LOUD edition
>Necron Leaks:
>WHTV Tip of the Day
>Old Black Library Mega:
Previously on 40kg:
LOUD edition
>Necron Leaks:
>WHTV Tip of the Day
>Old Black Library Mega:
Previously on 40kg:
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first for scuba scion
First for non-warrior Necrons should have sergeants.
Best race coming through!
xth for new guard hqs
Wargames general is a Veeky Forums and wargames focused discord server that would love to have new members. Feel free to come round and check us out!
6th for 30” Lasguns.
Points cost when?
nice dude
We call them crypteks and Lords.
Xth for shut up, I'm trying to sleep
Well a tank commander is BS3+ T8 W12 Sv3+ and mounts a battle cannon for 197 points.
Your BS3+, T7, W12 Sv3+/5++ and Mount a slightly better multimelta. I imagine you are also about 190 points, with the decreased shootiness being made up for with choppiness and speed.
XII for KillTEAM.
Will nuKillTeam be dominated by hordes?
Will there be a model limit, or can you bring 20+ boyz?
New thread so copying over here, here is my current 1.75k list. Still trying to figure out how to modify it to deal with Magnus while keeping the punch.
Spearhead (Mars)
5 Dakka Bots
1 Icarus Crawler
2 Neutron Crawlers
1 Squad of 5 Infiltrators.
Battalion (Stygies)
2 Enginseers
1 Squad of 2 ChickenWalkers
4 Squads of Minimum Sized Vanguards
I got out of tabletop seven or eight years ago, though I've continued browsing threads, playing vidya and shit.
This is the thing that has finally made me want to get back into it.
another neutron/icarus crawler
drop the dakka bots for more chicken walkers or more vanguard/ranger units
Can anyone point me out to a 8th ed tau codex i can d/l?
already spent too much on plastic this month
Personally I say go all one or the other, but here’s what I’d do if you wanna mix:
>min unit of plasmaphrons
>4 Dakka boops
>2 neutron
>2 engineers
>vanguard to taste
Plasma vanguard are nice as hell with rerolls and I honestly feel 80% of the time cawl’s +/- to double canticles is better than stygies, but to each his own. You always want one unit of kataphrons for the +1BS strat and with rerolls they’re actually pretty solid. You rarely need more than 2 onagers, them plus kataphrons plus chickens plus plasma vanguard plus sheer horror of boops is enough AT to make parking lots run for cover.
More than 4 Dakkabots is overkill, and you really do want plasma on vanguard. They make target saturation a real pain for lots of armies and do hefty damage for pennies
It's out on Saturday
It's not even out...
What are you working on anons?
Still need some more work on these guys.
Going to be painting up the base today
before someone has a tantrum about the wrecked knight I got given the top half of it and I thought i'd get some use out of it
I'm working on my SC Ad Mech box. I've done the dominus, the onager and a test ranger so far.
Gonna try and finish my second test ranger tonight and clean up some details on the dominus.
This is such a good conversion!
Makes me want to mod all my Admech...
>That onager
>That colour scheme
God damn.
I think the robe trim being the same colour as the plasma gun and the eye lenses is a bit odd, maybe consider adding another colour
honestly if you specifically need to deal with Magnus, switch to graia and use the strat that denies on 4+ to kill his 3++ invuln spell. If you've bubble wrapped your shit properly he won't get to anything valuable turn 1, and what you have now should be able to kill a 4++ Magnus in 1 turn.
Trimming mould lines and filling gaps.
For real? Any specific reason?
>build a Tyranid army because I want a superfast army to eat people with
>shortly after
>waste money on a small Admech force that I end up not even finishing because I hate putting together their fucking models
>shortly after
>build a Death Guard force to be a slow juggernaut to contrast with my Tyranid's playstyle
>haven't started painting either of my armies
>have played a grand total of ONE game since 8th edition dropped
>Necrons come out
>Ranged army (which I lack), that is super mobile but in a different way from Tyranids
>portal shenanigans n' shieeet
>that one dynasty trait that lets them phase through walls
I think I'm about to waste more money on this dumb fucking hobby
Please help me spare my wallet.
I'm thinking stripping off the techno ponytail and maybe the weapons and one of these guys could make decent Knight pilot either on a knight's base or exiting out of the hatch.
fucking hell.
Sorry user.
The exit is broken.
why tho, what if the list needs work
this is a solid idea, i like
Find a local Slow grow.
You are now only allowed to buy models for slow grow lists
Meet slow grow deadlines for painting
Slow Grow?
I want off Mr. Trayzn's Wild Ride.
This is a good idea...
Sadly though, I'm currently on Okinawa. There's not very many people on this island who play. My local play group consists of like, 5 dudes max.
>190pt LoW
God this is getting dumb. Also I’m starting to think babby knights will be awful, 200pts for basicslg twin multimelta and DCCW on WS/BS3+ is pretty awful even with the speed and wound bump factored in.
I can’t see how it’s better than a marine venerable dread or god forbid one of the heavy dreads, relic Contemptors shit on it for melee and ranged and deredeo beats it the fuck out too, as do special equipment dreads and other power builds, plus marine tactics. They just seem awful, knights need help
Or am I missing something? Cause really as is roughly 4 wounds from shooting and 5 from melee on heavy targets seems pretty awful
except never change it, that's a little dumb
Welcome to my world
I started from scratch again in 8th ed after quitting previously back in 4th
I now have Marines, Orks, Dark Eldar and Daemons
Probably going to get Forgebane
Play maybe 5% of the time compared to 95% spent modelling/list building
There is no escape
The ruleset is different form 40k so we don't know much besides it is infantry based. Feel free to shitpost at will though.
Fucks sake. This is the fourth skirmish game they’ve released in the span of what, a year? It’s getting damn crowded.
The concept is simple
Start with a 500 point list
Play games against others in slow grow with this list
Every month lists increases by 250 points
Often Group sets painting requirements (most have a, must have 50% of models on table painted,
but I like to aim for 100% personally )
After half a year have a fully painted army whose tactics and models you grok fully
Added bonus -> With Discipline you dont randomly spazz out and buy models in every which direction and randomly start new factions just to join the hype train
That sounds really cool.
Probably not if it’s anything like older kill teams. 20 boyz look great against 7DW guys but then you realize DW guys can kill 4-5 each turn shooting and melee just as good or better than you, plus are significantly more resilient.
The point is that you pick a generalised list that you would take against any other list. and then the list is done. You aren't going "hmm, I wish had more melee" or "I wish I had more anti-tank" and buy more models then not painting them.
>put a human who shoots 4+ into walker, gets 3+ bs
>put veteran tau elite into walker, still just 4+
Why couldn't these guys be plastic?
They fit the 40k aesthetic so much more than Cadiafags
Is the start collecting box for IG a decent start?
>The point is that you pick a generalised list that you would take against any other list
and the chances are you are going to make a list with some weaknesses, which you will spot when you play with it
instead of having stupid rules why not just have learn to have some restraint
>warhammer community saying that their last awesome reveal was two years ago
I haven’t been excited for anything since 5th edition dark eldar dropped, and the last thing I was at all interested by was the newer dark eldar models (not the update, I mean hqs, wracks and flyers and stuff). GW seems to be devoted to making all releases completely irrelevant for me (and quite a few others, I’m sure). I looked at AoS to see if there was anything neat there, but it seems everything cool is unloved and unsupported there too. I think I have to take up historicals. At least there will always be good models and rules for t34s and panzers.
All of them are. Just simple math.
Two weeks damnit
A never ending backlog of models to horribly paint
To all TS-players:
which units do you use to kill vehicles?
>black templar cadian
Paint your fucking models. I hate people like you and refuse to play against armies that are under 75% painted.
Helbrute. Sorcerers(smite). And a vindicator.
Back in the old days of 3rd editions I was the mad man that runned footslogging Black Templars.
Since Neophytes were basically extra wounds for marines and scout models where expensive as fuck compared to the box of 20 Cadians. The meat shield joke wrote itself
Pick one and only one.
Las preds and shooty helbrutes seem to be the most popular choice.
And surprisingly Tzangoor swarm is not bad at it.
>own three units of haywire scourges
>own a corpsethief with ichors and haywire
>”well, at least i’ve got anti-tank covered”
>8th drops
>i no longer have anti-tank
>i no longer have anti-infantry
>i no longer have anti-elite
>i no longer play the game
>gg gw
Anyone order from Miranda irene? How's the quality?
eh a human vet vs a tau vet with similar targeting cogitator gear would be 3+ and 4+ respectively just because of their different reaction times
I am enjoying the salt though, keep crying
okay, I switched from Preds to hellbrutes for now. Still trying out to create a nice list for fun games.
> yeah i know we drove all the way here but only 74 out of your 100 models is painted so fuck u im gonna sulk over there
Consider melee helbrutes also. They can deal some serious damage. Especially when buffed with spells.
This is GW's target market, ladies and gentlemen
True but some are definitely better than others in that they have good core units you'd want regardless.
Don't know about IG enough to say whether they do or not though
My list for now.
Any opinions?
++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (Chaos - Thousand Sons) [40 PL, 717pts] ++
+ HQ +
Daemon Prince of Tzeentch [9 PL, 180pts]: Hellforged sword, Helm of the Third Eye, Wings
Exalted Sorcerer [7 PL, 121pts]: Force stave, Inferno Bolt Pistol
+ Elites +
Scarab Occult Terminators [11 PL, 216pts]
. Scarab Occult Sorcerer: Force stave, Inferno Combi-bolter
. 3x Terminator: 3x Inferno Combi-bolter, 3x Powersword
. Terminator w/ Heavy Weapon: Power sword, Soulreaper cannon
+ Troops +
Chaos Cultists [3 PL, 40pts]: 9x Chaos Cultist w/ Autogun
. Cultist Champion: Autogun
Chaos Cultists [3 PL, 40pts]: 9x Chaos Cultist w/ Autogun
. Cultist Champion: Autogun
Rubric Marines [7 PL, 120pts]
. Aspiring Sorcerer: Force stave, Inferno Bolt Pistol
. 3x Rubric Marine w/ Inferno Boltgun: 3x Inferno boltgun
. Rubric Marine w/ Warpflamer: Warpflamer
++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (Chaos - Thousand Sons) [65 PL, 1281pts] ++
+ No Force Org Slot +
Relics of the Thousand Sons (1 Relic)
+ HQ +
Ahriman [7 PL, 131pts]: Warlord
Sorcerer in Terminator Armour [8 PL, 140pts]: Dark Matter Crystal, Familiar, Force sword, Inferno Combi-bolter
+ Elites +
Helbrute [7 PL, 147pts]: Missile launcher, Twin lascannon
Helbrute [7 PL, 147pts]: Missile launcher, Twin lascannon
Tzaangor Shaman [5 PL, 90pts]: Force stave
+ Fast Attack +
Tzaangor Enlightened [7 PL, 153pts]: Aviarch, 8x Enlightened, Fatecaster greatbows
+ Troops +
Rubric Marines [7 PL, 133pts]
. Aspiring Sorcerer: Force stave, Inferno Bolt Pistol
. 2x Rubric Marine w/ Inferno Boltgun: 2x Inferno boltgun
. 2x Rubric Marine w/ Warpflamer: 2x Warpflamer
Rubric Marines [7 PL, 120pts]
. Aspiring Sorcerer: Force stave, Inferno Bolt Pistol
. 3x Rubric Marine w/ Inferno Boltgun: 3x Inferno boltgun
. Rubric Marine w/ Warpflamer: Warpflamer
Tzaangors [10 PL, 220pts]: Brayhorn, 29x Tzaangor w/ Tzaangor Blades
. Twistbray: Tzaangor blades
++ Total: [105 PL, 1998pts] ++
Yeah, Warptiming a melee loadout Helbrute punches tanks out pretty well. Also good for throwing at HQs or small elite units.
Warpflamers work best in dedicated squads. Not as a splice for regular squad.
nigga if GW drop an entirely new edition or codex for your army then you can change the list.
So... veterans can never be elite?
It’s really just there to convince all-knight armies to take something other than T8 5++ vehicles. Note the 7 Toughness gives most armies something for thier infantry to do other than fish for 6s like shitty snipers.
Plastic Sisters SOON
Yeah so I just need to bubble wrap better? :)
All knight armies are a rediculous cancer.
Except Tau tech is vastly superior to Imperial, but on the table is only represented in increased range and damage. Clearly just Imperial bias by GW, since 90% of "players" go Imp.
I thought their target market was children, hence the massive concentration on sooper spehss mahreen heroic bs and ignoring most other armies and possibilities?
Magnusbis flies, what bubble wrap are you talking about?
No shit. Of course you're going to have weaknesses. Learn to deal with it. Put some actual thought into your list before you finalise it. Try to minimise the weaknesses. Or accentuate a particular strength and try to work with it.
>instead of having stupid rules why not just have learn to have some restraint
If the user had any restraint he wouldn't have an unpainted tyranid army, an unpainted death guard army, a not even put together admech force, and he wouldn't insanely be considering building a necron army because they have a pointless terrain avoidance skill that will be useful once every 20 games, nor would he be asking for help on this lithuanian paper mache forum.
>Except Tau tech is vastly superior to Imperial
What's he saying?
>This meme
When will we be free of the TIDF
not when tau are involved
Good joke. Everybody laughed. Roll on snare drum. Curtains.
How would the other primarchs react to Bobby G’s waifu
>Put some actual thought into your list before you finalise it
user you realise that you can do this and still end up with improvements to your list after you play matches with them
This isn't 7th. Knights are easy to kill and if you are having trouble with them, even in casual games, 40k might not be for you.
They'll get their own. Corax will probably get a murderclown or a dark eldar.
They'd probably sperg out like the imperiumfags on youtube who repeat mantras like "xenos filth" or "heresy!" all the while thinking they are absolutely funny
In 7th they could blow up from a single hit, though. I remember I killed one with Inferno Pistol.
Russ will probably cheer him on, or maybe kick his ass depending on which writer’s Russ we’re talking about
Bits of it maybe, but not universally. Like the gear thats in say a leman russ or a chimera sure it basically WWII era targeting equipment. The stuff that's in a Knight or a suit of Terminator Armour is DAoT stuff on par or more advanced than the Tau gear. And again reaction times are important, being able to track a moving object is great but you're still not going to hit it if you can't pull the trigger in the brief space of time when it's not in cover