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Tell me about your favorite interactions with an intelligent item, /pgg/.
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Paizo Games General /pgg/
Tell me about your favorite interactions with an intelligent item, /pgg/.
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I was reading one of the splatbooks in the archive and saw a monster depicted as a magical ship that could also transform into a 40 foot tall walking mecha that used its anchor as a flail. Problem is, I closed out the page and completely forgot which book it was in. I don't suppose you guys have ever seen something like this, have you?
Help. Hexcrafter Magus or Phantom Blade Spiritualist and why?
Phantom Blade because spiritualists are cooler than magus'.
Both are honestly really solid options. Pick the one that grabs you the hardest.
I've turned Serithtial into a Saber
Closest thing I can think of ATM is the Endbringer Devil (Dhalochar) in the Starfinder Alien Archive but that doesn't have an anchor weapon. Maybe look for similar devils in the PFsrd bestiary?
Might be getting into a game soon, toss me some character ideas
Closest thing I can think of is a Bone Ship, but that definitely doesn't sound as cool as what you're describing.
Anybody else think the Shirren are a rip from FFXIV's Vath?
>Individuals who mutated free from a psychic hive mind
>Now on the side of the playable races
What is allowed?
Paizo never claimed to be original
Insects with a hive mind isn't that hard an idea to hit on. But then again, I've wanted to rip off mithra and ctarl-ctarl as a race. Though to be fair, that's also because I'm a degenerate.
It sure as hell wasn't a Starfinder thing or a devil. I'm 80% sure it wasn't a devil or something like that either.
I know what you're tlaking about but this thing was like a transformer. It was a CL17th construction and had a ship mode, a land mode and a walker mode.
>I've wanted to rip off mithra
Miqo'te superior cat girls.
Meh, to each their own. I never played 14, and 11 holds massive nostalgia for me despite being probably the clear inferior.
The official answer is "anything within reason". I'm guessing that means it's on a case-by-case basis.
Well, they actually go pretty deep with the actual culture of the two Miqo'te racial groups instead of just "all female catgirl race!"
There are males in both tribes, but are born rarely and typically live solitary, roaming lives.
Seekers of the Sun are Patriarchal, but in a "You'd better be the strongest, most fertile male available, or you're out on your ass for a younger, fitter model better for the tribe" way. All first names are prefixed with the tribal letter (Y'shtola, F'lhaminn, M'naago) with just the name part only being used amonst those very close. Females take their father's name as last name. Male last names are normally Tia, unless they are the tribe's Nunh (Chieftain/Breeding male). Most tribes keep at least a couple Tias around to make sure the Nunh is kept on his toes.
Keepers of the Moon are Matriarchal. Males are used for flings, not long-term relationships. They use a standard Personal-Family name structure, though male children are given their mother's name with a suffix indicating first, second, third, etc. son. So Gota Jaab's first son would be Gota'a Jaab.
Mythweavers's last attempt at updating their shit failed, they're trying again tomorrow. Back up your shit.
bugs are cool but not sexy.
Rats are annoying by default but it's easy for someone to draw a cute version
Forgot to post image
Oh yeah, monster manual has some really hot playable races.
The fuck you say? Clearly you haven't seen the evidence. Allow me to present Exhibit A for bugs being cute, and refer you to Blade Under Mask for further proof. Mantis geisha, dude.
So dreamy
I meant shirren specifically.
Bugs can be cute.
That's a rabbit.
close enough
Broodie pls go
Rabbits aren't even Rodents, they're Lagomorphs.
If nothing else, I appreciate how a player option is a giant flying firebreathing spider.
Pact Worlds isn't out yet, but we're close enough to release that subscribers are getting their early PDFs and leaking things by asking questions.
Turns out the undead aren't all dead.
Too bad the player version doesn't fly.
Neither of them fly, per say; they float on inflated web air balloons. Which only works on gas giants.
>t. Anime poster
Sweet, Hopefully based Leakanon gets their copy early too.
Hexcrafter being unable to spell combat/spellstrike with hexes is lame.
I wish someone at Paizo had the balls to steal shit off Harbinger for a hyper-Int-Focused Magus
Steal what?
Should be any day now
Since they have Int, Wisdom, and Charisma scores do Robots and AI's have souls?
>Complex technological creations crafted to resemble humans, androids were originally a servitor race, but they have since broken free to form their own society. Unlike ordinary robots or ship AIs, androids do not simply respond according to their programming; rather, they have independent consciousnesses and are animated by souls—a distinction crucial to their generally accepted status as people rather than property.
No, but if you get one pregnant because it has an artificial womb, is the baby human?
Yes. That's how Artificial Wombs work in fact there's even a trait for that if your character is Numerian iirc. Organisms in Pathfinder don't receive souls until a little after they're actually born.
>d20 rando game
Why the fuck are you posting this garbage?
>Organisms in Pathfinder don't receive souls until a little after they're actually born.
This is your mind on liberalism
>Organisms in Pathfinder don't receive souls until a little after they're actually born.
So does that make it not immoral to kill babies?
Not a lot of stuff to shitpost about, so he probably got bored and tried to turn /pfg/'s autism on a rando game because of some perceived sleight like 'it wasn't serious enough'.
>Anti-Choicer commenting on how a completely different fantasy reality's souls work to push his agenda
I'm not anti-choice or whatever that was a genuine question.
Like, in the pathfinder universe, is it not unethical to kill babies before they get souls.
>Organisms in Pathfinder don't receive souls until a little after they're actually born.
Y'all got a citation for that?
Are you calling a fetus a baby?
No, that is actually canon in The Great Beyond, but I think they changed it in mummies mask to something people in setting argue about with Pharasman's thinking unborn children get them. I think Starfinder also mentions that children need to actually be born to get souls before the soul enters their brain.
Considering it's magical/supernatural shit, the process is probably instant or close to instant.
>A baby awakens at age 1 to get a soul
Pretty metal
The Great beyond seems to to indicate that it happens at the very moment of birth, a mature soul will hop into a newborn.
And then there is this line from Mummy's Mask on the River of Souls and the existential Life Cycle of beings in Pathfinder
>When and how a soul
enters a burgeoning mortal body remains a topic of debate (Inner Sea gods indicates Pharasma and Lamashtu both think they inhabit unborn children)
>but by the time a creature can exist independent from a parent, it typically has a soul.
Take form that what you will.
I was responding to "Organisms in Pathfinder don't receive souls until a little after they're actually born." which is referring to post-birth.
Has someone on Golarion tried making a sexbot yet? Like there are necromancers who canonically fuck their Zombies, and even Necro brothels in places like Kaer Maga but what about robot/Golem fuckers?
>sudden flashbacks to the flesh-to-stone, stone shape, stone-to-flesh debates
I think the lore is that Starfinder Androids were a product of Golarion Magitech.
Isn't there an Archetype for that
Promethean alchemist
Isn't thst the plot of blade runner 2049
I wish we had a good way to backport Starfinder's ability score generation to keep it in line with Pathfinder math. With like, 18-20 point buy in that style of PB and similar growths shit would be cash.
What ways are there for you to improve your survivability in Spheres?
Stuff like Mage Armor and Blur.
Isn't there a sphere with a lot of protective stuff in it?
Mage Armor equivalent is protection
Blur equivalent is Time Sphere
Invisibility is in Illusion
Regeneration/Status effect curing is in Life.
Has anyone tried to run a detective/crime procedural campaign in PF?
Which is a more useful spell, blink or displacement?
Fat-bellied little knee high!
Damn that's an old game. And still runs remarkably poorly on modern rigs.
So has anyone made use of these:
I am considering having a Juju Oracle who maintains 6 Necrocraft, each one with a speciality. I am thinking of asking my GM if it is possible to get a few construct point related things not on the list, can you guys tell me if these sound at all reasonable:
>Create a Small or Smaller Sized Necrocraft
>Add extra hit dice to smaller sized Necrocraft.
>Extra Dexterity (Ex, 1 CP): The Necrocraft’s Dexterity increases by 2 but its Strength decreases by 2. This ability can be selected twice.
All six of them are supposed to be modeled as sort of horrible insectoid creatures made out of flesh and sinew and them wrapped and dressed in linen. I have Craft (Sculpture) and Craft (Tailor) to ensure they look good.
Also I plan on giving myself several of these:
I'm thinking of possibly being a Undead Master instead:
Maybe Undead Master Wizard -> Agent of the Grave?
Since Juju doesn't let you animate extra undead now.
I don't get it
Dear christ the general is slow now. We really have died.
Nice dubs.
Not really.
Displacement has a better general usage but is slightly easier to counter, blink is better if you are afraid of the damage and not concerned with avoiding the hit in the first place and/or fight ethereal creatures on a semi-regular basis.
Which /pfg/ crack ships are you fond of?
The insult is from Neverwinter Nights 2. Quarra, a sorceress, uses that insult on Kelgar Ironfist, a dwarf fighter.
Seht x Kyras.
Blink has the issue of causing your spells and attacks to miss if you happen to cast/attack when you are blinked.
Aren't they played by the same person?
Vult x Rory
No, they just were both the thread's most hated characters for a while. Sleep brought the Kyras hate on himself, but I don't have any idea why someone had a grudge against Seht.
Probably just jealous.
No one liked it the first time around, so stop posting it.
Did you mean Shizuru? Because nobody but Osirion uses Gods from Earth.
Probably just memes.
God this thing reeks of Friday's desperation to consider themselves relevant in the shadow of Saturday's memes.
Excellent post my friend! Upboated!
A game in another system, years ago, first game I ever played in fact, had a ceramic plate roughly the size of a dinner table. It had a face etched onto it. Since this was a fallout game with magic and friendship it was the soul jar of a pre-war general that wanted to live forever on in the revolutionary railway infrastructure he was in charge of. Shit was cash but the game died when the GM couldn't afford to be a NEET anymore and got a job
Really it's not that weird, many rl religions state that a soul enters the body with their first breath. Even Christianity might, though of course that one gets debated back and forth based on interpretations of God breathing life into Adam.
So do we ever get word any longer in games that are going on? What was the last chart for ‘currently running games’?
What do you use for challenge rating? How hard do you make it for the players?
lve been using APL +3.
I threw a CR 6 or 7 enemy at a party of 4 (i think) level 3's.
They managed to do okay, although one of them almost completely died and they only managed to kill it by a succession of crits and running over it in a truck several times.
Mooks: -2 or -1 from APL
Resource waster: -1 or equal to APL
Solo creature/ "sergeant" types: Equal or +1 to APL
Miniboss: +2 APL
Climatic battle: +3 or higher APL.
I just did a CR 6 against a party of 6 lvl3s. Almost lost 2 of them.
I was doing this for a wile but found this to be too easy for my players.