people tend to look both, and identify with whichever one suits their mood for the day. They're the same fucking thing.
Disgust actually. I find your lack of consensus building both problematic and reactionary.
No it fucking isn't. Holy shit are we redefining words, now?
Genderfluid is the capability of being all genders. Androgynous is your gender being hard to decipher. "partly male and partly female in appearance; of indeterminate sex."
You can be a male but people can't tell.
You do know what ambiguous means, right? You do also realize he's a 20th level ILLUSIONIST GOD, right?
I've also got seven friends and five dogs that are trans, but it still doesn't matter.
It's a nigger elf of course it's garbage
no sweetie, transgenderism is a mental illness. I don't really give a fuck about /pol/ stuff, but having this garbage shoved in my face like it's normal is insulting and degrading to humanity.
That's a harmful stereotype actually
So basically is Slaanesh?
It all makes sense now.
>androgynous = genderfluid
Did you get attacked by an intellect devourer or something?
Oh yeah, I'm sure. That why you keep coming into this thread and keep on posting about it.
because this cancerous bullshit destroys every fucking hobby it touches look to marvel and gaming if you don't believe me
Genderfluidity has to do with people who feel they are different genders at varying times, instead of a constant one or several. It has absolutely fuck all to do with appearance.
thats my first post on this thread, and board in the last 3+ days.
That's not me you just responded to. Surprise surprise, people are getting sick of it
Sweetie, you don't have to lie on the internet.
S-should I migrate?
>black kid in my group I am DMing
>homebrew a setting
>he plays Darius the dashing rogue
>his character art is black
>'no user, you cannot be black, there are no black people in my land'
>he seems okay with it
>session 2, he goes in to steal something
>'no user, you cannot steal from innocent people, like I said, there are no black people in my world'
Three threads
We've had three threads about this bullshit. Fucking neck yourselves, give me something like how your sessions have been.
>xd go away
It literally doesn't matter what side of the political spectrum you're on, extremists do not represent either side of the political spectrum. The politics they bring up are only to further their agenda.
People can be as anti-/pol/ as they come and still despise people who try to pretend science isn't true. It's the equivalent of religions trying to pretend science is wrong because their magic book says otherwise. They only slow down actual societal progression, the thing the left actually wants.
I'm not lying, if you kept proper track of the post/poster ratio you would know that. I've been on /r9k/ posting about that kid who painted his walls with his own brain
My first session is in 2 weeks, I'm looking forward to it. We're using roll20 to find players (personally that's my favorite part of starting a new campaign.) I'm playing a Bladesinger Wizard, Pic very related.
all my party members died and one rolled a nat20 death save, so now has to try and save everyone else, but the healer was gone for the session and is back far from party, and there are more enemies about to show up, so Idk, maybe Imma kill one of them/ kidnap
guaranteed replies
I even just told that leftypol faggot we're two different people. Don't worry,they lose their marbles pretty routinely.
The last session I was a part of was on a 5month hiatus and a couple people moved away so we've started up 2 new sessions to scratch the itch.
You're failing basic logic here, user.
A = "being androgynous"
G = "being genderfluid"
> genderfluid people tend to look both
⇒ some G are A
⇏ all G are A
⇏ all A are G
⇏ A = G
So have we gotten all this out of our system yet?
I'm proud of you, user. Tell me how blade singer is.
Wow. What the hell happened?
A is looking like something, G is feeling like something. Ffs, a genderfluid could look like a dude and completely avoid being androgynous that day.
Pretty good i think. We had our first session in years that ended with 0 combat, as we are currently being super cautious with like 4 opposing factions. All our actions have been information gathering and moving ourselves forward, before we make a final decision.
The group is currently torn with a 2-1-1 split, so it'll be interesting to see how it goes.
>One faction is a former party member, a vampire who acquired the wand of orcus
>most of us want to destroy him, but the last original PC was his friend and is hesitant, while another not so covertly just wants the wand
>Another former PC, who became a high priest and is the highest ranking official just threw half the remaining population of a decimated city in jail
>But its my current characters father, and the necromancer also wants to side with him
>Last is currently undecided, but likely will lean towards the next faction we are travelling to, a pair of gold dragons raising the next heir
>he is staunchly anti-red dragon, and also is currently wielding a sentient sword that will nudge him towards the good dragon allies.
The ride never ends.
Sure xir
Not him but Bladesinger is super fun if you see it as it is - flexible caster that can do both melee and spells. Cast Haste on yourself and go slap shit. You won't be the best melee, you won't be the best spellcaster. But you can do whatever you want at any given time because of flexibility.
Also, it's absolutely fucking retarded how much AC it can get. It's absurd.
>But you can do whatever you want
Like being ________?
Like not being a fucking heretic because my DM doesn't restrict classes based on race, but still requires us to pick a race. We can't just jump from race to race because we feel like it.
a Warlock, yes
Selected spells for my level 3 celestial lock
Shadow Blade
Guiding Bolt
look at people trying to use logic to reason about this mental delusion
It doesn't work, because there is no reason to insanity. Having been insane myself for a period of time, I am an expert on this. Transgendereds suffer from Control Issues, they want to control themselves and others, making you use xir and xim, or choosing to wear girls thongs, helps them feels like they are in control. Just like forcing tv shows and DND games to have tranny characters gives them control. We are essentially facing a cult of control that has come together under the same delusion. If you've ever had a boss who was like this you know what it's like to deal with. They want things done their way, and any other way is not just bad or wrong, but SIN!
You cannot give an inch to an insane person. They will take what you give and run with it. I don't even have a problem with boys dressing up as girls, but claiming that that makes them some special gender is just faggy and wrong.
>Also, it's absolutely fucking retarded how much AC it can get. It's absurd
Forgot to ask above, how? If it's features but even maxing dex and using a shield it's about 18-20 isn't it?
Finally getting back into D&D after a few years away. That group fell apart spectacularly, but I digress. Now I got Sunday and Wednesday games. Both in 5e, first time playing it, but a hell of a lot easier than Pathfinder, and I don't need to roll THAC0. Sunday group is filled with people with experience and are just playing for the hell of it. Wednesday group is somewhat experienced DM, 3 inexperienced players, and me. Mainly in the second one as a bit of a DMing PC. Side note, when drag and drop fails on Roll20, manual entry is a bitch. I've played 1 game each, and here's how it all went down...
>teleportation spells cannot send you anywhere with full cover from where you are standing
woah I just fixed caster supremacy
What are you playing?
Oh shit! My last DM had a huge hard on for the party being against each other, but the rest of us didn't like it as much. Would you say that's part of the fun?
All good posts
>Wow. What the hell happened?
they got shit on by cr 0 creature horde because they went off the rails to look around in the woods that keep killing them. Also they won't flank enemies but they get flanked.
At level 6 you can have 26 AC with Shield.
Haste, Bladesong, Light Armor (18 Dex), Shield
The class gets 30 AC later on pretty easily, not even including magic items
Woops, also forgot to include that you can have 28 AC if you get an actual shield somehow (multiclassing or something). I use dual-wielding though due to the synergy with Haste + still being able to cast spells
At least so far, only one person is openly willing to go against the group decision, and that's the necromancer. He's stated clearly that, regardless of what happens, he WILL be trying to claim the wand for himself. It may or may not end up in actual pvp, depending on what our dwarf fighter, the last original PC, decides about his former friend. Most of the other options will end up killing the vampire regardless of which we choose, unless there are more we just haven't run into yet.
The DM was super happy that we are actually torn at all, he had written up a boss encounter for the vampire when we told him we were trying to set up a meeting. He figured it would almost assuredly end in a fight, but for now he let us go and we didn't press the issue.
bladesong doesn't work with a shield my dude
>party for wiped
>2 of us almost survived, having o take a leap of faith off a cliff.
>I survived with my death saves. The other guys did not
>New group has gathered
>My character has all the loot from the old characters, as it was easy to reclaim (killed by mutated beasts with p0 interest in the loot)
>No idea how to handle this from a roleplaying perspective
Like, my Rogue Arcane Trickster can use some of it, and I took the liberty to grab the insane +2 shortsword previously used by the S&B Paladin, the Ring of +2 AC the Wizard had used, and the Cloak of Vision, that grants me 60ft magical darkvision similar to the warlock invocation.
I still have a small hoard of shit I cannot use. I want to throw it around, but... Like, why would I throw a magical +2 Greatsword to that new Angry Paladin (Vengeance) that showed up? Why would I hand that sketchy Criminal Fighter a +1 Longbow? Why would I hand over any of these ultra valuable items, in a setting where magic shops do not exist, and magic items are rare as all hell, to what is essentially random strangers?
My feat thought was one kind of "hey you saved us, have an item", but that will take a long time, and feel stupid as hell. It would likely also end up being meta gamed.
My Rogue isn't a greedy one, mind you. A philanthropic guy who spends a solid half of his earned fortune on the orphanage he grew up in, so he isn't the type to hold on to something because of its value, but... Giving away priceless and powerful weapons, to people he barely knows, seems like an absolutely terrible idea. Should I just do it anyway, and just forget about it? Ask them to claim to be friends with the old party members, and have some sort of proof to just skip the issue?
GM isn't helping me here, he just told me to "ensure I don't go too far off character".
Woops, been a while since I actually played it and/or looked at the class. That was just off the top of my head
>what playing
5e. But its a futuristic environment with some medival thrown in. its like magical steampunk and we can even use the Modern Spells like "commune with city" or "find vehicle"
the other one is traditional stuff but with new mechanics added for bosses and its a monster-of-the-week type game. Its great because I'm running that one and I make each boss really memorable in how it fights by giving it ways to act on every single persons turn with this pdf:
You motherfucker.
You mean to tell me you didn't remember every asinine detail of the wording of some class feature?
You bastard, I'll kill you.
hold on to the stuff and give it to them if they prove themselves trustworthy
maybe ask your DM if you can use it for adventure rewards but with you RPing giving it to them rather than just finding it lying around
What are some clever uses for Thaumaturgy, Druidcraft, and. Prestidigitation?
Here's the way you fix it: you have your DM tell you "you cunts are working together so pool your resources. You call it metagaming, I call it 'fuck what your character would do, I want a party of people working together, figure out the details later'"
Our group just pools the gold we find and rations out magic items no matter who dies. We figure out the reasoning later.
Since you can't use an actual shield (off hand needs to be free for Bladesinger), you can get +5 AC from Dex, +5 from Int, +3 form Mage armour/ Studded leather, and +5 from the Shield spell.
Assuming 20 Dex/Int, you will have 23 AC while Bladesinging, 28 if you use your reaction in Shield. More if you get a +X light armour.
We fought a Death Slaad pirate on our way to check out a mysterious magical barrier and won while actually struggling a little bit which was nice. We got some cool loot from his horde but my character found a 25 pound pot of butter and a Handy Spice Pouch so he could give less than a shit about the sentient weapon and +1 weapons and junk.
let them borrow them until the mission is complete, that way they don't give them away, or they have to pay you for them.
Or enchant them with something devious so you can hold power over the rest of the party.
I use thaumaturgy for reenacting the Saruman scene from The Fellowship of the Ring.