Best adventures? .Pdf?
Have you ever tried running a Darkest Dungeon like campaign?
Shadow of the Demon Lord Thread
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I ran a one off sometime ago, but i made it a little less grimdark than the actual setting. I'll say this, starting level 0 is no joke, some of the premade adventures that start at the level are super tough, but you feel like you earned level.1 by the end of the session.
I like the boon and banes, boons are specially useful to manage getting a hit in at lv.0. Also like the modifers if just your stat -10. So to hit with a str of 12, your modifier is thus +2
I've read that casters are more balanced and don't run away with the game at higher levels.
Yes, simple rules and good random characters generation make the game ideal for quick sessions with low gm effort on all the "tables consulting" side, also there is a way to justify basically all you want in the setting.
drive. google. com/open?id=0B9UE_3tLTHdleElBSHQ4RXgyQW8
Thanks, you're very kind
I am working on a DD run at the moment but i stillk have to give structure, friends are enjoying it so far.
Anybody mind giving me a quick rundown of the various factions of the world? I know the basics of the cosmology and theming but not the nations.
Since playing the game with the creator last year, playing a few sessions and running some more, it's probably the most elegant d20 system available right now, super edgelord setting aside.
Completely agree, anyway you can change the setting as you wish, as a matter of fact i'm trying to make a survival campaign in the wilds with less edgy 80's horror and more scouting.
The only thing I know about this game is that it uses a D20, the mechanics are supposed to be solid, and the art/lore is incredibly edgy.
Is there more to this?
I'm just reading through the different paths and I'm thinking warrior/spellbinder/gunslinger could be fun.
Yeah, it's a pretty neat game. You start off at level 0, then pick a basic class once you hit level one, then an expert class once you hit level 3, and then at level 7 you can pick a master class or a second expert class. It's pretty neat and allows for some fairly diverse character builds since you don't really have to stick with what you originally pick (i.e. you can bounce from fighter to druid to diplomat withthe same character)
No, it's just a well put together game with edgy window-dressing.
Would love a guide to making classes in line with the one already there. Thinking about converting my D&D setting to the system.
Holy shit, didn't expect to find /m/
There's some really great spells in there.
I believe that same class has a spell that basically just lets you chuck a wrench at someone
I'd love to do this desu for my 5e game, but half my players are scared of taking kiddie gloves off and actually dying for once.
I wish it didn't shaft the social/roleplaying aspects so hard.
Where do i get this?
This system is basically Darkest Dungeon the RPG
Just have them roll up backup characters first then level up to the appropriate level when the meet up with the survivors after the downtime.
How do I make races?
Yeah, that's in there too.
But it's a magical tradition rather than a class.
There is a spell where you can literally make someone shit himself to death. I don't care that it has a corruption cost, its fucking amazing and at some point I want to make a character who purely wants to make people die in the stupidist possible ways.
How are used boons in this game? When do i get one?
I've only just read the book due to it being posted in this thread so take this with a grain of salt.
It appears to me to be similar to dnd 5e advantage/disadvantage, with boons and banes coming from a bunch of different things.
It works in the same way as the advantage in 5e except you can stack them, and reduce them by any number of bane you have, and then you keep only the best result, be it a boon or a bane
Actually, here's a good question. What do you do if you have both on a roll?
Well if you have the same number of both you just have neither, and if one of the two is higher than the other you keep the difference like if you have 2 boons and 1 bane you only keep 1 boon
Thanks, that makes sense.
No problem, I really like this system and would love if it got a bit more recognition
Same here. The creator is actually a really chill guy, and is pretty active on Facebook and G+ when people want to discuss any aspect of it.
I like Glory Holes better lol.
There's some plates material out for something coming up soon, and one of the spells is in the same vein as the shitting yourself one, but it has to do with compelled wanking.
>it's probably the most elegant d20 system available right now, super edgelord setting aside.
I was amazed at how nearly the various subsystems fit together. It's a great game. The edgelord setting is a problem in that sense, not that it offends me personally, but it turns the game into a memefest that doesn't allow for the just recognition.
Edgelord the game?
I thought this was a joke do people actually play it?
*Neatly. It's the most well designed game I've seen in years.
I would say it's edgelord if you take it at face value but if you get that the devs are very tongue-in-cheek about a lot of it, it comes off more like a Troma film or other similar violent horror B-movies.
Read a book nigga
There any big supplements like the Fae book or w/e coming out?
Man, everything has spell defense at higher levels. Do you guys think that fucks over casters a bit?
This. Its an Americans take on the very British dry black humour that was early W40k.
I play it weekly. I've played in the setting which definitely scratches the body horror / blood and guts itch, and I've used it for a sword and planet game. Echoing what a few others have said, the system itself is beautifully put together and simple in its execution. Also modular to a point that you can easily drop whatever doesn't suit your group (namely corruption or insanity and madness).
AFAIK the creator is working on a post apocalyptic version of the system a la Mad Max. PunkApocalyptic I e seen it referenced as.
Boons/banes are d6s you add or subtract from your roll. They signify advantages or disadvantages that you can get from circumstances, abilities, spells etc. For instnce outnumbering your opponent can get you boons. Being frightened gives you banes (among other things).
You can have both boons and banes on a roll in which case they negate each other 1:1.
One thing unrelated to boons that i like is the initiative system. Each round is split into Fast and slow turns. At the start of a round the players and npcs decide if they want to take a fast or slow turn. Fast turns always comes first, but you can only move or take an action with them. Slow always comes last but can take an action and move. Players with fast turns act first, players with slow turns act after npcs with fast turns, but before npcs with slow turns.
It actually gets pretty tactical when you want to do what.
Oh yeah forgot that you only keep the highest number rolled on the boon/bane. So if you have 3 boons and roll 1,2,5 you add 5 to your roll and discard the rest. Same goes for banes where you just subtracts the highest value instead.
Sound really good! Thanks
How was he?
All the races seem to fit a standard range, but for the life of me I can't figure out how the pattern works.
Doubtlessly the abilities of each ancestry are also take into account.
Definitely an old head in terms of tabletop rpg. Runs games effortlessly, and is pretty funny but a very specific dry humor.
Will play or talk about anything if you buy him a beer.
At almost every level of the game, if you dig into the mechanics, they just make sense and are intuitive and make playing the game feel so refreshing compared to other d20 systems. After jumping on the bandwagon of 5e, which I personally felt was a great improvement over and 4e, playing Demon Lord definitely shines a light on how clunky a lot of the "legacy" mechanics of d&d that even 5e is plagued by.
Fun fact, Schwalb (creator of Demon Lord) did a lot of the design work in 5e, but a lot of which was scrapped in favor of legacy / classic feeling mechanics.
A friend of mine ran a campaign the last few months. It was fun!
I really want to try out this game and run a one shot for my players. They have victims od the demon lord and I have shadows. I'm wondering, what is the best one shot adventure for new comers? I currently have A year without rain and it seems fine, but I wanted to know if there were better ones
Usually level 0 adventures revolve around survival and justify the bonds of a group of adventurers, some are:
- Dark deeds in Dark hopes
- Survival of the fittest
- The Slaver's Lash
- The Witching Woods
you can also start the first adventure of a campaign, like Tales of the Demon Lords. What your players like?
I would really not recommend Tales of the Demon Lord. It's really rough balance wise. The starting adventure is very lethal and that really defeats the purpose of the starting adventure (making a character who gets sucked up into this demon lord shit and adapts).
>tfw I'd really like to play this game but my group only plays D&D and nobody on Roll20 plays SotDL even if it was possible to find a good group there
yeah, i can relate...
I found a good group on roll20, We're gonna play a SotDL game
we also may have more room in the group
Please tell me you're not just playing with me. Can I contact you somehow?
I'm liking it a lot so far though you're right the lvl 0 scenario is pretty challenging. What i've had more difficulty with is tying the scenarios together though.
I'll be putting the game up on Roll20 soon probably, if there's really no others than it should be easy to find
I'll keep an eye out for it.
Which of the Shadows do you guys like the best? I like the Looming Star since it reminds me of that one Junji Ito manga with the evil star.
thank you
The one that fucks magic up.
I have a thing for Beastmen (because of warhammer) so i really like that one, or the plant one. Unfortunately Fomors are weak as fuck.