Post pics of people who could make interesting NPC.
Post pics of people who could make interesting NPC
Would the NPC be an actual centaur, or a dude with a horse's ass strapped onto him. I think the second option is far more interesting.
A slaaneshi champion duo?
>That's right, [PC name]...
you got the race wrong though
We can big guys, just for one day!
I like how he comes with his skillset on the right
What? What happened?
>PC's movelist on the right
Level 28 lawful neutral paladin, gatekeeper of the antarctic
He drowned after his kayak flipped around.
Swords, water, wind and ephebophilia made a fatal combination one stormy morning. He sank beneath the waves and never rose again.
He's up in heaven now, swinging katanas at brigands and terrifying his neighbors.
Andrew Hussie isn’t an interesting NPC, he’s literaly the DMPC.
this looks like the ending of a CoC campaing
Well Homestuck is pretty much a tome of strange and eldritch lore.
tell me more please
Hoo boy.
Where do we start?
at the begening? I dont even know the guy, aside from the fact that he aperently eats toblerone to get over san damage
So the guy in is a comic artist by the name of Andrew Hussie. He’s produced a few notable works and probably is the origin of a couple memes you’re familiar with. His comics include Whistles (a graphic novel), Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff (webcomic that tries to be as shitty as possible on purpose), Problem Sleuth (a webcomic where he allowed readers to input “commands” through the website like it was an old fashioned text adventure game and he would draw the most popular submissions to advance the plot, it was actually quite good), and Homestuck (a webcomic that immitated the stylistic choices of Problem Sleuth but dropped the crowd-sourced plot element, and also introduced more animation and even music which was composed mainly by Toby “Radiation” Fox, aka That Guy Who Made Undertale). Homestuck ended up the most popular by far, and also the most complex in terms of plot. It was dubbed “The Ulyesses of Webcomics”, though it’s not quite that incomprehensible. But it does have something like 125 characters(few of whom are minor), casual time travel involving stable and semi-stable loops, at least 2 universes that are directly involved in the plot, and multiple timelines for each universe. Also a vague mythology/cosmology that forms the background of the story that implies a lot but is rarely explained in clear terms.
No user. He eats Toberlones to be ironic. He doesn’t take san damage, Hussie DEALS the san damage.
*uga bugas behind you*
Gotta go.. hope the thread will not succumb to trolling - looking at you, .
And yes I know stereotypes can be a touchy subject.
He also made fat wads of cash on kickstarter, lost all of it to a shady video game developing company that was meant to produce a game for his comic, lost his father at the same time, outsourced the ending to his magnum opus to an SJW ghost writer, then had another writer take over his new game because he just can't do it anymore.
>outsourced the ending to his magnum opus to an SJW ghost writer
I didn’t know this part, certainly explains why it was so shitty. I always liked the mthology elements of the comic more than the characters anyway(though I did really want John to get some of that prime Lalonde pussy). Allow me to explain some of that actually.
So you know what the universe is right? I think it can be most succinctly defined as the bubble of space-time that contains all matter and energy and all those weird particles. It may or may not be the only universe, we have no way of knowing if more exist outside our own, or even what is outside our own. Homestuck’s cosmology takes this a step further. The universe contains all these things, yet is more than the some of its parts. The universe is indeed a living organism of a sort, most closely resembling an absolutely incomprehensibly huge frog. It’s level of awareness is unknown, but some cultures worship it as the god of creation and patron deity of all frogs. It has many names, one being Billious Slick, but most simply call it the Genesis Frog. Now here’s where it gets weird. Since Bilious is indeed a living organism, it can like all organisms reproduce. Asexually, in fact. When sentient life comes to fruition and achieves a level of technology roughly equivalent to that of ours, the Genesis Frog reveals to that species the knowledge of how to create a videogame. Not just any videogame, THE videogame. It’s a very, very strange game that seems to be able to affect reality itself, and has many extremely involved systems for alchemy and player classes and such that I couldn’t even begin to get into in a Veeky Forums post. Suffice it to say that players must form a daisy-chain of host and client connections between their computers to successfully play(and possibly even survive) the game. When players make it sufficiently far into the game, one player(who always has the aspect of Space) is tasked with breeding frogs. Continued:
The eventual outcome of many, many generations of frog breeding produces, you guessed it, the newborn Genesis Frog. If the players succeed in winning the game, the new Frog is born and enters the space between universes, and the players claim the “Ultimate Reward”: they can enter the newborn universe and become its gods.
>>outsourced the ending to his magnum opus to an SJW ghost writer
>I didn’t know this part, certainly explains why it was so shitty. I always liked the mthology elements of the comic more than the characters anyway(though I did really want John to get some of that prime Lalonde pussy). Allow me to explain some of that actually.
Too bad John, as the only straight white human male doesn't even interact with anyone anymore and Mommalonde is in love with the female alien cherub thing.
The canon ending should have just been them having a threesome. Oh except alien cherub things physically cannot have sex with humans.
Why is he not taking sunlight damage?
He's a DMPC
So are they some kind of Clockwork-Orange-esque gang or are African dandies just that eccentric?
It's a thing called La Sape and I believe it has to do with dudes going back to Africa from the Western front and bringing back clothes they got in France, unfortunately those are the only two images for that I have saved
>dude she has a watermelon and a gun lmao so random lol much funny
Do you have either of those things?
How does he still have his hands?
Kinda looks like the Blond version of JC Denton.
I have a coconut and a large knife
The whole thing involving that cherub alien was bullshit. She was a huge mary sue and had absolutely zero character. I'd buy it being ghost written, honestly.
Fucking cogfop ruins everything.
It’s pretty much an Albert Wesker cosplay
that's no fair, that's just Wesker
>muh property
Well take a picture, then, I'll use you as character art the next game I'm in.