>the supernatural little girl is 4 gorillion years old
>but because she behaves like a child anyway, the court rules that making advances on her is considered "taking advantage of mentally challenged people"
>party van
Tropes you like but that didnt happen yet
>OP makes a good thread
>Really rad traditional wizard who is basically god.
>dragons use their hoard to do something productive
This is why shapechanging into the form of a little girl will generally net you the most advantages.
So, SR Dragons?
This happens all the time. I do this. Hell, it's literally canon in D&D that half of all dragons are good aligned and charitable.
>the party of murderhobos do something productive
>gets away with any sort of thing because she's mentally challenged
So, the Joker loophole?
Stop spamming Fae threads on Veeky Forums you dumb FEH autist
>the old warrior that refuses to stop fighting while evil rises in the land
the orc baby that has been raised by the clerus turns into a chizo that is randomly swapping alignment
Reminder that your children or your wife will never be as cute as her
but that happens alot, in anime at least
>dragon starts a bank
>Married PC couple in party
Closest I've ever gotten was an NPC waifu
It would have been a lot faster to just say "I like immortal lolis"
It's hard to do this without getting weird but I could dig it.
>People robbing children without missing a beat
>Never get to play married PC couple in party with fiance because either one of us gets stuck playing the GM
Putting in a reference just obscure enough that those who don't know won't know but those who do know... Know.
miracles can happen only sometimes user.
Lol.... God I'm not even sure I could put that reference into any of my games, but that seems pretty great.
>The Heroes manage to defeat the villain in their lair and almost foil their plan, but their ultimate weapon bomb that will unleash a spell plague that will wipe out 99% of all life on the planet can't be stopped
>The only option available to the party is to let it go off as they have a safe room in the villains fortress where they won't be affected or for someone to use the ship that the villain had been using to secretly craft the bomb in a Void where the Gods couldn't see where the bomb can go off without affecting anyone
>The ship itself only has enough energy for a one way trip BUT it has room for two party members to go inside it with the bomb
The trope I crave the most isn't the hero who'll sacrifice them self to save the world, but the one who'll go with their friend when they don't have to
Did something like this once. My character actually ended up surviving, forever warped and demented while his friend died. Both became known as heroes but the remnant of mine became the penultimate villain.