Wow, I'm so glad that we have such an open hobby and are accepting of everyone guys.
This diversity really enriches my gaming experience by creating "genderfluid elves" and making them canon.
inb4 go back to /pol/
Wow, I'm so glad that we have such an open hobby and are accepting of everyone guys.
This diversity really enriches my gaming experience by creating "genderfluid elves" and making them canon.
inb4 go back to /pol/
Other urls found in this thread:
Forgotten Realms has always been absolute shite
Was the previous hundreds-of-posts shitposting thread not enough for you?
What this actually says is:
>Some elves have a blessing from Corellon, who is hermaphroditic god, that lets them change their gender
It notes the drow specifically, who would use this for spying and infiltration above anything else, or to subvert their matriarchal tyranny, and says that drow with this are usually forced to seek refuge if they try to adapt to general elven culture.
Like what's your actual problem with this? It's a hook, it's nowhere near as degenerate as some of the pervy shit that's been written about drow or Ed Greenwood elves, and it fits with the god.
You know the term "hermaphrodite" comes from Greek myth, right?
isn't the Forgotten Realms creator kind of perve? It's only natural for it to include more sexual fetishes
Buy nothing from HASBRO or any related companies and/or people again.
disregard that article
Both of you need to remember that you get to choose what you use in your games. If you actually play them.
>You know the term "hermaphrodite" comes from Greek myth, right?
Boy does it, and its hilarious, but its not really the same thing here. I think probably the question that sticks out most to me is why the transformation is limited to your junk and not that some elves retain a blessing that makes them somewhat natural shapeshifters. That and questions about what the limitations on this are, like are you switching between two distinct elf forms or are you more protean than that?
I thought this was always the case? I mean you are generally a faggot if you play an elf
This has serious ramifications for elf rape. Like you rape some hot she-elf as is only natural, but then the next day you check your pen and find some twinky he-elf laughing at you for being gay while you swear to all your pals it had a vagina last night.
They are somewhat natural shapeshifting in a specific way. The book isn't out yet, so I think your second request for detail will probably be answered then.
so what's with the uptick in trannies in DnD? Is it a sexual fetish medium now?
Jesus fuck the "your a white male" cancerous bullshit is spreading to DnD I thought it was only found in pathfinder.
It has zero ramifications for elf rape, because it's not gay if it's an elf.
kill yourself you numale cuck.
This. It's not SJW bullshit, it's just Ed Greenwood's magical realm. Dude has a serious genderswap fetish.
I mean strictly speaking its not rape if its an elf either, but I'm still going to laugh at you for only being able to score twinky elf ass.
It's escapism from their miserable lives that haven't been fixed by pretending they're a girl.
>A game introduces an optional rule in a supplement book that let's certain members of a specific race change genders 1/day
>This is an outrage
I just can't beleive this shit anymore. You /pol/ faggots are infinitely worse "special snowflakes" than the SJW filth you claim to hate. It's such a minor fucking thing, and it's optional, AND it's in a fucking splatbook. If Drow were only just released in 2018 you faggots would be losing your goddamn MINDS.
t. Soy Boy
>Veeky Forums
>Effeminate male elf betas is a popular meme
>Belt of sex-changing cursed item is a classic
>Misanthropist BDSM black elves is a classic
>Adding a racial feature that allows at will sex-changing triggers "REEEEE these deviants our ruining our noble game!"
What is and why would I give a shit about them?
Also, elves being faggy has always been a joke and FR was basically ed greenwood's personal magical realm for 20 something years, so I doubt that anything much is changing.
Also, you know, who gives a shit? No one is going to come to my house and make me play the game the way they want me to. In my games I can make homosexual acts immediately cause an alignment shift to evil if I want, who the fuck is going to stop me? If I tell you you can't be a tranny dragonborn with 36 personalities and heterochromia then you can't, simple as that. Do you go to the she-woman man haters club and offer to DM or something? Where do you find people that seeing this makes them go "you know what, I think I will change my entire opinion on and the way I play fantasy RPGs because of this."?
t. Normal Person
Wow wtf. How do we stop this?
>proving the image right
Is that....DIO?
So the article says gender, but the SJWs have tried really hard to separate gender from sex, so does the ability have any effect at all or is it equivalent to you just saying that once a day your god is obligated to believe you when you say you're a girl?
I want a t shirt that says Normal Person on it
Did they come out with this tome solely for this kind of nonsense?
It probably has all sorts of other nonsense in it as well.
>not realising that in five years you'll be verbally abused for not allowing pangender dragonborn
>not realising you'll be banned from your FLGS
>not realising that there won't be any tabletop hobby left at the SJWs do their best to ruin it
You're a fucking short sighted cuck letting your wife get fucked by a soyboy beta male because "well it doesn't do me any harm".
from the day I was born
I didn't larp with my gender
I just played D&D
and never was a pretender
I'm a human being to the bone
We stopped playing female characters all the time and started openly transitioning.
I don't see what the problem is. The hobby needs new people or it dies out. This entire weird, parochial, knee-jerk bullshit of OP's has nothing to do with roleplaying, he's just a little bitch that needs to be offended. Five bucks says he regularly searches tumblr for posts specifically that piss him off to fill the empty void in his life.
>t.not human being to the bone
We're definitely being raided, right?
It's almost like the entire world is changing around you, grandpa. Soon you'll be the lonely, crazy old man up the back of the bus, telling anyone who listens about how things "used to be"...
Yes, by r*ddit
>Implying my friends are that rude
>implying I play at an lgs
>implying I even HAVE an lgs
>implying old games will stop being good because new ones might become shit in the future
Don't be a fucking retard user. Whatever game you are playing right now isn't going to retroactively get worse.
I don't get what is wrong with cuckoldry. Who fucking cares? You're pretty hypersensitive, guy.
stop larping as a leaf
>Soon you'll be the lonely, crazy old man
Not in the new world. He could be the crazy old woman now too.
Ah! So this is why the elves are on a permanent state of decline. No one wants to be a weakling women when all can be men.
Is that why you play? To escape your miserable life and pretend you're a grown man with impressive stats?
You know guys bitching about "SJW" are a billion times the whiney self rightous assholes that they accuse them of being.
Or or the left continue to push at people that just want to be left the fuck alone with their hobbies and more of us will become more and right wing. Holy shit shit you liberals are literally brainwashed you have no idea how fed up people are getting of your constant insanity.
Do elves menstruate? I do t think any elf would want to be female if so. Not to mention pregnancy thing.
Or they have seen this bullshit destroy other hobbies and they don't it happening to DnD as well.
What happens if you get pregnant and change back haha?
So they saw stuff not happening and you are stupid
why is everything so fucking standardized and homogenized now
what happened to have so many competing alternatives in media like in the 90s
why does everyone just quarrel about how ONE thing *ought* to be?
It's because right wingers suffer from chronic projection issues. They love being offended, being able to moan and wail about how "this game is dead" or "the SJW's are ruining everything" as if these mythical "SJW" types were ever anything more than a mere handful of overly eccentric fine art students. The world is becoming a more tolerant place, and /pol/isites are not. They are screaming their outrage at no-one in particular, upset that the world is leaving them behind. If they actually wanted to do something about their complaints they would make a game to their liking, but they won't. They won't because it's always easier to moan, and complain, and whine, and shitpost, and throw an ad hominem attack at anyone who points out that most people stop acting like they're 12 when they turn 13.
Imagine being so mentally ill that you could think anything this guy has said is true.
and you grognards still play DnD despite the constant shit that's happening
if you're going to build a strawman at least keep it concise
Hey remember that time when people were freaking out about D&D being satanic worship and worried that allowing it to exist would undermine societies values? People sure do get so fucking worked up over the the littlest things don't they?
Or maybe you are just stupid
Nice digits, cuck
when you come to Los Angeles you can suck my cock
I still occasionally hear that one.
Retire to a tiny enclave in the mountains and hope Glorious Leader doesn't give you poisoned kool-aid.
> the SJWs have tried really hard to separate gender from sex
so these mythical "SJW" people have control over the dictionary now? A conspiracy so deep that it alters our very language? Seek help.
I'm oddly reminded of a redneck patriot from the 60's, severe military crew cut and semen stained bible, polishing his gun to the dulcet tones of "Okie from Miskogie", getting visibly upset about those damn kids and their damn rock and roll.
The world changes. Accept that or be driven mad. My kind will thrive regardless.
Nice not digits moron.
>My kind will thrive regardless.
>(((My kind))) will thrive regardless.
I see now.
"just want to be left the fuck alone"? You live in a democratic society. Why do you hate freedom of speech and thought so much you can't stand anyone exercising that freedom in public? Maybe Iran would be more your speed, son.
>so these mythical "SJW" people have control over the dictionary now? A conspiracy so deep that it alters our very language? Seek help.
I didn't say they were successful, but that stands at the very underpinning of their ideological arguments. If some SJW faggot wrote this then its worth him defining his terms exactingly. You seem sort of a touchy vagina for someone saying everyone else is. Additionally there are laws being passed right now that require one to accept that gender and sex are not the same thing, so yes, this does actually come up outside your little bubble.
Marvel IS FUCKING BOMBING after attempting to pandering to the left, SJWs and cucks. The latest Wolfienstein bombed after ti was revealed to be antiwhite pro-commie bullshit, Mass Effect: Andromeda bombed after they pushed A SJW bullshit and replaced most of the staff with diversity hires in the form of women or Pajiets. Latest Star Wars film mostly seen as SJW pandering trash.
op can't inb4
go back to /pol/
A very small subset of the beings that originally sprung from the literal lifeblood of a genderless god have the power to change their physical manifestation, a skill quite common when their race was still in its infancy? The SJWs strike again!
Please tell us which hobbies have been "destroyed" as a result of being more inclusive? I'm genuinely curious. It just seems that your definition of "destroyed" means "other people that like things I don't like started showing up", which is.... pretty pathetic. Sorry.
“Genderfluid” isn’t a thing in humans. We aren’t clownfish. So you feel girly one day, and manly the next day? So fucking what?! That doesn’t change your genetics, and it doesn’t change your fucking genitalia! Go ahead, wear a dress. You’re still a man.
thanks cuck
>Maybe Iran would be more your speed, son.
Maybe Iran would be better for you. They've practiced cutting the dicks off boys for centuries now just so they have an excuse to rape them.
Alter Self is a thing, you can be the little girl.
I have no diagnosis, and I find it to be true. I would suggest that you need your mental health checked. Normal people aren't phobic of soy products.
Here is the the modern left isn't for free speech it label anything to the right of average cuck soy boys way of thinking as being a Nazi. They attempt to destroy lives over wrong think, why can't men have just one area without the left screeching into their ear?
The upside of this option is that it kills transangst. No more whining "boohoo I was born in the wrong body, let's focus on me being sad forever". Just do your choice every morning. Bam, no more wank over how maladjusted you are.
Marvel immediately springs to mind you blind moron.
>I don't know what I am talking about and I am a stupid /pol/ faggot with B.O
>Here is the thingmodern left isn't for free speech it labels anything to the right of average cuck soy boys way of thinking as being a Nazi. They attempt to destroy lives over wrong think, why can't men have just one area without the left screeching into their ear?
>they can change their sex organs and dimorphism
I wish SJWs would make up their minds if sex and gender are separate things or not.
Np retard
>Had a version that removed some of the memery and the 3rd and 2nd to last lines.
>It's now wiped from my drive due to corruptions on it.
Fuck, I really wanted to uae that.
Lets see, off the top of my head, comics are hemorrhaging sales and readership, AAA gaming studios are floundering, Hollywood is losing money hand over fist, Wizards is very rapidly sinking MtG. These things won't disappear for some time, if at all, but they are significantly diminished and for... what exactly? The people bitching at them to change don't actually buy or play the things they want changed and every piece of data supports that, yet nearly every company is jumping up at the chance to kill themselves for it. They'll trot out the same excuses for their failures and keep pushing the same garbage until they die.
>they can change gender once per day
That's nothing, I can change my gender unlimited times per day and anyone who doesn't accept my pronouns is a big meanie.
The world isn't on your side outside your circle jerk in university and Reddit you spineless cuck.
>Normal people aren't phobic of soy products.
It's not normal to get your dick cut off.
"Perhaps the most well characterized mode of phytoestrogen action is estrogen receptor (ER) binding. There are two major ER subtypes in mammals, ERα and ERβ (also referred to as ESR1 and ESR2, respectively). As such, phytoestrogens, particularly the isoflavones, fit the Environmental Protection Agency’s definition of an endocrine disruptor which characterizes these compounds as those which, “alter the structure or function(s) of the endocrine system and cause adverse effects.” This definition includes disruption of lactation, the timing of puberty, the ability to produce viable, fertile offspring, sex specific behavior, premature reproductive senescence and compromised fertility. In animal models, isoflavones produce all of these effects. Recognition of the endocrine disrupting properties of phytoestrogens dates back to the 1940’s when ewes grazing on clover rich pastures in Australia were observed to have abnormally high rates of infertility, abortion, and reproductive abnormalities in their offspring [26,25]. It was ultimately determined coumestrol was primarily responsible for the observed effects [32,1,2]. Decades later, a singular case of infertility and liver disease in captive cheetahs placed on a soy-based diet was ultimately attributed to isoflavones [246]. These incidents have raised concerns that isoflavone intake, by mimicking or interfering with endogenous estrogens, could pose a risk to human reproductive health."
>arguing that we should use words appropriate to definition forms "ideological arguments"
There is no ideology here. Gender is a social construct. It just is. Look it up. You're the one conflating the two.
>Additionally there are laws being passed right now....
So? Who fucking cares. You can get fined in Arkansas for mispronouncing the name of the state. Write to your congressman or something. I don't see how this affects me at all, or has anything to do with D&D.
They're bombing because they're using ponzi-scheme style tactics to make comic stores order more and more unreturnable books, which will never sell, and stores are catching on and ignoring their shit.
Wolfenstein 1 sucked too. I think Machinegames just aren't very good. When did it become political to kill nazis anyway? And don't say that it's the marketing, you goalpost-moving faggot
Mass Effect Andromeda bombed because Bioware is getting raped by EA left right and center and the first ones weren't good to begin with
Star Wars sucked because Rian Johnson doesn't like Star Wars and wrote a parody of it that they then tried to film seriously.
Not that you would know seeing how you are dumbass hiding inside all day.
How do you pronounce Arkansas? It's not like I'll ever go there, but just to be on the safe side.
>Black Panther smashes new records
>Marvel making so much money they got sued by the estate of Jack Kirby
>Overhyped computer games fail to deliver
>"The Prequel Star Wars Films suck, why, back in MY day..,."
Yeah, I'm just going to start reporting this nonsense now.
Cause the modern right is so good at accommodating diverse point of views.
Think for a second, it's not about political orientation, it's a societal thing. We just don't see each others as sentient beings.