LobSTAR: 2 Claws 4 Comfort

Rise from the Deep Edition

>What is LobSTAR
The first homebrew system Veeky Forums has made in ages
>What is it about?
You're a lobster. You channel your fears to do magic and take antidepressants and other drugs in the hope of ascending to godhood and impregnating the world. You fight, a lot. The crabs and pharmaceutical companies trying to stop your rise, NPC lobsters, your fellow party members, your all-consuming feelings of inadequacy and paranoia that everyone secretly hates you. Stuff like that.
>What's the system like
The big unique thing is a real world time mechanic. As you take antidepressants (ATDs) your stats increase but you rack up mutations, most of which are harmful or at least inconvenient. If you don't take more drugs before the timer runs out, your stats start to revert but the mutations remain
Beyond that, there's 3 stats that no one could agree on and an openended framework for making fearcasting powers. You can also permanently reveal personal flaws/strengths in exchange for auto-succeeding/failing a role. Another user has supposedly been working on it since the last thread died, so we'll see what he's done with it
>That sounds completely insane. What kind of brain damaged children would even think of something like that, much less put in the effort to turn it into system?
Veeky Forums, obviously

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hol up, the mutations were supposed to be our perks, they were 'Dubiosly helpful'. We never decided on dice but I think we were leaning on 3d6 roll under with random dice modifiers.

>Another user has supposedly been working on it since the last thread died, so we'll see what he's done with it
I was that user btw. Anyone recommend a good way to start ptrinting it to .pdf with nice backgrounds and layout control that isn't open office?

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Just post the shitty looking PDF so we can see where it's at. We'll deal with making it look nice later

Sell me your system, /LBST/. Why should I play it over all the other lobster antidepressant heartbreakers out there?

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Because ours has sand timers

How about repurposing lasers & feelings? You could have two stats - FIGHT and FEAR

And how does it tackle the martial lobster / caster lobster imbalance?

Is the PvP esports ready?

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Casting is rather limited since fears have to be reasonable, and are supposed to be implemented in a reasonable way ("fear of sharks" is a basic ranged attack, not a shark ally). I can't see how a lobster would develop a fear of teleportation. You also have to roleplay each fear (this could probably translate to stat malus too but we didn't talk about it), so if you try to minmax it you're going to end up with a lobster who can't leave the house. Being able to physically overpower your opponent is also useful when fighting over ATDs

So the 'spells' you can cast are based on the lobster's fears?

Yes. And before you ask, lobsters are existentialists who do not fear death itself, only certain ways of dying, so you can't cheese your way into a instakill spell that way

Have a stat that determines how long the lobster can leave his house in a single day.

We settled on 3 stats. There was some disagreement on what the stats were, but it something like
>Chitin- physical strength and fighting abilities
>Calm- facing your fears and resisting certain spells
>Charisma- social stuff and spellcasting

no wait, I think he's onto something. Maybe that's what happens when you hit ATD level 0.

I really need to learn to remember to reply to multiple posts at once.
I only have my notes in text files, I can paste my thoughts out here though.
I've just been working on this while I'm at work and throwing my notes together when I have time.

>Your ATD only drops when you leave the house, because the outside world is scary but sitting in bed rewatching your favorite TV show for the thousandth time is safe
Cool. So this is going to be more about actual clinical depression than surreal nonsense where ATDs are basically just Popeye's spinach?

Oh no, they are popeyes spinach, just after you exceed the doctor's recommended dosage.
I think game over (temporary or permanent depending on timespan of game if it even goes over multiple sessions) is you decide outside is just too much to handle and you go home.

As far as what we're doing
user here makes a really good writeup on the about section though. I think our ultimate goal is to be ascended lobster ubermench, but we're short sighted impulsive lobsters fighting the oppressive social condition and fishermen, crabs, pharmacuticals, and other jerkass lobsters.

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okay so, continuing on my thought train, not that anyone is around.
Drugs that aren't ATDs increase stats and also use Sand timers. But I got to thinking, they could offer their own unique perk tracks while active

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>they could offer their own unique perk tracks while active
Let's not make it overly complicated. I was thinking single stat bonuses or other simple but limited effect, whereas ATDs boost everything

they're just opening up little bubbles on your character sheet by level, I was thinking like 5 perks to pick from per level and like maybe a max of 5 levels, cause really how are you going to get and sustain something 5 times an hour or a half hour?