ITT: post your next campaign idea and the system you're going to run it in...

ITT: post your next campaign idea and the system you're going to run it in, others rate the idea and point out any problems with it
>Legend of Grimrock style multi floor megadungeon in BFRPG
The intention was to fling in a load of portals leading to small pocket dimensions with multiple environments that would contain keys or other important items to break up the constant stone hallways.
Each floor would have it's own theme and at the end it would be revealed that the dungeon itself is sentient and captures people at random, forcing them to go through it's trials for it's own entertainment

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I'm thinking about running a pathfinder game using mythic rules.
The party starts on level 1 but with 1 mythic tier, and every time they go and do

Kingdom-sized wasteland region of the world devastated by four consecutive wars. The lands were bought cheaply by the Patron's family around 500 years ago cause they were almost inhabitable, but the papers were forgotten. Patron, an Elon Musk type of guy who's filthy rich and was a minister of trade for the king, finds out that he secretly owns half of the current kingdom and decides to rebuild it.

Things go full Darkest Dungeon over the course of the campaign. Thousands of skeletal soldiers reanimated, hordes of zombies, ghouls and cultists worhsipping the King of Worms, beasts and forest spirits -- all of them oppose the new owner of the lands; meanwhile, the idealist Patron slowly turns to madness and wants to fight fire with fire, secretly practicing rituals found in books the adventurers give him.

i'm running a modern day campaign in which superhumans are almost illegal and outlawed after one of my characters destroyed a popular campaign city in 1995 killing all 125 million citizens.
my players are working with this character to change public opinion and get people to accept superhumans again, but it's hard work.
They're up against a 1500 yr old warlord who's killing superhumans to absorb their power and use it to open up an interdimensional portal which will allow him to change reality to suit his own desires.
Keep in mind we emphasize personality and story above all else, we do have battles and mysteries and suspense and this has resulted is some pretty epic games.
i have 35 yrs role playing experience and the players i have now have been running in my world for about 9 yrs now with the same characters.

I’m honestly torn. I have a copy of Middarmark and a copy of Cthulhu City languishing on the shelf. Which one should I pick?
>Snowy plains viking story, with trolls and goblins. Emphasis on exploration, survival, and reclaiming lost treasure of ancient kingdoms.
>Urban intrigue and mystery set in the 1930’s New England town of Arkham. Lots of cults working against each other, lurking monstrosities and unexplainable horror.

get a group together and give them the choice.

Cowboy Bebop-style campaign with a bunch of mecha mercs, moving from one job to another in a post-war galaxy, trying to scrape up enough money to get by and slowly getting involved with plot stuff way over their head. Gonna be using a heavily houseruled version of Mekton Zeta.

What kind of Pokemon are these?

(Copying from my game ideas notepad..)
Fallout: Florida
Post apocalyptic nuclear punk
using All Flesh Must Be Eaten's Unisystem, players are (un)lucky "volunteers" recruited to go and find precious thorium to manufacture delicious nuka cola for their vault. Luckily a distribution centre nearby might have some, but the players will have to cross radioactive swamps, lost tribelands, ghoul collectives, sinking cities and radgator nesting sites to get there.

Sci-fi biohorror
We have lost so much to the machines in the fog. Mixtures of flesh and bone, hating all they can reach. We don't know if they poisoned the air or we did. We are huddled in our little safe zones, protected by the fallen stars. But it wasn't always this way. We saw the fog coming once, and built things to survive it, without the need of the fallen stars. We lost the greatest, Herakles, some years back, but now we hear it faintly on our radios: "Ark....station....Herakles. Requesting......assistance."

Cyberpunk fantasy
Players are a group who run a website where people can anonymously put up bounties to investigate targets and then expose their crimes. Things go well at first, but their fun and games takes an odd turn when someone puts up a HUGE bounty for a dragon/similarly powerful mogul with a long time limit. Now they're doing their jobs to prepare for this job to end all jobs, but who is their mysterious benefactor, and why have they hired them?

Dur to non interference laws with non warp speed races, when abducted humans are recovered by the galactic authorities, they can't send them home. Their extremely imperfect solution to this is to unceremoniously dump them on a planet "embassy" with all the abducted sapients that haven't achieved warp travel yet, a melting pot of multiple cultures overlapping each other in the same place. Sandboxey game, up to players if they want to escape/take over/or just explore the place

I don't know what game to run.

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>no new campaign idea
I will not get hyped for anything new because I've only ran the current game for two sessions so far, and my games all too often fall apart before fifth meeting due to some IRL fuckery, and then it takes months to reassemble the same fucking crew but now that the time has passed and nobody even remembers what happenned there's no point in continuing and in the meantime I had a new fuckign idea that will inevitably stop on something like 3rd meeting before somebody is busy to fuck and can't play for three entire months AGAIN weasydse6a2347eryikwawastdaghtdyhkfyhwerijkDSNSAFPVOGUIeB(PGUvsdjfsdhgfsdj

Are you me

>Mekton Zeta
But why when Battle Century G exists?

I’m making a system that’s overly simple for my non table top friends to play based on Gantz. I wanted to use Gantz because it’s simple enough to explain and the systematic ruling of the comic lends to easy to manage and make gameplay mechanics.

One unique thing is I made players roll for stats including age, race, gender, and language. This comes into play mainly as flavor and in the form of negatives to certain ages and language barriers making disadvantages in cooperation.

My first DM was a nervous yes-man that accidentally gave one of us a mythic thing at early levels and it was extremely powerful.
The only mythic campaign I've tried is Wrath of the Righteous but that campaign has a few levels of delay before you get anything mythic.
This campaign also sounds like it runs the risk of being heavy on rails or aimless level grinding until the party assume's they're ready for the BBEG depending on how you run it. If it's on rails make sure your players know that.

This sounds like a pretty slow start from the players' perspectives.
It sounds like you're describing one of those kingdom builder sim games except an NPC took the king role and your players are playing generic, but competent, lackeys that get sent to gather resources off screen.
Unless you have subplots to tide them over doesn't seem like much is happening until your patron dude starts losing it.
Also you didn't mention a system but Clerics and Paladins are going to be REAL strong in a campaign mainly dealing with the undead.

Sounds like you came here to brag rather than to get advice, senpai.

Just take a work of fiction you like and adapt it until it's barely recognizable anymore. Dresden Files inspired system is what my group is running right now.

Newer players might struggle to both get a feel for mechanically playing a system and roleplay through the difficulties you're presenting right from the start. Make sure they're okay with what you have in mind.

>Just take a work of fiction you like and adapt it until it's barely recognizable anymore. Dresden Files inspired system is what my group is running right now.
you misunderstood, I have ideas but I keep going through them in very rapid succession because the campaigns never last

Yes, I am You and I implore you to look down more when you masturbate. I like the sight of your dinky.

>I have ideas but I keep going through them in very rapid succession because the campaigns never last
Okay how about this?
Create a generic or semi-generic fantasy world with monsters and adventurers and the like but don't make it too big. Stick to a region or a country or something.
Your players can all create generic adventurers looking to fight monsters and help people and all that junk.
Each time they start over their characters stay in the world, naturally populating it with player created PC-like NPCs.
They could run into one of these remnant parties as early as session 2 just so they have an idea of what's going on.

This way you have an excuse to keep using the same world over and over, and your players can feel like they're contributing to the history of a world even though they're doing jack shit and flaking out after a few sessions each time.

I’m going to run a campaign in Rad-Hack about a caravan that’s traveling across postapocalyptic America from Minneapolis to Savannah, GA to deliver a vital piece of water purification equipment. The equipment is actually a psionic humanoid grown and raised in a lab who will be used to power the water purification equipment.

The PC’s will be hired as caravan guards in Nashville in order to protect the caravan on its way through the dangerous ruins of Atlanta where they will meet mutants, raiders, cultists, and a slew of other creatures.

Thanks for the feedback, I’ve done a few test games with the system so far and the group, they all seem to like it.

When I say that there are hinderances to ability I mean straight minuses or bonuses. Also you roll D12s and the success number never changes, just your bonuses.

Also one thing to note is I’ve loved the mystery of gantz so all player and enemy health stats are hidden from the players, you just get descriptions of the kind of hit, and how effects the target.

I was mostly cautioning against large barriers to party functionality like a language barrier without player consent (and new players are like children in that they don't have the ability to make informed decisions on consent).
I know I personally would enjoy a campaign with those kinds of practical issues as selling points but a lot of my group would just see it as needless fluff getting in the way of actually getting on with the game.

>About to write pitch one of the campaigns I had in mind
>Realize the story isn't about the players, but instead an NPC they're doing jobs for and uncovering mysteries about and realize they're very blatantly feeding the mouth of a greater and possibly ancient evil than that which they spend their time fighting by retracing its footsteps
Shit, I just wanted to capture an Ancestor-esque character/villain but have them present during the adventure and with quite a bit of deceiving looks. On your side, but only to the point where you realize it's you're on their side, but therein lies the flaw, it seems.

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you keep missing the point, nobody cares if they contribute to history of the world or not. After three to four months of inactivity nobody gives a shit anymore, my group is 2 to 3 players plus me, so it's a case of literally one person falling off dragging the entire campaign to hell - it's just a case of having to grab players by the throats to keep the campaign alive. And my ideas are rarely "generic fantasy", they're more high concept on average. It's either hunting Hitler, but it turns out he has clones and now you need to kill all of the Hitlers, a wild romp through goth-infested trailer parks of 80's Detroit with a motley crew of revolutionist hobos armed with gaspipes and 2by4s, post-apocalyptic cyberpunk mutant skirmishes with players designing their own mutants, Thief-series-based gangbangs in a pre-industrial orc city, etc. In fact, I'm currently running my -on surface- most generic dungeoncrawl fantasy campaign as of yet.