Make a party out of these four
Make a party out of these four
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Can someone else google the Scooby Doo gang? I can't be arsed.
This thread is shit.
The chad barbarian
The Stacy fighter
The virgin wizard
The Becky ranger
the brunette should obviously be the token elf
Those are Me and Other Girls, you meme initiate
maybe back on reddit, not here
>do i fit in yet xd
Chad and Virgin are absolutely the same class, just playing it wildly differently, because that's the whole point of Virgin vs Chad meme.
>Chad is both the main character and the GM
>The others are groupies/cheerleaders at best
All I can think of is scooby doo for some reason.
back to 9fag, groid
>support backline cleric
>fullplate melee cleric
The virgin wizard has to listen to Chad barbarian having 3somes with Becky and Stacie every night
Finally snaps, casts Fireball in a crowded elementary school.
Party spends the rest of the campaign fighting for wand control and mental health checks for alchemical ingreadient purchasers.
Chad is definitely a paladin due to his high charisma and physical abilities. A fighter doesn't take advantage of his charisma. Also if they are playing the characters I would say bimbo is a fighter because I doubt she would be interested in spells or anything complicated.
How they do their turns.
Spends everyone else's turns planning his own turn, looking up his spells, making sure he knows what its effects are and having his dice ready to roll. When it finally is his turn he realizes the situation has completely changed but not wanting to waste anyone's time he decides to use his spell which is now practically worthless due to the new situation.
Heals people while constantly mentioning some bitchy "if it wasn't for me you all would die."
"Ugh I guess I attack with my sword. 20? Is that good?"
Always charges the biggest threat to protect his party, relies heavily on smite and is the biggest damage dealer. Whenever someone needs help he has no problem spending a turn using lay hands on.
You're stupid, The "Me and Other Girls" thing he's talking about is pretty old and didn't originate on Reddit.
Certainly predated Virgin v Chad.
Not necessarily, the meme is that the virgin simple does things that people are self conscious about and the chad is the absolute opposite. They don't need to be the same class, simply to be doing the same general thing in completely different ways.
>Virgin is a wizard who makes sure to memorize his spells but still looks them up before he casts any to make sure he is right
>Chad is a paladin and doesn't even know that he has spells
>Virgin prepares his turn during other people's ends up choosing inefficient spells as the situation has changed by the time it reaches him
>Chad doesn't prepare for his turn at all, others enjoy watching his decision making process
Don't forget the dice-gods are ALWAYS on Chad's side.
The Virgin Healbot
>Takes as many restorative spells as possible
>Anything not healing is used to prevent combat
>Maxes out his Turn Undead
>Hides behind other party members
>Probably doesn't even carry a weapon
>Reactive party member who is useless when he runs out of spells
The Chad Battlecleric
>Searing Light and Soundburst as he charges head first into battle
>Casts Obscuring Mist to grab aggro and doesn't care about the concealment
>Destroys all undead outright
>Is at the fore of every fight; the only thing between him and his foe is the +1 Full Plate he wears
>Proficient in all simple and martial weapons and carries something for every occasion
>Proactive party member who is useful until the campaign is over
The Virgin fighter
>Straight STR/CON build, has dumped all social stats
>Wears dark, practical clothes and armor
>Restrained, only fights when struck or ordered
>Fights for king and country
>Treats his healer with the respect and dignity she deserves as his equal
>Highly specialized feat selection makes him deadly with his weapon of choice
The Chad warrior
>Legendary CHA, STR is his dump stat but he still manages to be stronger than everyone else he knows
>Only wears bright colors that make him stand out, his shoulderpads are the only things sharper than his blade
>Actively starts wars with orcish tribes out of boredom
>Fights for wealth and pussy
>Treats his healSLUT with his dick
>Actively prefers improvised weapons he's not proficient in
As you can probably guess, they're both fighter/healer pairs.
I can't find any of the early comics but Chad is definitely a barbarian and not a paladin. Chad is Chad not "a good player" or "my favorite class" he does things in a blatantly retarded way and everyone loves him for it.
Fuck the virgin is probably the paladin because the wizard is a separate character that people stopped using cause they forgot the point of the meme.
>he does things in a blatantly retarded way and everyone loves him for it
Yeah, sadly that's what everyone forgets. The virgin is supposed to be slightly awkward and intentionally relatable, whereas the Chad is supposed to be the exact opposite of that: confident to the point of retardation and entirely unrelatable.
I think the wizard fell out of the meme because he's kind of pointless. He's just a more extreme version of the wizard.
Just can't help but unironically like Chad in all his silly over-the-topness.
I prefer the ones where Chad and Virgin are portrayed as friends instead of antagonizing each other.
Same thing with Pepe and Wojak.
>Chad uses 2d6 in a d20 system and still rolls higher than the virgin every time
>Virgin was accidentally rolling a d12 when he thought he was rolling a d20 the whole time
Are those the female versions of virgin/chad?
Virgin's dump stat
Only in terms of the joke with them being vaguely similar, they came first.
The image was a parody of "Me vs Straw(wo)man" type stuff but alot of people mistook it for being sincere expression by the artist.
Then the characters took on a sort of new life of their own, leading to 'Creamsicle'
So a parody of things like this?
>alot of people mistook it for being sincere expression by the artist.
Given the special snowflakes that populate tumblr, can you blame them?
>some self-important dumb cow tries to make herself stand out through her obviously enhanced avatar
>the internet turns it into /u/ shit
From left to right
There, it's even kinda balanced.
100% improvement, frankly.
Chad and Stacy dont play because its nerdy XD and drive to a bar. The brunette doesnt want to play with the virgin so she takes the bus home and the virgin posts a dumb thread on Veeky Forums.
>ask for sex
>Chad and Stacy dont play because its nerdy XD and drive to a bar.
You're such a virgin even your stereotypes are outdated
I don't like it
>dude they fuck lmao
It's low effort, low hanging fruit. Make them unlikely friends and document their adventures, now that takes effort and skill.
>the wizard is just a more extreme version of the wizard
You're right. The second wizard was just plain confusing.
>the wizard is a separate character that people stopped using cause they forgot the point of the meme.
The wizard is a retarded, unwelcome addition that only existed on /r9k/.
>Believes Chad and Stacy will sit down and play make believe with a bunch of virgins for hours at a time instead getting drunk and fucking.
And you call me a virgin.
>dude if it's harder to do it's automatically better lmao
fucking hell
Chad might. Not sure about Other Girls tho
Any self-respecting chad has at least one hopelessly virginal friend he loves like a brother and refuses to give up on
just because you're into meme animu lesbians doesn't mean it's good writing
Where's Chandra and Ajani
All I see is Jace, Nissa, Liliana and Gideon.
good writing is cheap, anime lesbian bimbos are precious
would you prefer anime bimbos if they were harder to create? Based on your stupid posts, you would, because you value effort instead of the end product
Chad would try to make him "come out of his shell" by doing chaddy social activities with him though. Seeing basement activities as unhealthy.
I don't know about Me and OtherGirls though. I think OtherGirls is more trashy than a popular girl archetype. Me is of course a normal (non-trashy) girl, but since she's the supposed artist's self-insert she probably cares a lot about how people see her, since that's the focus of the image. So I could imagine Me either never touching it out of fear of loser cooties or jumping on it during her Nerd-Chick phase and being a bad, uninterested player.
Eh, there's no reason having them be unlikely lovers and documenting their adventures would be any less interesting, and it also allows for quality yuri content.
Look at this bitchy defensive u-fag, at least you aren't into loli moe I guess
I like writing that makes sense in the context of its own world, animu meme lesbians rarely do and these two definitely don't, it's okay if you like it(I'm into gyaru bimbos myself) but don't try to pass it as good writing
Who's passing it as good writing?
it's still a strong improvement over the original concept, it's worth celebrating
get your head outta your ass
>unlikely lovers
Absolutely, as long as you can see the natural logical progression that led them to end up in bed together
>it's worth celebrating
Sure they are, like every other forced and artificial yuri OTP out there
Well yeah, but given that people by and large don't care about memes on that deep a scale, artists preferred to cut to the chase. The point I'm trying to make is that there's nothing inherently more interesting about them not fucking that couldn't be (arguably) improved by them fucking.
Lemme smash.
Absolutely spot on with the ugly chick, however Chad wouldn't give a fuck about what others think and would try it out because it's important to his friend. He'd probably barter something out of it tho.
>ok bro I'll do it but only if you come to the club with me friday and you're not allowed to leave until after 2am
The rogue, taking advantage of his unassuming nature and complete lack of presence to fade into crowds unnoticed.
The haughty wizard who looks down on the others as less than her. Tries to be the leader because she thinks she knows best.
Sorcerer who manages to always top the wizard. Always unintentionally ends up as the face because of the wizard being bad at it and Chad being too interested in other things.
Boisterous fighter who rushes into action and is the only one who actually moves things forward.
I wonder how can one make a decision making process entertaining.
But you're blowing your load too early, it's like if the big bad showed up and was defeated in the second session
Virgin Barbarian, civilization made him weak and he wants to escape the reality
NerdGirl Social Justice Paladin, bringing progress into the stale medieval fantasy world
Bimbo Thief, out there to steal your heart
Chad MuscleWizard, strong body, strong mind
>Have never seen sadness in their entire lives
Gets me every time
and then they all die to the lich king's awakening because gay rights > adventure shit
These two are the best. They both make sense with the memes
You can also fight for the oppressed elves or distribute belts of genderbending to destroy heteronormative society.
Who's that whore next to the virgin?
Not really, that bad end would go down if the group was one socjus girl and multiple virgins. Since Chad is in there and he's the party face and he wants to see what happens next and keep smashing skulls the pace keeps going smoothly
>The rogue, taking advantage of his unassuming nature and complete lack of presence to fade into crowds unnoticed.
I like the idea that he's so unassuming and uncharismatic, sometimes even his own party members forget he's there. Like, the Chad-warrior could end up fucking the sorcerer right in front of him with the words "come on babe, nobody's here~". Then they fuck and the rogue just stands there, because he's afraid he'll make a noise walking out of there and get noticed.
Are you in London??
yeah, I know, I was memeing
the original campaign was hilarious though
beautiful, inspiring
I'm willing to move if you're the Other Girl.
Is this a tumblr meme or something? Why is it getting posted here? Are the tumblrites going to appropriate Chad like the normalfags did?
As user above mentioned: Me and Other Girl is way older meme than Virgin vs Chad.
this, I can't believe Stacy doesn't know how to comfort a crying woman.
It's some forced yuri nonsense, ignore it
From left to right:
>Halfling Monk
>Doesn't play
>Doesn't play
>Human Wizard
You are misinterpreting what I'm asking. Is the me/other girl thing from tumblr or something, and is this synthesis a means of taking the local virgin/Chad meme and transplanting it via synthesis with outsider culture? Chad as a concept-meme is also pretty old outside of the anti-neo-Quentin reactionary Chad.
>Is the me/other girl thing from tumblr or something
Gee I don't know user
If only there was some clue on the original image
Oh no, it's a mocking of the "I'm not like other girls" girl that mutated into wholesome yuri relationship between Me and the Other Girl. But yeah, origins on Tumblr.
>respect waman
Those are girls
Raspect goys 2!
>chad battlecleric
holy shit im playing a campaing with chad. Funny thing is the guy is compleatly bro tier
>implying chad wouldnt play with virgin just because he likes him
There is this strange idea that chads dont like tgs, chads love tgs, they just dont like sperging out about tgs. This is why chad wont even ironicly touch FATAL, but he is down for some DnD because DnD is the shit
>people arguing about X vs. Y memes
>arguing about which is older
>arguing like any of this matters at all
Caveman were painting Strong Hunter vs. Flighty Deer since the moment they discovered paint.
>This is why chad wont even ironicly touch FATAL
Oh, do I have stories for you.
Chads are not Perfect Male Specimens
Chads are vain and status obsessed people that get the attention of women instead of Nice Guys. They're definitely not into nerd hobbies.
Stating the facts isn't really arguing.
I will argue this to the death with you reaction-image user.
So, they're Nice Guys, but successful?
>Chads are vain and status obsessed people
Not at all, that's how r9k views them through their self loathing and victim complex
>Chads are vain and status obsessed people that get the attention of women instead of Nice Guys. They're definitely not into nerd hobbies.
Actually, Chads are just how incels see normal guys.